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. ~ . .. . I- ■ -- " - - — - - ' ONE MORE WEEK | You have one more week to do your buying before Christinas, —Barnetts Bargain Annex want to help you buy goods at lower prices. Your saving in this sale will mean a great deal to you by next Spring. Our prices art not advanced until you are told about it. You 1 Get The Cream When You Trade Here Get a Beautiful Telephone Calendar. Free as long as they last. 20 lbs Rice /. A SIOO Or 5c per lb. SEWING MACHINES £ls 00 and Up. ORANGES Plenty of Fruit for You $5.00 TRUNKS Now $4.50 SHOES! SHOES! When others price you shoes too high come to the “Annex.” Our prices are lower than the lowest. Quality is what counts and we make the price right. MENS SHIRTS Best Grade of Work Shirts 50c each UNION SUI IS Mens I nion Suits in all sizes OIL CLOTH Colored 20c per vd. White 22c. BED TICKING Genu nc Feather Proof 18c per vd. sis.oosui rs For Men Now $12.00 This Sale Will Save You Money. C ME AND SEE. Barnett’s Bargain Annex J Notational SUNWSCIIOOL Lesson (By E. O SELLERS. Acting Director o the Sunday School Courae in the Mood; Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, lilt. Western Newspaper Union LESSON FOR DECEMBER 17 THE HOLY CITY. LEMON TEXT Rav. 71:1-7, 72-77 GOLDEN TEXT l>hol<L the Über narlr of Go<l Ie with men, and he eh»l dwell with them, and they shall be hh people —Rev. a J. As we approach the end nt the year onr minds torn from the Imperial city where Inst we have nny authentic rec ord of Paul, to the eternal city it which he hns no long resided. In les son ten we studied Jesus Christ In hb resurrection glory, the source of nl power. King of Klugs and Lord o: Lords for the redemption of the hu man race. In Lesson 11 we studle* the gloriiied Christ who Is actually working through his churches is th« j representatives of his kingdom upot enrth. The nicceedlng chapters de scribe In symbols and pictures the dis cfpllne and training of God's peoplt during the long generations that fol lowed. In the lessou for today, w. have a vision of the Anal triumph oi Christianity when It shall have ac complished Its work of redemption It this world. I. Tha New Heaven and the New Eart? (vv. 1-7). John In vision saw the non summation of the work of Christian ity. the visible answer to the prnyei which Jesus Christ taught his disciple, to pray, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as in heaven.' Heaven, aa well ns earth, has been In j - vaded and polluted by sin. but botl i alike are to be mnde new. (I Peter 3 :10 11. 13). The true Jerusalem, of which Holomon's was but a type, is of hear i enly and divine origin. It comes dowr out of henven from God. We know nothing of the inhabitants of the uni verse of which we are a part but hers we have autne ecriutural Indication ot UNION MADE OVERALLS Per Pair $1 00 JEANS PANTS $1 50 Per Pair GINGHAMS 12 1-2 cents values Now 11c per yd. 9 lbs. Ground Coffee SI.OO GLOVES Malte nice Christinas present tor men HE AVY UNDERWEAR For Men 50c Garment BLE ACH DOMESTIC 7 8 size, 8c per yd. $7.00 TRUNKS, For si'>.oo Os 1 INGS Ail Colors m Outings. 8 to 10c per yd. mat piace wnere G«>u a children are u ' be with him eternally. The klngdon of God is among you. but It ia even tually to be with God and Jesus In i> peculiar and beautiful way. John't announcement came from out of heav en and out of the throne. (1) It was a tabernacle of God with men rather he shall tabernacle with men He Is to pitch his tent among us (Joht 1:14 11. V. marg ) It la to be don, eventually and permanently. Thit dwelling of God among us Iles at th« foundation of the blessedness and gio vies which are to follow. (2) They shall be his people. Israel had beet his people; all nations are to be hb people in the fullest sense. (3) God himself shall he with them, not only his tabernacle but he. himself visibly personally. (4) He shall be their God acknowledged in all hia infinite claims, and he to them all that God Is of love power, wisdom, holiness nnd glory (5) He shall wipe away every tent from their eyes. There will not be a single griet or heartache, unsatisfied longing or tear, for God shall wipe them away, nnd they will stay wiped away, (B) I tenth shall he no more i Os all the enemies, death Is the last i one which shall be taken from th. enrth. It Is sweet to know that tl*4» last enemy is to be conquered. (7) There shall be no mourning, crying ot (mln any more. Every sorrow, agony remorse, gl win, disappointment gone forever; death, tears, mourning all pushed away. It Is hard for us to com prehend the majesty and sweep of thia great nnd glorious promise. (See ) Cor. 15). 11. Ths Coming Light snd Glory (vv 22-27). The Intervening verses are a wonderful description of the founds tlon walls and gates of the city. Thera will be no temple In that city for It will not lie needed. Instead of the temple : which stands for the temple of earth there Is to be the presence of (Rm! himself. I>nt the lamb is also in the midst of It. Nothing can more force . fully Impress u|s>n us the deity and pre- j eminence of Jesus Christ, the atoning lamb, slnln before the foundation of the world. This city Is to he n city of light and gl >ry. It will not be an fl-. lumlnntion by gas nor electricity, for the glory of the Gird shall lighten It Summary. What are tbe lessons fat our day from thia vision of the new heaven and the new earth? first: j That the golden aue of the Bible list. I not yet taaen place. There are better Uti a to come than anything the world hi< yet seen. Second: We have here । tLe positive assurance of the success of our lender and the victory of Chris tianity in Its conflict with evil. Third: Tbe golden ideal of heaven is the means by which we can test our dnlly Ilves and the whole course of our con duct The question we should con stantly aak is. “Are we going to this heavenly ideal?" Fourth: The gates) of that city are op, • ; at angel la at each gate, and shall keep out all evil. God di-slres thnt all men everywhere I should repent, and is not willing thnt i nny should perish. When the tins! assize shall have passed, no one will way that God did not give him n chance nor seek to in spire him to a place of eternal joy at | hl« right hand. Again there Is to be federation ot' the forces of good. Ttwlay we tor. often find Christian people divided, j Invtaton. “And the Spirit nnd th> bride any come, let him that heareth say come, and let him that la athirst, come, and wk -wver will let bun inks I of the water of life freely." —— ■ — 000000000000000 0 » RELIGIOUS SERVICES O TOMORROW. O O O 000000000000000 Meat Batewvillr Baptist Church. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. i Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. P. Y. P. U. at 0:30 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend I ihesc services. First Methodist Church. I Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a m and 7:15 p. m. Epworth league at (1:30 p. m. A cordial invitation to all to wor- I ship with us Saint Paul's ( hurrh. Holy Communion 7:30. Sunday school and Bible classes 9:30 a. m. i Morning Prayer and Sermon at. ; 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer and Sermon 7:00 , | o’clock. CANVASS GLOVES 7cts. per pair TRUNKS A Carload of Trunks for You BROWN DOMESTIC 6c and Up FLOUR Best Prices on Flour CUT PRICES On all hoys suits McCALL Patterns PRICE ON FLOUR Rediftcd 2’h for this sale 3 Boxes of Matches 10c. GINGHAMS All 10c Ginghams, 8c per yd. A cordial invitation is extended to all to worship at St. Paul's. Presbyterian Church. Sabbath school and adult Bible classes at 9:45 a. m. Preaching by the pastor. Rev. M. S. Smith, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Senior Christian Endeavor at 6 p.m. Mir-week prayer meeting at 7 I o'clock every Wednesday evening. A cordial invitation to attend these services is extended to the general I public, and particularly to all visitors and strangers in the city. SOCIETY NOTES I (Edited by Mrs Jared E. Trevsthan.) — .Mr. and Mrs. Charles McClure and children of Little Rock will visit Mrs. I McClue’s parents. Mr and Mrs. J. W. ‘ Glenn, during the holidays — The Little Helpers are to be com plimented on their work done this .ear. Their booth in the Episcopal ladies' bazaar attracted much atten tion. The bird quilt that they have i>een working on is now finished, and will I* sent to a hospital for little hildren in Alaska The baskets woven by the children were especially inter esting. Mrs. Ed Ponder of Walnut Ridge will vialt her sister. Mrs Carter Fitz hugh. and other relatives next week Miss Lou Alice and Jim Rutherford will arrive in Batesville tonight, to spend the holidays with their parents They have been attending school in Tennessee. The Domestic Science department of the high school will not hold another meeting until after the holidays, whrn they will begin their work with re newed energy and zeal, and aceomp । lish even greater things in the coming months than they have in the few 51b. REMNANTS In Rolls SI.OO SWEATERS For Men and Women 50c Each $3 00 TRUNKS Now $2.50 SUGAR See Us for Christinas SuMar. WOOL HOSE For Ladies, 25c per pair $8.50 I RUNKS, $8 00 Each RAINCOATS $3.00 Raincoats. $2.50 TIES: 1 arge Assortment of Christmas I ies FLOUR IN W(K)D BARRELS Buy Lard Here past since the department was organ ' 1 ized. j । i 1 John Pickett Ferrill. who has been 1 attending school at Sucwanee, 1 • i . I will arrive in Batesville tonight, to ! spend the holidays with his parents. ■ A number of young ladies attending Galloway College at Searcy, will ar- ■ rive next week, to spend the holidays at home. Misses Lois Wiggins and Cecile Shelby, students at Central College, Conway, will arrive home next week, to pend the holidays. 'r. and Mi Porter Taylor of Le ba- non. Tenn, will tie guests of Mr. ami Mr*. Jared Trevathan during the holidays. An open session of Lee Literary Society was held Tuesday evening at 7:”n d Hail Auditorium, when 'he f >1 'owing piograni was rendered: I i .no ro|o, Gladys Burge. Declan ation, Bill Carter. Original psjwr. Esta Bradley. S< ng. Midget Glee Club. R ling. Elornece Wood Dt-lamaHon, Rillie Brady. S. : ■. Eighth Grade Glee Club. Re ding. Juanits Ogden Cur tent events, Florence Jenkins, i । Sot s. Ninth find Tenth Grade Glee ; club. Mothers' < allure ( lub The 'wginning of a new era for Batesville was the culmination of the efforts of three of the most cultured ladies, combined with a few ladle l local!;. In bringing to pass an organ ization to be known as the "Mothers' Culture Club." Pursuant to all of Mrs. I A. Mun. 'm, Ie ler es this trio nt ladies who have presented Drdker's Self-Culture | in Batesville during the past ten days twenty-five of the mem tiers assembled •n Hail *uditorium f>r the purpose of perfecting the organization. Mra. Munden presided in a very beautiful manner and presented thoughts that are dear to the heart of every true mother. The main objects of this or ganization is to bring about a better relationship between the home and the school; to promote culture in oui homes, and to co-operate in any ar I all movements that have for their ob ject the betterment of social and com mercial conditions. Following Mrs. Munden’s beautiful and inspiring address, she conduct' d the election, when the following wcr< elected for the year: President. Mrs. I. N. Barnett; Vb‘ president, Mrs. W P. Jones;. Mr- Nathan Adler; recording secretary. Mrs. Elmer Hinkle; corresponding s< retary. Mrs. (). J. T. Johnston; trea urer. Mrs. B. L. Wilford The following standing committ" were appointed: Picture Show .Mesdames Thoma and Reeder. Preea- Maadames Barron and W Albright. Program Mesdames Frank Perrin. R. S. Handford. Mclntosh. F. H Glenn and George Meeks. Music Mesdames Will Hardy. " ford. Jones and Reeder. The program for the second Mo' day afternoon in January is M fo' 1 lows: i ’’Come. I?rt Us Live With Our <hi dren." Paper. “What Constitutes a Moder Good Mother?” by Mrs. Cole. Reading from Section 9. page Ifid. and draw a moral. “The Calf Path. Mrs. Moseley Reading from Section 9, p«g'' *”• She Was a Phantom of f'elight.' by Mrs. Frank Gray. Reading, Section 9. page 101, “Ma: i age," by Mrs. Wilford Reading. Sectioh 5, page 150. Th l " College Woman.” Mrs E H Glorm I Song. Section 1. page 221, "Spea< Gently," by music committee. The seeond and fourth Mondays in the month were chosen as meeting days in the Hail Auditorium.