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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
Wasson Lumber Co. Price Makers Local and 'Personal joUOOOOOOOOOOO J o O Tonight, fair and colder; to- O O morrow fair and warmer. O J O )()<>OOOGOOOOOOO Nice new line of stationery at the Casey Drug Co. Korn, to Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Hal liburton, Monday, a girl. If you want to buy some mules see Homer Edwards. 4tdltw New line of ladies’ suits at Ed wards. Special prices. Phone No. 20 for Fleischman com pressed yeast. Two packages sc. ltd New line of ladies' siuts at Ed wards. Special prices. The largest line of fine neckwear in Batesville at Barnett’s. New line of ladies’ suits at Ed wards. Special prices. Best clothing for the price. Come in and let us prove same. Barnett’s. T on Johnson was among the busi n< visitors from Poughkeepsie yes terday morning. 1 have three first-class buggies for Sale cheap. Come and see me. Btfck White. Otd Marion Watkins was here yesterday from Poughkeepsie, attending to some matters of business. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Matheny of Little Rock aie spending a few days here with relatives. SEE A BIG FEATURE, "BREW STER’S MILLIONS," at PRINCESS TONIGHT. 10 cents. Charley Freeman of Bengay was in the- city yesterday and placed some cotton on the local market •BREWSTER'S MILLIONS” and CARTOON PICTURES AT PRIN CESS TONIGHT. 10 Cents. SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUART ERS! A REGULAR TOYLAND. JACOBS’ VARIETY STORE. 2td Fleishman compressed yeast makes better bread and buns. Two packages for ss. S. M. Moore, cash grocer. A BEAUTIFUL DOLL TO BE CD ENAWAY FREE DECEMBER 24 JACOBS' VARIETY STORE. 2t Mrs. Al Crawford arrived yesterday afternoon from Newport and will sp*“:d a few days in the city with her husband, who is directing the Princess orchestra. Toy Land Joy Land Santa Claus’ Headquarters The early bird gets the worm and the early shopper the choice selections. Suitable gifts for all the family. Toys, dolls, ornaments, novelties, stationery, decorations, handkerchiefs, ties and useful gifts to numerous too mention. Win the beautiful doll. Free chance given with every twenty-five cent purchase. Jocobs Variety Store ' Dressed Turkeys? NO. Dressed Lumber? FES ALL KINDS Lowest Prices H. C. Wilmuth, a progressive far mer of Strawberry, Lawrence county, had business in the city yesterday. Cleaning, pressing and repair work done on short notice. Clothes called for and delivered. Herman Guenzel. Mrs. H. 11. Holmes returned last night from Newport, where she spent Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. Avery. The Gem has a fine program for to night. See their ad, and you will lie present to enjoy the excellent show o lie presented. R. P. Lavin has returned to Poplar Bluff after spending a few days in Batesville, guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mrs. Rosebrough. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bickers left this morning for Pocahontas, where they will visit relatives a few days before returning to their home at Jonesboro. Dr. B. R. Woodyard, formerly of Batesville, now residing at Sidney, was in the city today, returning home from Little Rock, where he spent a short time. HOME WANTED, BY A BEAUTI FUL LITTLE GIRL. A LITTLE MOTHER PREFERRED.. FOR PAR TH ULARS SEE JACOBS’ VARIE TY STORE. 2td Bob Allen, secretary of the Little Rock club of the Southern League and son of the club's manager, spent Wed nesday in Batesville looking after some matters of business. Mrs. Jewel Pounders left last night for Little Rock, where she will meet her sister, Mrs, Sidney Maxfield, of Oklahoma City, who will visit friends and relatives here for some time. The Little Helpers will meet tomor row afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at St. Paul’s parish house for the purpose of packing the Christmas box and every member is urged to be present and on time. Mrs. W. 11. Wilsey of Poplar Bluff arrived in Batesville yesterday and spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rosebrough. T. D. Kinman of Newport is also a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rosebrought. A protracted meeting in the Metho dist church at Newark has just close I. The meeting was in charge of “Wi d Bill" Evans, the famous Texas evan gelist. and more than thirty additions to the church resulted. Allen Keith, an up to date and pro gressive farmer, residing on Route Two, sends the Guard a dollar with which to advance his subscription an- Hot Drinks I served as th v thouid be. Only the best ma terials are used and they are blended with care anti skill We spare no expense at our fountain, for our aim is to serve the best drinks to be had in town. When you are tired, thirsty or hungry, come to our fountain and J try a cup of hot soda “the cup that cheers." i TERRY DRUG COMPANY ‘ Hot Drinks are rood Drinks I other year. Mr. Keith is one of the leaders in his community, which is one of the county’s best. F. M. Thompson, who resides five miles east of Batesville, has sold his farm to a Mr. Rudesell of southeast Missouri. The farm is one of the best in this section of the county, and Mr. Thompson has resided on it for the past forty-seven years. He states he will probably locate at Magness. J. F. (Uncle Jim) Huddleston, who resides on Route Two. has advanced his subscription to the Guard another year with a big dollar. Mr. Huddle ston is one of the Guard’s best friends and has been a subscriber to the paper for a great many years. He states he will probably leave soon for Los An geles. Calif., to spend the winter. Hugh B. Rogers of Route Two helps the Guard along with two big sub i scription dollars, which are very much , appreciated. His father, ‘■Doc’’ Rog j ers, who was seriously injured a few j days ago when his leg became fasten ed between a wagon and a tree, is do ing nicely and since the accident the injured man has received visits from many of his old friends, who sympa thise with him. The box supper which was to have been given at the East End school building last night was postponed on account of the prevailing inclement weather. The supper will be given at the building tonight. The event is in charge of the School Improvement Association and the proceeds are to be used in improvements to be made at the East End school building. A gen eral invitation is extended to the pub lic to attend. Sheriff Kirtley arrived in Batesville Wednesday afternoon, having in cus tody, John Hutson of Evening Shade, whom he was conveying to the hos pital for nervous diseases. Owing to the killing at Poughkeepsie of Will Al»e by Constable Luther Norri. that afternoon the sheriff was forced to return to Sharp county, and Sam L. Evans of this city took Hutson in charge and accompanied him to Little Rotk. Hutson came to Evening Shade a few years ago, purchasing a piece Io fproperty near the town, and for a I long time has been under the impres sion that he is a scientist, directing , the affairs of the European war. Ver. । recently his condition became so bad I that officers were forced to take him in custody. Ones Who Really Care The housewife that really cares what kind of food she serves to her family ami guests will read this list over with a great deal of interes*. Always Specify Califo Canned Fruits and Vegetables Few as Good and None Better The following is a list of articles which we carry in stock.—Don’t he tn doubt about this great question of food. It is very important mat \ou get the very best. CANNED FRITTS VEGETABLES. PRESERVES, ETC. Loganberries (whole). Pumpkin. Raspberry. Red Pitted Cherries. String Beans. Blackberry. Royal Anne Cherries. Lima Beans. Apricot. Plack Cherries. Tomatoes. Pineapple. Apricots. Sweet Potatoes. Loganberry. Peeled Apricots Com. Peach. Sliced Pineapple. Peas. Quince Jelly. Grated Pineapple. Beets. Pork and Beans. Muscat Grapes. Asparagus Tips. Ripe Olives. Yellow Cling Peaches. Long Asparagus. Green Olives. Don’t forget t int vhen you b iy Califo goods that you are getting the best fruits and vegetables that come straight from the fruit and vegetable states and are put up in lacquered cans. Buy Califo Goods for Thanksgiving WARE FRISCO HORSE DEALS! Man Who Bought Dying Mare at C>ty Sale Now Wants Money Back. San Francisco. —David Harum had nothing on the city of San Francisco in a horse deal, at least so thinks Jo seph M. McKevitt. The following letter was received from McKevitt by Mayor Rolph: "Dear Mr. Mayor: At a recent municipal auction of horses I pur chased from the city one gray mare— price sls. I paid three dollars to have (he horse shod. In the street Superin tendent Sweeney of the Society for 'he Prevention of Cruelty to Animals told me the herse was in such condi tion it must be destroyed. 1 sent the horse to a chicken rancher The hal ter has not been returned. I ask that I be reimbursed the $lB I spent. Kind iy give this matter your attention." HUNTS FOR BIG GAME AT 99 “I Don’t Take Water From Any of These Young Fellows,” Says Spry Veteran. Portland. Ore.—Jeremiah Paulsell, ninety-nine years old, has taken out a license to hunt big game He claimed a free license by reason of his being a Civil war veteran. “I don't take water from any of these young fellows,'" said Mr. Paul sell. He was born in Hamilton. Ind., Oc tober 10, 1816. He enlisted tn the reg ular army In 1834 and saw service through the Mexican and Civil wars. He expects to go hunting alone. The “Old Man” Won. Smith Centre, Kan. —At the recent Smith county fair a feature of the racing was the free-for-all farmers' trot. Three generations of the Holmes family were represented by entries. They were Racon Holmes: bis son. Clarence Holmes, and grandson, Dick Holmes. The two young men had a plot fixed up to pocket the "old man.' but It failed when one' of the norsea broke. The elder "Holmes took the race tn straight heats. Storm-Scared, Admits Fraud., Houston. Tex.—His conscience aroused by the recent Galveston hur ricane, an unnamed Missourian' has made restitution of $2.40 obtained at the time of the storm of I*oo, when he falsely stated he was a victim and so obtained free transportation taii Palestine to Longview, Tag. Miss Lillie Jones, the Liitle Kock girt who Was burned several clays ago by a gksbline explosion, died Wedniro-. day.' State News Briefs W. J. Nicks has announced that he will not be a candidate for re-election as representative of Lawrence count ty, but will go to New Mexico for his health. Deputy Constable John Lee, aged 34, died Wednesday from pistol wounds received lately near Little Rock while engaged in a battle with cattle thieves. Reports of Arkansas state banks, for November 10. 1915, show the best condition that has existed since before the European war. deposits increasing and loans decreasing. All merchants and business men of Emerson closed their doors Wednes day and went out to build model roads for the county. About two miles of good road was constructed. Mrs. G. W. Smith of Weiner. Poin sett county, an inmate of the hospital : for nervous diseases at Little Rock, REPUTATION COUNTS Only whf n it's backed WITH THE GOODS. It rr? V- s no difference whether it is the smallest s^rew or tl e largest casting, our factory experts give equal ai'en tion. Ma 0 Assort What Wh Back th W th Facts The manufa Jv ers have been making ‘ WhiltS” for over 39 years. Du ing thal time more than Tw-u Million “Whites' have been sold. IPs Want You To Be Among Our Satisfied Users Latest design woudwotk, spec al set of nickled-steel attachments free, with each Two Ours and the F actory’s “Maxfield's is ; The ribuTh a”. " THE REST FOR THE M 'FT' ' committed suicide Wednesday at the hospital by hanging herseli. Elroy Walker is under arrest at Fayetteville, charged with burning the barn of S. H. Johnson. Four horses and three cows were burned to death in the fire which Walker is accused of causing. The Panama exposition is drawing to a close and the buildings on the grounds nre being offered for sale. The Arkansas building, which cost the state $25,000, has been disposed of for SSOO. De-laring that he jilted he:’ after she had made every arrange—ent for their marriage, and that he deserted her and married i>nother woman. Miss Nora French, who lives in S u'h Ar kansas. was granted SI,OOO in federal court at Jonesboro Wednesday against Marvin Cartwright, a merchant of Os ceola.