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wnawsm And Glass If a regular size sash you need we have it in stock—if an odd one we will be glad to have it made for you. We carry a good assortment of sizes in Glass. Wasson Lumber Co. I price Makers. Local and ‘Personal* The Weather. For Northeast Arkansas: Tonight and Friday fair. Bargains in art squares at Edwards We dean anything, and do it right. Chris Shelby, Phone 268. W. F. Gray of Cushman is trans acting business in Batesville today. For Sale—Second hand piano. Ap ply at Guard office. । Mrs. Louis Bone, who has been quit* ill for some time, is improved. Genuine Edison Maxda Lamps at Casey Drug Co. tfd W. A. Mayhue of Oil Trough is transacting business here today. Get the genuine Edison Maxda Lamp at Casey Drug Co. B. F. Smith of Maxville had busi ness in Batesville last night. You will save money on woolen blankets at Edwards. S. G. and O . A. Steele of Sidney spent last night in Batesville. WOOD—S 2 a load cash on delivery. Phone 191 or see W. L. lenders. 15td P. S. Fortune of Wycough township is transacting some business matters at the court house today. Men's flsnneette night shirts and ladies’ flannelette gowns at Edwards. D. D. Whisnant of Logan township is looking after his business interests at the court house today. Furs, hats and fine dresses cleaned by one who knows how. Chris Shelby, phone 268. If you want flrst-class clothing, right to the minute for style and workmanship and fit, at eye-opening prices, see Barnett Bros. 243-4td THE GEM THEATRE Auditorium Building W. Is. L««<ierss Mgr. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER S. 1. MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY. 2. MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY. Ninth episode 3. THE OLD MAID’S BABY. Comedy, featuring John Bunny end Flora Finch. 4. Lubin presents THE HOUSE OF DARKNESS. Special, in two reels. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER C 1. PERILS OF PAULINE. 2. PERILS OF PAULINE. & DracnvEoi watchmaker Vitagraph, featuring Margaret CNbaoa and George Stanley. 4. HER SPANISH COUSINS. Edleea oemedy with Nay Ab hay and Ben Wilma. & THE SQUAW'S REVENGE. Ftnturing Mona Daritfeathor. SATURDAY SPECIAL. 1. PASSING OP DIANA, t. PASSING OF DIANA. Vitagraph special ia two parts. Your old favorite to role, Jaa. Morrison and Dorothy Kelley 3. BRONCHO BILLTB PUNISH- MENT. Featuriag the Boy from Ar- PRICES I AND W CSNTR OMHtSTMON MUSIC L. 8. Starnes, a 'good citixen of Cushman, is among the business vis itors in Batesville. WANTED—Boarders. Apply to Mrs. Loughridge, at the Blandford home. 250-6td Tom Dobson, postmaster of Cush man, is in Batesville today looking after some business matters. Cheap or lot class clothing for men and boys cheaper than ever at Bar nett’s. 243-4td Clayte Crawford of Sidney was was transacting some matters of business in Batesville this morning. Phone Mack Hardy for all kinds of cleaning and pressing. Prices reasonable. Phones 22 and 306. tfd Have your fall suits made by Guen zel, the tailor. Suits sl4 up. At and satisfaction guaranteed. Best line of up to date hats at prices less than elsewhere at Bar nett’s. , 243-4td Misses Amy Ferrill and Stella Har dy are spending a few days in Little Rock with friends. Oscar Westmoreland of Sidney spent last night in Batesville visiting relatives, returning home today. Lawrence Matheny was here from Maxville last night and this morning, attending to business interests. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walbert and Mr. and Mrs. Paxton Thomas passed the Jay yesterday in Oil Trough bottoms gathering pecans. W. H. McClure of Hickory Valley is in the city today transacting some matters of business interest at the county court house. Chimney sweep and repair work use wire brushes air light soot bags and guarantee all work no cleaning up after a job. Phone 362. 3td Do they fit and look well? Ask those who are wearing real tailored tuits sold by me. $17.50 will buy ths same suit you have usually paid $25 for. Chris Shelby. Roscoe Sullivan, who conduct* a mercantile business at Calamine, was here this morning doing some trading with local wholesale dealers. Have your last winter garments overhauled and made good as new at little expense on short notice with Guenxel, the tailor. The United Daughters of the Con federacy will meet at the residence of Mrs. Homer Edwards next Thursday, November 12. For Sale—My ten room residence, 828 Central avenue, Wsst Batesville. Half cash, half in notes to run 5 or 4 years, notes not to exceed rental value of property. C. J. Buchanan. Sidney, Ark. 247-Btd-2tw Frank Pace, a prominent attorney of Little Rock, came in last night and is spending the day in Batesville look ing after his interests in circuit court. G. F. Luster, the well known merch ant of Bethoeda. spent yesterday in Batesville attending to some business matters. Walter Cannon of Bod Stripe, Stone county, was In Batesville today trans acting soms business matters with local merchants. Dr. G. W. Reynolds, the well known dentist, has opened Ms effies in rooms recently vacated by Dr. J. D. Cole on Maia street. H* has ooe of the haadseaseot offices in the dtp, and he extends all hie friends over the rity and emoty to maw In aad VW Ma* Writ GET YOUR MAPLE BROWN SUGAR, CRYSTAL DOMINO SU GAR, SCHOOL PICKLES AND ALL GOOD THINGS so EAT AT BAR NETTS. Edgar Wilkerson came in yesterday afternoon from Arlington, Texas., where he spent a few weeks visiting his uncle, Rev. P. H. Wilkerson, skid family, and returned last night to his home at Grange. W. P. Williams, traveling salesman for the American Snuff Co., is spend ing a few days in Batesville this week. He is accompanied by R. E. Sims, of Little Rock, who is division man ager for the American Snuff Co. ABSOLUTELY FRESH MACK EREL, PORK SAUSAGE, CREAM ERY, CELERY, SPANISH ONIONS, LEMONS, ORANGES AND CRAN BERRIES. CALL 391, BARNETTS GROCERY DEPARTMENT. J. W. Outlaw, postmaster of Oil Trough, is spending today in Bates ville. Mr. Outlaw has been forced , to resign as postmaster on account , of ill health. He expects to leave in a few days for points in Texas to re gain his health. Last Sunday the Callaway Baraea ( lass of the First Baptist church ac cepted an invitation from the First Methodist church Baraea Class, to meet with them Sunday, on the oc casion of the visit of Miss Kilpatrick, the noted lady Sunday school worker, who will conduct the lesson. Members of the Callaway Baraeas are requested to meet at their class room Sunday morning at 9:30, when they will go in a body to the Methodist church to hear Miss Kilpatrick. SPECIAL INVITATION. Sunday Schools of Entire County Are Urged to Attend Methodist School to Hear Speaker. To Adult Classes in Independence County: Miss Elisabeth Kilpatrick of Cor inth, Miss., one of the most noted teachers of men’s classes in the Un ited States, will visit our class next Sunday morning at the First Metho dist Sunday school. She will conduct the study of our regular lesson in class to which w« have invited all other adult classes of this city. All other adult classes of the county are urged to send representatives to meet with us. She will also participate in a special union temperance day pro gram at 3:30 p. m. at the Presbyter ian church and at night will give an address at the First Methodist church. Come and spend this great day with us. lou will recall Miss Kilpatrick as one of the forceful speakers at the State Sunday School Convention held here last year. A great treat is in store for us all next Sunday and we wish as many as possibly can to share with us the pleasure and benefit this opportunity affords. Respectfully, WESLEY BARACA CLASS. Sidney Pickens, Teacher. S. A. Moore, President. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Metcalf Entertain On Tueaday evening Mr. and Mra. C. D. Metcalf entertained with a sur prise six hundred party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glenn, parents of Mrs. Metcalf, the party being to celebrate the fortieth wedding anni versary of the honoreea. The pretty home was decorated with a profusion of brightly colored autumn leaves and cut flowers. There were six tables, only their moat intimate friends and relatives being present. Glenn, the handsome little son of Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf, paased dainty and appropriate score cards and sev eral interesting games were played, after which the hostess, assisted by Glenn and Effie Aliens Metcalf, served a tempting luncheon. At a late hour the guests departed, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Glenn many more years of. health and prosperity and many re turns of tha day. X. X. X. Evening Shade. Chancery coart to in session this weak. Fanner Clerk Jan. M. Simpson re turned from Little Rock Fliday. Mrs. Loe Brand came in Sunday from Thayer, Mo. Mra. A. W. Jernigan of Tuckerman visited hero last wook. She was ae companied home by her mother, Mra. C. W. Shaver. E. A. Boyce, J. H. Kirtley end J. L> Gyngard were sworn in last Sataiday as clerk, sheriff and treasurer. W. L Harris to the new county judge and J. O. Eason surveyor. T. H. McCaleb of Williford succeeds himself as ao- Rev. A. F. Skinner of Batesville held’*s fourth quarterly conference for tbs Evening Shade dreoft Mon day and preached that night. The yoong foßcs. celebrated Helle we’on at Dr. Grass last Saturday Slaughter Prices ON CLOTHING Owing to the fact that the Short Crops and Low Price ot Cotton and Scarcity of Money with the masses, without reference to classes, We are Offering Lower Prices Than ever before on Clothing, of all kinds, in order to assist the people to Clothe themselves During the Winter Season If you Want Assistance in this way See us for Clothing. BARNETTS Phone 391, right. Later they or some one else “ hanged things around” considera bly. Sunday morning the streets looked like they had been vistied by a young cyclone. Last Sunday afternoon a double wedding took place at Table Rock, two miles from town, on Strawberry river. The contracting parties were Amos Hamilton and Miss Dell Bacon, Clifton Ritchie and Miss Jennie Ham ilton. Esq. O. C. Shaver officiated. The congressional election was poorly attended at this place and at th? other precincts in the county. Only 53 votes were cast at this box. Dr. E. L. Garner and W. A. Edwards tied in their race for congress and may run it off later. They received one vote each. Care City. The farmers will soon be through sowing wheat and rye. Some fine stands are reported, though in many places the worms have totally de stroyed the crop. Oscar Albright of Batesville came up Sunday morning, returning home in the evening with the family, who A CONFESSION Hw Stateraeat, Ma4t PRHhp wiP Help Other Weaam. Hinet Ate.—"l test codtu", says Mrs. Eute Mae Reid, of thia place, "that Cardui, the woman’s tonic, tarn done me t greet deal of good. Before I commenced using Cardui I would nit up everything late., I had a ■red, sleepy fetiiagall fie time, end was mguter. I could hardly drag arcaat, ■ad would have severe beadachee cow— Since taking Cardui. I havy entirely iNned 10 pounds tai weight.” If you are arietta of any of toe numsr- MBttaaojßManea to your aex. it io For haff a centare. Carted Im been re- which pear into oar office, year by year. Cartful itancceaaful because it te com posed of ingredients wWchact specifically oa the womanly constitution. end helot toted totmatoraed nrgaaa back tohealS Ctrtrihashatpwl gm. aadw« kdp boo. vMH • ooiie® toGoy* •on won’t recretiL YourdnqJEaclteM. to i . -x..’ ‘ —kJ had been visiting relatives for a week in the city. A. E. Albright made a round trip Sunday to Grange, where the family had been visiting for a week, bring ing them home with him. There will be a telephone meeting in this city Saturday evening. Im portant business to be attended to. Every one interested should come. Peet Ford, Levy and David Parsley all returned home Saturday after be ing gone to Jackson county with ap ples. The boys report not such a good time as apples are plentiful in that county. F. W. Brewer and Grant Brewer of Batesville came up Monday to attend a meeting of the bank directors, re turning home Sunday. Warren Ball came to the city Sun day and% bought a load of wheat to sow. The worms destroyed the first sowing for a great many farmers. At the residence of W. R. Albright Wednesday morning Mr. Earl Hailey SHOES That Feel Right, Look Right, and Feel Right At EDWARD^ and Miss Cora Perkey were married. W. R. Albright officiating. Mr. Hailey is a son of Dude Hailey, near Bates ville. Miss Cora is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Perkey of Hick ory Valley and one of the most popu lar ladies of the valley, especially so as a church and Sunday school worker. We wish for the young cou ple a long and happy life. Cures 0M Soiss, Otter Rttssdtes Wss’t Cm. The worst caws, ao matter of how long standiae. are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter'. Antiseptic HeaHu* Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. ISc. 90c. tI M Wood! Wood! SB 00 per Load CASH ON DELIVERY. CALL 191. See W. L. Landers or Slim McGilL ;