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Wasson Lumber Co. Price Makers Local and ‘Personal jUOUOOOOOOOOOO J 0 0 Tonight fair and colder, O 0 Saturday fair. 0 ) 0 , 0000000000000 Two cottages for rent. See J. C. Fitzhugh. Hats and caps to your liking at Barnett’s. New line of ladies’ suits at Ed wards. Special prices. New line of ladies’ siuts at Ed wards. Special prices. The largest line of fine neckwear in Batesville at Barnett’s. A great variety of goods at Jacob’s Variety Store. 2td New line of ladies’ suits at Ed wards. Special prices. I will make your old clothes fit and look new. Herman Guenzel. Aaron Taylor was here yesterday from Evening Shade transacting business. rW Bouncing Health and Active Brain come naturally with childhood, but in later years are usually the result of right living— ^l/ Proper Food Plays a Big Part^ Many foods —especially those made from white flour—are woefully deficient in certain min eral salts which are essential to life, health and happiness. To supply these vital mineral elements, so often lacking in the usual daily diet, a food expert originated Grape-Nuts This food, made of choice wheat and malted barley, supplies all the nutriment of the grains, in cluding the phosphate of potash, etc., required for the daily rebuilding of body and brain. Grape-Nuts has a delicious, nut-like flavor— is ready to eat direct from the package with cream or good milk, and is complete nourishment. “There’s a Reason” for Grape-Nuts —Sold by Grocer* Everywhere. 'Dressed Turkeys? NO. Dressed Lumber? YES. ALL KINDS Lowest Prices Esq. Jas. S. Toddy was here today from Jamestown meeting his friends. Send your clothes to Herman Guen zel, the tailor, for quick and nice work. Newt Huff, one of Jamestown’s best citizens, was in the city this morning. I have three first-class buggies for sale cheap. Come and see me. Buck White. 6td For Sale—Greenbrier country sor ghum made from pure ribbon cane. B. B. Conine. Received daily, shipment of north ern extra select oysters, at Otis Wil liams’ restaurant. 2td For Sale at the Guard Office —One good as new typewriter, so cheap you’ll beg for it. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker are today moving into their handsome new resi dence property on Harrison street. Price Campbell, one of Izard coun ty's best known and good citizens, spent last night in the city, return ing to his home this morning. Hot Drinks served as they should be. Only the best ma terials are used and they are blended with care and skill. We spare no expense at bur fountain, for our aim is to serve the best drinks to be had in town. When you are tired, thirsty or hungry, come to our fountain and try a cup of hot soda “the cup that cheers.” TERRY DRUG COMPANY Hot Drinks are Food Drinks James Mitchell of Evening Shade was in the city yesterday. New holiday goods arriving every day. Jacob's Variety Store. 2th We call for and deliver. Prices -ct-sonable. Mack Hardy. Phone 306. Best clothing for the price. Come in and let us prove same. Barnett’s. I Everything for the making of ! fancy work. Jacob’s Variety Store. 2 Eskimo wool shirts for men. Three collars in one. See them at Barnett’s. It is reported that in many sections of the county hogs are dying from cholera. Just received, a new line of holiday I glass and china. Jacob’s Variety I Store. 3td I I Cleaning, .pressing and repair work done on short notice. Clothes called for and delivered. Herman Guenzel. Trunks and traveling bags, any kind you want, for less money than the other fellow, at the Big Store. Barnett’s. Sheriff Lawrence Ruddell went to Washington township t|iis morning to look after some matters of official business. Mr. Man. if you have any thing to sell, want to buy something, trade or exchange, just call at the Guard and it will do the rest. Place your order now for Stone’s rich fruit cake to complete your Thanksgiving dinner —30 cents per pound at Barron’s. Phone 212. Ladies, have you realized it is only five weeks until Christmas? Buy your stamped linens, caps, gowns, etc., at Jacob’s Variety Store. 2td Call Mrs. G. Hicks and have her bake your Thanksgiving and Christ mas fruit cakes. Prices $2.50 to $4.50. Satisfaction guaranteed. Also Christmas candies. Phone 341. 4td For Sale—Gasoline boat, 4 feet by 20 feet, two-cylinder, double opposed 16 H. P. engine, fine condition, SIOO Barge 7 by 32 feet, S2O. Box 565, Batesville, Ark. j The Newark Journal this week states that Alvin Pickens of Bates ville has announced thut he will not be in the race for circuit clerk of In dependence county at this time. R T. Magness of Newark has sold his farm in Big Bottom to W. K. Knight of Batesville. The Journal says Mr. Magness will probably locate in the southern part of the state. J. S. Cunningham of the Martin Bros. Piano Co.. Springfield, Mo., will be in the city for a few days. He will be pleased to meet any one that la thinking of buying a piano. Call the Baker Hotel. tfd On account of inclement weather the football game between Arkansas College and the Jonesboro Aggies was postponed indefinitely today. These teams, it is announced, will play here Thanksgiving day. Deputy Sheriff Sid Clark returned last night from Little Rock, where he placed Mrs. Annie Smith in the hospital for the insane Mrs. Smith came to Newark several days ago end during her stay there was violent ly insane, being unable to give offic als any information regarding her place of residence or relative*. Attorney Earl C. Casey and J. P. Harris, telegraph operator at the local railroad station, went to Cotter this morning, where Mr. Harris, through hia attorney, Mr. Casey, has entered suit against a Mr. Eaton. Mr. Harris sold Mr. Eaton a picture show outfit some time ago, and alleges the purchaser has never paid for apne* and the mH will ** for the recovery of the purchaM griao. Ones Who Really Care The housewife that really cares what kind of food she serves to her family and guests will read this list over with a great deal of interest. Always Specify Califo Canned Fruits and Vegetables Few as God and None Better The following is a list of articles which we carry in stock.—Don’t be in doubt about this great question of food. It is very important mat jou get the very best. CANNED FRUITS VEGETABLES. PRESERVES, ETC. Loganberries (whole). Pumpkin. Raspberry. Red Pitted Cherries. String Beans. Blackberry. Royal Anne Cherries. Lima Beans. Apricot. Black Cherries. Tomatoes. Pineapple. Apricots. Sweet Potatoes. Loganberry. Peeled Apricots Corn. Peach. Sliced Pineapple. Peas. Ijuince Jelly. Grated Pineapple. g Beets. Pork and Beans. Muscat Grapes. Asparagus Tips. Ripe Olives. Yellow Cling Peaches. Long Asparagus. Green Olives. Don’t forget that when you buy Califo goods that you are getting the best fruits and vegetables that come straight from the fruit and vegetable states and are put up in lacquered cans. Buy Califo Goods for Thanksgiving JAMES A. HEARNS’ FAMOUS DRAMA With RALPH STUART And VIOLET HORNER “Hearts of Oak” Produced By WRAY BARTLETT PHYSIOC In Five Parts. This picture was staged at Lav. studio. New York, and has few equals. Coat of Hearts of Oak. I'eriy Dennison Ralph Stuart Owen Wilbur Hudson Uncle David Geo. W. Middleton Ned Fairweather Frederick Roland Old Luke Del DeLewis The Stranger James Fitzgerald A Beachcomber David Turner Crystal Violet Horner Aunt Becky Mary Vavarro Crystal (as a child) Ardine Stark Child of Terry and Crystal _ Baby Gorman Little Ned Jos. Moore GOOD ORCHESTRA MUSIC. ADMISSION 5 AND 10 CENTS. Hon. A. G. Gray spent a short time in the city today, returning to his home at Hickory Valley in the after noon from a trip through Izard, Stone and Fulton counties. Mr. Gray made speeches at many points of these counties in the interest of his candi dacy for congress, and he states he is very much gratified with the en couragement he has received. County Judge T. M. Waldrip braved the wind this morning and went to Cushman. His visit to Cushman was for the purpose of adjusting a con troversy which has arisen among citiaoM of that, place over eertaib changes that have Mm maids In a Vick Wilbur passed through Yell ville Thursday, en route to his home in Joplin from a short visit with his family in Batesville. Mr. Wilbur is engaged in the mining business in Joplin.—Yellville Echo. Miss Edith Layton returned Mon day from an extended trip through the west, during which she attended the fair at San Francisco, as well as many other points of interest. She also visited friends at Little Rock. Conway and Batesville on her return home.—Yellville Echo. Catarrh a Blood Disease S.S.S. Drives It From Your System Because Catarrh affects the nose and throat, causing sores In the nos trils. stoppage of air-passages and gathering in the throat, it has been common practice to treat Catarrh by lotions, washes and spraya applied to these parts. This mode of treatment la entirely wrong. It canuot give per manent relief, and it is liable to irri tate and aggravate the trouble. Ca tarrh cannot be trifled with. If al lowed to run on it will disease the bronchial tubes, settle on the lungs, the stomach —indeed it is a very se rious disease. Don’t treat it locally. The fact that it causes headaches is proof that it is caused by impure and diseased blood. The one treatment that haa proved effective in the treatment of Catarrh la S. S. S.. Coal and Wood Hard Coal Spadra Mine in Grate size for domestic pu - pose. No. 4 nut coal for magazine and base burner Illinois egg coal. Wood 18 in. at $2.00 per load. Landers & Son Phone 191 This week at Joplin, Mo., Will Web ber, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Web ber of this city, became a member of a motion picture film company of New York, and is taking the part of leading man in a society play now being filmed at Joplin. The play con sists of five reels. Manager W. L. Landers of the Gem theatre tells the Guard he will make an effort to se cure the feature for an early date at his playhouse, and young Webber's many friends here trust Mr. Landers will succeed in bringing the play to Batesville. it is the greatest blood purifier and blood tonic known. It relieves the cause of Catarrh by the process of re nourishing the blood, renew! •» Its strength and vigor, giving new life to the red blood corpuscles and > Emulat ing the flow so that it has the vitality to throw off the poison and germs from the system. It Is literally a blood bath. You quickly feel results. Headaches disappear, the gathering In the throat stops, the nostrils heal— before you hardly realize it you are well. S. S. S. is a natural blood tonic and has proven effective in the treat ment of all blood affections. Eczema, tetters, rash. Scrofula. Get S. S. S. at your druggist’s. If you need spe cial advice write the S. S. S. Co., At lanta. Ga.*