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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
Some Good Reasons Why Merchants Should Buy From — ~ BATESVILLE WHOLESALERS THE RETAIL MERCHANTS of THIS SECTION of THE STATE ARE EAST REALIZING THE MANY ADVANTAGES GE BUYING THEIR STOCKS FROM BAI EM IL! E WHOLESALERS AND JOBBERS. BUYING IN LARGE QUANTITIES AND FAR IN AD \NUE O! THE NEEDS OF THE SMALL MERCHANT, ,ESVIkLE jobbers GET GOODS DELIVERED IN THIS TERRITORY MUCH CHEAPER THAN CAN THE MERCHANT BUYING FAR AWAY IN LESS QI AN 111 IES Ims ITEM OF SAVING IN FREIGHT ' JUNE IS A STRONG ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF THE BATESVILLE JOBBERS. ..... t , 1 . ESX ILLE JOBBERB HAVE HAD LONG E PERIENUE IN JUDGING THE W ANTS OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS SECTION. AND STOCKS ARE ALW AYS *7 D COMPLETE. BY MAKING PURCHASES NEAR HOME. THE RF iA’LER CAN REPLENISH HISSTOCK FREQUENTLY, THEREBY TURNING THEIR CAI UAL MANY TIMES IN A SEASON. AND ARE NO • ’MPELLED IO INY EST IN GOODS THAT ARE OFTEN KEPT FOR MONTHS IN STOCK. ™ V. 1 ,LLE IS CONVENIENT TO A LARGE T ISIRIBU : ING TI H ITORY. WHICH INSURES QUICK DELIVERY’ OF GOODS, AND THE BUYERS CAN 1,0 F 0 ?x,^ ET ” AND INSPECT PERSONAAIA TH 'I PURCH'SES WITHOUT HEAVY EXPENSE OR I ONG ABSENCE FROM HOME. ADING WITH BATESVILLE JOBBERS, "OU .NOT ONLY GAIN THESE ADVANTAGES. BUT 'TU ARE DEALING WITH “HOME FOLKS," PEOPLE WHO ALE YOI R NEIGHBORS, AND WHOM YOl KNOW ARE RESPONSIB! E AND STAND BACK OF EVER' TRANSACTION THEY’ MAKE. NONE Ob IHE PROFITS THAT GO TO THE FAR AWAY HOUSES HELP TO MAINTAIN OUR SCHOOLS, CHURCHES OR OTHER INSTITUTIONS. o _ w HE RE TAILER WHO STANDS BY THE PEOPI E IN HIS COMMUNITY. AND THE BATESVIL! E WHOLESALERS AND JOBBERS HAVE ALWAYS SIOOD BY I HEIR Cl STOMERS, WHICH IS ANOTHE ! ADVANTAGE TO BE GAINED BY GIVING THEM Y H R BUSINESS. Tinut. ever Y thing HANDLED B. A GENE’’'l MERCHANT ('AN BE BOUGHT FROM TESVI ’I E DEALERS AND THOSE ANNOUNCING THEIR RESPECTIVE LINES ON THIS PAGE ARE iHE I FADERS: Give the Batesville Jobbers a Chance to Save You Both Time and Money MANUFACTURERS OF IRON MOUNTAIN OVERALLS AND BLUE RIBBON SHIRTS Hail Dry Goods Company Wholesale Dry Goods, motions and Furnishing Goods Buy At Home- WE SELL TO MERCHANTS ONLY Save the Freight White River Grocer Co. Distributors of | Gold Leaf Flour | H. & K. and Maxwell House Coffee J. R. EVANS I Wholesale Grocer | Distributor of S. and P. White Rose pi Pride of Denver r I All 14 and Blu eßibbon > MUIU Dan Patch Special Horse Feed Goodwin Drug Store “The Old Reliable” FULL LINE of DRUGS Patent Medicines and Druggists' Sundries Batesville Bottling Ho. Mnfr’s and bottlers of high class “Golden Crown” Soda Water The Guard Appreciates the commercial print ing of merchants of this territory Batesville’s Banks, with Resources over i 1,000,000, and Successfully managed by Home =Men, are Firmly Equipped for Business Union Bank & Trust Co. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: D. D. Adam*. C. D. Metcalf. S. M. Caney. E. H. Glenn. Albert Sima. J. C Hail. J. C. Fitxhugh. J. H. Kennard. M. C. Weaver. C. C. Fitzhugh, J. W. Williamson C. W. Maxfield. The Bank that helps with service that satisfies. Wholesale Department Jobbers of Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Notions, Etc We guarantee our prices as low as St. Louis or Memphis and often lower, and save you the freight. Get our prices before buying Qasey Drug Co. •.r Wholesale and retail 51 DRUGGISTS Full line drugs and drug sundries - Phone 75 C. W. Maxfield Company Wholesale and retail dealers in FURNITURE Pianos,Sewing Machines,Stoves,Buggies Wagons, Implements and Machinery First National Bank Capital SIOO,OOO. Surplus $16,000 Only National Bank in Batesville. Oldest and strongest bank. We appreciate your patronage. -- - - Yeatman Gray Grocer Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS u , । ». r f । Call and See Us in Our New Location in Adler Building on Main Street Batesville Milling Co Highest Grade Flour, Meal, Feed of all Kinds Made at home from home grown wheat for home people. Keep the jobbers’ profits at home. “Our Best” and “Fancy Patent” Brands can t lie beat. Highest price in cash for wheat and corn. Terry Drug Co- Wholesale and Retail Druggists We appreciate your trade PHONE 161 Pabgeff-Pool Lumber Co. ! Dealers in LORBER, SASH AND DOORS Agts Certainteed Roofing, Lime & Cement —' Pease Lumber Co. Successors to Wasson Luml>er Co. V holes ile everything in Building Material The Citizens Bank & Trust Company Will appreciate your business We pay 4 per cent on Saving Accounts