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tiß Bly Wasson Lumber Co. Price Makers Local and Personal = 000000000000000 O ' o O Tonight rain: Thursday rain O O and colder. O O O 000000000000000 Edwards can please and fit you in spring suitings. Let Edwards take your measure for your spring suit. W. F. Kaneaster of Salado is trans acting business here today. We call for and deliver all work. Hack Hardy, phone 22 or 306. John Kelley is among the Oneal risitors to Batesville today. New line of men’s hats for spring, just in, at the “Big Store.” Barnett's Sam Deener spent last night in Mewport, returning here this morn ng. Barnett’s guarantee fit and satis kction in made to measure clothes. 3t The Royal Tailors’ line of spring uitings, just received, at Barnett Iros. 3td Jim Taylor is among the business isitors in Batesville today from ala®> , A handsome showing of woolen sitings, ranging in price from sl6 to 22. shown by the Royal Tailors at ho Big Store. Barnett Bros. 3td W. B. Smith, the well known at >rney, has been elected president of le Little Roek Chamber of Commerce hich has absorbed.the two former immercial bodies of that city. News From the Home of the Qoffee Bean Mr. Frank G. Carpenter, noted correspondent, writing from Santos, Brazil, said to be the chief coffee port of the world—in an article in the Los Angeles Timet of Oct. 30th. 1915, says: “The people here believe In coffe. They talk nothing else and as they talk they drink. They drink so much of this beverage that they grow sallow, and the muscles of their faces twitch continuously. When one of them sits in a chair, resting his toes on the floor, his knees bob up and down with nervousness, and the whole system seems as * i fileted with St. Vitus’ Dance.” Very interesting! And what, pray, is there in coffee that makes people sallow and nervous? The drug, caffeine—about 212 grains to the average cup—a powerful irritant of the nerves and delicate tissues of the body. Os course not everybody is affected so severely. But caffeine is a cumulative poison, and sooner or later it gets in its work with many users—slowly with some, faster with others. Is it wise to tamper with such a menace to health? By far the better way is to leave coffe alone, and for a pleasant, delicious table beverage use INSTANT POSTUM —the pure food-drink- Postum is made from prime wheat, roasted with a small proportion of wholesome molasses, and contains no drug or ;^nnful substance whatever— only the goodness of the grain. There are two kinds of Postum. The original PMhNU Cereal, which requires boiling; and las Mt Dostum, the soluble form, which is made in the cup with hot water InstMWy! They are equally delicious, cost about the same per cup. tend both are good for the nerves.* good for the general health. “There's a Reason" I dead two cent many M Fmm Corol Co., at Bank Creak. Mich., hr S<up sample th efMMMWIBBMmM Our Lumber s made from the straight est and strongest trees and every piece is strict ly up to grade. We are glad to furnish any quan tity you require. Don’t forget that Barnett Bros, are offering low prices on all winter weight clothing. 3td Frank Wright is among the Sul phur Rock business visitors to Bates ville today. T. H. Dearing of Newark is looking after some business matters in Bates ville today. (Jeorge H. Trevathan left last night for Little Rock, where he will spend a few days. We give away tickets for matinee each Saturday afternoon at the Gem. Batesville Baking Co. J. G. Hazelrigg, a merchant of Salado, is among the business visitors here today. If you want a guaranteed fit in a suit that really tits, let us have your measure. Barnett Bros. 3td B. H. Dodd, a merchant of Rosie, spent today in Batesville looking after business affairs. R. L. Bright of Memphis spent yes terday and today in Batesville, trans acting business. Dexter Lindsey, candidate for tax collector, is spending today in the city meeting his friends. J. W. Cochran of Evening Shade spent Tuesday afternoon in Batesville doing some trading. M. Hensley, a good citizen of Strawberry, transacted business in Batesville Tuesday. Ben and Bill Magness of Newark are in Batesville today looking after some busines smatters. GEM Theatre Tonight “Martin Lowe, fixer” Featuring Frank Lloyd. “Lizzie Breaks In to the Harem” Comedy. Featuring Victoria Forde, Lee Moran and Eddie Lyons. Was She a Vampire? Featuring Edna Maison and Alan Forrest. Drama. Vaudeville The Singing Terrells Complete Change in Program? Will sing The Blues and Par ody about the Buick & Ford. Music by Crawford’s Orchestra. 10c and 15c J. P. Morrow left last night for Newport and Tuckerman to look after his insurance business. Lee Chisam, a clever citizen of Salado, is spending today in Bates ville doing some trading. A. Lewallen transacter business in Batesville Tuesday, returning to his home at Calamine this morning. Bandy Rogers of Sharp neighbor hood spent Tuesday hire looking af ter business and meeting friends. Dr. C. E. Craig, who has been visit ing here for a few days, left Tuesday for his home at Evening Shade. J. L. Inman of Greenbrier township is spending today in Batesville. He was a pleasant caller at this office. F-I I I “r V • V y f" s * ■ i ‘ vsDB Tlrs mu —J Made-to-Measure ^CLOTHES GET that million dollar look by letting us fit you up from the Royal Tailor line. You Must get Satisfaction .•4 In Material, Fit and Price. ~See This Exquisite Line Os Spring Suitings. BARNETT’S Three new students were enrolled at the Batesville Business College yesterday, all being high school stu dents. W. G. Carter, a real estate agf't u. Little Rock, spent yesterday and to day in Batesville transacting business affairs. E. F. Gillip of St Joe. Mo., is here i visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sheer. Mr. | Gillip is contemplating locating in this | county. Mrs. A. A. Webbe- will leave for St. Louis tonight, having been called there on account of the serious illness of her father. Rev. M. S. Smith will leave this evening for Collins, Miss., where he has been called < n account of the ser ious illness of his mother. The Band of Little Helpers will hold a candy sale Saturday at 2:30 at the store of Weaver-Dowdy Co. Watch for the little girls. 2td Geo. Wyatt of Rosie, candidate for assessor, is meeting his many friends in Batesville today. He was a wel -une caller at this office. Judge Dene H. Coleman, candidate for circuit judge, is spending a few days this week in Jackson county looking after Ms interests. Fay No »—£••• ts fail. Sleet v Saw C O ON T let C ° ld stormy weather pre vent you from having drugs and other drug storegoods just when you : want and need them. Our Free Delivery Service is maintained for your convenience, and we want you touts it freely. Small orders rtecieve the same prompt attention . as large ones. mil Gem Theatre-Thursday Night WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS Theda Bara IN “The Devil’s Daughter” IN FIVE ACTS A A Modern Society drama, inspired by La Giaconda, by Gabriele D'Annuzio “As this Man has Done to Me, So I Do to All Men- Let Men Beware,” »■ 10 and 20c • PRICES • IO and 20c Coming in. Lady Audley's Secret, Two Orphans, Carmen and Sin. Jake Barnes was in Batesville yes terday afternoon looking after buai ness matters. He returned home this morning at Poughkeepsie. Ths Arkansas College basketball team with Ceaeh Quigley in charge will meet the Little Roek Tigers at the capital city this afternoon. J. A. Wilf, candidate for county judge, is spending today in Batesville meettag his Mends. He win leave tomorrow for his*'Some at Alonzo. J. M. Lusk of Oneal is among the business visitors in Batesville today. He was a caller at this office, renew ing Ms subscription to the weekly. The Band of Little Helpers will hold a candy sale next Saturday af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Weaver- Dowdy’s store. Deal forgot the lit tle girts. Md T. C. Mcßride, a substantfal tamer of Mount Pinsent, was fa Batesville Tuesday afternoon and was a caller at the Guard office, iriw wfag Me sub ecrip* . A. A, Webber ntanut th* umw fag fruta Newport* whteWbnwtoendbd the meeting I r* ****** Austin Wilkerson attended the meeting of the White River Develop ment Asaoicatten at Newport last night and remained in that city today, attending the meeting of the bank ers’ association. E. M. Lancaster of Temple, Texan, spent last night fa Bateeviße, gtmt of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Tborrtliws^* He left thia morning for potato in Stone county, where he will spend O few weeks visiting relatives. C. D. Metcalf, cashier of the Union Bank and Trust Company, went to Newport last night to attend the White River Development AsaoieallMt* mooting. He renudned fa Newport today for the fatehon’ scooting. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MeCtorty left last night tar Swifton, wfa»i» Ofay will attend the funeral of Mrs. Me- Oarty’s sister, Mbs Fannie taone. . h-~ ah -Wi- tfl fit wuO QBM UMFw TuNQm, RBuDff had many friends fa Bataev®* Wh ■ will regret sadly to loam of her faiedh. thSMigh Betaevine IdsiMlU^^w^^