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© Wasson Lumber Co. Price Makers Local and 'Personal JOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 o 0 Tonight and Thursday rain. O 0 O JOOOOOOOOOOOOO Buy your dry goods at Edwards. ZINGO in 13 reels at Gem theatre. Fall styles in Ginghams at Ed wards. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jack son. today, a boy. There are always bargains in any thing bought at Edwards. B. M. Cross of Desha was a busi ness visitor to Batesville today. Suits made to order at Guenxel’s. Satisfaction guaranteed. Guy Edwards will go to Memphis tonight to spend a few days. We guarantee our cleaning and pressing. See Herman Guenxel. ZINGO in 13 reels at Gem theatre. Dress up at a small cost by buy ing your clothes from Barnett Bros. Palm Beach suits cueaned and pressed better at Guenxel’s. 50 cents. Sherman Smith of Pfeiffer was a business visitor to Batesville yester day. J. P. Bone of Sidney spent last night in Batesville with relatives and friends. ZINGO in 13 reels at Gem theatre. Wash Browning, a good citixen of Sulphur Rock, spent today in Bates ville. Bud Campbell was here today from Magness transacting some matters of business. Lost—Parasol, with rosewood han dle. gold band around handle. Finder return to Guard office. Evan Watkins of the Maxville neighborhood spent last night in Batesville. ZINGO in 13 reels at Gem .theatre. Vigor A determination to “get ahead" is found in every action of the successful man or woman. Vigor of body and brain comes principally from > the food one eats. Grape-Nuts and cream Is the regular morning ration for thousands who are “making good.** and who know that a clear brain and steady nenes are necemiy to wr****- Made of Wheat and Bailey. Grape-Nuts contains all of the ihsuc huiMing dement* of the pain* thoroughly baked, coucee* trated, and easily digested. “Thsrt’s a Ratoon” for Crapo-Nato Ud b, Gram. Q First Class Siding put on the house in the begin ning will save you endless worry, trouble and expense. With poor grades repairs are frequent and the outcome is more expense. Cheap lumber is the dearest in the long run. We always have on hand a complete stock of lum ber of best grades. For Sale—One holier and engine, one rig saw and grist mill. See W. A. Edwards. 2td2tw Take advantage of the saving of fered in the “Purebest” coupon in this issue of the Guard. ltd For Sale—At a bargain, a young jack. See Dr. Dorsey or Theodore Brickie. SEE THAT SOCIETY FEATURE IN 5 PARTS THURSDAY AT THE PRINCESS, "THE GREYHOUND.” Pay less and dress better by select ing your suit from the “Royal” line, now on display at Barnett Bros. 6td Mrs. Guy Adkins and children re turned this morning from Newport, where they visited friends a few days. If you want the best in tailoring at the least price, see the Royal line of pants lengths at Barnett’s this week. SEE THAT SOCIETY FEATURE IN 5 PARTS THURSDAY AT THE PRINCESS, “THE GREYHOUND.” My home on East End Heights for sale. One-half block. Easy payments. Call phone 425. John C. Dowzer. 6td Barnett Bros, will allow 10 per cent reduction on suit or overcoat order from the “Royal” line this week only. Wanted to Trade—A good $450 piano for nice pair driving horses. Address W. L. lenders. Batesville, Ark. Uw I^o. B. Jessup, after spending a few days in Batesville attending to busi ness matters, returned to his home at Truman last night. “GREYHOUND,” BEST 5 REEL FEATURE THE PARAMOUNT CO. EVER PRODUCED, AT PRINCESS THURSDAY. Ed Billingsley of Melbourne was in the city today attending to business interests and meeting his many friends. Mrs. Homer Edwards and Miss Nannie Weaver have gone to Little Rock to spend two weeks with their aunt, Mrs. J. Hunter. I gif 111 When Housework Tires and duties weary, stop and refresh yourself with a Nice Cold Glass of Our Soda Water You’ll find your energy re stored, your weariness gone. You can do this by keeping a case in your homes at all times. Order today from your grocer. Batesville Bottling Co. ZINGO in 13 reels at Gem theatre Ira Edwards of Poughkeepsie passed through Batesville yesterday, en route to points in the southern part of the state to visit relatives. “GREYHOUND,” BEST 5 REEL FEATURE THE PARAMOUNT CO. EVER PRODUCED, AT PRINCESS THURSDAY. Te young ladies of the First Meth odist church Epworth League have season Chautauqua tickets or sale. Buy yours from them. Pink Westmoreland and J. B. Boy kin, well known barbers, have pur chased the shop recently vacated by B. R. Oldfield, and placed the estab lishment in excellent condition. 2td A worthy cause may be helped along if you secure your season ticket to the Chautauqua from one of the young ladies of the Epworth League. ZINGO in 13 reels at Gem theatre. The Epworth League is doing a splendid work. You can assist the members by seeing them and purchas ing one of their season tickets to the Chautauqua. Mrs. Owen Kendrick of Cotter, who entered a local sanitarium a few days ago to undergo an operation or ap pendicitis, passed through the ordeal nicely, and is recovering. The picnic to be given by the First Methodist church Sunday school, which was to have been held tomor row, has been postponed until the fol lowing day, Friday. Wanted to Buy—Walnut logs 8 to 16 feet long, 12 inches and up in diameter. Also walnut trees in any quantity. Address C. W. Hunnicutt. Augusta, Ark. d3ot ZINGO in 13 reels at Gem theatre Clothing Opportunity ————■■■J We will have on Display 1 1-3 yard length of Royal Tailors From which you may make selections for your Fall or Winter Suit or Overcoat. "Royal Tailors' areSauthor itative as to style and make of ^oods. Have us measure you for a suit or overcoat and your “fit" troubles are over. HIGH CLASS WORK at a Moderate Price J. Conway Hail, manager of the Hail Wholesale Dry Goods Company, will leave tonight for New York City, where he will spend a few days pur chasing fall and winter goods. A good rain fell in Batesville last night and today. The downpour is said to have been general and extend ed to all points of the county,'reviv ing crops of all kinds. A new floor has been applied to the Spring r eek bridge just west of Batesville. The structure was in bad condition until brought to the notice of County Judge T. M. Waldrip. ZINGO in 13 reels at Gem theatre. Mrs. Charles Holmes and son, Charles Jr., returned to their home at Little Rock last evening, after having spent a few days in Batesville, guests of Mrs. Holmes’ sister, Mrs. H. H. Holmes. Hubert Holmes has secured a trans fer from the Cotter local and is now employed as brakeman on the Cush man local, the crew of which train does switching in Batesville and spends the night at Cushman. ZINGO in 13 reels at Gem theatre. Rev. George McKee will deliver a lecture at the Presbyterian church to night. He will have some interesting things to tell about his mission work in Africa and a general invitation is extended to Batesville people to hear him. In yesterday’s paper was told of the arrest Monday of Land by Marshal DeCamp. He escaped from jail here two years ago while being held as a federal prisoner awaiting grand jury investigation on a charge of tamper ing with the mails. Perry, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Carter, who was injured Saturday when he was kicked on the head and stomach by a horse he was driving, is oble to be up. For a time it was thought the lad was danger ously injured, but the wounds proved to be of a slight nature. ZINGO in 13 reels at Gem theatre. The finishing touches are being made to the new high school oteMtor ium, and the building will bo ready for occupancy by the time school opens next month. The exterior has been completed, and now the werit of wiring the building for electric lights is in progress, together with tai’s incident to completion. woolens from the DURING August and September Tom Johnson, who is camped on White river a few miles south of Batesville, has disposed of a very val uable peart to J. L. Evans, the gem weighing t’-enty grains. A few days ago Mr. Johnson decided to gather mussel shells, not being confident of finding any pearls, and was surprised to locate one of the prettiest gems seen this season. J. C. Fitzhugh Sr., who u spending a few days in Woodruff county look ing after his farming interests, sends two ears of corn to the Union Bank wd Trust Company, which are the biggest and best developed specimens of the garin seen here this season. 'But we are confident thaf many com munities in this county will equal if not excel this display from Woodruff ere the season ends. Owen Kendrick, one of the best en gineers of the White River division, is spending a few days in this city during the illness of Mrs. Kendrick, who is recovering from a surgical operation at a local sanitarium. Mr. Kendrick, or “Happy,” as he is more familiarly known to nearly everybody who resides in a town traversed by the White River line, is a confirmed candidate for the legislature from Baxter county. He is both capable of getting the votes and making a good and faithful representative, and his friends are predicting his success. G. L. Woolsey was arraigned before Mayor N. M. Alexander this morning and fined $25 for selling newspapers at the depot last Sunday morning. Leniency was shown the defendant and payment of the fine will not be required of him in the event he does Many Kinds of Rheumatism One Sure Mode of Treatment Authorities Say Don’t Use Liniments. Treat It Through the Blood. You Can’t Ruh It Out! Whether year trouble is Sciatica, Lumbago or the dreaded Articular Rheumatism, the answer is the pane. Tea must treat it through the blood. That io the only way to rid the ayu teat of uric acid, purify the blood and revitalise the aerveo. If the Hood is treed from impurities, Rhiemefiam must go. Thia in short to the exact knowledge gateed by the rismrah Ish oratartaa off tha S. i. sTCm. Ie Atlsn ta. Thore teste have haea stade fisr are ayjKysiTc tbo mmufadßio* blood Mazda Lamps, Elec tric Irons and extra cords, Extension core. Lamp Shades, ruses and other Electrical Goods. Mazda-Tung ston Lamps all sizes the best made. Terms Cash. J. C. BONE 1 not again violate the city ordinance which prohibits the selling of news papers in Batesville o " nday. Wool sey is news agent oi a passenger train, and last Si .^ay morning dis posed of some papers at the station here while the train was taking on and letting off passengers, Woolsey selling the papers after he had been warned by Marshal E. F. DeCamp not to do so. Improving Jackson Roads. Jackson county has purchased two graders and has already graded many miles of road. Both crews expect to . continue work all summer. Traction grader No. 1 is at Tuckerman, where ! it has been grading and surfacing . the roads of Bird township for two ( months, while tractor No. 2 has just completed work on the roads in Bate man township, west of White river, > and has been sent south of Newport ’ into Breckenridge and Cow Lake i townships, where Judge McLain says . the roads are only lines drawn on the t county map. All wooden culvertsand s bridges are being replaced by con । crete and steel. they originated, wffl relieve you el Rheumatism. Tako *.*.*> The complete recovery of thoussarit of su«erers by the UN of *. *. *. W a purifier that reetetee the bMLI revttalism it. ctesnem tt, makmjU pure as it wag b^ore it beMMM gtrm ft W JJr ...WWll