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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
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"announcement^ Through the efforts of JANET McKENZIE HILL, Editor Boston Cooking School Magazine, and the world’s most famous domestic science authority, we are able to offer the “NYAL COOK BOOK,” made up of practical recipes that have been tested in actual use. The retail value of this book is One Dollar, but for a limited time we expect to give one book FREE to each family making a purchase amounting to One Dollar of Nyal’s Family Prescriptions. The prescrip tions are no experiment, but have been in use for years and stand out with open formulas for inspec tion to all. For further information phone 75 or call at The Casey Drug Co. ft c* Local and Personal 000000000000000 0 o O Tonight and Sunday unset- O O tied; warmer tonight. O ) O JCOOOOOOOOOOOOO Trunks and bags at Edwards. Goodyear tires at Edwards. Typewriter ribbons at Guard office. R L. Sellers of Oneal was here yes terday on business Why not let Rich figure with you on insuring your property? Miss Verl Pascoe of Newark was Shopping in Batesville yesterday. . When you use Goodyear tires you will never change. Edwards. Wesley Heed of Poughkeepsie was in Batesville yesterday on business. For best cleaning and pressing work guaranteed go to Guenters. Albert Kaneaster of Salado was in Batesville yesterday on business. Pupils wanted for private school, primary grades only. Phone 351, or see Mrs. E. M. Young. Sixty Yean the Standard BAKINfi ! mm Made from cream es tartar derived frem grapes. NO ALUM j OWING to the fact that we have no automobile agency, we can » give you fair and square service and repair work on your car, no matter what make. We have decided to concentrate our^time and energy to the garage business alone|and by so doing, we will be able to give every one that patronizes us the best automobile service to lie had in Batesville. We Sell ••Veedot** Cylinder OH„Try It. DE LUXE AUTO CO. Phone Otis Williams for fresh oy sters. Received daily. James Finch of Newark was a busi ness visitor to Batesville yesterday. ' Gus Ford of Cushman was in Bates ' ville yesterday looking after business. Miss Florence Owen of Sulphur Rock was in the city yesterday shop ■ ping. i Mrs. J. N. Lewis of Newport is in Batesville, visiting her father, John j Cook. ‘ A. L. Dunlap of Desha was meet • ing friends and transacting business in Batesville today. Gus Dixon of Mount Olive and Tom Itobson of Cushman were transacting • I usiness here today. Alex Bevens of Memphis arrived last night and will spend a few days here with his mother. Call pnone 20 and get a Remtico Paragon typewriter ribbon. Cost more but a gteat deal better. Cede Shaver left yesterday for Lawrence county. He will be gone . several days on business. Adlai Searcy of Desha was in town ■ today marketing cotton. He brought in seven bales at one load. Miss Ida Williamson, who has been visiting her sister at Marvell for the past month, returned home last night. J. K. York, one of the democratic nominees for representatives, was in Batesville yesterday with his family. On and after Monday, October 16. our prices for shaves will be changed from 10 to 15 cents. O. K. Barber Shop. Itwltd j Dr. A. N. Gaebler of St. Louis, who ■ has been visiting the family of S. B. 1 Wycough, returned to his home last | night I The Methodist ladies of Central av j *nue Methodist church will hold a bazaai d give a supper at Patter -1 son’s store Friday. std T. King, a good farmer of Mount 1 L i ant. sold cotton in Batesville yes .eiday, and returned home thia mom | ng. Mr. King enrolled as a sub ' • criber to the Guard while here. G-B-M THEATRE TONIGHT “LADY RAFFLES RETURN” Gold Seal Drama Featuring Grace Cunard and Francis Ford “THE JANITOR’S BUSY DAY" Nestor Comedy. Featuring, Lyons and Compson. “The Pipe Dream” Victor Comedy. Featuring Harry Meyers and Rtsemay Theby. 5e & 10c Seth Matthews, manager of the White River Grocer Company at Cot ter, was in Batesville last night. He returned to Cotter this morning. O. A. McKinney of Sharp,, Billie Taylor of Shelbyville, W. J. Pruitt and A. N. Hood, J. R. Phillips of Evening Shade were transacting business in Batesville yesterday. J. A. Martin and son, Jamie, made a business trip to Lawrence county the early part of the week, returning last night. The made the trip in an automobile, Jamie doing the driving. At the close of the day Friday, there had been 4,953 bales of cotton marketed in Batesville this season. This number is far in excess of any previous season the same date, and excellent prices have prevailed here since the opening. AT THE GEM. There will be an extra good show at the Gem tonight, a Gold Seal drama featuring Grace Cunard and Francis Ford, the universal stars. In addition to this great drama there will also be two good comedies. The management of the Gem has been giving the public some unusually high class pictures, some of which have been shown in other places at much higher prices than the Gem charges. Paramount pictures are in deed paramount, and these are among the plays being shown at the Gem. James Rose of Stone county recent ly captured a fawn on his farm, and is making a pet of tM little animal. Mr. Rose discovered the fawn in his pasture, and caught it when it became fastened in a wire ence. FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS •y Boag CoMtwitly Supplied With Thedford'* Black-Dnaght McDuff. Va— ”1 suffered for several rears,” says Mrs. J B. Whittaker, of hi* place, “with sick headache, and domach trouble. Ten year* ago a friend told me to try rhedford s Black-Draught, which I did, md I found it to be the best family medi :iM for young and old. I keep Black-Draught on hand all the ime now, and when my children feel a ittlebad, they ask me for a dose, and it Joes them more good than any medicine they ever tried. We never have a long *pell of sick les* in our family, since we commenced tsing Black-Draught.” Thedford’s Black-Draught I* purely vegetable, and has been found to regie ste weak stomachs, aid digestion, re ieve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, leadache, sick stomach, and similar lymptoms It has bee* la constant use tor more han 70 yean, and has benefited mor* han | million people. Ydkr draMt a«n* Md ■•commend* Black-DraMnt. Price only 25c. Geta tockaa* to-dar- tea NEW GOODS Arriving Daily Bought Before the Advance 0000000000 We (’an Supply Your Wants in the Latest Styles at Old Prices. ' 0000000000 Proclamation and Writ for a Special Election. Proclamation of the governor of the state of Arkansas for a special । election to be held in the various vot igg precincts throughout the counties composing the Third Judicial Circuit of the Satte of Arkansas, for the purpose of electing one Circuit Judge to fill the vacancy herein named. The State of Arkansas, to the Sheriffs and Boards of Election Commis sioners of the Various Counties Composing the Third Judicial Cir cuit in the State of Arkansas— Greeting: Whereas, a vacancy exists in the of fice of Circuit Judge of the Third Ju dicial Circuit of the State of Arkan sas, caused by the resignation of the Hon. R. E. Jeffery; and. Whereas, it is provided by the con stitution and lawn of the state of Arkansas that the executive author ity of this state call an election to fill such vacancy; and. Whereas, the sheriffs and boards of election commissioners are required by law to give notice by proclamation of the time and voting place* for such election. » Now. therefore, a special election is hereby ordered to be held in pursu ance of the said constitution and laws, in such cases made and provided, the same to be held on Tuesday, the 7th day of November, 1916, in the various precincts and wards in each of the counties composing said Third Judic ial Circuit of the State of Arkansas, for the purpose of electing a Circuit Judge to fill the unexpired term of. and the vacancy' caused by the resig nation o fthe said R. E. Jeffery, who will, when elected and qualified, hold office for and during the time of the unexpired term of the said R. E. Jef fery. resigned, and until his succes sor shall have been elected and quali fied according to law. said electjbn to he held at the same time and in con nection with the general election now provided for by law in said state; and. You are hereby commanded to cause said election to be held as herein di rected and to give notice thereof by proclamation throughout the various counties composing said Third Judic ial Circuit of said state. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the state of Arkansas, on this the 7th day of Oc tober, A. D. 1»1«. * » Geo. W. Hays. Governor. • By th* Governor: Earle W Hodges, Secretary of State. I j —w—w -ww-w Imost natural! > H * ? < ► To be sure are Portraits in * 5 ] [ which formality is cast aside. ; • Such Pictures are most * pleasing to yourself and • :: your friends. | ’ I I P I FWK f i U Opposite Postoffice } 1 Joe Duncan and family of Route 21 1 are in Batesville today, shopping. Mr. I I J : Important For All | | Save Money | | ; COME in and be convinced that we are preparedjto save money For You. Price our Hats,ll Dresses, Skirts, -Shirt waists, Hose, China, Glass, ; Notions snd Toys. It will be our pleasure to serve you. JA COBS RIE T Batsville, STOBE Arkansas I ci I Duncan advanced his subscription to the Guard another year.