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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
nm Wasson Lumber Co. Price Makers ■ Local and 'Personal flooooooooooooooo 9° 0 ,fl O Tonight snow, much colder. O •fl O Cold wave, temperature 6 to O fl O 12 degrees. Thursday fair. O fl O O flfloooooooooooooo Read Edward R. Baxter’s ad in this ^^Baue. ^Bgjipring samples for men's suits at ^flflwards. ^■fE. F. King of Memphis, Tenn., is the city today on business. Edwards can please and fit you in ^^flring suiting*. E. C. Parsons went to Guion this Iflsorning to look after his business HUnterests. v* Let Edwards take your measure fl for your spring suit. fl E. R. Moore of Newark was among y the business visitors to Batesville ■ yesterday. fl There will be a meeting of the fl Eastern Star tomorow at 3:30 p. m. fl W. A. Robinson, representing a fl New York clothing concern, spent to fl day in the city. F" An expert tailor will be at "Our * see. j.' r j ( ( a y ant j Saturday, Janu- ^ rnrr ’ «5, with Strauss Bros. X** ‘othing. Our Lumber is made from the straight est and strongest trees and every piece is strict ly up to grade. We are glad to furnish any quan tity you require. Lost—White Collie dog. Finder please notify Guard office, or phone -394. H. P. Messenburg, a traveling man of Chicago, spent today in Batesville, interviewing local merchants. Have your old suits celaned and pressed and made new. Phone 22 or 306. Mack Hardy. Tom Simpson, representing Bar nett Bros., left this morning for points ip the White River line. See those samples of spring suits at Weaver-Dowdy Co. on Friday and Saturday, January 14 and 15. 4td Ed Owens was here from Sulphur Rock yesterday attending to business interests and meeting his friends. Fit and workmanship guaranteed by Strauss Bros. Samples at Weav er-Dowdy Co. January 14 and 15. 4t L. R Simpson, one of Cushman's leading merchant*, spent today in Batesville looking after business in terests. Albert Pool of Padgett-Pool Lum ber Company went to Newport this morning to look after some matters of business interest. Jeffery Dixon of Harrison, former ly a resident of Batesville, arrived last night to spend a few days with relatives and friends in the city. GEM Theatre Tonight Broadway Star Feature Hearts Ablaze In 3 acts, with Leo Delaney and Julia Swayne Gordon. Tom Mix Western Comedy, Music by Crawford's Orchestra. Sc and 10c F. E. Adolph, who has many friends in Batesville, is in the city today looking after the interests of Foley & Co., with which medicine concern he has a traveling position. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph moved from Batesville to Truman more than a year ago. Deputy Marshal Elmer Hinkle re turned last night from McCrory, hav ing in custody Henry Walker, a white man, aged about 35 years, who was arraigned before Commissioner J. W. Parse on a charge of selling whiskey. Walker was bound over in the sum of 4200 to await the action of the fed eral grand jury, and returned to his home this morning. T. D. Barnes arrived this morning from Heber Springs and assumed the management of the Fair Store, succeeding Dale Hickerson, who re signed to take charge of the Hicker son garage. L. C. Tyson, manager of the Fair Store at Heber Spring and J. W. Welch, manager of store at Carlisle, are in the city for » couple of assist Mr. Barnes tatters incident to taking j of the lo< al store. •ev. D. A. Allen, the well known iptist minister of Cushman, braved the prevailing bad spell of weather and drove down to Batesville this morning, spending the day among his friends in this city. He is busily en > this week in making prepara- • the meeting of the tndepend *V Baptist Association. held at Salado January An interesting pro- ' •epared for the oc- ••ed in Little ■ • name of formally ' 'n by । for, BUY WHILE CHEAP । KirachfcvrTbotha > mi h /y• X y H r I ■ jo / J IT ° ll 1 // iKi H 1 SHn I 1 j I IB I L H I I F ' r«_ : Only One String to: Our Bow * * ♦ Therefore we play only * ♦ one tune. The title of 1 ♦ which is • : Bread, Cakes and Pies. : J How well we have played ♦ ♦ this tunc is attested by the ♦ ♦ many satisfied customers we * ! have served in the past, and we J • hope to serve them throughout ♦ ♦ the New Year—adding many * * to our list. * • We greatly appreciate your ♦ • patronage, Thank you. ♦ Batesville Baking j Company Phone 235 J ♦ bcations, but the high » many endorsements h, and the fact that been represented •h, it is believed Laura But e at Pecan buggy- * n 1 death* ■ootieg- -e Dri- ame ». • «> * We are making exceptionally low prices on all Winter or heavy weight clothing & men’s furnish ings. All Nice, Clean Style Merchandise See us if you want goods at a low price. "THE BIG STORE'* . Respectfully, notice Os Meeting « Democratic County Central Committee. Notice is hereby given that a meet ing of the democratic county central committee will be held at the court house in Batesville on Saturday. Jan uary 22, 1916, for the purpose of nam ing date for primary to select county and township officers and for the transaction of such other business properly coming before the commit tee. Each committeeman is urgently re quested to be present in person and eliminate, as nearly as possible, party government by proxy. J. H. Jimmerson. Chair. Attest: E. A. Hodges, Secretary. At the Gem. Despite the inclement weather of last night, there was a large crowd in attendance at the Gem theatre, when one of the week's best programs was thrown on the screen. Tonight also will find a good offering at this popular playhouse, when four reels of the very best photo play talent will be seen on the screen. A very commendable and popular feature of the Gem is the music furnished by the Crawford orchestra. This excel lent musical organisation loses no PKitb the New 'Fear’s Greetings * ' .i : To old friends enclose your portrii^ Its the ideal remembrance, brriiiig) : its the next thing to a visit . { A ' : 1 J. R. LEWIS, Photoff opportunity to keep pi very latest productions < and during the day devo time to practice, assurin management the very besi that can be had, and servic* than pleases the Gem pa there tonight and hear the of the very popular “Houn’ On next Monday, Tues Wednesday nights, Manager announces there will be s performances at the Gem vaudeville acts, which are of best on the road, will be give nection with the regular mo ture performances, with no a price placed for the added att Special Assessment Sewer 1 No. 3. The tax books for the collect) special assessment upon th* pro. in Sewer District No. 3 ha* placed in my hand*. All owners of real property 1 in the district are required to the amount to me within 30 from this date. If such paymer not made action will be commo at the end of that time for the lection of said assessment and legal penalties and costs. Given under by hand this 3rd of January, 1916. 15td I. N. Reed. CMtoaE