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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
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M We will buy a pound of Cotton for I i" ■II « 11 I ' > | every pound of Tobacco we sell j JI We rea Kze, with all the residents of the South, I ' II the present financial stringency due to the cotton I || situation. We realize that* the South must sell its I f *|| cotton, and we will A^in the most practical way I II we know—by buying cotton. I Ifu • For every pound purchased of all of these famous, popular brands of I : || tobacco and cigarettes (counting 1,000 cigarettes equal to five pounds I || of tobacco) we will buy from our dealers a pound cf cotton at 10c, in I iglH accordance with our circular to dealers dated Sept. 28. I h I|| Wc have faith in cotton. We know that when the war clouds I " || roll away, the demand of the manufacturers for cotton throughout the I :: || world will be greater than ever beforehand the South will enjoy unpre- I L II Ce d ente d ’ I | II ■■■ 81 The man who chewt .irnuw < Q TUXEDO i* recognised a* I * II I ? II W best 10-cent plug tobacco of . | oHamou. American*. The «clu- | OiH ■ thia character in the world. QW »,««•• Tuxedo Pwe*»” of making I J II —— — _ Made of old and mellowed T . Tobseca ,l ’ e fin ”' Ken ‘ uck y Burlev leaf de- I . • TOBACCO £-•> -•-* ; II «n7.Ti» k**® 0 "’ o Lx n ± £ 11 Tobacco made - sweet. BULL the.r own cigsrette* u*e this I || " me now and satisfying. Any W world-famed tobacco. There n I Il Thick Natural Leaf diaaa’isfied Durham I • || — ~ * a. re - urn it to any merchant, I*B • I II TOBACCO whom we hereby authorise SMOKING TOBACCO ,n ’ | Il to return his money. • — | ill *< ' ‘• - I R H n /*■ mn SOVEREIGN is the enthusiastic choice I II B# Es Imp El B Hmm IMI of the South in manufactured cigarettes. I ry Ea B> Em H I W That won Jerful flrvor of Southern-grown, I II —-— _ — Old-Belt tobacco is the taste that^outh- I V CIGARETTES ern smokers love — “Quality Tells.” II | I I|| Remember, when you purchase any of the above brands, you I r || not only get the greatest value for your money, but every pound I | H purchased by you creates the sale of a pound of cotton. I B l THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY ^^■BSSZSSZZSSHBSBBSSSSESsfesSI®SSSSS^=SSSSSZSSzJ’ Haw FartßM. Ar. Bailt Up. Th. history of the great fortunes of iff the day prove one fact very conclus i i ively, that large salaries and exten sive facilities for aaoney-making do g not always insure a competence. For tunes are generally the result of sav ing Mt by trit. It is absolutely true that desire grows by indulgence, and V, that one can live up to the limit of kv the highest salary. That is the way . V ‘ in which the majority of people live. ' To keep down desire and sternly put gw a check on expenditure is to lay the K foundation of a competence, perhaps & of a fortune; in fact, that rule lay bach of the colossal fortunes which am now being spent by descendants who were spared the privations of I* real workers^-Exehange. hp A Nichol Buya a Permit. "Q The Permit to smoke costs only five ; y cents at almost any eirar stand. Its a tang, cool, mild, delightful cigar. ! (BOUTIUCIkPf HOTEL SAINT LOUIS. Broadway and Walnnt Streeta. WILL REOPEN ABOUT JUNE OR JULY. THOROUGHLY FIREPROOF. Reconstructed and Nawly Furnished. BSO ROOMS-ALL WITH BATH-100 SHOWER BATHS Three Union Depot Car Unes pass the door. Every room an outside room. Very lane, light corridors. TONY FAUST DINING SERVICE. f Unexcelled Tonsorial, Turkish Bath, Elevator and other B p utilities. The greatest number and best sample rooms In iW' St. Louis. Notify your friends and customers to inset I I you at the Southern. The home of the traveler, merth tmt, planter, hanker, commercial and professional man. When la St Louis, come and partake of our hospitality. RatM |UO per <fag md aptearde. RYAN, NXvi*. Apply Slaaa’s Fiudy far Lambaga. Your attack* of lumbago ar. not nwriy ao hopalma aa they a^m. You can ralimra them almoat instantly by simply applyiAg Sloan’s Liniment on the back and loins. Lumbago is a font of rheumatism, and yi.lda perfectly to Sloan’s , which penetrates quickly all in through the aore, tender mua clea, limber up the back and make* it feel fine. Get a bottle of Sloan’s Lin iment for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house—against colda, sore and swollen joints, rheu matiarn, neuralgia, aciatca and like ailments. Your money back if not sat isfied, butit does give almost instant raltaf. AU you who have torpid liver, weak digestion or constipated bowels look out for chills. The season is here and ths air is full of the dtoease germs. Ths best thing to da is to get your liver in good condition and puri fy the stomach and bowels. Hwbine is ths right remedy, it answers the purpose completely. Price 50c. Sold by fc. R. Goodwin. COTTON FUND IS GROWING. Following are the names of those who have contributed to th* Bates ville Buy a Bale Committee: Miss Alberta Weaver — 4 50 Mn. M. C. Weaver 50 James P. CoAn 50 J. B. Fitxhugh 50 I. N. Barnett 100 H. Schott ' 50 J. C. Fitxhugh. - 50 C. H. Walden 50 D. D. Adams 100 N. A. Adler 150 Mr*. N. A. Adler ... 100 First National Bank 50 Union Bank and Trust Co - 50 Citis«ns Bank and Trust Co - 50 Mrs. D. D. Adams. 50 W. F. Shaw, Bsthesda 50 Mn. J. B. Fitxhugh. 50 Theo. Maxfield — 250 C. W. Maxfield 250 T. B. Padgett... 50 Gem Theatre 50 W. A. Oldfield 10 A A. Hail A Son 100 A M. Moore 50 Rosenthal Hardware Co 10 Asa F. Smith 50 Weaver-Dowdy Co. 50 A H. Gerard. 200 John W. Glenn - —2OO John W. Glenn, Agent -t 100 F. P. Albright 50 Batesville Publie School. - 50 Total..- .52050 Hepeieea Lung Trouble Cured. Many recoveries from tang troubles ar* due to Dr. Bell’s Pin-Tar-Hooey. It strengthen* the tang*, ehecks the eough and gives relief at once.—Mr. W. ,8. Wilkin*. Gates, N. O, writes: “I used Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Homy ina case given up as hopeless and ft ef fected a complete ewe.” Get a bottle of Dr. BMPs Ptae-Tar-Honey. If your eough is dry and hacktaglet it trickle down th* throat, yon wBl ynroly get relief. Only 25c. at your drnngtot Keep Stomach aad Liver Healthy. A rigorous stomach, perfect work- , tag liver aad regular acting bowels is guaranteed if you will use Dr. King's Nsw Life Pills. They insure good digestion, correct constipation and have aa excellent tonic effect on the whole system—Purify your blood and rid you of all body poisons through the bowel*. Only 25c. at your druggist. ft B^J nMy bm The Sowcoa of Dtaeeae are Chewed aai Meed runnM T*as* wb* bav* **M A A A Marvel at tb» way it cherts Mood atefsaos. am a waa taday with Ms able all hrahae ant; am Ma a*Ma la a waab or two after Mta* S. A A aad he 1* a weeder to beheld, afi cleared a*. eMa bmlthy, eyes bricM, a Ma melle restate* the droop. What h I 1. t that caa accoapUah aoeb woaderfal ea ealul Fleet of all It I* a aataral aedl etae. Üba milk, ess* aad other food* that caa Mt be imitated, AAA eve it to Natare foe Its poore* to ovotcaam dtsnm jaat as fpod prevents emartetiaa. AAA h eaa mablaatlaa of praaariptlae dew*. It Ie a praparailoa direct tram medlateal pleats that retate* all the vMla potency ; es vhat we amA what we maat bar* ta | the Mead to couateraat tbeoe daatractlve taadUMtaa that aadhU as thrnachaat life. , If It ware sot for ear aataral amrattaaa to •aatala as. aMad by aueb kaoera helpo aa AAA there would be aamll cbaace of aay of m aarvlvlns cUldbeoA Oat a bottle of A A A today Cram aay i drencist but to cartful to avoid th* mb •tttatm saleaed a* an tba unwary. * A A X I* * rape re* aaly by tb* Swift np*tH« Co, n —JtaA. AUsata, Ga., sad fm pri vate ^sadtaal athrie* ^ritte briefly ; %sy*trin tab* anmUmt ame et yaw j >< ■ ... »ngb5»—5e555»M55W»5 5»8»«55<f ••bPPCbbnbbbPgp < > The Great European War t ull reperts of the Greatest War of Modern Tinies in thet ; ARKANSAS GAZETTE 1 : Getfthe news while it is fresh, andl in Authentic Shape. We sup ply[the Daily Gazette for 65c per month, !; $3.50 for six months, $6.50 per year, in advance. The Arkenses Gazette i Little Rock, Arkansas t Eureka Springs, ► ARKANSAS I : A Fresh Air Fountain : ResMent popdatioi 6,00 T, Inui visiters SO,OOO Bevation 2,000 Feet b In the “Heart of the Ozarks" <; Jdy ud Aigut Tmentwe 74 De. H Cool. Shady, Picturesque Always a breeze of exhilarating mountain air. Boating, Bathing, Hunting, Horseback Riding, Tally-hoa, Kodaking. Dancing afturaoona and night. Roller Skating, Eagles and Elka duba. Amusement Parka, Roof Gardens, Sunday Baau Ball, Fine Orchestras, Kyer’s All-Professional Band of Joplin, Mo., in free concerta In parks af ternoon and evening daily- Most Scenic Street Railway in America, lI^OO.qOO Worth of Solid Comfort Many Springs of various waters, pure, sparkling and cold. First-class hotda, rooming houses, private boarding houses, rooms for liffht housekeeping, rent cottages, rates unuaualhr onable. Spend the hot weather at Eureka Springs on the M. & N. A. Ry.—“ The Scenic Route.” Ask your local ticket agent about reduced rates. Write for beautifully illustrated booklets-to JAY KERR, General Passenger Agent Harnsea Arhaaea < > sees assesses , Advertising Best Salesman Present conditions in general mean a degree of ; depression, a shade of uncertainty. And the query if, if in such situations advertising should be curtailed or stopped. By all means, no. Should a runner stop for a ; ; rising grade, or a swimmer for an advene tide! If ; they did, where might their, rivala in the race be ! when they started up? Advertising ought to be the cheapest salesman* ; ship. Also the most efficient. If it is that, then ; it to the last force to reduce. The recent increase in the Daily and Weekly ! Guard’s circulation offers to the advertiser better ; values than ever before. Place an adverttoment ; with us today, keep it there and watch the result. We cover the field. Batesville Printing So, ; _ Pubnaßar Daily and WaaMy Guardi. —sMSsssssssssfrMsssssesssssssesoeeessssoeessessse * If th* child Mart* ta Ite «ta*P, grind* ita teath white *l**pinr, rick* ! at ta* ao**, ha* a bad braata, add* appetite, pate comptexion, and dark ring* under th* *y**; It ba* worms ' and a* tong a* taw remain in the ta teatlnes, that child will be etckly. White’* Cnam Vermifug* clear* ent ta* worms, strsagthsas ta* atomash and bowela and nets ta* little one on the rend to health and choerftilnem. Price 25e. per bottle. Sold by K. R. vtsMsm win, Aerid UeMtao Conob MedMnea. L If^X^mnt^e emrtrlbwte Mroetly to tbe occurrence of <*• pitta ry brew chitte and pneussonta, woe aoough modicinee taat contain codine, mer phtae, heroin aM ether eedattvos when yon have a cough or cold. An’ expectorant like Chamberiata** Cough Remedy Is what is nsodsd. That clsana out ths cdtm bens or brood S places for the genus of pnsusMn- and otasr germ diosMos. That is y nomunada never results trim — a.s _ - ba — ta *^^m4*nfoua rtputatsOß twr m cvmb* i* sab W sk Xbmi. taw t . -v * _ '