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1 I 1 < 1 Wasson Lumber Co. Price Makers Local and 'Personal 500 0 0 00 0 000000 o 0 (0 Tonight and Friday partly O <0 cloudy. 0 J 0 >OOOOOOOOOOOOO Summer goods at Edwards. Cash bargains at Edwards. Ten days cash sale at Edwards. Get an up to date tie from Barnett’s window sale. std See Barnett Bros, before buying your fall clothes. std John Falls was here yesterday from Cushman. Suite made to order at Guensel’s. Satisfaction guaranteed. Jasper Whitten of Evening Shade had business in Batesville todsy. We guarantee our cleaning and pressing. See Herman Guensel. Raymond Finley of Route One was in the eity yesterday afternoon. Our straw hats go at one-half price to dose. Barnett Bros. 6td G. E. Yeatman spent today at New ark attending to business interests. Supt D. W. Hickey of the White River division was in the city yester day and last night, returning to his heme at Aurora, Mo., thia morning. f PM theatre U Li 11 '“FRIDAY NIGHT— Final Episode of Exploits No. 24 You Have Seen the first, See the Last, Friday Night What becomes of Kennedy and Wu Fang. See The Last Edisode at the Gem Friday Ni^ht A WIRELESS RESCUE. A romance of the rail. This two-psrt “thriller” uses wireless tele graphy as the means of averting a disaster to an express train. The usual love story is woven into the sensational effects, sweetheart of the conduc tor-hero sending the message that saves the train from plunging into an open draw bridge. An engrossing photoplay, acted in the right spirit by James Morrison, Geo. Cooper, Dorothy Kelly and Wm. Shea. “ROAD ©’STRIFE SERIES. Fifteen Episodes, one reel each week. THE HOUSE OF SECRETS. Ephods N*. L This new series of mystery stories which introduces Crane Wilbur as •ne of the Lubin fortes, opens in an interesting manner and promises well for the future. .The new Lubin method of flashing a subtitle directly onto the scone that it explains. in used in this picture. Mary Chwleson and Bernard Seigel aro Mr. Wilbur’s loading support. Fable of Busy Men and Idle Women “Hanfs Easy Eats** 5 REELS Prices 5 & 10c First Class Siding put on the house in the begin ning will save you endless worry, trouble and expense. With poor grades repairs are frequent and the outcome is more expense. Cheap lumber is the dearest in the long run. We always have on hand a complete stock of lum ber of best grades. Palm Beach suits cueaned and pressed better at Guenzel's. 50 cents. C. H. Gunthrey of Oneal was a business visitor to Batesville yester day. Mrs. Steward Oglesby of Hope is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Yeat man. The very best in worsted clothing for men at popular prices at Barnett Bros. std O. M. Carter, who resides on Route Two, was here yesterday trading at the local stores. Oscar and Bandy Rogers of Sharp were transacting business in Bates ville today. Take a look at the “Window Sale” of high grade neckwear, 35c, 3 for >l. Barnett’s. std U. P- Kent was here today from Sulphur Rock attending to business affairs. Monroe Phillips of Newark was among the business visitors to Bates ville today. Order groceires and feed from Co nine and save money. Cal) either No. 340 or 259 over the phone. Lost—Between 4. M. Gray’s resi dence and Judge J. B. McCaleb’s res idence, one embroidery bag and con tents. Return to this office. 2td lint Clear, Out- door Complexion comes largely from drinking such perfectly wholesome beverages as our Soda Water. So good in every way are they, that they can be drank as often as the desire, and that will be often after one glass. Try a case. Batesville Bottling Co. W. F. Hightower, who resides on Route One, was among the business visitors to Batesville today. G. B. Mobley of Bengay, Sharp county, spent last night in Batesville, returning home this morning. Attorney Sam Knight of Sulphur Rock was in the city today looking after legal interests. Frank Wright, a good citizen of Sulphur Rock, was in the city today visiting relatives and friends. George Mobley of Mobley was a business visitor to town last night, re turning home this morning. Henry Wycough was here yesterday afternoon from Salado transacting business with local merchants. T. E. Pickens was here yesterday and this morning from Maxville, transacting business with local deal ers. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Holding of Rox ton, Texas, are spending a few weeks in this county visiting relatives and friends, and will go to Cushman to day. They spent today in Batesville, making this office a pleasant call. Clothing Opportunity We will have on Display 1 1-3 yard length of woolens from the Royal Tailors DURING August and September From which you may make selections for your Fai! or Winter Suit or Overcoat. "Roys) Tellon" are author itative as to style and make of goods. Have us measure you for a suit or overcoat and your “fit" troubles are over. HIGH CLASS work Price Found—Pair trouserp near Road way just west of Batesville, by A. J. Brooks. Owner can find same at this office. We are prepared to take your measure for anything in the clothing line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Bar nett Bros. std L. R. Simpson, the well known Cushman merchant, was meeting his friends and buying goods in Batesville today. St Mary’s Guild will have a sale of Christmas fancy work the first part of December. Notice of date will be given later. 4td Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Magness of Magness spent today in Batesville, guests of County Judge and Mrs. T. M. Waldrip. Andy Lovell, a good citizen of Jamestown, was in the city yesterday ..f'.riioon attending to his business interests. Select your made to measure suit or overcoat from the Royal Tailor samples at Barnett Bros, and your “fit” troubles will be over. std E. T. Thomas and Ed Turner of St. I.ouis, representing John Deere Plow Company, spent yesterday in Bates ville, calling on their customers. Seven cars of Elberta peaches ware brought down from Cushman this morning and iced at the local plant and prepared for shipment to St. Joe, Mo. Wanted to Buy—Walnut logs 8 to 18 feet long, 12 inches and up in diameter. Also walnut trees in any quantity. Address C. W. Hunnicutt, Augusta, Ark. d3ot Rev. Noah Gilbert, formerly of Sharp county, but who now reside* in Kansas, was in the eity yesterday, tn route to Cave City, where he will visit friends and relative* several day*. Mont Ramey ha* resigned a* man ager of the Guion Mercantile Com pany to become traveling salesman for a St. Louis grocery company. He will reside in Batesville. J. W. WR liamaon succeeds him as manager. W. P. Johnston, one of Cushman’* good eitisans, was in Batesville today, being a welcome sailer at this o*ee. Mr. Tihartna. mke is a hhrkrißh says haih>towß<hMW piyi^ the MM wMk tarn imflemsaM. A. G. Gray, candidate for congress, arrived this morning from Quitman, where he delivered a speech Tuesday before a crowd of more than 1,500 people. He made a thorough canvass of that section of the district, includ ing Heber Springs, and says he met with a great amount of encourage ment everywhere. J. G. Bradford and family spent a short time in Batesville today. They left the northern part of Louisiana Monday morning and are en route to Texas county, Mo., to reside, and are making the trip in a Ford automobile. The distance from their former home BIG PICNIC —--77— - A T-~—- ' — McGuire’s Springs Formerly known as Ford’s Springs There will be a big time awaiting you at the Springs Saturday, August 7th Everybody will ba there for a good time, and that is what you will get. A big steam Nerry-Go-Round Is now on the grounds and will run nil day. Be Sure and Cooke in Louisiana to their new place of residence is 550 miles. J. Conway Hail returned this morn ing from an extensive trip through the west, and reports a very enjoy able vacation. He visited the Panama exposition at San Francisco, the ex position and Shriners’ convention at San Diego and many other points of interest in the west, also making a trip through southwestern Canada. G. T. Hay, who resides a few miles northwest of Batesville, was doing some trading with local merchants to day.