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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
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MACHINERY REPAIR BOKh p- -p I Our Machine Stop Is at your service RANK by toy or ui^ht W r have the most com MM w TH g •lately equipped plant in Arkansas | writi Wi™ _ *.».•*„ Southern zT •* broke, aMektaery. *w«t TRUST COMPANY T\_> AHMAMSA* KOI RORY CO. MXMUXT TmTjX (Su.c-awra to Thorn.. Fordyce MU X’ 9 Co .nd E C Wehrtrlts Machtn.ry Z22S2J LITTLK HOC HARK and Supply Co.). Little Keek. Ark. STUDY AT HOME. For the benefit of thoee whu are not able to pursue Cbeir studies in residence at a college or university, the ' nhef»it> of Yrkansa* In now offering correspondence courses In agriculture. engineering, n rtnal work, and the liberal arts, including English and foreign languages, history, political economy, mathematics, physical and natural sciences, etc Correspondence courses are of especial value to students preparing for col k^e or prc»fessional schools, college students a ho are unable to be in residence i continuously teachers in the public schools who wish to advance in their pro fession. members of women's clubs mechanics, artisan* draftsmen and other wage earners wishing to Increase their rffleisney in their special line of work Assignments are worked out by the student, sent in to tbs instructor at the University, and corrected and returned by him Full oollege credit towards a degree is granted to correspondence students who successfully complete courses of college grade Many persons are thus able to shorten the time for graduation, and to lake vocational or college work while attending to their customary busmens For terms, bulletins, descriptions of courses, etc., address the SWIIION OF COHREftPOWEM K STUDY, |\IVKRSHY AKHAYIAB. Fayetteville. Arhaaaaa. ■ TREATMENT f° r Liquors Ma * and Drugs rut »p«i»ce am. THE UNION TRURT COMPANY of Little Hork 4 per ««■< Interest, payable ermi-aaaaaUr. •• aariace drpo.K. Capital and barplaa. SSOo.issloO INION TRUST COMPANY MOORHKAII WRIGHT. President Little Reek, Ark. THE LYONS MEAL MILL The Lyons Mill should be in the possession of every fanner wao grows grain of any kind. It is invaluable to him. W hether to make fine meal for his table, or buckwheat or Graluun flour, or to make feed for his stock, there is nothing equal to the Lyons. With a flour bolter attachment (extra) the Lyons Mill makes a high grade whole wheat flour. That is a point to consider in view of the present prices of flour. It grinds any kind It will make 95 per of threshed or shell- '* makes cent me j ou j o f an •d grain and does Varieties average bushel, and more work with less is so easy to oper- power than any oth- Os Feed ate that a boy can er mill. _ _ run it. Southwestern Supply Co. JOE LYONS, President 112 to 120 N. LOUISIANA ST. I.ITH.E ROCK. ARK. Write for Catalog P. H. A. OAK GROVE. “Uncle” Bill Hightower, one of the ’ FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS ; By Being Constantly Supplied With Thedford * Black-DranghL McDuff. Va.—"l suffered for several rears.” says Mrs. J B. Whittaker, of hi* place, "with sick headache, and itomach trouble. Ten years ago a friend told me to try Thedford s Black-Draught, which 1 did, tnd I found it to be the best family medi ans for young and old. I keep Black-Draught on hand al! the ime now, and when my chiluren teel a ittle bad, they ask me for a dose, and it does them more good than any medicine they ever tried. We never have a long spell of stek iess in our family, since we commenced tsi ng Black-Draught." Thedford's Black-Draught is purely rentable and has been found to regu ate weak stomachs, aid digestion, re* •eve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, teadache sick stomach, and similar tymptoms It has beer, in constant use for more han 70 years, and has benefited more han a million people. Your druggist sells and recomme-d* Black-Draught. Puce only 2jc. Get a aackage to-day. m. c in 111 h MIIIIIIIF i■*l >I JI ißs chords vrite me at || 1. You’ll he ■ write me at II oing- read it U nity B I y°u to put your waste land This plan han bee n worked out in I X*™" »~t>on. of the state and H •iiniM ymir and datoftotna j u »t what proved a big MCCprm Mv ■ .***•’*•• ba )-•♦ adartad farmer managers ar* enthusiastic ■ tT"’ ”!>•—' •» over it you will be the name i nan. ymi e*n ornrr a* many !re«* an uron want. and. ir mn W«nt tn.rmiran pay There are "thw feature, that I ran >•• B let taw t reel each mor- juM aayon plaaa. n l *’" hare Iwauerfl u*d apaee. hut if ■ Wl __ _ . . . . . . rjn will jar r a vntalaa.i aar ■ ' whan mar nmhard la plantwj. I n maka Tell w allaWwt ,<wr newira.tratlan nrrkar.' II ronn-.manaa^ln ~»i r neieh I«wh.«d and »>u I Ilan.mad Make N ran r—r-money withma rt,ht fmm Iha etart . m.mwv with me--it •a I aanpl. and aw. I GEORGE PARKI N. Manager PARKER BROS. NURSERY CO. Parker Building. Fayetteville, Arkannaa. I — — _J| HOME GROWN TREES ^: <r ‘ o h : Fruit, .had. and nut tre.a, b.rry planta <rap. vlnea. hedge*, two .ear-aid roawa that bloom .very month Special price* on grafted pecan tre.a Send for our new descriptive catalog TIPTON NI'HhKHY tine. I Little Hock. - Arkawaae ! oldest settlers in this section, is on ; the sick list. । The school at this place is making arrangements for an exhibit at its close. Mart Nelson sustained a broken finger and painful bruises when a । team he was driving ran away last [ week, throwing him from the wagon. N. W. Buuard from New Mexico has purchased a farm in our neighbor I hood. He made a trip to Batesville Friday to buy supplies. J. P. Nelson, employed in the mine* at Cushman, has moved to our settle ment. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. — Sewer District No. 3 of the City of Batesville. Ark. 1 The tax books for the collection of । special asesssment upon all the real estate in Sewer Improvement District l No. 3of the City of Batesville, Ark . has been placed in my hands. All j owners of real property lying in said | , district are required to pay their as sessments to me within thirty days 1 from this date. If such payment is not made, action wil be commenced at the end of that time for the collec tion of said assessment and for legal penalty and costs. Given under my hand this Bth day of January, 1917. lOtd I. N. Reed, City Collector MUSTANG J Rub ease and supple ness deep into muscles t ~ * and joints ; soak out stiffness and rheumatism with Mustang / r yT* yf Liniment. | X 25c. 50c.. 11 •x zX ZJßb|| ’ W LINIMENT ROUTE THREE. A number of young people enjoyed a singing at Mrs. D. C. Dunegsn’s । Saturday night. A crowd of young people gathered at the home of Misses Myrtle and । Sallie Milligan Sunday sfternoon. Considerable ore continues to b mined in this section. Clarence Danner and wife visited his mother. Mrs. Matilda Danner, Sat urday. Mrs. Kate Dunegan, who has been quite sick, is .mproving nicely. Thomas Milligan is getting ready to leave for Oklahoma, to pay a visit to his brother A great many in this section are suffering from slight illness that ' keeps them ins de. Mrs. F. C. Smith is visiting her I grandson, Jim Cummings, and family. Clarence Danner and wife visited the former’s mother, Mrs. Matilda Danner, from Friday till Sunday. Miss Ethel Comer was in Batesv lie Wednesday shopping. Miss Ethel Comer visited Miss Arnes Fugett at Pfeiffer last week. There was a good attendance at services at the Hodge school house 1 Sunday. Member- of S. H. Shines’ family are suffering with measles guests Mr. and Mr Maxie McCord of Cave • reek were guests at Mr. Ford's Sun day. Some repair work is being done on the rural telephone line in this section FLORAL. Rev. Finley received a "ponding” recently that any one could appH< ate. Mr. Albright, the grocery salesman was looking after business here this week. Mr. Bickers and Mr. Crosby were other traveling men doing busi ness with our merchants this week. Mi-s Adia Farris returned to h T home at Tinibo, after visiting here for some time Rev. Jim Mabrey filled his regu'ai appointment here Sunday. The box supper Friday night was a real success, despite the inclement weather. Proceeds amounted to S3O 40. E. B. Morgan, a mining prospector, is operating in this section. C. E Bonner says rural carriers and the ducks are getting the worst of the -now and l>ad weather. Eugene Bowren brought a white opossum to town last week and ha< him on display at Mr Gilbert’s sto e. The old Lindsey A- Pearson store buuding has been torn down, moved two miles and converted into a re-i dence on the L. W Gill>ert farm. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wood have ar rived to make their home with us after several years’ absence. We heartdy welcome them back. quie a lot of new ground is being cleared, several new houses going up and some old ones being repaired in in community and vicinity. LEE’S BIRTHDAY. The U. D. C. will meet with the l ee Literary Society at the Hail au ditorium on Friday. January 19, at 12:30 o'clock. The following program will be ren dered: U. D. C. Ritual. Chapter. Song. "Arkansas." by eighth cud Glee Club. Sketch of Lee family. Mazie Max field. Music Vivian Magness Biographical sketch of Robert E Lee. Ca r rie Kennard. Song. Ladies' Quartette. Brief sketch of prominent \rk n sans: Garland, Frank Stuart. Alliert Pike. Margaret Baitcock. U. M. Rose, Elesnor Brady Miller. Nathan Dorsett. Reading, Miss Lois Davis. Song, "Dixie," by Senior Glee Club. Dealness Cannot Be Cured •y local applk-ait<>na as th«> cannot rcateh -hr dlartord portion «»f th •»r Th* r« <• ”»ly one wbt tn cure a* I that >• ►j < < !’•!11 uUonwl t'n” •• l»vaf' iBN la rtWrd by an inflamed <on<Htl««n nt th- mu ia lining of the I •• • iHan Ttib. Ui -r • hia tub* ta Inflamed y<»u have a rumhiitu •«»tind or imperfect heating and wh*n it ’• . ntirely cl«*o« -I O*nfn>M >• th- rra<. t an*l uh >«• the tnfln on.R'D 'I < tm). ■»nd ’hla tube r .| m («• • »»ma • I ♦ lon. hearing nl|l l»r «b •’ •• • 4 ’or ver • mora nut «<f ten ar« < a • d '•* • » •• r which la nothin* nn d e. n.| ^aoe if 1». I *. , annot ♦»» cured by MaP o • •r*r. ’ur । nd for i In . •■ ' F J ♦ KI NTY A « •old hv TYrors *’* | >*.. H. . .. . • ■ The Buick Four ■■MBBIBIBNHNraaMWtBmBaBBBBBnaaNMBBaaMIMBaMHBMB T'HE rightness of the Buick Valve-in-Head * motorandnot theenthusiasinofitssalesinen has made the Buick conspicuous for leadership. This new “Four” has a Buick Valve-in-Head motor (with electric starter) which develops thirty-five horsepower on brake test and is so reliable for rugged service that no eulogy is necessary among “men who know Buick.” Its lines are beautiful. Finish and color are exceptional. Deep, tufted black genuine leather upholstery. Covered floor and running board, with aluminum bindings, give a trimness of appearance that is peculiarly Buick. Body, hood, fenders and running gear are painted a glossy, long-wearing black; wheels arejblack with white stripe. Tires 31x4 inches. I Model D-4—35, Completely Equipped, Price 5725, Q Model D-4—34, Completely Equipped, Price 5715, Model D 6—45, Completely Equipped, Price 51075, BATESVILLE GEO. H. TREVATHAN & SONS Local Agents Hatesville. Ark. NEGRO DEI’I n \RRI STS XEI.Ro Ml RDERER Arthur Anthony, a negro, übout I." i years old. was arrested in Newp it Monday by S. Byrd, a negro deputy sheriff from Phillips county, who hud , . trailed Anthony throunh h- a doz • counties. Anthony is wanted on the I charge of murdering Charlotte Boyd 1 1 a negro woman, anil her baby, >u iof Helen i. Charlotte Boyd wa- the 'wife of the officer who made the nr-! Irest. the latter having procured a warrant for his man and vowing not j to give up the chase until the alleged , murderer wns caught. Anthony was a boarder at the Boyd I home and on the night of the tragedy he was at the home alone with the negro woman and her child, and as e she retired, it is alleged that he pro cured an ax and crushed the woman’s skull, after which h<- robbed her of s>’••) in money, -et fire to the house and I left. PI INSTALL VriOV Jamestown. Jan. 16. 1917 The Rebecc* and Jamestown Lo ire I. <• <• F . celebrated "Thoma Wild | Day." the anniversary of the founda tion of Odd Fellow-hip in Amerc-. by having a public dinner and a joint installation. Jamestown, No. 6,r>2. n -talled T I’ Peel a N. G. H M Snapp. A. G ; 1! D. Inman, -ecretary; H. Smith tn a urer. Martha Washingtoe No 112, ,n -tailed Mis. J. M. Barnes a- N G Mrs. Patienre Barringer, < G ; M Harding Smith, secretary; Mr- Eliza Molkhey, treasurer. Music was furnished by the James town cornet band and all had a fin time. H. S. Inman. Secretary SPECKI ASSESSMENT Sewer District Xo 1 of the < it, o Batesville. Arkansas. The tax books or the collection of OOOOOOOOOOOOODo o O Call Phone 40« for O PURE MILK O and O O FRESH BUTTER n o My dairy is run under the D । i<» most sanitary conditions. 1 n O will deliver to your home. D, , O E. D. FOLEY. O O O 0000000000000*^ •♦♦♦♦♦♦eeewweeeeeweeee'swe* e ! It Will Pay You e i 1 Well to H<ive Your Last Fall Suit modeled, eiea ne d and Pressed at a Small Expense. : Herman Guenze! : the *s .«meT up n al! "a ! property in Sewer i'i-tri t .’Jo 1 o', JO- it? f Fuirsvils Ark .h is bee j p'; dio -ny hnnd' ’" vners of | rc: > ■ h,tylv nr in -a Ids ri*t a re« ।relto n y their —io h's t ! • " t • ’.i daya from this date. 3•»•••»•«♦♦♦**»»♦•♦ ........ ... ............if j 1 HE RUSH IS OVER i ♦ • ♦ ! ca’» give you al' ihe ♦ Hine you want for a ? : ci 4 picture. Corre in • • nnw. ; i J P S r Photographer j Opr os tc Pnsfofficc ♦ ; I :uch payment is not made acti 1 wlil be commenced at the end of C i t me f ir the collect!- n of said e mint, and for legal penalties and ’ • costs. Givan under my hand th s Sth v of Jmuary, 1917. lOtd I. N. Reed. Collector