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Lj Don’t make any difference what you need in the way of Building Ma terial whether the quantity be large or small —We’ll be glad to furnish. Wasson Lumber Co. Price Makers Local and "Personal — JOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 0 O Tonight increasing cloudiness, O O Wednesday unsettled. O 0 o JOOOOOOOOOOOOO New ties at Barnett’s. Black Draught sold at Terry’s. Big line of new silks at Edwards. Another lot of the newest tjes at Barnett’s. 4td Big line of Boy Scout Shoes at Ed wards. See Barnett's line of new up-to date ties, just in. 4td Complete line of Tennis Slippers at Edwards. Registered Palm Beach coats and pants for men and boys at Barnett's. Wanted— Any kind of work to do. Sam Adams, care Guard office. Doc Lane, a good citixen of New ark, was in Batesville today. • For sale or trade, an automobile. Will sell creep. Apply at this office. Have your Knickerbocker suits tailor made. Mac^ Hardy, the tailor. * Mark Eaves of Dota was in the city attending to- business matters today. We can fit in a Palm Beach coat and pants for less than the other fel low. 4td Charles Wright of Sulphur Rock was among the business visitors to Batesville this morning. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Smith of Lit tle Rock arrived last night and will sp»rd a few days in Batesville. Vitazone is a blood purifier and cures old sores, fresh cuts, burns, rheumatism. 50c at K. Z.'s. dtf. See Barnett's for the best and cool est underwear in union suits or sep arate garments, for the whole family. Homer Edwards and H. B. Crabb spent yesterday afternoon in the vi cinity of Pfeiffer transacting busi ness matters. Attorney L. F. Reeder left yester day for Fort Smith, where he will attend a meeting of the Arkansas Bar Association. TIE GEM THEATRE Auditorium Building W. L. Lender*. M<r- FRIDAY. The New Exploits of Elaine Or Fifteenth Episode SATURDAY. Broadway Star Fea ture. In three reels, featuring Maurice Costello. HAZARDS OF HELEN United 5 and 40*rente OKIESmON MUSK Lumber- AU Grades The iron and other minerals in Vitazone makes it a great tonic and should be used by everybody at this season. 50c at K. Z.’s. dtf T. H. Sharp of Little Rock, repre senting Underwood Typewriter Com pany. spent today in Batesville look ing after business interests. E. L. Griffin, who resides at Pleas ant Valley, a few miles northwest of town, spent yesterday in Bates ville looking after business interests. Lost—Between the residences of J. A. Trevathan and J. A. Holmes, a gold bracelet bearing the inscription “Aubrey." Finder please return to Guard office. Mrs. A. T. Nash and son. Hardy, riived last night from Springfield and will spend a few days in Bates ville. guests of Mrs. Nash's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hardy. Judge Dene H. Coleman left this morning for Salem, at which place he will deliver an address before the graduating class of the high school tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock. The mail carrier from Rosie reach ed Batesville this morning for the first time in several daye. The car rier was unable tg get across the river at Ramsey’s Ferry owing to the high water. W. K. Ruddell, of the law Irm of Richardson & Ruddell, returned last night from Little Reck, where he underwent a successful examination for license to practice in the supreme court of the state. PAT-A-CAKF It is quick ano sure. 15 CENTS. A prepared cake liour. Nothing to rdd cut water For cup cake, layer cake, cottage pud dii.g. strawberry short cake and mar; otner cakes. B. B. CONINE. ts The following students in Bates ville Business College were yesterday presented with diplomas: Charles Rister, bookkeeping: Jesse Huddle ston, lookkeeping: Vaughan Casey, shorthand; Arthur North, bookkeep- Mis? Helen Hale of Springfield was a guest Sunday of Mrs. W. M. Hutch inson while en soute to Harrson from Little Rock, where she visited triends some time. Miss Hale will pay Harrison friends a visit before returning home. Mr. Walton Smith of Batesville, who travels for the Morris Packing Co., is a great believer in Vitazone as a remedy for indigestion. He could not eat anything that would agree with him. could not retain it on his stomach. One little sample bottle d'-'.P Now he eats anything \ does not hurt him. ,I equal as a stomach remedy. . pc at K. Z.’s. tfd ]■ SHOE ■ POLISHES BLACK I I J For the Easiest, Quickest. Most Brilliant and WHITE Lasting Shine—Choose 2in 1 Shoe Polish! In the g||||||^^ TANI “Easy-Opening” Box. All Dealers, 10c. per Box. The f f DALLEY CO.. LTD. PRINCESS -:THEATER:- TONIGHT Trey O’ Hearts In Three Parts. The Last Trump The Last Episode. Snobbery Strong Drama. THE $20,000.- 000 MYSTERY Last Episode. Don’t miss it. The Richest Woman In The Worid Final episode in two parts. TWO BIG SERIALS TONIGHT. LAST INSTALLMENTS. GOOD MUSIC. Prices 5 & 10 Cents Don’t miss the double wedding at the Princess tonight. Prices 5 and 10 cents. G. W. Hooper, a merchant of Syla more, spent last night in Batesville retu-ring home this morning. Princess tonight, two big serials. “Trey O’ Hearts,” and “Twenty Mil lion Dollar Mystery," in last install ments. Big double show, two big serials, at the Princess tonight. “Trey O' Hearts” in three reels, "Twenty Mil lion Dollar Mystery.” ‘“Trey O’Hearts” in three last reels and “The Twenty Million Dollar Mystery” at the Princess tonight. Don’t miss the double show. Prices 5 and 10 cents. SAVES DAUGHTER Adrice of Mother oo Doobt Pro. veats Daaghter’s Uatuaely Ead. Ready, Ky.— ** I was not able to do anything for nearly six months,” writes Mrs. Laura Bratcher, of this place, “and was down in bed for three months. I cannot tell you how I suffered with my head, and with nervousness and womanly troubles. Our family doctor told my husband he could not do me any good, and he had to give it up. We tried another doctor, but he did not help me. At last, my mother advised me to take Cardui, the woman’s tonic. I thought it was no use for I was nearly dead and nothing seemed to do me any good. But I took eleven bottles, and now 1 am able to do all of my work and my own washing. I think Cardui is the best medicine in the world. My weight has increased, and I look the picture of health. ** If you suffer from any of the ailments Guitar to women, get a bottle of Cardui ay. Delay is dangerous. We know it will help you. for it has helped so nany thousands of other weak women «the past % years. At all druggists. WnW m Oettanoofa MadlclM Oa. LadlsV U'lMtrr Daal . ChanafljOfa. Tann. tor onrour mm and Sa oaca book. ' Homa rraauaaw far Waaaw* u> aiau> wracoar. M.G. Ikt TREMENDOUS SHIRT SALE You have the opportunity to buy a trade mark shirt—Ferguson McKinney SI.OO shirts for 69c« Oi We will sell you the regular 75c shirt, for 39c. Come and look at these shirts and compare them with what you have seen. Barnett’sßargainAnnex REMEMBER THAT THE 69c SHIRTS ARE FERGUSON-McKINNEY MAKE Rev. J. W. Dennison of Conway was here Saturday night, en route to Batesville, to attend the commence ment exercises of Arkansas College. —Newport Independent. It is reported in Batesville that a rich strike of oil has been made by the Sulphur Rock Oil Company at Sulphur Rock. While the amount of the new discovery is not extensive, it is stated that the quality excells any heretofore brought ♦n light. Roc’nt ly the Standard Company, another prospecting concern at Sulphur Rock, made what was considered a valua ble find from one of its wells. The Guard is m receipt of a kind letter from E. H. Glenn, who is spend ing some time at Tucson. Ariz., for the benefit of his health, from which place, however, he will go soon to California for the summer. It will be gratifying to Mr. Glenn’s many friends in this city and community to learn that his condition is improv ing. and that he expresses the hope of returning to Batesville next fall in fine shape. Card of Thanks. We wish to express our apprecia tion through the Guard of the many kind words and loving deeds of our friends in the loss of our little Lanell. May the Good Father richly reward each. Fizer Noe and Wife. Dr. G. O. Shirey has just returned to Memphis from Germany, where he served in German hospitals. He tells of seeing two ships torpedoed and hundreds of persons killed. Miss Nettie Green. Miss Nettie Green passed away‘ this morning at 2 o’clock at the resi dence of her sister, Mrs. J. W. Evans, following an illness of long duration. Miss Green, who was 66 years of age. had been a resident of Batesville for a number of years, and was loved by all who knew her for her many splendid traits of character. The deceased is survived by her sis ter, Mrs. J. W. Evans of this city, and one brother. Dr. Graham Street, who resides in Oklahoma, who have the sympathy of many friends. Funeral services will occur this af ternoon at the Presbyterian church, of which organization the deceased was a devout member, and the burial services will occur at Oak Lawn cemetery at 4 o'clock. Rev. M. S. Smith being in charge of the ser vices. Special Asseoiment Sewer District No. 2. The tax books for the collection of special assessment upon the real property in> Sewer District No. 2 has been placed in my hands. All owners of real property lying in this district are required to pay their assessment to me within thirty days from date. If such payment is not madt'action will be commenced at the end of that time for the collection of said assess ment and’ for legal penalties and costs. Given under my hand this 11th day of May, 1915. »1 d2Ot I. N. Reed, Collector. Condensed War News Turkish troops were defeated with a loss of 2,000 killed and wounded at the hands of the allies during en gagements on Gallipolo Peninsula. Austrian troops have evacuated Ft. t-erravale in the Aidge Valley and are fall ng back upon the Trentino village at Mori, 16 milts south of T-ent. Fifty-four soldiers were killed and tnirty injured when two allied ainuen lombarded and destroyed the German acrodome at Gartrode, southeast of Ghent. The American owned steamer Dix maama, reported to be under British .egistry, was torpedoed off the French < oast Saturday. The crew was land ed safely. Quibbling, defiance, insincerity and pettifogging are terms used by news pantrs throughout the United States in commenting on the Germar reply to the American note. The Russians have occupied the villages of Kanikow and Ann Nakio, which changed hands several t'mes during the terrible fighting thove 1 rzemsyl, capturing 3,000 soldiers tuid many machine guns and search lights. Answering a hurried call, Dr. J. Miller, a prominent physician of Batesville, Miss., was killed when hie automobile turned turtle.