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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
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Wasson Lumber Co. Price Makers Local and 'Personal — ।oooooo o o o o o o o > o O Tonight fair, colder; Thurs- O 1) day fair. O » O ■O<»OOOG O O O O O O O For coal phone 191. Landers & Son Howard & Foster Shoes at Ed wards. National Mazda Lamps at “Our Store." V CHAS. CHAPIN PRINCESS TO NIGHT. Fat chicks and hens. Call at Co nine's. 6td. Wm. Andrews was here last night from Mobley. For coal phone 191. Landers & Son Chas. Chaplin also orchasera music. Princess tonight. Buy your dry goods at Edwards and get the best. Big line of ladies waists just ar rived at Edwards. The largest line of fine neckwear in Batesville at Barnett’s. Tom and W. M. Pearson were in the city yesterday from Floral. For coal phone 191. Landers & Son. Watch for the Methodist Bazaar announcement in tomorrow’s Baily It will be to your interest to attend the Methodist bazaar December 1-1. Mr. and Mis. Joe Browa of Alonzo were shopping in Batesville yester day. Joe Medlock of Poughkeepsie was in the city this morning marketing cotton. I am back in Batesville and will be pleased to meet my customers at Barnett’s. Dressmaking of the latest styles. tltd Miss Maggie Franks. I Who Lett The Door Open And Let Charlie Chaplin Come in Town Will be shown at PRINCESS THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY “Ambition” A FOUR REEL COMEDY Don’t fail to take Ambition to see “Ambition.’ This production was shown in the larger cities for 50c and SI.OO. This is your opportunity to see it for 10 and 15c. We will also show the manufacturing plant of the "Ford" ••THE LITTLE REBEL" A soul stir ing war drama, depicting life in the days of the civil war involving love and romance, featuring Gene Gauntier. In 2 parts. Musk by Crawford’s Orchestra 7 REELS 7 10 and 15c Our Lumber is made from the st might cst and strongest trees and every piece is strict ly up to grade. We are glad to furnish any quan tity you require. G. S. Jernigan of Mobley was in the city last night, returning home this morning. After an illness of a few days, J. W. Evans is able to be back at his store today. Wm. Bowers of Mobley spent last night in Batesville, returning home this morning. The president’s message to con gress will lie found on the fourth page of today's issue. Oliver Schales of Evening Shade sold some cotton in Batesville yes terday afternoon. The ladies of the First Methodist church are preparing a bazaar to be held December 14. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Bone of Barren Fork spent today in Batesville with relatives and friends. DISPLAY OF FORD AUTOMO- BILE FACTORY PRINCESS TO NIGHT. 1,000 FEET. Rev. E. D. Williams of Cave City spent last night in Batesville, return ng home this morning. C. O. Forrest, a druggist of Zion, spent last night in Batesville, return ing home this morning. C. P. Bandy of Cushman arrived in the city this morning to spend a: short time with relatives. Cal McHenry was here yesterday, from Newark attending to some mat ters of business interest. Do not fail to attend the bazaar to be held December 14 by the ladies of the First Methodist church. Wanted— A school teacher for Dis-j trict No. 39. Phone or write to W. E. Woodyard, Cave City. Ark. Harry Head, Tom Newton and Eu gene Bowen of Floral were among the business visitors to Batesville yester-j day. GIVE Practical Gifts H j ■ lave an excellent ’’ army of holiday । goods that comI) in e i beauty and utility. Cut Glass, Lea t h e r Goods, Toilet Sets, Parision Ivory, Dolls, and Toys. You can not find better gilt goods than these and you will be impressed with ou r reasonable I prices. I SHOP EARLY I TERRY DRUG COMPANY 11 W. c. Smith of Nelsonville, Sharp county, was among the business vis । itors to Batesville this morning'. National Mazda Lights, 10. 15, 25 I and 40 watts, 25 cents. Larger ones l on same basis. Weaver-Dowdy Co. John Mullen of Strawberry. Law rence county, was among the business visitors to Batesville this morning. * Cleaning, pressing and repair work done on short notice. Clothes called for and delivered. Herman Guenzel. W. W. Allsop, a merchant of Starnes Springs, was in the city this morning and made this office a pleas ant call. L. D. Holley, the merchant of Em ery, was in the city last night and this morning trading with the local dealers. Attorney Gilbert Richardson came up from Newport this morning to spend the day looking after his local interests. It will be to your interest to attend the Methodist bazaar December 11 b the ladies of the First Methodist church. E. A. Taylor of Shelbyville spent last night and this morning in Bates vllle, and was a welcome caller at tin Guard office. ''Uncle George” Davidson of Sul phur Rock was in the city today meeting his friends and transacting business matters. W. A. and Lonnie Brown of Alonz spent yesterday in Batesville looking after some matters of business at the county court house. W. N. Fortune of Cushman was in the city this morning, transacting some matters of business, and made this office a pleasant call. H. H. Luckett and family yester day moved from the residence prop erty near the postoffice to the Moore residence on upper Main street. Miss Lottie Halfacre, who has been ill several days, is very much im proved, which will be welcome news to the young lady's many friends. Mrs. Ira Anderson of Harrison was in the city yesterday, going to Cush man to spend the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Simpson. There will be a meeting of the Ep woith League of the First Methodist church this evening at 6:30 o'clock in the League rooms of the church. Elec tion of officers. J. S. Handford arrived last night from Fort Worth, Texas, to spend a few days in the city with relatives and friends and to look after his ex tensive business interests. A new grocery store has been es tablished in West Batesville under the management of E. A. Robinson. The store is located on Central av enue and is an attractive business house. The St. Paul’s Guild will hold a Christmas sale nt the vacant building Mow Mosby’s jewelry store Thurs day, December 9th, opening at 1 o’clock p. m., and will also serve hot drinks. Our Dennison line of Christmas cards, tags and seals is very beautiful and complete, and in addition to it, we have a full line of engraved cards, such as have never before been shown here. Terry Drug Company. 6td Yesterday several bales of cotton from Barren Fork were seen on the streets in Batesville. This season Batesville is the favorite market for farmers in a number of North Arkan sas counties. The local dealers arc paving top prices for both the cotton and the seed. Fayette Baker of McHue, brother of our fellow townsmen, R. A. Bake' Ones Who Really Care The housewife that really cares what kind of food she serves to her family and guests will read this list over with a great deal of interest Always Specify Califo Canned Fruits and Vegetables Few as Good and None Better The following is a list of articles which we carry in stock.—Don’t he m doubt about this great question of food. It is very important that you get the very best. CANNED FRI ITS VEGETABLES. PRESERVES, ETC. Loganberries (whole) Pumpkin. Raspberry. Red Pitted Cherries. String Beans. Blackberry. Royal Anne Cherries. Lima Beans. Apricot. Pluck Cherries. Tomatoes. Pineapple. Apricots. Sweet Potatoes. Loganberry. Peeled Apricots Com. Peach. Sliced Pineapple. Peas. Quince Jelly. Grated Pineapple. Beets. Pork and Beans. Muscat Grapes. Asparagus Tips. Ripe Olives. Yellow Cling Peaches. Long Asparagus. Green Olives. Don’t forget that when you buy Califo goods that you are getting the best fruits and vegetables that come straight from the fruit and vegetable states and are put up in lacquered cans. Buy Califo Goods for Christmas spent yesterday afternoon in the city 1 and left on the evening train for Lit- 1 tie Rmk. where he will visit his sons, 1 William and Henry, who are employ cd with an express company in the j capital city. The work of replacing the plaster- ! ing in the treasurer's office of the | county court house was commenced I this afternoon. Plastering will also , lie placed in rooms of the jail and pro- | bably other like work added to other rooms of the court house. The con- I tract has been awarded to Henry | Young. Hon. A. G. Gray came down this i morning from his home at Hickory I Valley, and spent the day in Bates- j ville meeting his friends. He will re ’ turn home this afternoon. Mr. Gray,, who is a candidate for congress, states he is meeting with the very best of encouragement throughout the district, and feels confident of his election. Many newspapers in differ ent towns of the district have had some very favorable comment for Mr. Giay, evidencing his strength among the people. BUY RED CROSS SEALS And Help a Worthy Cause. Buv Them at the Sign of the Cross. State Ct Ohio. Cltv nt Toledo. I Lucus County. f ”■ t'rark J Clem- makes oath that he 1a nlor partner of ihe firm of F J. Cheney Co , doing burilPM in the City of To edo. Coinitv and Stat - nforeeuld. and trial mid Orm will t.'‘ - sum of ONE HVNDKED DOLLAKS ' ■ ee. h and ev ery IS,, of Caferrh t’ v.ot be cured liv tne use U HAI l.'S* . 'ItKH CURE. FRINK .1 CHENEY Saoen tn bc r < re m. ,r.t suliscribod In n , । >eenee. tula Mb &U ° r December, A 1» 18St. (S an A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. I' Core Is taken Internally »r.| . . i * direeilv up .1 the blood and mu- ■« snrYn-ss of i . system Send for >•. Ur om o- ?”■ ■ . • J e-X"” A- I'o Toledo. O. r '1 'V cl, t>,|,Feists. • ■;,>.** ri's fl- ■ frw oonetlnß'lon Growing Tobacco in Arkansas. Some are predicting that tobacco culture may yet become a great in dustry in Arkansas. State Demon stration Agent C. W. Wntson, in a letter to the Little Rock Board of Trade, says: “The question of tobacco growing .« i (*|»or^-ed a •deal re For Ghristmas Your photograph it carries the personal thought of the giver; is sim ple, appropriate and although no greater obligations than the kindly thought it bears. Come today. J. R. LEWIS, Photographer Opposite Postoffice cently. and I happened to run across a farmer in Otuchita county a few days ago who has made a success of growing tobacco. He tells me that with the experience he has had in North Carolina and Kentucky, the quality of tobacco he has raised near Camden is just as good as, if not bet- Qlothes Pressed Cleaned and Repaired, will call for and deliver, clothes. All work guaran teed. Suits made to order. Herman Guenzel ter, than some of the Bur ey tobacco grown in North Carolina. I want to say to you that we are willing to do what we can to further the growing of this crop in the future, and if any one cares to take it up, we will be glad to do what we can in furnishing information.”