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rrs’ilS • .. E SEASON OF ENDLESS DELKLitS I lur inose w»»o own and drive motor cars—the sea- X . .. v. K.g, rcsUi.l e cursions int* the great out doors; the opportunity for a replenishment of health and trergv. at a t e .....e i. r n» e • mg at u in.r<as;r.g t ■? ap pre ia pn■ f t c -yn-id arms ird »ei e'its of motoring. Not to own a motor cur is a disadvantage at any time Not to own tne now. and in the months to come, is to miss ycur sb;u ? in the enjoyment < f one of the rreatest privileges eve - gr.mted to manki.K --v e pr 'il?j e . i quick transportation; of plearant and economical recrea tion; of an enlarged social and industrial activity, and ot an endless opportunity to brighten and mahe mere ; leas ant the 1- ft - of th. se of your friends who, for reasons be yond their control, cannot own a car. The Buick Motor Company takes great pride in the part it has taken, and is now taking, in making possible a large extension of the numberless advantages, also, in the owners ip of a motor car so well built and with such capabilities for pleasant, continuous and profitable use as the Buick. GEO. H. TREVATHA?.’. Leal Agent Batesville, Ark. Catarrh Cannot De Cured with LOCAL AWLKATIONK tlxy cannot reach the *« at of t ..»• Ca tarrh Is a blood or conwiilutionMl an<) in order to cure h you must take in ternal remedies Hull's Catarrh Cure i« taken internally. Mini acts directly Upon th* blood and mucous bi i fac* Hal’s Catarrh Cure Is not a quad m< ui< w It was prescribe 1 by one of tl»e if*! ph) - ■ a regular prescription It Is composed of the best tonhs known combined with the best blood purifiers. «• ting directly <»n the mucous surfaces The perfect combina tion of the two mrre« let t« Is what pro duces such wonderful irsulta In curing cetsrrh Ken 1 f r testimonials, free. F. J CHENEY CO. Props.. Toledo. O. Bold l>y nrusatsts i»rtr* TSr Take Hills lai y PI a for constloation. This year’s crop of wild berries in Arkansas har been a record breaker. For High Class Job and Commercial j Printing ♦ ♦ and Book work The GUARD has Never Been Excelled WE will keep up our standard of good printing and the best grade of stock It might be well, Mr. Merchant and business man, for you to look over your stock of printing and set if there is anything in that line that you will need for the first. We will be able to get the work out on short notice and will Appreciate the Business r ! The BATESVILLE GUARD Strengthen Ohl Friendships With a new portrait, the gift that :: o exacts nothing in return, yet has a : :: value that can only be estimated in ; :: kindly thoughtfulness. i: J. R. LEWIS, Photographer Opposite Postoffice BO ARD OF IK \I»K BODY TO MEET TH I KSDAY SIGHT All members of the Board of Trade and citizens of Batesville are request ed to meet at the court huose Thurs day night, July 6th, for the purpose of taking up and discussing some im portant matters. ,M C. Weaver. President Board of Trade. The rice acreage in the Gillet dis , trict this year is about 10,(MM* acres , The harvest will be about ten days arlier than that of last year. Gem Thursday Ni^ht WILLIAM FOX Presents Samuel Ryan, Ruth Bla: r Clifford Bruce In C ; X ! »* Al BMUMi EOIRTM CSTATJ* ♦ “TAe Fc tr'h Estate” 'By Joseph MediU Patters m. 10 & 20 events NEWS EKOM LITTLE ROCK. < < Little Rock. July 4.—Six of the em ployes of the M. M. Cohn Company, । he well known dry goods firm, have i tcdei’ their country's call and en- i listed for service on the border. They i are Howard Elliott, who has gone to ■ the training camp at Pluttsburg. N. Y.; Peyton Smith, who will take the aviation course; and O. M. Powell. P. T. Trumpler, D. Griffith and R 1 . । Crimm, who have enlisted in Com pany E. The company announced soon after the call was issued by the president, that they would hold open the posi |.ons of any employe who desired to 1 enlist, and would also pay his sals y during the time of his service. In case of dependent members of the families of those who have enlisted, th. salaries will be paid them. Where the men have r.o dependents, the money will Lw sent to them as needed. I probably half of it being paid direct, nd half retained for them when they | leturn. "Bob’’ Butterfield, a well known banker of Little Rock, has a resource ful son of ten. A few days ago he was guilty of some mischievous act for which his father darreed that he I should be punished. But the lad I thought otherwise. He had l>een hear ing a great deal about preparedness and patriotism, and respect for 'he flag, and he resolved to take advant age of it. So he ran into an adjoin- I >ng room, seized a large American flag and wrapped it about him. de- I fiantly shouting, "Now strike me if I ><>u dare!" And what true American would dare? Fewer firecrackers and torpedoes I other noise makers this Fourth than in a long time. It was a red. white | d mux Fourth, instead of a noisy I Fourth. The Safe and Sane Campaign may have had something to do with I it, but undoubtedly there are other leu-ons I here has been so much patriotism all over the country that the supply was not equal to the de mand. And besides, there is probably a conservation of explosives on ac- I runt of the prevalence of war. Andi warfare would not be very effective without powder, and lota of it. — J. A. Comer, state chairman of the late progressive party, admits that the organization has become only a emory. He say. its members will return to the fold of the republican I party, but this opinion is not shared by all. HOT WEATHER RI LES. ' Ixiad lightly and drive slowly. Stop in the shade if possible. Water your horse as often as pos sible. .So long as a horse is working water in small quantities will not hurt him. But let him drink only a few .wallows if he is going to stand -till. Do not fail to water him at night after he has eaten his hay. When he comes in after work, .ponge off the harness marks and sweat, his eyes, his nose and mouth, and the dock. Wash his feet but not his legs. If the thermometer is 78 degre. s or higher, wipe him all over with a damp sjxinge. Use vinegar water if possible. Do not turn the hose on him Saturday night, give ■ bran mash, lukewarm; and add a tablespoonful of saltpetre. Do not use a horse hat. unless it is a canopy-top hat. The ordinary bell-1 shaped hat does more harm than good. A sponge on top of the head, or even a cloth, is good if kept wet. If j dry it is worse than iE>thing. If the horse is overcome by heat, get him into the shade, remove har ness and bridle, wash out his mouth, sponge him all over, shower his legs, | and give him two ounces of aromatic spirits of ammonia, or two ounces of sweet spirits of nitre in a pine of I wattr; or give him a pint of coffee | waim. Cool his head at once, usint cold water, or, if necessary, chopped ice wrapped in cloth. ’f the horse is off his feed, try him with two quarts of oats mixed with bran, and a little water; and add a little salt or sugar. Or give him oat meal gruel or barley water to drink Watch ycur horse. If he stops sweating suddenly, or if he breathes short and quick, or if his ears droop, or if he stands with his legs braced sideways, he is in danger of a heat or sun stroke and needs attention at once. If it is so hot that the horse sweats in the stable at night, tie him outside, with bedding under him. Unless he cools off during the night he cannot well stand the next day’s heat. PREPAREDNESS. If you will pay a visit to E. D. Cunningham’s barber shop they will prepare you for most any occasion. AU work strictly first class and your patronage is earnestly solicited, dwtf Harvey, Jess and William Brash ears, aged respectively Ml, 79 and 76, were in St. Paul, Madison county, a few days ago. They live near that town. JAKE YOUR HOME PAPER FIRST THEN SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT ARKANSAS' “HOME’ ||STATE{PAPER. Full and Complete Associated Prcssj'l elegr.iph’ Report^JDaily. DAILY ALL THE INEWS OF ARKANSAS, THE NATION AHO THE ENTIREAWORLD Complete Market Reports,^Sport News, E litortils on Timely Topicsjof Interest to You. Pictures of Current Events. "Mr. Jig£e or Bnnging|Up Father, and ManyjOtherJlnterestinglf' eatures Daily. 7 he Paper You Want The Paper You Need Delivered to Your Home Daily Before Breakfast For ONLY 10c A WEEK THOS. I. ROFFE LOCAL AGENT Prompt mid Regular Delivery Guaranteed. Your Order Will He Appreciated IBANKbyMAIL |-^|3oUTHERNr4?I »«tl TH AT ( uMPC^Y J , o soos.n WwW •- — v ~ wtusm EGGS FOR H ATCHING Hlark and WMta Orpingtons and • C Whlta Leghorn* -all pen* headed by pe’ie winner* heavy layers Purer reasonable Write for mating Hat and YOCNG’S POCLTRY YARDS •Tt n « ART. ARK. FRIT IO <*\ r GIB! I'* THIS X n The first girl answering thin advertisement will be given a full two weeks’ course with board and room. 1n MRS. C. T. McKEEH AN’S COOKING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. • • r ska baking and decoration. h« w t- serve < hafin dleh luncheons, and how t<* make individual Ice and nut cups Hrls are rsre<l for In the home Attendance Ie limited, ao write today for advance hookings to MHS. C. T. MrKKFHAW. HI” BpHaag Little Hoek. Ark. ki ?! F\fC‘ p C’C'T C«n all or your rruli- and • -«1” UlMvJ&uO I .table, that you cannot .«ll at a [J KA rr.m You will have mod f your । * /’At lINrTY winter food at little red and plen- tr" - 4L ■ 4 _£.>*' t' to «a!1 be.lde. Horne anned I ; AA A fl 17 a 'd« prop.rly prepared b-ln< I l/\IvL-l\ highest price, evervwher. Ton can 5 ON THE make ISno 0# or more every > n v I; F* k w-» canning for thl. trade either vour 1 r rl K-percentage 5^453.25 and t’p THE DIXIE QI EEN HOME CANNER l. endorsed by authorities and users every where It Is better because scl.atlf- Ically bultt to produce msilmum heat on minimum fuel consumption Tbersfsra can. quicker, better and cheaper FAWS, label, and glass Jars arrlsd In stock A posts! wtn bring booklet, prices and complst. Information DIXIE CWNER COMPANY. - - Itoi 429. Little Rock. Ark. S.SMSVSVVMMSSSMSSSSOSe i Qlothes Pressed i • • • * • — — - : : Cleaned and Repaired, will call for and deliver, clothes. All work guaran- : teed. Suits made to order. | • ■- ■ — i Herman Guenze! MOSQUITO FEVER. Mosquito fever, or malaria, may be greatly reduced, if not prevented al together. by using Rosa’ "Dead Quick” Spray in your home. It is common to hear persons now using this spray say they are never bothered by mos quitoes, and would not do without it. Sold in Batesville by all dealer*. Tenti, Awning, Hay Coven, Ce ttaa Hah Basks. Rubber Ba* wear. Bum BuIL fWrttu« (Ma Tss^kn. Lisp*, ntnburs aad l^ggtne Weu fer Hsusv *svisg iM»»n« TacW Bad I lifer Ca.. Tift Smith. II 1 A TREATMENT ■ gCClcy * or Liquor® MV w' and Drugs TMrlv-Sw rear. Mpenence sad sau.av -um. I Patwnu r—vlrvd day «od m»M C->n».pondenoa wmAiWutisl 1 -ag Dtstso.v Ph nr f» I UI Park Avaone HOT SPKINuS. AIUL NOTICE. On and after Saturday. June 24, I will close my barber shop at 11 p. m. sharp on Saturdays and 8 p m. dur ing the week. dwtf. E. D. Cunningham. Contracts for the construction of the municipal waterworks system at Harrison have been awarded.