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i No War Prices & ♦ ,• ♦ • • X : ■■ vi rm : = STAR TAILORS I I a r ♦ ♦ I * ' : Prices almost cut in two; • workmanship guaran- : teed; fit the very best. : I Clothes called for end delivered. ' 11. GUENZEL * • * • ■j ♦ , ‘ ooooooooooooooo’ o o O RELIGIOI'S SERVICES O O TOMORROW. 01 O O 000000000000000 First Methodist Church. Sunday school at 9:30 a. ni. Preaching at Ila. m. and 7:30 p. m . Epworth League at 6:45 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us. First BapOat Church. Sunday school begins at 9:45 a. ni. W. P. Tuggle, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. by the pastor. Subject, “How to Make Money." B. Y. P. U. at 6:15 p. m. The evening sermon will lie preach- ‘ ed by Rev. Thos. King, pastor of the West Batesville Baptist church, whom Pastor Crumpton will aid in revival meeting next week. All welcome to these services. Preaby terian C hurch. Sabbath school, including adult , Deafness Cannot Be Cured ey c l«xal application*, i* h- > caunot r»wch the dia< Med port lot • • by <"nß'iMUoual r* iii an* ‘S , t au6> d to an inflAm-d r*ot«l«t4ou of the mu «>us lining of the I. iimhMii Tube- Wh-n thia tub* is Inflam'd v« . I.o« < rumbling Bound or imperfarl b*anng. and »h-n it ia entirely cluaed. Death' •* ts the- r-euil. and un>M the inflarnmati oi «.»n tak- it and thia tube r.ator.d t • i«s normal lion, h' g a rases out of tea ar- muaed by ’ rrh which ia nothing but an in#’n»»4 e»ndui.a • f the mucous surfaces Y\ . w I I raae of Deefnese rannot b- cur* 4 b* M • ■ *’ • Bend far circulars. WM F J ' HKX b > V SBaBKaSI Sold bs r»ru<" H a ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I Most Things = ■ | Can be anybody's gift— ■ | your Photograph is distinct- V * ively exclusively yours. • I Call today and have your _.. * । Portraits made. : 1 n I FWK Photograph : ♦ d. O- I—l— W •-)} Opposite Postoffke t n, Batesville Guard Solicits and will a Appreciate your s Patronage WE DO GOOD CONNERCIAL PRINTING AND BOOK WORK. AND OUR COLUMNS ARE AMONG THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS. The BATESVILLE PRINTING COMPANY a———— । . | Bible classes. at 9:4.’> a. m. Preaching by the pastor. Rev M. * Smith, at 11 o’clock a. in. and 7:1 I p. m. ! Senior Christian Endeavor at 6:1 | p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting ever, , । Wednesday evening at 7:15. A cordial welcome awaits all visit 1 or- Come and worship w ith us. 1 Helpful, instructive sermons, Goo i St. Paul’s Church. Holy communion 7:30 a. m. , Sunday school and Bible classes 9:3<> ' • ■ | Morning prayer and sermon 1! । o'clock. The offering at this hour will j lie devoted to the clergy pension fund ’ I Evening prayer and sermon 71 o’clock. A con’ al invitation is extendi"! * | all to worship at St. Paul’s. M \'.M 88 Reuben McPherson of port Smith j is here visiting his uncle. Henry Me I IPherson. Those who have had the smallpox I । have about recovered. Rev. Mathis, Baptist state mission I ary. preached at the Baptist church ' ’ here Saturday night and Sunday. i George Bevens made a trip to the I county seat this week. There will be services at the Bap- । tist church Saturday night and Sun- i day. Every one invited. 000000000000000 O 11 1 0 WOOD C. O. D O O Hardy A Son. O IO Phone 22. O O O .000000000000000 ImNARONAL SiimScnooi Lesson (By H. O SEI.! EKS At tm* Did t« of t Sunday s« nuui Course pi Mu* «iy Uibh LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 18 JESUS HEALS NOBLEMAN'S SON. 1 LESSON TEXT ' « 4 I GOLDEN TK.XT As thou bast beliav ' ed. »o l>» It done unto thee Matt 1:11 This event occurred a few flays aft *er that <>f last Sumin)'' le"'>n. It wns Jesus' secoiKl udrucle In Cann. I John the Baptist Is still preaching, and ' Jesus is closing the first year of his ministry ami Iwginuing his work in Galilee. Teachers shoiihl bring n vivid picture of Gulihe to their | classes, us Unit was one of the im- IHirtnnt fields to which our Muster de i voted much <>f his time. (For descrip tion see -mm* gmal Bible dictionary.) I The people of that land were more | worldly, less bouml by com entiomd i itles. tint! more uecessible to the teach ■ Ings which Jesus brought than those ; of Judea. Josephus says they were “fond of innovations, and di-pesed to I changes." I. Supplication (Testing) vv. 43 19. Jesus left lli< revival at Samaria (vv. I’! 1 ID ami re’urned to Galilee. His own people of Xazareth refused to ac cept him "for a prophet hath no honor in his own ^ountry." It was In Galilee that he had his great vietoricH. Here 1 he was wvlcome (v. 47<) because they had known the things that he did at Jerusalem, the report of which was ■ brought back by those who had visited i the feast (John 2:14-17). In Cana I (Ch 2:11) one came to him who wa« a king's officer, one who was used to comnuind. and whos.- great personal need overcame any prejudice (Matt 9:1'1: I nke 7:2). God uses afflictions | ofttimes to drive us to him. and the i most efft'ctlve way to induce men to come to Jesus is to bring them to recognise their neeil which he nlone can supply. The lad wns “nt the point of death.” hence the father's Journey i of twenty miles from Capernaum to Cann, seeking help. We have here the I weakness of fnlth Indicated In verse forty-eight. In that the man would not believe except he should see signs and wonders. We hnve also the enrnest neas of the man In verse 49. "Sir. come down ere my child die." Man's extremity Is ever God's oppor tunity. Not only extreme cases of sickness can be brought to him. but ' extreme eases of sin as well (I Tim. 1:15; Heb. 7:25). He can henl not only those who are “nt the point of death" hut those who are nirendy I dead (Eph. 2:1). The child was dy ing. the father had not strength to wnlt to see wonders but lie could and did trust Jesus to heal hi« son. 11. Surrender (Trusting) vv 50-51. When the soldier took Jesus at his word, he surrendered hfs previous con । ceptfon. and accepted the word of God; ' literally acting upon hl* belief He I went hl« way because he believed. He did not n«k Jesus again to go to Cnpar naum. We must not confuse this kind of faith, however with hfs having ac- I cepted Jesus ns Savior He accepted I Jesus only as healer. We hnve men today who will accept Jesus Christ In the perfection of his character and the ' purity of his teachings hut who will I not accept him to be their personal Savior. Sin h men want to receive the benefits of Christianity, falling tn rec- I ognize Its spiritual power and author ity. HI. Satisfaction (Triumph) (vv. 52- l M). The father's fnlth rose to the need for “he believed the word that Jesus spnke.” That word did not seem ' nt all jwohable. but It was enough. The word of Jesus who la. himself, the truth, is a sure and more reasonable | ground of faith than any amount of I speculation. This father's walk from , Cana to Capernaum wns n walk of ' faith. He hnd nothing but a bare prom | fse to support him. yet on his return he found his son living (v 52). <»n this word of Jesus he. himself, be lieved. and his whole house. It seetna Improbable that this could be otherwise | if he were an honest num. IV. Suggestion* (1) The living, per j sonnl presence of Christ Is not need ful. It was a wise provision of God's economy that Christ should hnve re turned to heaven. (2) Acts are the true Indications of our fnlth. Gtsl's written revelation and the revelation of his son the Liv ing Word, and the witness of the ex- Iterieme of God's saints are sufficient facts upon which to base faith. (3) Faith Is progressive. Notice the ! growth from verses 45 to "at nod 5,'L. | At first the man lielieied In Jesus' (tower; 'hen he belclved 1n Jenos' wortl and bidleved in Jesus himself; then he reaches the highest point In that he does not believe alone for hl« 1 whole house heHevcd with him (4) Fnlth Is the source of all I Christian gifts ond grace' We have an advantage over these Galileans of nearly nineteen -eotiiries of what । Christ Ims wrought tm«ng the peoples nf the earth among those who have believed on him He has been tried and proved and the gifts nf God’s grace, eternal life, the gifts of the Spirit are all conditioned upon our faith Ir him and In the Lord Jesus. Our salvntlon from sin. our effective ness ns disciples and followers depend upon our faith In Jesus Christ as our Bavtor from sin, and as our L>ord and V «ter ■fro MEN WHO HVE I NEVER ADVERTISED -"cru Man ywifwa-x s~r c-:Twranz'x-XLmA jus.': »».r.-. . To men who have never advertise i but who have a meritorious pioduct That should ht* marketed in : greater <iuantitifs than it is now— To men who have no mone\ to throw away, but I who would like to start some advertising under the I most favorable possible conditions, with a small c\- ’ pc mil titre, and prove the saeee^s of that advertising pa\ \ < before increasing their expenditure — To you we say that the columns of the Daily and j I Weekly Guard are entitle 1 to your consideration. We’ve started many on the road to big successes. ; * V e’ll be glad to help you if you have an honest piece ' of merchandise. | BATESVILLE PRINTING COMPANY | !M H EN I GF BGNE DRI I. IM Cave City, Feb. 12, 1917. : I Our state is bone dry now, you know. And many a tear-stained eye has dried. But that is not w hat I am going to tell. ' it’s alMiut some negroes, whiskey and a ride. । S-turday evening alwut seven forty-1 five [ Our constable was phoned by Ed DeCamp. Two negroes through your town thi night will drive If not on the road somewhere they camp. I 1 he constable and his posse were on ■-•card, armed. Waitinr the rattle of She hack to hear. rhlnki" ’ of those the whiskey would harm. At twelve-thirty the hack came, not near. The n yn« of Batesville to Missouri booze, i A hack, good team, to lay in a sup ply. Officers of Evening Shade, you’ve no time to lose. The negroes bv hint knew to plav shy. At Evening Shade the negroes did ar ( rive; But by search no whiskey could lie ■ found. Kirtley and Bristow says. Through ■ you may drive— Remember the posse at the next ' town. Sheriff Kirtley and Bristow telephoned Stulls The negroes' horses through our. town ran. “Get a posse that will not sulk; Take negroes and whiskey if you j can " Now the funny part of my story i comes. | The posse advanced with drawn guns And negroes laughed but did not run; Told posse of Kirtley an dßristow's ■ fun. For hours posse's heads were hang- ; ing low. Thinking of the joke they could re- I turn. Knowing Kirtley and Bristow were laughing so, And an idea come to them in turn. Sunday evening at six forty-five Stulls to Kirtley and Bristow phone I j "The negroes here, at six did arrive, । One man shot, negroes drunk on the : foam." Kirtley at phone talking to Stull Heard “negroes took drop, fouehtf like maud. Saddle hor~e, come quick; he's almost done; i The man who was shot is your brother Claud. Half way he rode before the truth was known. Thinkin" of the sorrow his fun hail > brought; . Then by phone message the light wns shown. And the joke was turned as the posse sought. H | M'.. i Gas in the stomach or bowels is . I disagreeable svmptom of a torpid liver. • To get nd of it quickly take HER ! BINE. It is a marvelous liver stimu 1 lent and bowel purifier. Price 59c j j Sold by Goodwin Drug Store, । CUE (REEK. ' , I Rev. E. H. Hook delivered a good : . j sermon Sundav at he new church Robert Henlev and familv visited ’ i his brother. Mack Henley, Saturndy I , nnd Sunday. Walter Marshall and wife were t I guests of G. U. Baxter SaturdaV night r l ittle Guida and Eloise Henley. I who have liven sick. »re improving Mack Henlev and M. E. Nash went •to Batesville Sunday. < I SUM AN. Oscar Albright has returned from a business trip to St. I»uis. An epidemic of pneumonia seems t • ie claiming the health of a numlwr of i ; uur peopel just at this writing Ernest Rennie, the young brother of Mrs. Dr. Bone, has been very low with | pneumonia, but is reported improving I Dr. Evans of Mount Pleasant spent ! a short time in town Monday, en route to Batesville He was making me trip in his new car. Thursday night of last week a num ber of young people from here attend ed an entertainment given by the school at Oak Grove. This is one .f the best rural schools in the county. Lon Breech, employed bv the Iron .Mountain railroad, was called home recently on account of the death of hi voungrst The narents have the sympathy of their many friends. A number of people of Mount PL "s ant came down Saturday to witness two games of basketball lietween Mt. Pleasant and Cushman schools. The girls of this place won their game, but the Mt. Pleasant boys won from our boys. The school will give an entertain- MACHINERY REPAIR WORK — - ■■ ■. Our Maehln* SI up it at your tar* let "H A Ml K BY IkU A t •ar •r night * • have th* meat c®n» M • lataiy a^ulp^td plant 1n Ar Han eat -vnrrt WTfM a 2 n -* Southed *147 ARMARI AI rBVNDRY CO. neoatfr yI * (•voetMuri to Thomaa Fordjct Mfg V * Co and B C Wahrfrltt Machinery ▼omay ■ r^Tl 1 WWW All and Supply Co - Little Heel. Ari I - J W■ IUM » -j ITLDT AT MoWB. For the benefit Noh who are net able to pursue •hair atu l'ee in roaltMMa at a or ur «orally • .* e > f * Il now oTerlng cor r eopondonco eoureea in aaricultore engl ee* mg n ’mtl worh. and the iberal art! mdud'ig r a . । a*M • p * Moaomy mat h ora at let. physical and nat »ral scien es ste Correspondence eourees are of ospodal value to etudento rrepaMsg for eel tof. or profoeelonal school a eoHeg* stvdet ts who hro to bo tn roe d**ae I •oettnuouoly toachers la the public schoo.e who wish t.. advance n the* pro foMloa mombere of women a clube inovhanlea artiaana d aftaruen and other oere«ra wishing to tacreaso thstr emeioncy in their epoclal lino of werh Aaal<nmet*ts are worked out bv the student, sent In to the laotruetor at the Univ or atty and corroctad and returned by him I Full college redlt Inward, a degree is granted to eorreapondenes students Who successfully rnmplsts courses of college grade Many pera ns are thua able to ehorten 'h* lime for graduation and to take vocational or cojagv work while attending to rhoir customary b ij sm For terms, bulletins descriptions es rodrssa etc addreae ths ditiiior or coßßicerowDßNrrF m m, t ^ivFHdrTT or armawiai. Paveuevllle. Arhaowae |/*T» TREATMENT ■ uCCICV f° r Llquorw Fa. * and Drugs Tbury lee year* an 4 90 W cure* - ta re e<v«d day e^d * t 4wr< apooc*n • sen* eattot long ata ar* Fk rUa i——— - - I IHi I IKI a l < UNPAMT wf I Hile Hark , offers « V< r Ohl Iwtervsi. »«>•>>■« ■vaH-aaawallr. aa eawintce depoalle < Npltnl and warptwa, SAO MMN».nn VMON TRI ST COMPANY All VYHKHir. Preoldoat UHIq HerK ArU. THE LYONS MEAL MILL Ihe Lyons Mill should l>e in the posaennion of every farnigf Wue grows grain of any knd It is invaluable to him. Whether to make tine meal for hi- table, or buckwheat or Graham flour, or t<' make fev<^ for his stock, there is nothing equal to the Lyons With a flour bollei attachment (extra) the Lyons Mill mak<* of tl e present prices of flour. It rnnd' any kmd |t W1 „ make w It Makes wi g nn an 2g b he) more ork less * varieties power t han anyolh . Qf Fee(j • r ^ L J run it. Southwestern Supply Co. JOE LYON'S, PreaMent 111 to 120 N. UM ISIAN A ST. LITTLE KOCK, AML write for Catalog p. H. A. merit at the Shell auditorium Ft ru ' ary 22 in commemoration of Wa-n --ington. The porgram for the ,v.■ h j ■ will be given under the auspices of the • School Improvement Vsaoc-iation and । then' will be special music by the | string band Every one who > a i friend to the t'uahman puhli schini | will encourage the cause of educat.on I by their presence on that night A scald, burn or severe cut heals slowly if neglected The fanuh that keep- a bottle of BAI I ARD'S SN"W LINIMENT on hand is always pre pared for such accidents. Price . 50e ami $1 per bottle. Sold by Good win Drug Store. Hit KGR) \ ALLEY. Rev. Y. J. Cathev filled his regular appointment at his place Sundav The little child of Jake Mobl. \ le i Friday and was buried hen- Saturday The Sunay school nt this plw e ha« been revived, after a period of .L --minal due to measles A nice nrogram was renden 1 by the pupils at the school house Friday afternoon. J. B. Gray ami wife were visttinr at Cave City Saturday. NOME GROWN TREES ; ; g Prult iMb and ndt O>,< b»rr> pl.nU vines, hedge* lwo j*»r yLI r< ••• I that bloom every month Special prlcsß lon grafted pe>«n trees flend for “ur I new descriptive rataLsg nmofl wfrakrt dwe.i I I.title lleeb. . AHbmm