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fw Note Grades ^JB^H On Our Estirhate Then watch your order as we ihaHe delivery. You’!l get grades figured. Wasson Lumber Co. Price Makers. • n’na 'H A == Local and ‘Personal —— , , i(>J ■ luy Phoenix hose nt Edwards. TAY .T.llll 510 MF ’ d lenry Taylor wM.,,h^o fron* ghkeepsie yesterday and today , hone 3»o for high d**« deaningl pressing. Mack Hardy. 92-tfd r 7ffO(“ \i '.TT , ition ■ ; herman Smith. waa i*re from’ lifer yesterday. , , . J hoenix hosa are guaranteed to give ; sfactory wear Edward*. 16". rthur Pai leer of Pfeiffer was a isvilW visitor yesterday. lio man with the feed. Phone B. B. Conine. rs. George Hall went to Newark night to pay relatives a visit *‘ . 1 harles Jones of Minturn is spend a few days with Batesville friends, i IJuo Vadis" at the Princess, Sat- f iy matinee and night, 5-10 c. iaac Finley of Sidney was trans ng business here today. . Massey is here from Moorefield lg some trading. LIST— On street, one small cameo xh. Finder will kindly return te rd office and receive reward. 167 “urge Andrews of Holiy Grove a business visitor te the city yes* raw hats Cleaned. Felts and >ma cleaned and blocked. Geo. all. Phono BK. I •. and' Mr* A; L. thmlap of De-. rere doing some trading In Bates. ■ yesterday ■am* and straw hats nicely Hed at Guenxel's the tailor. Prices ■able. "«• • qU ***^l#S-dt£. ■ Medlock of Poughkeepsie spent ■light in the city looking after ^Laa matters. ■< RENT— large, comfortable. Korn brick house on lower South ■ A Jail at Rpsvntbal’a Wore. ■ H Andrews of Mobley. Sharp ^■r, spent last night in the city re* ■g to his home this morning. ■ 339 and have us send for your K and deliver them. Beat clean ■d pressing in the city. Bits ^■A. Rose, a good citizen of Bar-| ^■unship. sjient la*t night ui the, 1 r i I ■-VF.R LAX relieves all ilia of ^■and stomach Get it from Drug Co. ■ I Auditorium Building [Thursday Night, July 16 ■ I PRINCE CHARMING I or ■ lite Ciptvt of the Queen of Hearts ■>. . . ~,1 I*o • ■ Under the Auepicne of ■ m »») .« .«»>« ju * ‘ <a ■ I ST. PAUL GUILD ■ l:,„ f, > . . , ,'J ! -»M-» ” IL. Askt?wcame down from Sid * shy yestcrAiy and spent hist night in ' the dity on business. i' . ir h" U'J 'Ui i’’ ’ Clothes cleared, pressed and re I paired Price and work guaranteed. Herman Gueuaei. the tailor. if • Miss Pearl Rohrsche’Ti is confined |to her home in Wust Batesville with an attack of typhoid fever. 4 Let us clean and press that last .unimer'a suit. We make it look like new. Call 339. We do the rest. 51tf W. W Alsop, a merchant of Starnes Spring*, was a visitor to the city last night. J. B. Fitzhugh is spending the day near Newark looking after his form ! ing interests. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sharp returned I from a visit to Little Rock relatives ' last night. R. W. Earnheart is spending the day on his farm a few miles west of Batesville. Mrs. Louis Hall want to Newark this morniag and will visit relatives and friends. Don’t miss “Quo Vadis." as the Princess. Saturday night, July IS. 5 and 10 cents. W. M Milligan, a merchant of Sandtown, was a Batesville visitor yesterday. Water and electric light assessment i for 1914 is now due. See advertise i ment. I Men wanted to visit trade with our cigars. Salary $26 weekly to start. Cordelle Cigar Co.. Station D, New York City. 3m. Tom Dobaon, one of Cushman's leadia* farmers, was looking after .some matters of business in Bateetßle yesterday. All calls for the early rporning train will be promptly answered and passenger* taken to trains ta a closed .•arriage. Phone 22. Handy tc Son W. L. Alsop, a merchant'ef Akmzo, ‘ came to Batesville yesterday, purchas , ing some supplso* for hut ithure from j our merchant* Don't mil' Wrince Charming" and ! his jolly singing followers, at the 1 Auditorium, Thursday night, July; It*, * Admission 25 and 50 cents. A. R. Edwards of Eureka Spring*. 1 representing Hamilton-Brown Shoe j Company of St. Louis, was interview ing the local merchants yesterday. OXYOUNB GAS. — THE TREATMENT FOR I ■ . . ■ t BLOOD DISEASES. TUBERCU- LOSIS, INSOMNIA, MELANCHOLIA. CATARRH. Etc. OR. JNOt O COLE. Osteopathic Physician. Phone 35. Over Winslow Evans — u S. M. Trammell was hbre yesterday fn>m Salado, nnd made this office a substantia! visit, paying his subscrip tion for another year. C. B. Snow, one of Sharp county's oldest and most substantial citizens, was In Batesville last night, the guest of his son, Claude. You need never pass our store when in need of flour, meal and all kinds of feed staff. Cullens’ Feed Store. Phone 293. Free delivery. E. H. Glenn and family will leave i the latter part of the week for Den-1 vef. Colo., where they wiH spend a I few weeks. । O, say, have you bought your tick ets for Prince Charming? At the Auditorium Thursday night. Admis sion 25 and 50 cents. C. F Cole and F. B. Adams return ed this morning from Little Rock, where they had been attending the Republican state convention. W. T. Gifford, a good farmer and । citizen of Polk, Sharp county, spent . last night in Batesville, returning to ' hi* home this morning This paper acknowledges a pleasant call. The fair Queen of Tarts, so be witching, Will give all the girls good advice, As how to make beaus that are timid propose. To see her is well worth the price. ■ At the Auditorium July 16th. Mrs. W. W. Byers left last night for Norfolk, Va., where she will visit relatives and friends for several days. Louis Sullivan, a merchant of Cala mine, was looking after »otne matter* of business in Die city yesterday. St. Valentine, jolly and loving, Wil! tell y^u.jnst how he sgnd^X Ixive letters true to the girts and boy* too, Aud why ha’s their very be>t friend. In Prim* Charming. Thursday nljHit. Mr. aad Mis. J. F. Luster of Be thesda are spending the day in Bateaville. Mr. Luster is in the mer cantile businees at Bethesda, and is purchasing goods for hi’ store here t today. The I’rincea* Theatre i* now using the Universal service, showing some of the best pictures, which are among the finest ever shown in Batesville and the first of Universal service ever produced in the city. I ■ ■■ . '■ : > . . ■ ' ■ ■■■ soohd Dint to obrunt The Gem THEATRE Auditorium Build! ■ W. la. IsMtaAero. Mdr- TONIKHT Don’t fail to see that mating comedy -SaorW THE TURRET Biograph UNTO THE THIRD AMO FOURTH GENERATTONS In two reels.—Drama.— Selig. PRICES 5 AND W CENTS. ——* Save your letters given each night. They are good for ticket* TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT. ORCHESTRION MUSIC •|H • ' ‘ ’ T.*"*?* !?«y» » : if • iso:** Sanders PtiUtnad Ptftt Hesgfrt, •1 wilt zud. alhnav 13 Eitunatei FiirmiM. PHONE Mtn PHONE N The Campbells are Coming “An advertisement written by Elbert Hubbard”. The Scotch are a great race and they admit it. Scotland has contributed to the world more than its fair share of great men and ^omen. In Scotland’s Hall of Fame are writ large such names as Bobbie Burns, Robert Louis the Well-Beloved, Tammas the Techy-Titan, Adam Smith, whose wonderful book, “The Wealth of Nations” put the study of Econom ics on a plane with the sciences. If you have a strain of Scotch blood in your veins, you may well be proud. “Scotland is the Home of Oatmeal and Haggis” And oatmeal, it may be said, is of two kinds. One kind may be taken internally. The other is for walls and ceilings in the homes of people whose esthetic taste will not tolerate figured paper and disfigured walls. If you are 3 member of that small and select bunch to whom the ave rage wall paper design is an abomination, you would do well to commun icate with Barnett Bros. Merc. Co. and find out about the famous Maxwel ton Imported Duplex Oatmeals. These distinctive wall-coverings are a delight to the eye, constituting refined backgrounds that enable you to change the position of pictures without showing where they were hung last. Being in perfect good taste, they do not shriek and scream for atten tion. Maxwelton Imported Duplex Oatmeals are impervous to light, fast to alkali, famous for depth and brilliancy of coloring. If you would decorate your walls and ceilings in away that will reflect credit on your taste and sterling good sense, investigate the virtues of the genuine Maxwelton Imported Duplex Oatmeals, made in bonny Scotland. “The Big Store” W. A. Ballew of l’«4k I* a buMness : _’.ior to the city today. J. C. Starnes is here from Magnes * today attending to some matters of j .sines*. D. T. Smith, a good farmer of the Sidnev sectiun. spent last night in Batesville, eetwrtiing home today * "Temight and Thmtpday partly; Cloudy," l» the prediction of the. weather man for the state of Arkan ( FOR SALE FOR CASH—Good wagtin. team and harness For fur-j ther informatvm, call on Joe Gar oacx 167-dfit. The county clerk issued a marriage hermit this afternoon to George ftte; hens and Miss Ida Parrish, both es Si.liihur Rock \V. A. Edwards came in from Even- , 1,. Siiaile last night, where he spent L lew days looking after business in- , terests. A marr age Heen«e wns issued by the county clerk uxinv t" Arthur Mar tin and Miss Cordellt Dawson, who rnnde in tlx 1 noithorv part of this nMNdy> . 1 I E. M. Barksdale and Mu* Ethel Fulbright, both of lianl county, were married at the ivurt house here yea* terday afternoon, Judge J- W. Scott performing the ceremony. John O. Laman, a aplendid young ImawteM man of Cave OHy, was look ing after some business matters ttt Bateaville today and was a caller at the Guard office. No ram ka* visited hi* town and vie wity in the phst elev en weeks and crops are ent very short there. White winged fairies will come from the dell. With Ibttt RaWeasi wlnWO pM —4rl?Ti : nnL l w k j AuMi^^W \ Ralph Warner, who liae had ehatßo city far »m>» tun* w mow «*ipk-yed ^du/ng the the delivery wßpVrti aunnic Warner • absence. John Bryant, a noted musician in < North Arkansas, whose home is at Franklin, was in the city yesterday, enroute to Hot Spring*, where he will spend some time for the benefit of ht* health. Mr Bryant has many friends ia this section who will hope for hi* early recovery, FOR RENT -The Coomb* house. ; No. 370, corner Boswell St. and Cen- 1 jtral Avenue This house has lately , l>een thoroughly repaired and paint eU; has sewer connections and a com- I plete bath room This property is^ j te———se—_.l .... _JB Furniture Repairing I ' V WMI I t > AU Sorts of Furniture Repairing j ;; Done on Short NoHev. h ? I L "tu J' Bring Your Work to tile Shop : ; AH Work GHararfteK find Prices Reasonable | Baker Swing Co. i MS t * ] 1 M wi ban ^iilaup ati— J Look and Read 1' ■ ,L'> 1 . i* • ,i * n ' (h vHMkB Ito ’ .^db e $ h -i<l Ue Bairns i * <1 ; j dose in, has lots of room, an idval place for a rooming house, or a large family. Apply to J. E. Rosebrough. The God of Love, Dan Cupid. With his silver bows and darts. With dimples and smiles. And coquettish wiles, 1 Will capture every heart. See him in Prince Charming, Thurs day night, at Auditorium. He eats heartily in the hottest weather who uses Prickly Ash Bit ters. It keep* his stomach, liver and bowels in perfect order.