Newspaper Page Text
THE BATESVILLE 6LAID. —By Th*— Batesville Printing Company. Geo. H. Trevathan, President. 1 Entered at the Batesville, Ark., Post oflk* as second-class mail matter. | One Month _ 40c One Year *4 80 Where delivery is irregular, please ■ make immediate complaint to the .-lice. Phone 26, TRI TH IN POETRY. The poet tells us about the Arabs, who fold their tents and silently steal away, and a young Memphis boy, who is a gunner in the British army in Mesopotamia, writes his family that the Arabs are past masters of the art of stealing. The British troops will • . not allow the Arabs to camp anywhere near them, because they say the sons of the desert move about at night, and steal valuables from under the pillows of sleeping soldiers without ever awakening any of them. Quite a large number of women in various parts of the state are paying their poll tax. which will swell the school fund, whether the ladies vole or not this year. A break-down of the typesetting machine of the Searcy Citizen one day this week caused that paper to resort to hand-set matter, but the daily edi turns are coming out just the same, ft is announced that repairs are un der way and the machine will be work ing again right away. To The Public 1 Our Store will be Stirctly Cash. No credit, good or bad. We hope and trust the public will understand that in buying for CASH you can save money. "Money saved is money made." All the banks in the country are p telling the people to SAVE. They offer you Savings Banks, they pay you to SAVE your money, and they teach ECONOMY. Are they not right in this matter? When you buy for CASH you SAVE almost 20 per cent, or the cost of conducting a CREDIT business. The persons who pay their accounts also pay the accounts of some one who never pays. To save today while you can means that when rainy days come this SAVING will carry with it pleasure and happiness That is the REWARD. Thanking you. we are, JEFFERY BROS. CO. Cash Merchants f ) Do You Sleep Well? Three Essential Things ♦ ♦ 1 ♦ ♦ ♦Rd : : Deas Large assortment of Pin Locks, x IVernis Martin. White Oxidized or X Old Ivory. ♦ Bed Springs An extra good line for either | J wood or iron beds. No noise— t t Perfectly sanitary. X • Mattresses Are the most essential things X X for restful sleep. Price. $3 (Ml ♦ Ito $15.00. t ♦ A. L Crouch YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD | »************>*********♦**>*******************•***** •* G-E-M THEATRE TONIG II T “Pearl Os The Army” Bth Chapter. The Katzenjammer Kids Cartoon Pictures. In The Southern Highlands Scenic Pictures. “Luke's Trolley Life” Luke Comedy. Admission : 10 Cents Evidently there is aom* life still in the movement for government owner -1 ship of the telegraph lines of the ' country. President Mackay, of the ' Postel, has issued an interesting 1 brochure showing just why such own ership would be bad for the country according to his viewpoint. Presidents of great corporations do not go to this sort of trouble unless there is some thing worth while involved.—Mem phis News-Scimitar. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank one and all for the kindnesses which were shown us during the illness of oar precious , baby, Alice Lendl Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shoemaker. । Weep not. dear father and mother. If God has plucked the bright blossom 1 1 from your home it is for a purpose I none of us dare divine. He alone can jiour balm upon your crushed heart. The Holy joy is yours of knowing angel eyes now watch for your com ' ing, that your beautiful baby will re ’ ceive you when "life's dark day is done " A Friend 1 ’ CIR( I IT CGI RT ’ Circuit court for Independence | I county will convene April 2. next Mon , day. The cases as set on the docket ] will cover a period of three weeks, but no doubt the business of the term 1 will require two weeks more. t On the civil dbcket. there are 56 । -uses, most of them set for the first I ind second weeks of the term. There are 39 criminal cases set for | ’ -.he -second week Os these, nine arc] > for drunkenness, eight gaming, thw-e । for selling liquor, two for assault and , battery, two for failing to dip cattie. two for profanaity. two for disturbing ' peace, one for carrying pistol, one for grand larceny, and one for forgery. In addition to these, bills from the setting grand jury’ may furnish gnst i for the coming term. .ntgoratlng to the Pale and Sickly he Old Standard (ener.l tuen(thet>ln( tonic, aorr* TsargLEsa . am tonic. drive* out b*s th* blood and build- m v tru< tome. For aduO**..? -‘-Mrva. SOr HER KATZENJAMMER KIDS. Says Hans to Fritz: Now, vot is dis? Der Kaiser's done, py dam He must be vun dod gasted "nut” To monk vid Uncle Sam. 1 vonder vot dot crazy tinks, 1 vonder don’t he know Dis country iss not Hayti, yet. Nor oder Mexico. You can Hoek der Kaiser all you vant. If dots d«r vay you feel 1 tell you. Fritz, as sure as hell, I hit he iss aus-ge-spiei. You ask me vy I tink dot iss ? I tell you vy, py tarn; Der first four years I am out here. I I in der navy am. I know vot iss I talk about. I’ve seen der suckers shoot, Und der Kaised's men, tieside of dem Dey isn’t vorth a hoot. I am reading in der papers vare From twenty shat. or more Py vun of deir boats! de crazy goats) Deir hits vas only four. Und den. py tarn, dey couldn’t sink Dot helpless merchant-man, Und hed to crawl aboard her ship Und blow her up py hand. Vy. iff a Yankee poy had been Behind dot six-inch gun. Instead tventy shot to sink dot ship,, It would has taken one! I tell you vot a lad do vonce At target practice, out. Got tventy hits from tventy shots In von minute, just about! You say de range must has ben short. Now blease don’t make me smile. Der target towed at fourteen knots, Der range vas yust two mile. Oh' dot Sammy iss a funny chap. Und you'd better best belief Dot ven you tink you've got his goat He's got someding up his sleef. You tink der Kaiser can raise hell Mid all his submarines; I tell you ve vil! find a vay To spill der Kaiser’s beans. Vy, iff der iss no odder vay, Der time iss earning ven Ve’ll load our Jacks in diving suits. Und den it's ’raus mit dem. —By H. G. Thompson. Ths Cumins That Oosi Hot artset Ths Hem) 1 Hecauwr of it« lomic ami laaalivt eßr<” LAXA ! T!VF NIUiMOQdNINEit better thJiti ordinary ' Quinine and does not cauae nervouanra* n<>r ■ untmi tn bead Remember Iba full name and took tor the ai*ua* ire of E 25c- INJOI RD fine DINNER " ■ ■ Hutchinson. March 26, 1917. Editor Guard —The writer, with about thirty other guests, enjoyed a fine dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cheat Friday. March 23. Th* dinner was given in honor of the 76th birthday anniversary of Mr. (’boat’s brother, A. J. Choat. of Pa louse. Washington, who came here some two years ago for his health, and is now a mine owner of this place, hale and hearty as most men of 56. He received several presents and en joyed the surprise. We hope he will I live to enjoy many more such birth days. It is putting it rather mild to say that all present enjoyed the day with Mr. and Mrs. Choat as host and hos t*M, with all the good things to eat, for the table was loaded almost to breaking. All made it alright, so far as we have heard, except Alfred Mar tin and W. F Grady Mrs. Martin end Mrs Grady sat up all night and kept their feet in hot water to keep their toe nails from slipping, also ap plied hot cloths to other parts to re lieve pain. We are glad to say they are both able to lie up at this wnt ; ing. A Friend. FAMILY AVOIDS ; SERIOUS SICKNESS i Dy B«i«t Coaztaitly Supplied With Thedford* Bhck-Draa(ht. ! McDuff. Va —”1 suffered for several • rem,” says Mrs. J B Whittaker, ol ’ his place, "with sick headache, and , .tomach trouble. ' Ten years ago afr end told me to try , Diedford s Black-Dr.lught, which I did, > <nd I found it io be the best family medi * me for young and old. > I keep Black-Draught on hand all the J ime now, and when my children leel a । ittle bad. they ask me lor a dose, and it , joes them more good than any medicine » 1 they ever tried. »| We never have a long opell of afek [ ma in our family, since we commenced ;, ising Black-Draught.” > Thedford's Black-LHaught Is purely t>een found to regtt , ate weak stomachs, aid digestion, re* 'Heve Indigestion, colic, wind, nausea. ' teadache. sick stomach, and similar i tymploms. It has been in constant use for more , han 70 years, and has benefited more > han a million people. I. Your druggist sells and recommends ' Slack -Draught Price only 25c Get a ; lackage to-day IL C. K ~ ' The Leader " E Shoe Polish dUAi Any Kind-Friday Only Jeffery Bros. Company Friday Only 6c Cash Store BIG Crowds will come tomorrow to Jeffery’s Friday Bargain Sale! Great saving on bright new spring merchandise will pay you to visit us. 36 inch Voiles, mercerized finish, for ladies and misses shirtwaists and full dresses, yd., Friday 39c Fancy Poplins 36 inch Fancy Poplins, highly mer cerized, white and colored grounds with colored stripes, just the thing for wash dresses, Friday only. 23c Lace Curtains Lace Curtains in plain and big values from 15c for 20c grade to 29c for . . x 35c kind Bargains In Men's Section 25c Garters ... 19c Ties, beauties, worth 75c. 48c 35c Values in Bose . 25c 25c Values in Hose . . 19c Embroiders and Laces “Specially” Priced for Friday Rheumatism * Is My Weather Prophet. k I cun tell stormy weather days otT by the twinges in my shoul ders and knees. Rut here’s an lid friend that toon drive* out the p«ina ■ad ■<hr* Sloan'■ Lioiarnt to etty to apply, no rubbing at ell, it unit right io and 6ie« the pain. Cleaner than mu»y plaairra aad oialmentt. Try it for gout, lumbago, neu ralgia. bruiaaa and tpraiaa At your druggitt, 2Sc. 50c. and SI.OO. IB|jll I।l ill Hit KORY S YLLEV A. G. Gray made a trip to Batea- ! ville Friday. Messrs I^wis and < row will begin i thmtiiftg cane April 4 at T*w City. If you have any sorghum head-, which you want threshed, take them to Cave City. Rev. Y. J. Cathey will preach at ( thia place the second Sunday. The peach trees now in bloom give | promise of a fair peach crop. Our farmers have been busy be- I tween showers doing work in the field. I : J. W. Rall is having some logs I hauled to J. B Gray's sawmill I A. J. Gobble and family attended •hutch at Cave City Sunday. ST. JAMES ।; Bud Abernathy made a business trip । to Batesville last Saturday, returning । Sunday | Th. re was 11r*.< ■ r,, ।her* last Sun lay ta tlw pa-tor We will have Sun ' lay school next Sunday at 9’30. Every 1 I one invited to join. ! "Uncle" Allie Goodwin injured one I of his legs last week in a fall, but is 1 I reported to be improving 'I Mrs J A Blair of Red Stripe was ' I visiting friend* in this section last Saturday and Sunday Earl Hinkie and wife were visit ! ing relative* of Mrs Hinkle here last 1 week Owen Martin and Osman Ford of ' Marcella attended lodge here last Sat urda>. Ellis Busby of Red Stripe was transacting business here Tuesday E. E. Evans of Wolf Bayou is cut ting and removing hubs for the Rheu ter Hub C*. of BaUaville Deputy Sheriff Abe Pruett made a business trip to Marcella last Satur dee. Dave Dodson has been busy thia week planting corn Girls Dresses Girls gingham dresses in stripes, checks, and plaids, for Friday only Bargains In Toilet Goods 50c Java Rice Face Powders. Friday only ... 39r Dainty Powder Puffs, Friday only .... 9c 12 l-2c Dress Ginghams, stripes, checks and colors, yard lie Ladies Waists Pretty new patterns in stripes and colors. Friday specials 48c ip Jewelry Pretty Pins. Rings and Bracelets for fl the children. Friday only 9t I NION HIIA. Mrs. Dicie McDougal and children have the measules. Eliza Pollard and wife of Bald | Knob came out Thursday to visit Mr. Pollard's mother. Mrs. M E Pollard, returning home Monday morning. Earl McDougal was in Newport Thursday on business. Harris Clark and wif* of Newport ere here on a visit to Mr Clark’s father. Miss Pauline Pollan!, who has had a very dreadful bone feilon on her fin ger for thv past two weeks, is able to go about with her work now Robert McDougal of Pleasant Plains | has moved hack to Mr. Knight's. । Mrs. M E. Pollard is suffering with the grip. There will be church at the Mc । Cork Ie school house Sunday at ll : o’clock. Every one urged to come. Mrs. Issna Parks, who has been sick | for some time, is up again PLEASANT PLAINS. The epidemic of measles is about a i thing of the past Only a few cases ' are now reported and alt are doing well. Mrs. M. E. McCauley, who has lieen i sick for several weeks, is very much । improved now । H. W. Johnson went to I.ittle Rock ■ to attend the meeting of the Peace : league. ' J. B. Johnston made a business trip I to Bradford the first of the week Molwrt Pearson and family of Bradford visited at the home of J. W. Chufchwell last week. Chas. Hays left Saturday for St. Ixwis, ahere he will again enter the Barnes hospital for treatment. Mrs H W Johnson returned last week from a vi-it with relatives near Magness and Newark Raymond, the little son of Harve Morris, is very sick. Raymond's । health has not hen regained since he suffered from an attack of diphtheria. A gentleman by the name of San । ger who lives at Newport, recently set out a pecan orchard on his farm on Salado creek, near here Dr Ray made a business trip to I Batesville the first of the week ' Ours is only a small village, yet we 1 WODAK^ ■ It Isn’t a I ■ Kodak 1 I W If It Isn't an I I ■ Eastman - t B ■■ Line At Tbe Casey Drug Co. Phone7s • \ I haw on* of the l>e»t Sunday Khools in i tbe «tatc The officer- and arc enthuaia.tic wv»rk< r«. who ar* not I only willing to work, but every thing . they do n done with relation to those . working with them The young’ clast. Willing Worker*, will meet 1 Friday night at Mm Annapaugh'n to prepare and di«cus» Sunday', lew-or Henry Hindman and wife made a 1 trip to De-ha laat week Several of the high aehool pupil, i took the teacher-’ examination la«t • week. i , 000000000000000 O 0 • O WOOD C. O. D. o O Hardy A Son 0 ( O Phone 22. 0 O 0 t 000000000000000 Try Soul-Kiss j Face Cream at 1 | Our Expense! Buy > K i of f»m out SOI I. Elsn Face Powder.i.u we will g >r row |M AHMH I I M 'i 1 1 bl T . I r i>r of S< t I. KISS Face xC " Cream. Uae thi. Face Cream daily and watch it. beneSciai cf ■ « feet upon your Jft complexion. It and Iwautifiet tfx akin. Terry Drug Co. 0