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Newspaper Page Text
r । i Delay in Gift Buying May Mean : Disappointment THE Inst few days before Christinas are al- * I ways days of hurry and rushj Such conditions are ♦ ♦ apt to cause indiscriminate buying. A visit to our ; ♦ store now will settle all your gift problems. Your J J money will go farther here, because we bought in ♦ | large quantiti 'S and are giving our customers the ; » advantage of the saving. Extra help has been | provided so that you may be sure of prompt atten- ♦ | tion when you come. The early buyers get the J | cream, “Shop Early’’ : \ Terry Drug Co. | Phone 161 :: Free Delivery. ♦ Local and Personal — JOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O I O Tonight unsettled, rain and O | O colder; Friday cloudy and cold. O O cooooooooooooo A nice line of new ties at Edwards. Gibaon's Gift Dressings at K. Z.’s. ’ Nice hens and chicks. Conine s. phone 340. i Gibson’s Christmas Gift Cards at K. Z.’s. Why not let Rich figure with you on , insuring your property ? Gibson's special Christmas cards at K. Z.’s. , L. L. Johnston is abel to be up again after a short illness. , Roscoe Sullivan of Emery spent to day in Batesville trading. E. N. Milligan of Shelbyville is , trading in Batesville today. Nilook Pottery makes the most ac eptable of gifts. At K. Z.'s. Gibson's catchy and appropriate verse with your gift at K. Z.’s. For best eleaning and preening work guaranteed go to Guenzel'e. Nilook Pottery is a product of the ( Ozarks. On display at K. Z.’s. Luther Masey of Moorefield spent a few hours in Batesville today. Nice lot of fat chickens for sale at Our Store. Wenver-Dowdy Co. ts Tom Bullington of Dota is in Bates ville today looking after business. Make your gifts more attractive. Gibaon’a Gift Dressings at K. Z.’s. R. C. Baker, a good farmer of Char lotte is here today transacting busi ness. The finest line of boys' clothes in Batesville at the Big Store. Ramett Bros. std Every one seems to fall in love with Nilook of the Ozarks On display at K. Z.’s. FOR SALE—A good home with all modern conveniences, close in, and in a good neighborhood. Apply at this office. FEDERAL TIRES "The ‘Whitest’ Tire I Know ’-Guaranteed 3,500 Mi. 30x3 Plain Tread - - $10.35 30x3 “Rugged" Tread - 11.60 30x3 1-2 Plain Trend • 13 10 30x3 1-2 "Rugged” Tread - 14.70 Compare these prices with other popular JdresJJand then auk the man that is using Federals about the service they are giving. Sold in Batttvillt by— DE LUXE AUTOM J. E. Rosebrough, who has been ill for several days, is very much im proved. Mrs. Douglas Brooks of Prescott is; the guest of Mr. nnd Mr- Howard Terry. Bryan Foster and Roy Milligan of j Shelbyville marketed cotton in Bates ville today. FDR SALE A piano in good con dition Will sell cheap for cash Call at Gdard office. Workmen, save your clothes by wearing Union Overalls. For sale at Our Store Weaver-Dowdy Co. if Out of town customers will be quickly served by Guenzel. the tailor. I makin gdelivcries by parcel post. .Nice lot of Christmas turkeys for sale at Our Store. Hurry, they won’t last tong. Weaver-Dowdy Co. ts Sidney Pickens will leave tonight for Little Rock, where he will attend the teachers' state board meeting. J. L. Porter of Bethesda has been pointed by Presiding Elder B. L Wilford to fill the Newport circuit. Edwards have just received a nice line of ties. All the latest styles and eolora. Better come ami have a look. Why pay the new high prices for clothing, when you can buy them at Barnett Bros. Big Stare at old priecs? Attorney F E. Stein left this morn mg for Newport and Little Rock. I where he will spend several days at-I tending to legal matters. Suits, overcoats, mac kana ws, rain coats, pants and odd coats for men I and boys at old prices at the big store. Barnett Bhos. std Having engaged additional help, the ; Star Tailors nre prepared to serve: you with promptness, and the best workmanship at reasonable prices. Nilook vases, bowls, candlesticks and the like are pleasing in their sifh plicity and true relation to the caissic designs sen in museums. On display at K. Z.’s. FOR SALE—One four-room cottage and two lots. Nice sleeping porch, land house is practically new. Gomi j well water. A bargain for a quick sale. Apply to Jared Trevathan. Mrs. Jack Handford of Batesville 1 was the guest of Mrs. D. A Yancey, | en route to Piedmont, Mo., where Mr ' and Mrs. Handford will reside in the I future.—Newport independent. WANTED In every city, good, live hvstlera with horse and wagon or au i tomobile and with sufficient capital t ■ build up Buttenne route that will net good returns and own your own busi ness. Call at this office. 3td Buy your Christmas groceries from, "Our Store." Special prices for th,' holidays. Oranges, cocoanuts, raisins, 'He in t, asparagus, canned peas pineapple and ail other line- of fancy groceries. Weaver-Dowdy Co. ts Officer of the Bat, rille Board 01 Trade have received a letter from I mg receipt of d.ta furnish'd in re d to the act d and prospective tot) n..i ' along the White river from Batesville to Cotter. Mr. Dent say he will notify the Board of Trade in advance of the inspection to be made by government engineers of the ter ritory, with the view of reporting on the feasibility of completing the sys । tern of locks and dams. Deep-seated coughs that resist ordi , nary remedies require both external . | and internal treatment. If you buy a dollar bottle of B ALLARD’S HORE 1 ! HOUND SYRUP you get the two j I remedies you need for the price of [one. There is a HERRICK’S RED PEPPER POROUS PI ASTER forthe chest, free with each bottle. Sold by j Goodw in Drug Store. ' The city authorities of Little Rock I I have issued a warning to pool mem ' proprietors that any place permitting 1 minors to play, or allowing petty! , gambling in the pool hails, will be followed by an ot<Mr to cb -e such I 1 place. WHERE WOMEN RI I.E. Mrs. E. E. Starcher wax elected I mayor of Umatilla, Ore., recently, de I 'fiating her husband for re-election. Women were elected also to all other ' offices in the municipal government. , including four council scats, recorder! and city treasurer. In the next Oklahoma legislature there are three senators and one rep- I i resentative who were born in Izard j county. Ark. They are: Senators Rob •rt Burns, Oklahoma City; W. A 'Chase, Nowata; R. W Chase. Sem ' inole. The representative is Bert C. Hodges of Okmulgee. Heaitburn is a symptom of indiges tion. Take a dose of HE RBI NE tn su, h cases. The pain disappears in stantly. The bowels operate speedily I and you feel fine, vigorous and cheer , 1 ful. Price 50c. Sold by Goodwin Drug Store. Ben Pope and Hamilton Fine, rel j atives of Alexander Lasater. in whose I t rial at Van Buren this week the jury failed to agree, were arrested on bench warrants by order of Judge Cochrane. It is rumored the men ar rested have been suspected of tam pering with the jury, lasater was on i trial for murder. - Grass In Paper-Making. In England there Is a large use of a Spanish grass calle,! es|>arto n« n di luent for rag pa|HT stock In milking fine white papers. As far tmek as 1786 thistles were made into paper in England. In 17SM autumn leaves were made Into paper In France. In ItCS corn husks were made Into paper in England, part of which furnished the title-page for “Corbett's Treatise on Corn." Corbett having grown the corn. In spent tan bark was , made Into paper In England. In I<>4 an English intent was issued to Alex ander Brown, u Scotchman. for the making of pa|>er from ferns. In IMt2 stalks of maize and sorghum were made into paper. — - -•— - ■ A Wonderful Maze. At Waltham, M»m, there Is a maze which Is a duplicate of the historic one In the gardens of Hampton Court pal* | ace, near London. It Is a winding and confusing group of paths, bounded by high hedges; there are I.OIM trees which were planted In l»»t. The to tal length of all the paths Is about one-third of a mile, nnd the shortest path to the central pool Is about one- T fifth of a mile. It sometimes takes visitors more than an hour to find their way to the center; sometimes they give up and tall for help in find ing their way out. Tha Acceptable Time. Jack—Hang it! W hen I think of the foolish way I lost that 820 today. It makes me furious. I feel as if I would like to have aotnebody kick me. Ethel—By the way. dear, don't you think you'd better apeak to papa this evening!—Bootou Transcript. Literal One. “I understand you got a treasure In your wife's hand." "Not exactly a treasure, but we bought a new car from her bridge w Innings.'' A Heroic Poem. There Is no life of a man. faithfully recorded, but la a heroic poem of its sort, rhymed or uni Uy med. Ibourne Carly l* ^ZSEE = =1 Barnett Bros. F° r the Largest Assortment of I Holiday Goods V ) C x That has been shown in Bates- ( V *^ e yeaFS ‘ Do not fail to visit our Toy V d Department on balcony. SP. •; \L Prices M. ont'cTGLASS 0 * A AND 11 1G H xt ft Grade CHINA. jW 4^^ W • * * V* ' • Barnett s “BIG STORE” " Rl M \NI \N \RMY SAVES ITSELF. Reports from the field in Rumania slate the Rumanian army retired in order from Bucharest to the north. Apparently there has been no whole sale capture of prisoners by the Teu tonic allies. Petrograd's statement re porting th,- evacuation of Bucharest" and the rtirement of the Rumanians who were holding off the Danube army south of the capital, probably indi cates that an attempt was made to move practically the entire Rumanian force in the Bucharest region north eaxtward toward Moldavia, before the entrance of the Teutonic troops into ; the capital. It is indicated Bucharest | , was ataiut deserted when the Teutons I entered it. The city is said to have' i t<cen uninjured. The total capture of Rumanians by ' ihe Tsuton forces arc reported to have is cn lit) ow men. < oM' NDEIi! KNIGHTS TEMPLAR ELECTION At the stated conclave of St. Elmo Commandcry, Knights Templar, to be j ; held Friday at 7:30 p. m.. officera to I siTve the next year will be elected and installed. Sir Knights, do not ' i fail to attend and start the new year i with a good meeting. i 3td Geo. G. Roliertson, E. C. | I Gov. Brough has publicly declared | ; he will i^rdon no boot leg gers during , his administration. This policy will do a good deal toward helping to put the bootleggers out of business, or at least keep those convicted out of business for a time, at least. Frank Derbin, aged 13, of near Mel bourne, killed a large wolf last week The boy was armed with a .22 caliber j target rifle. He shot the beast in the head three times and then his gun jammed. He threw his rifle aside, grabbed a pme knot and beat the wolf to death. T - " Rlxte cf Ohio, ritv nf Toledo. I Lu>-«. County. I * Frank J Cheney mukn oath that ho la ranter pertner of the firm of F J Cheney a Co , doing bueiness In the City of To ( I. do County nnd Ktnt* nforerald. and that raid firm will pav I!- sum of OSE HCXFiRED nOELABH for each and ev . ,rv < sra of Catarrh t’.n' ■ mno* be cur>’<l by the ura of HAI I s < aT xHRH O'RF, FRANK J < HRNI T fiworn to before m« and euhecrlbed In I ev presence, this Sth diy of Pecemte'r, , A I> IBA i.o-ah A W <II.KARON. Notary Public I , Tlatfe Catarrh Cure la taken Internally i '-1 s tn dlrv'-tlr upon the blood and mu- j I ■•* surfaces of the eyetem. Rend foe . -ilrronlale fr*,- ' I 1 CH KN FT * CO. Toledo. O. I r ell I»rurglsra. TSc Tak* I lire Fa'nl'r rr a for eonctlpetton CHRISTMAS SALE. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will hold a Christmas sale at the Gem auditorium on Friday. De cember 8, beginning at 1 p. m. Lunch will be served throughout the after noon and evening. MENU: Country Ham Hot Biscuit. Potato Chips. Fruit Salad. Pickles. Jelly. Coffee. Tea. All For Twenty-Five Cents -6- w Santa Claus’ Headquarters toylaivd\ D iLLVILLE Appropriate Gifts for Everybody JUST READ THE LIST BELOW Mechanical Toys. Friction Toys, FuiinyToys,Speeders. Velosipedes. Imported Dolls. American Dolls, Glass Ware, Novelties, Jewelry, Fancy China, Toilet Sets, French Ivory, Handkercheifs, in Xmas boxes. TIES IN XMAS BOXES. Caps for boys and girls. House Dresses. Children’s Dresses, Kimonas, Shirtwaists, Stamped Goods to embrorider. Be sure to get your tickets on the beautiful doll and chest of tools to be given away Dec. 23for the lucky number JACOBS BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS 1 RI Nt H W HEAT SUPPLY. I'ani, France. The National Mil lers' Association after exhaustive in quine- announces that this year’s French wheat crop yielded 5,700.000 tons This amount with the existing stock gives a total of 6,400,000 tuna. As the annual consumption is 0,200,- 000 tons, the deficit to lie made up by importation amounts to nearly 3,000,- I 000 tons.