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World s Record Won 11 for the TENTH TIME " llnder woo fi J®®® I I "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy I B 1912 i»i3 (Captures the International Typewriter Qhampion* 1915 ship ONE THOUSAND DOLLAR TROPHY QUP Awarded for Speed and Accuracy I Annual Business Show, October 25,1915 OPERATOR, Margaret Bowen, WORLD’S CHAMPION 136 NET WORDS A MINUTE Ten successive years* official proof ofsupremecy reccomends the UNDERWOOD to first place in your business office VENICE CATHEDRAL NARROWLY ESCAPES. hmy Aviaton Hari Incendiary Ex pMtee am Ancient City and ; .Threaten St. Mack's. Teutonic aeroplanes Sunday night made two separate attacks with in cendiary bombs on the city of Ve nice, according to official announce ment. One richly deeorated church was rained, and St Mark's cathedral narrowly escaped destruction. A London dispatch states (iskub’s capture by Bulgarians was,admitted For High Class Job and' Commercial Printing « . . . .......... tsi Bod wak The GUARD has lever Been excelled % WE will keep up our standard of good printing and the best grade of stock. It might be well, Mr. Merchant and business man, for you to look over your stock of printing and see if there is anything in that line that you will need for the first. We will be able to get the work out on short notice and will AfpNchtt the Bums The BATESVILLE GUARD in a belated Nish message dated Fri day and received Monday. Fighting still raged yesterday between the French and the Bulgarians in the Strumnitsa region. Strunthitsa is filled with Bulgar wounded. French losses were small. Important French successes in Champagne Sunday are announced. A Berlin dispatch reports a French repulse, also the repulse of Russian attacks, and at one point gains on the eastern front, besides continued progress in Servia. Fighting on the Riga-Dvinsk front has broken out with renewed energy. Though they have lost heavily, the Germans have captured the village of Repe east of Riga, and have takqn lllouskt, northwest of Dvinsk. It is seen that Riga may fall, but the be lief is expressed that there will be a recurrence of the familiar dashing Teutonic advance. The general view is that the Germans are planning a final spurt before going in to winter quarters. The Austro-German troops have made further advances on the Ser bian front Only a small part of the crew of the German cruiser Prins Adalbert, sunk by a British submarine in the Baltic, was rescued. The cruiser car ried 657 men. NEWSNOTESof THE NATION e John Shay, aged 113 years, died in New Orleans last week. Riding a bicycle, Joe Edson, aged seven, was struck by an automobile and killed at Beaumont, Texas, Sun day. Using an automatic shotgun, Ray Webb killed his father, G. Webb, on the latter’s afrm near Waco, Texas. I Sunday. Seven members of one family were I instantly killed while riding in an automobile near Detroit Sunday. The car was struck by a passenger train. A big munitions plant will be erected in St. Louis. The concern is to fill an order for 120,000,000 worth cf rifles for the British army, it is stated. Four girls employed in a Pitts burg paper factory are known to be dead, eight girls are badly injured and others are missing as a result of >a fire which destroyed the building Monday. Robert Ray, a lieutenant in the German army, and .Waiter Scholz, his brother in law, are under arrest n New York City. They are believed to be leaders in a plot to wreck Am erican fhunition plants and ships carrying munitions. A vast amount of high explosives and survey maps of New York's harbor Were found in the nrisoner’s room. It was admitted that Fay came to this country to work out a plan to stop the shipment of munitions. Mrs. Elijah Dudley and her daugh ter, Minnie, were found dead Sunday at their home at New Canton, 111. The mother was dressed in white, and previously had selected her 'casket and tombstone. She had objected to her daughter’s marriage to a young man of the town. . Strychnine was used. A Brownsville dispatch says ban dits who attacked ar. intrenched United States infantry camp within six milea of Brownsville early Sun day evening escaped capture by more than 1,000 troops, rangers and dep uties who started in pursuit of them in half an hour after the flghL Two United States soldiers were slightly wounded. THE PRAISE CONTINUES. Everywhere We Hear Goad Reports of Deaa’s Kidney Pills. Batesville is no exception. Every section of the U. S. moounds with praise of Doan's Kidney Pills. Thirty thousand persons are giving testi mony in their home newspapers. The sincerity of these witnesses, the fact that they live so near, is the best proof of the merit of Doan’s. Here's a Batesville ease: Mrs. F. M. Noe, 563 Main street, Batesville, says: "One of the family suffered greatly from a weak back and the kidneys were congested. One box of Doan’s Kidney Pills brought relief.” Price 50c at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Noe recommends. Foster-Mil burn C 0... Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Sale of Stock. Notice is hereby given that I now have in the city pound one heifer, de scribed as fellows: One heifer, un marked; age about 3 years, weight about 500 pounds, color black and brown. , Owner thereof notified to appear and prove ownership of same within ten days from this date. If not claimed on or More Friday, the Sth day of November, 1315, same will be sold at public sale to the highest bid der for cash, at the city pound in the city of Batesville, Ark., at 10 o'clock a. m. E. F. DeCamp, Marshal. October M, 1016. THE MAk APPLE LIVER TONIC. May Apple is an old time liver medicine. Its active principle (Pod ophyllin) is sometimes called Vege table Calomel. In Po-Do-Lax May Apple is combined with other well known liver remedies, making Po-Do- Lax the ideal liver medicine. It arouses the liver, increases bile, does not gripe, has no nauseas and ong feels fine generally. Get a 50c bet- Suits Made to Order I My Fall and Winter Samples are on Display—soo of the Latest Styles to Select From—Suits From $10.50 Up. We Guarantee a fit. Leave Your Measure Today. For English Water-Proof, Slip-On and Balmacaan Style Coats From $6.00 to $12.00. * Mack Hardy, The Tailor Qlothes Pressed Cleaned and Repaired, will call for and deliver, clothes. All work guaran teed. Suits made to order. Herman Guenze! » 1 Ue, take a dose tonight and notice how much better you feel— yen can not afford to get along without Po- Do-Lax. “The Liver Tonic with Vegetable Calomel.'’ 50c. MiHMMIaEAn O» Pato and Sickly Tte OM StevOert seeerel elveeetbeelag toeW. onovg-eTAarnucsa cam tohic. drir« out Malarta^erMmaEMMdLoßSMmmieliw a uw looK. ror aduita....* •'■■Hlho