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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
Build Up Your Body Fortify Yourself Against the Attacks of Winter’s Ills At the close of the summer season you are apt to find yourself in a run-down condition. With a season of sudden changes ahead, you should increase the vitality of your body to a point where it can withstand the attacks of cold weather ailments. T 71 N L 71 Q will provide the vitality which your body needs at this time. It feeds and nourishes every nerve cell and tissue of the body, puts rich, red blood in the veins and builds you up to the highest point of Good Health. Price SI.OO. Terry Drug Co. Phone 161. - - - - _ Free Delivery. < Local and Personal << oooonoooooooooo 0 o O Tonight generally fair; Wed- O O nesday unsettled, rain. O I O JGOOOOOOOOOOOOO Kandy feed at Conine’s. Goodyear tires at Edwards. Kandy feed at Conine's. Trunks and bags at Edwards. Typewriter ribbons at Guard office. Mrs. J. R. Avera of Newport is in the city today. FOR SALE—Two Al buggies. See Buck White. Phone Otis Williams for fresh oy sters. Received daily. Why not let Rich figure with you on insuring your property ? When you use Goodyear tires you will never change. Edwards. For best cleaning and pressing work guaranteed go to Guenxel’s. W. K. McSpadden of Mount Pleas ant was in Batesville yesterday on business. H. ,S. Vermillion of Little Rock is employed with the Westmoreland bar ber shop. a. FOR SALE—My residence and four lots, located in West Batesville. For particulars inquire at Western Union office. J. M. Price. ts CAWING to the fact that we have no automobile agency, we can give you fair and square service and repair work on your car, no matter what make. We have decided to concentrate our time and energy to the garage business alone and J by so doing, we will be able to give ‘every one that patronizes us the best automobile service to be had in Batesville. We Sell “Veedor* Cylinder Oil--Try It. DE LUXE AUTO CO. MMeHeeeeeeeHe^eeeM aeooeeweeeeewo MOST NATffIAL To be sure are Portraitsjin which formality is cast aside. Such Pictured arejmost pleasing to yourself | and your friends. I D I FWK LLa W lO} Opposite! Postoffice Ed Atchinson, from Oklahoma, is now employed with the Cunningham barber shop. WANTED—A second hand trunk, must be good size and cheap. Mrs. Blanche Jackson. 3td Call pnone 2C and get a Remtico Paragon typewriter ribbon. Cost more but a great deal better. Lucien Johnston, the popular shoe man. was a passenger up the White River division this morning. WANTED—Boy to do errands and work about house. Will give part of t>oard. Phone 298. LOST—Belt of child’s overcoat, be tween postoffice and Case place. Re turn to Armie Hodges. W. H. Brown of Sharp was in town today on business. Mr. Brown paid his subscription to the Guard another year in advance. Rev. J. S. Bone of Mount Pleasant, the oldest member of the White River Presbytery, is in Batesville today meeting friends and attending to busi ness. C. T. Conyers of Mount Pleasant was in Batesville yesterday market ing cotton. Mr. Conyers advanced his subscription to the Guard another year Mrs. Mary Jackson, formerly an attache of the Dorr, Gray —- John ston sanitarium of this city, but who now resides in Illinois, is a visitor in the cty. | W. M. Wilkins of Sharp was in the . city today marketing cotton. While I in town he called at the Guard office ' ■ and advanced his subscription for an- | other year. Cotton sold today and yesterday in Batesville from 18 to 22 cents, and cotton seed went to the highest mark I in the history of the town, bringing SSO per ton. J. G. Ogilvie, an old citizen of Mount Pleasant, died Sunday_j»t his home. Mr. Ogilvie was 73 years of age. He is survived by six children, one son and five daughters. J. L. James of Pleasant Plains sent ! a saddle to exhibit at the state fair i at Dallas. Texas, and was awarded i first prize on it. He will have it on i exhibition at several Arkansas fairs this fall. Ho MOSE BACKACHE FOB XEB Mrs J. M Gat*kill. Etna Green. Ind., writes: “I Ruffere-I from severe back ache and «harp pain.* I omM not stoop over. Foley Kidney Pills save me such । relief that I cannot praise them too hirhiy." This standard remedy for kidney trou ble and bladder aliments can be taken 1 with absolute safety. Bold by Terry Dyu* Co. If in need of a good typewriter rib- ' bon call at this office. We have just' received a shipment of the famous , Remtico Paragon ribbons. We have. ribbons for Oliver, Underwood and I Remington. Two new recruits, Will Snow of Cord and Henry H. Spangler of Cot- ] ter, have gone to Little Rock, to un- i dergo the final examination for enlist. ! ment in the state guard. One more | recruit is here now awaiting further instructions. Junius R. Case, the hustling presi dent of the White River Development Association, spent last night in Bates ville in conference with other officials of the association and the Batesville Board of Trade, returning to Ruddells this morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Murphy will leave tomorrow night for St. Louis, where Mr. Murphy will attend the an nual convention of the agency force of the Equitable Life Assurance So ciety. Mr. Murphy has earned this trip through his successful efforts put forth for the society, and it is the third trip of this nature that has been awarded him. cut tbis ovt-it xs woith MOWET DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out thia slip. mii lose with 5c to Foley * Co.. Chte*<'>. Jtl. writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial packace containing Foley a Honey and Tar Compound for bronchial coughs qJOI and croup: Foley Kidney Fills, and Foley C iWiirtlc Tablets Specially com forting to stout persons. Sold by Terry Drug Co. OF INTEREST TO MOTHERS. The committee on arrangement for the baby health contest, to be held in Batesville al Drs. Lawrence and Craig’s office on next Tuesday and Wednesday, the days of the agricul tural exhibit, desire to urge the moth ers of this county to plan to come and bring their children. All children from six months to five years of age may be entered. This is a rare oppor tunity for you to know your child from a scientific standpoint, and you should avail yourself of the splendid opportunity. There will be talks by physicians on subjects that every mother should hear and an exhibit of things for baby's good as well as the things commonly known as “baby killers.” Once again may we urge you to come and bring your littie folks, be cause the time and labor spent in preparation is for the good of the future citizenship of Independence county. Remember the date —October 31 and November 1, next Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. J. H. Kennedy, President B 1. C. Mrs. I. N. Barnett, Chairman Ex. Committee. MAKE TH MOST OF FBOSFEBFrT Every m«n should keep nt I bene days and make the moat of bls opportunities. No man can work hl» boat handicapped with disordered kidneys and bladder, aching back, swollen joints, stiff mue les or rheumatic pains Foley Kidney Pills pay for themaelves a hundred times over In health Improvement. Sold by Terry Drug Co. CANT DRILL INTO ALL. Pennsylvania surgeons propose to take the deviltry out of a boy by an operation on his skull. Alas, that boys are so numerous and the time so short between now and Halloween! —Cleveland Plain Dealer. SIN Reward. SIN The leaders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stagea. and that la Catarrh Hairs Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh bring a constitutional disease, requires s constitutional treat ment. Hall s Catarrh cure Ie taken In ternally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease. and giving the patient strength by building up th* conatltutlnn and assisting nature In doing Its work The proprietors have so much faith tn Its curative pow ere that thag nffer Ono Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Rend for Het of teetimoniala AM'Hi r 1 <HKNEV a co Teledo. O. nld .f all Itrwsgleta lie he Halt s Family Fl' • for ooaMlpaUem NEW GOODS Arriving Daily Bought Before the Advance 0000000000 *tl T T C We Can Supply Your Wants in the Latest Sty les at Old Prices. 0000000000 SEVERE PUNISHMENT Os Mrs. Chappell, of Five Tears’ Standing, Relieved by Cardni. Mt. Airy, N. C.—Mrs. Sarah M. Chap pell of this town, says: “I suffered for five years with womanly troubles, also Stomach troubles, and my punishment was more than any one could tell. I tried most every kind oi medicine, but none did me any good. I read one day about Cardul, the wo man's tonic, and I decided to try it. I had not taken but about six bottles until I was almost cured. It did me more good than all the other medicines I had iiied, put together. My Inends began asking me why I looked so well, and i told them about Cardui. Several are now taking it.” Do ycu, lady reader, suffer from any of the ailments due to womanly trouble, such as headache, backache, sideache. |ktplessneM, and that everlastingly urea If so. let us urge you to give Cardui a trial. We feel confident it will help you, hist as ft has a million other women in the past half century. Begin taking Cardui to-day. You won't regret it AU druggists. » to ChwtUnoor* M—iX’r. Co . Lad'M' Advioory Docx Chononuoga. Twin., ter onrow AM and 14 page book "Homo TroounoM tor Woman.'' mMw orraooai. MG. IM DOMESTIC SCIENCE SHOWER The Domestic Science shower, which was postponed from last Wed nesday on account of the rain, will be held in the Hail Auditorium next Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The invitation reads as follows: The Domestic Sicence Department of the S. 1. A. Invite you to a shower next Thursday. Money or a utensil please give. For without cooks we cannot live. Time 3:30 at the Hail Auditorium; Come drink a cup of tea before you make the home run. Don't forget the Domestic Science shower next Thursday afternoon. Help the S. I. A. do what Cabot, Harrison, Searcy and other towns in the state are doing, by giving your support to the Domestic Science De partment The Arkansas Kennel Club is a Lit tle Rock institution recently organized that is attracting the attention of dog fanciers al) over the United States. The first annual dog show of the organization will be held in the Arcade, building in Little Rock ItWillPayYou i • Well to Have Your ; Last Fall Suit Re* : modeled, Gleaned • and Pressed at a : Small Expense. : ♦ Herman Guenze! ? November 29-30 and the entries will j close November 18. Arthur Cates is Important For All | | Save Money | | QOME in and be convinced that we are preparedjto save money For You. Price our Hats,|(Dresses, Skirts, Shirt waists, Hose, China, Glass, Notions and Toys. It will be our pleasure to serve you. / JACOBS VARIETY Batsville, STORE Arkansas secretary, and the club will hold an nual shows.