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\ *° *" e " a PP ,ness ; ][\ । \ Os Your Home r- 1 Relieve the in miolhiv of long winter evenings. Liven up things with a VIQTROLA Your family and friends will enjoy the entertain ment which it will provide. Vjcil Solos, Conti c So ig*. M inologuei, and the World * Finast M Jiic, rendered by famojs orchestra* and band^ We h ive all the late records. Come in and hear somejof our selections, i TTDOV nPTTC »rn Bate»ville. Arkansas Jlj[\ [% 1 UlxkJ 'X 'LU. Free Delivery Phone 161 ,< Local and Personal 000000000000000 o 0 Tonight rain, colder; gen- O 0 erally fair Thursday. O i ® OCOOOOOOOOOOOOO Goodyear tires at Edwards. Trunks and bag* at Edwards. A. L Kaneaster of Salado is here today on business. Fresh live minnows. See Potts Baker or Brick Jordan. t>td Clarence Taylor of Salado was here today on business. Why not let Rich figure with you on insuring your property ? Chas. Buchanan is in the city visit ing relatives and friends. When you use Goodyear tires you will never change. Edwards. John Morrow left this morning for Rush to look after business. For best and pressing work guaranteed go to Guentel's. J. L. Evans of Mount Pleasant spent last night in Batesville. T. E. Pickets of Maxville is in town today transacting business. See those sample wool blankets at Barnett's Annex. Just received, ltd Elmer Hinkle returned this morn ing from a business trip to Newport. Mr*. W. O. Fike of Clarksdale, Miss., is in the city, guest of relatives. Pan Moore, a merchant of Newark, is among the business visitors here today, J B. Boykin returned this morning fb m Newport, where he had been on business. A complete new line of children s dr. 'cs, extra good quality. Jaeobs Variety Store. 2td ( ail pnone 2C ana get a Remtico Paragon typewriter ribbon. Cost more but a great desl better. W. K. McSpadden of Barren Fork was m Batesville yesterday transact ing business. WANTED—Wood cutters, as soon as possible. Apply to Hardy & Son. Good prices and good timber. A complete new line of children’s dresses, extra good values. Jacobs Variety Store. FOR SALE—One eight room house, all modern conveniences, close in; a barvain far rash. Tom Simnson. titlw •'MiKain ror casn. lorn owijmvw, ———— Our Service Cars We have just M«ven all our service carsja com; plete overhijlhit an I they are m p Tle/f j shape for the winter. We have in all. three cars^nd can therefore furnish you a car at any time, furthermore, we keep drivers that are experienced and, are thoroughly familiar with their car and NOT just some kid that all he knows is to “hold em in the road. Try us next time von want a car inhhejcity or out. DE LUXE AUTO CO. H. S. Maybre was a passenger on the north bound train this morning., en route to his home at Mountain View. FOR SALE A good home with ail modern conveniences, close in. and in i good neighborhood. Apply at this office. Mrs. R D. Williams and Mrs. Mary Younger were here this morning, en route to Tuckerman. Newport inde penden*. LOST Saturday, between Bates ville and Rutherford, a blue and red Mackinaw coat. Reward if returned to Glenn Metcalf. The W O. W. camp of Salado will unveil a monument in memory of John Walker, at the Egner cemetery, on December 3. at 2 p. m. FOR SALE- My residence and four ts. located in West Batesville. For particulars Inquire at Western Union office. J. M. Price. ts FOUNU A Masonic Chapter fob, attached to chain. Owner can get it by calling at this office and paying 'or this notice. LOST Pocket tiook. between the water tank across bayou and my louse, containing between $8 or $lO. Return to Guard office. Allie Hix. Prof. Sidney Pickens will leave to ocht for l ittle Rock, where he will ittend a meeting of the State Board it Education, which meets tomorrow. C. F. Buchanan .a good citizen of Sidney, is spending today in Bates-, ville. en route to his home from Lit , tie Rock, where he has been on busi-l ' MU. J. S. Cunningham, the Springfield ■ fiiano man, is in the city for several i .lays. Orders for tuning or new pianos will le taken care of promptly. At the Baker Hotel. tfd • If in need of a good typewriter rib bon call nt tins office. We have just r-ceived a shipment of the famous ’ Remtico Paracon ribbons. We have ribbon for Oliver, Underwood and Remington. Mrs. Barry Fry, an old and highly i .-steemed citizen of the county, died at her home cast of Batesville Tue*-, i day, at the age of 72 years. The re-1 . mains were buried at Palestine ceme tery. i Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey Weaver and i Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Holmes went to| Newport yesterday, returning last night, accompanied home by Miss ' Esther Neill, who has been visiting 1 friends at Newport. I Circuit Clerk-elect B. F. Adams of | Newark is among the business visit-' 1 tors in Batesville ioday. Mr. Adams will appoint a* his deputy Winfield Jernigan of Newark. Mrs. P. A, Burley left Tuesday for Tuckerman, where she will attend the golden wedding anniversary of Rev. ■ and Mrs. Umsted. Mrs. Burley will also visit Mrs. Gertrude Graham while at Tuckerman. Mrs. Lizzie Mason and Wade Denty of Newport were brought to Bates | ville this morning and arraigned l>e I fore Commissioner Parse on the ' charge of dispensing narcotic drugs, in violation of the Harrison act. Both i parties waved examination and gave । bond for their appearance at the De cember term of United States district court. GOOD WORK oi THE H E \THER Bl RE \l I ermer Citizen of thi County in the Service Telia of How Warnings Saved Much Property. 1 Too few people realize the great work done by the United States Aeather bureau, through forecasts I and warnings issued to farmers, and | to others regarding the changes .of the weather and the approach of . storms and the directions in which ! they will travel. [ The following letter from a former | citizen of this county tells how wai n । ings were received and sent out of the coming storm which swept a por tion of the gulf country October 18. Mobile, Ala., Nov. 19, I 'hi. Editor Guard After exp< icncing our "little blow” of 115 miles an hour on the 18th of last month, and realiz I ing as I had never before what such u storm means and the value of the . warnings issued. I am sending you a poem, written by Mr. Trautwine of | Philadelphia, Pa., one night recently after reviving a hurricane warning | sent out by the government radio I plant at Arlington. Va. Os the storm of October 18, we re ceived our first “advisory warning" at J o’clock on the morning of the 13th, ■ and at least twice each 'lay thereafter until it had passed inland and dimin .shed, we were advised of its move ment and its probable intensity. As soon as the disturbance had passed through the Yucatan channel into the Gulf .and it was apparent that the middle and northeast Gulf coast would : experience northerly gales, storm warnings were issued for the coast from Carrabelle tn Bay St. Louis, and all interests urged to exercise every i precaution for safety. loiter hurri- I cane warnings were ordered from New Orleans \o Apalachicola. The result was that these warnings, is sued at Washington by the weather bureau, enabled people to prepare for , the coming storm, and Mobile and ; other points weathered a terrific blow with comparatively little damage be l ing done when such, if unheralded, i would have destroyed millions of dol- I lari worth of property, not to mention 1 lives that might have been lost. In the face of such service what do you think of the man who says the weather bureau is a fake and that the money so spent is wasted? I»o you , reckon he believes it. or is he just ; talking? W C Hickmon. The poem, by John C. Troutwine, ‘ follows: The Plaint of a Southern Storm. Oh. big brother "Low’’ tn the wild and wooly west, i How goes it with you? I am do ng my best To serve jealous Zeus with l ingerMnd zest. ■ But ad is our lot. now that wireless is here; I They're "on to our curves," lie it stormy or dear- Oh. Jupiter Pluvius. shed a large tear! In the good days of old when the world was all free. We dashed thousands of innocents into the sea; But now with the wireless such things can not be. I parsed the Bahamas; the Gulf Stream I crossed. You come from Saskatchewan, whit ened with frost, ' We Joined hands together, e'en so we are lost. I For what can we do when man’s voice, is so strong, ( And his eyes see M far, and his ears are so long? I We clumsy old storms can but blun der along. We twist or we turn, we diminish or grow. ! We back or go forward, we rain or we blow; ' But they know what we’re up to each time, even so. For the Captain goes to the speaking tube near And whistles for "Wireless" to lend him hi* ear; Ki J -W 'tR « J Tall iitaey Lar kv Cww i Back Skort B auttd | HowtoSelectYourCorset | "TXECIDL first that your figure is individual , ; K 1-sZ that you need a corset designed for you. W Then look at the 9 Ideal Figure Types and rvv iiv Next, come to us and let us show you the many \ .* v n Gossards we have in stock in your size, designed r K for your idea! figure type. 1 ts * JK Then your f leev n is reduced to the amount V- ' Jr Thi. i. the W Thlrty-fi’-st Announcement and / / w Proclamation of Gossard Corset In rdJi in : . v . j .rr vJue, fin XV / ' I * w I r d*« Z u'.’ IJ Al ' r Ju. signers, which is rejected in the corsets. -4J \ U Selecting "aur Go ;ard here insures inn " ent er/ce. I Im Be f. "> d ’ y. A mode! for every fju: ..a J: ce ny I AM IBh /xS ■■H i / ■■■ Barnett Bros. Mercantile Co. 1 w - . 1 -s M KB* “Say. boy. watch that tropical storm, ' will you? Hear?’* । i 1 । ‘["Ay. ay. sir,’’ sajs Bill, and five min- E ■ 1 utes to ten ' He tunes up for Arlington, listens, | and then I He writes it down thus in his tight t i little den: “Advisory storm warning issue to-j ■ night , , J With signals from Tampa to Nan- r tucket laght; , PiaturbJnce increasing, storm not at । . । ita height. ' ' "Moving swiftly from Florida north 11 by northeast Isa dangerous storm, and the winds ' have increased, ‘ Ami shipping is warned to lie cautious , at least-” I i ' So Billy reports it all to the "Cap.” !' "Oh. ho.” says the Captain, “1 don’t ■ give a rap । For a storm I can watch clear across'' the whole map! “I'm going to bunk now," says Cap-b 11 tain to Mate. i “Just strer a bit west, and run a bit late; We shall make for Bar Harbor, and there we can wait." And the tale of this ship is not unique, believe me." It happens aboard scores of ships on ; the sea That are fitted with wireless, to foil you and me. And so it goes on. every night, every day, The vessels just scamper clear out of our way— i Can’t even get near them—it'* use less, I say. For what can we do when man's voice is so strong. * And his eyes see so far, and his ears are so long? Alas' we poor storms can but blunder Along. We twist or wc turn, we diminish or grow, We back or go forward, we rain or we: blow; But they know wha* we're up to, each time, even so. i TOOK TKE KVKT OUT OF MEM BACK Mrs Anna ByM. Tuscumbia. Ala. writes 1 WS* .town with my bacq so ’ I could not stand up more than half the time. Foley Kidney Pills took all of the hurt out " Rheumatic pains, swollen I t.hulder ailments Indicate disordered kid neys and bladder trouble. Hold b yTerry Drag Co. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •*♦♦♦♦♦*♦«•♦«* WHY DELAY j : I : • : I am already rushed with work. | : Don’t put it off, come in today and f ♦ have your work done and give me | : time to finish properly before Christ- | : mas, and 1 wont disappoint you. : ♦ L-L- W opposite Postoffice ♦ In Order to Make Room for Our Holiday Goods We Will Sell Ladies Hats and Skirts for 33 1-3 Per Cent Less than Price of Article Splendid Values and All New Goods. Make Early Selections for Best Bargains. JACOBS VARIETY STORE I — ,