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IDE BATESVILLE Entered at the Batesville, Ark., Post-1 office as second class mail matter. Georgi H T.evathan, General Manager. By Carrie,. One Month - -I 50 Twelve Months - 5 00 Ay Man. One month I 35 Three Months 1 00 Six Months -1 75 Twleve months - — 3 00 Where deliver; o irregular, please make immediate' complaint to the of fice. Phone 26. Salve is a poor remedy to heal a bad political record. St. Patrick’s Day, and the green is very much in evidence. Let’s have a clean-up day and a r flower planting day combined in this ; city. Running away from an opponent to keep from discussing the issues of the campaign, will not secure many ' votes for the man who does the run ning away. Reports from the farmers of this section indicate there will be more foodstuffs and vegetables raised this season in Independence county than ever before. Unless we have men in congress j who will look out for the interests of the south first, we will never secure federal aid for drainage and good roads. The other fellows are alive, and will miss no opportunity to get theirs. — : Beer drinkers of International Falls, Minn., threaten to vote for. prohibition if the saloon men do not, reduce the price of beer to 5 cents 1 a glass. And then these same im bibers would order their beer and booxe from outside towns and pay still higher prices for the same. But i then their thirst might not be so great as it is now. when the liquor is handy and easy to procure. . PRINCESS -:THEATER:- TONIGHI "A Summer Idyl," Majestic. “The New Cowpuncher," Warred Kerrigan. American. How an en vious cowboy almost succeeded in branding his rival as a horse thief. “How Shorty Kept His Word," Broncho, western. Good Orchestra "Music. ■■ ■■ । i<B) LINOLEUM — ■■ I • THERE has bsaa an awakening the fact Linoleum is the one best anti most satisfactory covering tor certain floors — bathroom, kitchen, hall, office ami soon. । We are ready to meet all demands with a nice large stock of choice patterns. We will l>e glad to measure your floors, cut the patterns to match, and even lay it for you. if you wish. A. L. CROUCH I YOUR CREDIT IS GOOP 1 ji— —a rriE= =i© OLDFIELD JUMPS. Those persons who have boasted, and heard Mr. Oldfield boast, of his ability to meet all comers, and his faithfulness to keep his word, will no doubt be surprised to learn that he failed to keep his word to meet his opponent at Searcy Monday night in joint debate, and agree upon a list of appointments for the balance of the campaign. But— Those persons who have heard the two candidates in joint debate are not surprised that Mr. Oldfield is anxious to get away from the pound ing Mr. Campbell has been adminis tering to him at each appointment. Now— If you believe a candidate for con ! gress is justified in pursuing that I course, you ought to vote for Mr. | Oldfield. If you do not endorse that course, ■ you ought to vote for Mr. Campbell. COUNT OF THE BALLOTS. Every true democrat desires no breath of suspicion shall arise after the votes in the coming primary are cast and counted, and that the elec tion will be so conducted over the en- i tire state that every defeated can- I didate, as well as the successful ones, ■ will feel that there is no cause for complaint at the manner in which the election was held and the count made. In our county and immediate sec-' tion there has rarely been cause sor 1 ! complaint, and we believe the coming , ‘ election in this section will be con j ducted honestly, fairly and honorably 1 bv the men chosen to handle the bal-' I , l<>ts and make the count. ■ . I Nor have we any cause to think 1 the election will be conducted unfair ly at other points. But unfortunately for the demo cratic party, in former elections there 1 has been ground for suspicion of wrong doing in some counties, and these charges are most humiliating to all true democrats I Our election laws should lie amend i cd, so that the results at every elec tion could be made known within an : hour or two after the polls close. But this ia a question for the leg , islature to handle. Where men are honest, laws are । not needed to control their actions when honored with a trust, whether thut trust be counting the votes of their neighliors, or performing some other duty. And where men are dishonest, it . lis hard to reach them by law. espec ially in regard to elections. । But there is no more contemptible, I cowardly and despicable crook than the man who would steal the vote of I his neighbor. Every true democrat, of course, has his choice for office, and many ' work hard for the success of their j favorites, but no true democrat will 8 11 ■■■R ,I • Solves the Problem of Decorating Your Walls THIS Modern, Sanitary. Durable Flat Oil Finish seta a new standard for decora ting Walla and Ceilings. It has taken! heplaceof old-fashioned and unsanitary wall paper and m other material— PeeCceFlutkoatt U comes in 24 soft, deep, velvety H colors which can be combined 9 1 into moot artistic effects. It is jl 1 very economical and if soiled a I Pee Cet Flatkoatt-cd wall is easily I cleaned with a damp sponge. u Let us Help You with I • Plans and Advice 81 Write to Decorating Depart- I ment, PEASLEE-GM I.BERT CO., Inc., Louisville. Ky., re garding your walls and ceilings. 1 Expert decorators will gladly assist you, free of charge. Casey Drug Co. | FREE BOOK 1 “TAe Modern f/ Method of J / ettW/ Finishing I f f / Wallt:’!/ / also color / coataias / Hlasmtod plans. ■ resort to dishonesty in order to make it possible for his friends to win. We have sufficient law against the corruption of the ballot in this state, j hut notwithstanding this, men sue-1 fleeted of corrupting the ballot have gone unpunished, either from the fact of their political bifluence, or be cause the officers Dave hesitated to 1 push the charges against such men. , The coming election is a demo cratic fight, and the man who would rerort to dishonest means, or who would steal the vote of his neighbor drserves to lie placed in the peniten j tiary. We hope that the primary on the 25th will lie so conducted that there cannot be the slightest cause for sus picion of wrong doing, and we believe that if such is the case, it will greatly strengthen the party, and re ’ suit in the selection of the best men 1 for the various places of public trust. "Mother" Jones has been deported from the eat of trouble in Colorado. This woman is a unique character. , She goes into every section of the I country wherever there is a strike | , and espouses the cause of the strik -1 ers, urging them to stand firm, and I sometimes her a< lions has lieen the I means of causing lawless acts upon j the part of strikeiv She is really a harmless old woman, with a sym- । pathy for the oppressed, which gives I I her u wonderful influence over the I men who e cause she espouses Hon. T J. Raney, candidate for | railroad commissioner from this dis | trict, is a citizen of Independence ’ I county, where he has made good as ' a business man and a man of public , affairs. Mr Raney represented this i county in the lower house of the leg ■ islature. and his course in this body i resulted in his lieing chosen state senator from this district four years ago He was regarded as one of the . leaders of that body the two ses । sions he served. He was chairman ,of the insurance committee, and took ' • an active part on the floor of the senate in discussing legislation of all । > kinds, showing marked ability as a debater. He is capable and ener । getic. and would lie active as a mem ber of the railroad commission, and ■ should receive a strong endorsement ' at the polls by the voters of this' county. Miss Harriet Stewart, an expert trimmer of St. I»uis. ha- charge of | ’ the millinery department of Weaver Dowdy Co. this sprmg. sStf Explanation Satisfactory. Washington, March 16.—Ambas sador Page's explanation of his Lon don speech touching upon the Mon roe doctrine and the Panama tolls re peal is satisfactory to President Wil son, who regards the incident closed so far as the administration is con cerned. When a full report of the speech is received, it will lx* forward ed to the senate, which asked for it through the adoption of a resolution by Senator Chamberlain. President Wilson says any agitation over Mr. Page’s references was caused by a misunderstanding of what the ambas sador said. Officer Kills Negro Thief. Pine Bluff, March 16.-—W. B. Five ash, night chief of police, last night killed Elisha Clark, 45 years old. a negro, as he was robbing a box car in the yards of the St. Ixiuis South western railway. The negro at tempted to shoot the officer when discovered and the officer shot in self defense. Marshall Sees First Auto. Marshall, March 16.—The first au tomobile ever seen in Marshall reached here at noon Sunday, in charge of Bill Jones, formerly of Wichita, Kan., but now of I^slie, Ark. Mr. Jones made the trip from Wichita to Marshall in four days and a half. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. •r Congresa— W. A. OLDFIELD. T. W. CAMPBELL. For Representative— J. K. YORK. DR. C. W. BAYNHAM. J. H. MARSHALL. FIZER NOE. A. G. GRAY. J. R. ALEXANDER. R. A. DOWDY. lor Circuit Judge— R. E. JEFFERY. For Prosecuting Attorney— EARL C. CASEY. THORNBERRY GRAY. HUGH U. WILLIAMSON. JOHN S. GIBSON. I. J. MATHENY. For State Senator— W. O. EDMONDSON. MARCUS BONE. WILL M. THOMPSON For Railroad Commissioner— T. E. WOOD. Fo County and Probate Judge— l’. M. WALDRIP. JOHN E. MeCORMACK. M 1.. ARNOLD. G. J. LINDSEY. For Circuit and Chancery Clerk— JAMES T EVANS. For County Clerk— J. A. KENNARD. S B (Butler) WYCOUGH. A. S WIGGINS. G. W. BROWNING. E R HOOPER For Sheriff— J. ED SHERRILL. ELMER G. HINKLE. E. M. FRY J URBAN MARTIN. LAWRENCE RUDDELK NOAH HARRIS. For Tax Collector— BURTON ARNOLD. For County Treaauror— FRANKLIN PERRIN W R WESTBROOK For Assessor— S D LINDSEY. v or Surveyor— MACK CYPERT. J. P. MILES. For < unstable. Ruddell Township D. G. HORTON. I ‘OR cm OFFICES. *w Mayor. ED CUNNINGHAM N M ALEXANDER For City Recorder— T ALBERT For CM Marshal— B I De< AMP GABE OWENS R L. FLINN. For City Treasurer— A. T. EVANS. tlderman. First Ward. WALTER E FI’GETT For AMerman Third Ward. U H PASCOE J. M PRICE. Mayor’s Proclamation. As mayor of the City of Batesville, Ark., 1 herdby proclaim and give I notice that the city election will lie j held on Tuesday, April 7, 1914, for । the purpose of electing one mayor, | one recorder, one marshal, one treas urer and six aidermen, towit: Two aidermen for the First ward, two I aldermen for the second ward and two , i i t ( l;; « ■ ।,, , ‘ o OUR STORE | 1 < I—————1————— ‘ ’ 1 ' HMHHHHI Is daily receiving new ;;; Spring Goods, in the ; <; Latest Styles and Pat- : terns, all of which will he sold at very low ll' • ’ 1 prices for cash. 4 1 * ' • ' M Weaver-Dowdy Co. Business CoHege BATESVILLE, ARK. Ineurporated Slff.oM.ffff. Samuel A. Moure, Prealdent A. U Ouuch. Vica Paxtuu ThMaaa. Sec.-Traa. . F. B. Adama, Principal. • Mgr. DIRECTORS Samuel A. Caaey. A. L. Crouch. F. B. Adama. D. D. Adam. J. A. Blakle, .Dr. Frank A. Gray. T. J. Walbert. The Real Secret of Succee. is ambition, common aen*e and a thorough preparation for the work the world wants done. You receive a better salary when you are prepared to earn it. The Demand for carefully trained office help ia greater than the supply. If you are not qualified no amount of luck, influ ence or “pull" will enable you to climb the ladder of success. Either Stenography or Bookkeeping is a sure stepping stone to success in business. It puts young men and women in the front offiice, instead of the shipping room or factory WRITE FOR INFORMATION, i 1 " ■ — -I ! II WATCHTHISSPACE IT IS RESERVED FOR THE HO TEL EVERYBODY IS TALKING ABOUT AND EVERYBODY LIKES SAINT LOUIS’ BEST KNOWN AND MOST POPULAR, NOW BE ING REMODELED AND REFUR NISHED WILL REOPEN ABOUT MAY 1, 1914. Vestal Roses^ / exeul inform, vitality and iovhness. We specialise /k / on roses and absolutely guarantee every one to / / bloom. We cannot tel) you here all alout their y wondrous beauty, nor alout our many other // Wy // I'lowers —but will with pleasure mail vou our / M4^^ / ■’«• s^’SgC^^gwdewribingour Riaesu^l.v.Uawort- ✓ .J, o 4 caber Mmu. Shrutw. Fruits. Flower *nd V^- // C— If r* Ie Sevdfocthe Soqtbernr .-iriten Hv X/ i F// * Card lor it 1.-Uy Jcweph W. Vwtal A Sow, / c XSM. t iltl. W wk. ArSana. J aidermen for the Third ward. | Said officers to be elected for the I term of two yeark. ■ The election to be held at the fol j lowing places: First ward, at the i court house; Second ward, at offi rc j building near new First M. E. church, and Third ward, at Paul Holmes res idcncc near Carter's store. Newton M. Alexander. Mayor i This 6th dpy of March 1914.