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The Guard’s “Buy At Home” Department THE CONSUMER MISCALCULATES Often Pays More For Catalogue House Goods CITIZENS BANK & IRIST CO Will Pay You 4 Per Cent Interest on ! Your Savings. We have a small savings bank for you.. Trade At THE BIG STORE And Save Money. We Compete With the Mail Order Houses. Why not buy Hardware at home when both materia) and prices are right ? ROSENTH AL HABDW IRE CO. i It Pav» to Trade With us. ELLIS McINTOSH. Phone 197. For Fresh Groceries, Chase 4 San born's Tea and Coffee. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital $100,090.00. Oldest, largest and Strongest. Only National Rank in City. -w. See It ; CROICH For I — T :▼ FURNITURE. STOVES AND RANGES. «*.*««*••**♦• GOOD LAW. GOOD ADVICE Always keep to the right while walking. That’s a Good Law. Always trade with JEFFERY BROS. That’s Good Advice. THE WARDROBE. CLEANERS WHO CLEAN. Up to date cleaning machinery. Hoffman steam pressing machine. If we can’t do your cleaning it can’t be 1 done PHONE ILV WILSON BROS. MADRAS and SILK SPRING SHIRTS. SI.OO to $4-60. J. B. FITZHI GH & BRO PADGETT-POOL LI MBER CO. sQIALITY. PRICE. SERVICE. PHONE 34. C. H. W \LDEN. The Reliable Cash Store. We have a large line of good shoes , bought before the last advances and I will sell them to you at a big saving., Dry Goods and Groceries at a close ( margin for cash. • TERRY DRUG COMPANY. THE VTCTROI.A AGENT. The machine you will eventually buy. A large stock of late records on hand and new ones received daily. Free delivery. Phone 161. F. K LEWIS, the Repair Man. Watchmaker, Jewelry, Clocks, Sew ing Machines and Musical Instru ments. AU work guaranteed. CLOCKS FOR SALE. 370 Main Street. BARNETTS BARGAIN ANNEX. The Cash Store. The House That Makes a Lower Price. Batesville, Arkansas. EfftaMisher 1879 S. A. H AIL A SON. The Housekeepers Paradise. | We Save Yoa Money. Influenced by an Alluring Picture Book I For a Time—Yards of Red Tape Used —Buying From a Picture Albym Ie a Reckleae Form of Gambling See the Goods Before Purchaee. : (Copyrighted. 191A by Thomas J. Sullivan.l , Figures do not always indicate the , price of goods sold by mail order houses as scheduled in their price lists. i as the catalogue houses are careful I not to mention the “extra” cost iuci- । dental to placing the order and the de I livery of the article ordered I The consumer is governed by the low catalogue price tather than the delivery cost, the latter means, of course, beiug the correct way of deter minlug the cost of the article. Canaumar Buya Coatly Saw. As an example 1 reproduce berewgh a conversation which recently took place In a western town when a con i I suuier entered tbe local store and in I 1 qutred the price of a saw The prb e ! of the saw was $2. the merchant tuld I him “Great gqas!" declared tbe cooaum ।er "I can get tbe same article from ( a catalogue bouse for $1.50." “1 can't buy It for that price." said tbe merchant, "but I will give it to yon on tbe same terms as tbe mail ordei house, just the same.’’ "All right.” replied tbe cousumei . "You can wrap It up and charge ft to me. and when I settle In tbe fall 1 will pay for it.” “Hand Over the Cash." “Ob. no. you don't." said tbe dealer ' "We are doing business ou tbe same terms as you jy business with the mat order bouse- nacWfftbfccounts Hand I over tbe ' asC. please " .w “> • • Tbi?"cNßWH!erbanJ«l over $1 50 I “Now." said the merchant. "5 cents । for the money order and 2 cents for piwtnge.’ . —yje" l - , Mhht tbe •' —— I “But you must send a letter and a money order to the catalogue bouse In , ! order to get the saw. you know.” The consumer, although desiring tv I bolt, kept bravely to bls agreement and paid tbe 7 cents ’Now tbe express charges. So cents, if you please." "Well, by graclousl" he said and gamely paid it. with the remark. “Now that 1 have met all of your demands | hand me over my saw ” Man Mads Mistake. •Hand von the saw' Why. man. "Baud you the saw' Why. man. I where do you think you are? Just re< ollect that you are in Texas and I am located iu Chicago. You will bare to ' wait about fifteen days for me to make tbe delivery And. backing up his words with actions, he pocketed the I money, put the saw tmek on the shelf and smilingly turned to wait on tbe next customer. | The consumer pondered, and after be got through with his deductions be । said. Tbe saw will cost me $2 03 ! That is 3 cents more than 1 could have ' bought it for iu the first place, and I 1 am deprived of its use for fifteen days | I besliles No more mall order house for ; me!" Incident Worthy of Emulation. ! The incldenl related above is one which both tin- men bant and the < < n . sumer may read w ith profit, and If I more of tbe merchants adopted the I ' same tactics as did the Texas mer ’ chant they would have fewer mail or ■ i der buyers among those who should be I their customers | And there Is much more to this | I question tliau price and delivery; there ' are often ili<satlsfn<ti"ii ami Inferior ■ and damaged gisais to contend with In I the ease of missis lielng damaged en ’ route the buyer lias either the prospect of a lawsuit with the railroad com | | pany or a correspondence tight with i I the catalogue house neither of which । I is very Inviting i Not infnvjnently does the buyer I ; rnther than to go to all tbe expense : and trouble lie idental tn the exchange of the article, allow himself to tie Im i posed U|M»II by accepting the Inferior I and often valueless article, an article which he Is actually ashamed to own or use The Only Safe Way. There can lie but one right way- to buy goods, nm! that Is to have tbe go*als in view of tbe purciiaser. Huy Ing from a picture la a reckless form of gambling in which the advantage is entirely with the seller He knows what ymir money Is You do not know what bls gissls are. Hence it Is heads he wins and tails you lose That the catalogue house always gets the better of tbe bargain is evidenced by tbe fact that annually the large mail order houses declare dividend* tbe enormity of which appalls and be Wilders the conception of ordinary In dlrldnals who con nt their profits and savings In pennies rather than In mil fion« There Is hilt one right way to buy goods and that way Is to see what yon hoy before you par for It. Only One "BROMO QUININE" To get the ssaaleecsll tor full name. t.AXA . HVR BROMO JtTNtNF Lek < >ro«grat<nr of r W anoTE. C«rMC>i:>»oeb«T oms I r-igk sad hesdehr. owl work. »a cold. ..«. < F. C. BAKSEIT Dealer in GRIM ERIES and FEED. I We make a specialty of Bulk Farm I and Garden Seed and a new and com plete line of fresh Groceries. 1 pay the highest price for all kinds of pro duce. PHONE 293 THE ( ASE\ DRUG CO For Drugs and Drug Sundries. High Grade Toilet Requisite*. PHONE 75. buy at Home, and at EDW ARDS. Save money and get the best in everything. W. A. EDU ARDS X SONS. •♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦♦•••♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦mm Bl ITER-TOP BREAD 8 and 10 cents Per Loaf. Bl Tl ER TOP ROi LS 10 cents Per Dozen. Phone your orders. Phone 235. BATESVILLE BAKING CO. CITI MEAT MARKET. Fancy Steaks. Pork Chops Beef and Mutton. Quick delivery to all parts of city PHOIIE 211. PE ASE Li MBER COMP ANA For all kinds of High Frade Idimbcr and Builders' Supplies. NEAATON M ALEXANDER We will be found at the Fair Store, first door below the First National Bank, ready to attend to all business lin our line. DEM AND CARPENTERS Golden Crown Soda Waters IN STERLILIZED BOTTLE L. G. BOGGS. The Place to Buy Good Groceries. | Not cheap “stuff.” Prices on as low | a margin as straight business can be i conducted. PHONE 19. UMI sA|| I E STEAM I Al NDRY I Personal and Family laundry Done. Wet Wash or Rough Dry. | Special attention given Parcels Post order*. PHONE 183. Bl ( KEYE INI IB A TORS and BROODERS For Sale By W I. RAKER. IX3 Main Street 111 I K S <FOAFS AND R ANGES Are built to last. The first price may I tie higher than some, but they are the I cheapest in the long run. They have I been sold for over forty years by "M AX Fl ELDS." | O. L. FR AZIF.R Buy and sell second hand household goods, exchange new stoves for old ones. I have on hand a few good sew ing machines and musical instruments. 7<> MAIN STREET. MOSBY THE JFW F.LER 0 Has Some Special Prices on Watches. GOODWIN'S DRI G STORE. For Over Forty Years Has Served Thia Terirtory. i Still At II At the Old Stard. Catarrh Caunot Re Cured ' with urn. AprUCXT’ JNH. an tb«v I I •miiihU itu htl • > ut i r.f Ca- i >1 tarrh is h Mtwal or const hut tonal diaMSSo. I und tn or«i«*r to rur»* H you muM take In- | t»mal nr. ita-* t’amrrh Cur« U 1 taken lntvnu»;t> and • ’• uirtn Uy ur* n | ?ha hlo.w, 1.. .... w rUt llUi'a ' I Yr-. M -1 I ‘ l th ‘ i -‘ i U.A- I I tvjulxtr i cat r’" <n. I» 1 > uh* *• 4 <»f ' U •’» ill px l । Wt • | ’ »• Ke tl tI • ‘ . ri r.»r co > ‘ nut ton ! I RtlM A IENNESSEF READER Kenton, Tenn., March 18, 1917. Editor Guard Will you give a Tennessee lady some space ir\ your valuable paper. 1 think the Guard me of the most valuable papers pub lished in the south. 1 can not agree ■ with "Old Ugly” in regard to the let ters. I must say I heartily enjoy them all, and always read them first. The Cave City items always catch my eye, as it is my old home town. 1 f with my father and mother moved from Oklahoma to near old Loyal 1 postoilice, only then a store operated by Wm. Stewart. I attended school nt । Loya! school. ' 1 notice publication in the Guard of Watren Landreth and John Perkey of Cave City. 1 was sorry indeed to hear of their death, as they were old school mates of mine. My mother and brothers sleep in the .Maxville cetnetury, and I hope some kind friend will notice their graves, an I they will have my ever- 1 lasting gratitude. I have been away 21 years, but ex pect to visit Batesville in the summer and will then visit the cemetery at Maxville. 1 especially want to visit . | the I. O. O. F. home at Batesville, as myself, husband and oldest son are' memliers of the I. O. O. F. Dur Re . l.ekah lodge at Mason Hall is small in numliers but we are alive to the j cause. We have a tine home at Clark ville. Emma Warix. ROAD PETITION To the Honorable County Court of j Independence County: We, the undersigned, citizens and householders of Independence county. | respectfully petition your Honorable Court to appoint viewers to lay off and view out a certain road in Gainsboro township, described as follows, towit: | Beginning at a point on the Sim-' mons Mill road near the intersection of said road with the section line be., tween sections 26 and 27; thcnc# West one-fourth mile to the quarter quarter section line between the J. H. Rogers farm and the J. N. Roretson farm, thence west across the said J. N. Rob- , ' ertson farm to the half section line 1 I running north and south through sec- ; tion 27; thence north to the first quar-1 ter quarter section line; thence due west along said quarter quarter line > to the intersection of said line with j tbe Batesville and Powhatan road. All in sections 27 and 28, township 14 north, range 5 west. M. M. Taylor and Others, i Guard. 2, 12, 4t. I I Bl K1 | Mrs. Metlie Brooks was a pleasant | at w i He--' Friday. , Miss Norma Ottinger, who h-'j charge of the primary department of, •the Cushman school, was down to see her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John I Hughey. Saturday Miss Norma is al . rauuate of Pea Ridge College and is ' one of our very best teachers. ‘ “Uncle” Lonza Martin has moved to] Will Grigsby's and he and his m ice. Mrs. Grigsby, have gone into the chicken business They will special > in Plymouth Rocks, both white and black. I Rev. A J. Brooks has rented S P. • A K< el plai e •| Wm A. Porter has recently put up lone mile of wire fencing. Mrs. D W. Warren is quite sick. Farm Demonstrator McKell is to be । in Ell vita this week to vaccinah hogs , Wolter Qwn- trill work sos Rqui • Ilb - durinc court, the Squire en . ; [one of the petit jurora X andtoun Wheat is looking fine through th s 1 part of the country. Cor.-table Marvin Tugwell ina Ie a | business trip to Cave Citv last week , Farmers are behind with their work । on account of so much rain. with a large attendance. , Mrs J. H. Johnson is verv siek Mrs. Will O. Tugwell is confined t I v j her bed with measles. e J H Dawson has bought a Art-1 farm from W H Chamioirs. | Born, to Mr and M-s F. K. Can I I trell. on the 24th. a fine girl. The I mother and liabe doing well. * DON'T TAKE A ( HAN< E. Batesville People Should Art in Time If you suffer from headache; ,( If you have headache, diaxy spells; , I If the kidney secretions are ir- i ’regular. ' Ibm't delay—likely your kidneys: '• । are sick. * Batesville people recommend I Doon'a Kidney Pills. » Hen - i Bateaville «oniM*a exper ience: Mrs S A. Alexander. Main aL. i Batesville, says: “1 nearly always, had a dull ache in the small of my back. I was subject to diaay spells, my sight blurred and I had a tired, languid feeling, especially in the morning. Dnan'a Kidney Pills soon fixed me up all right " (Statement given May 30. 1908 ) OVER FIVE YEARS I ATER Mra * Alexander said: "I still think highly of Doan'« Kidney Pills and use them orcaamnally with good results " Price 50 cents at all dealers Don't 1 simply aak for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mra. Alexander has twice publicly recommended. Foster Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N Y. MACHINERY REPAIR WORK aarir^r w BArt ka a l slstsly suulrpsd P »»t ,n Arkansas fmsivt I _ <• tv. JaZreU er <•»•»—• US SOUTHERN at krskea MSklwn- JsPXC (RUST COMP.xXTY FC- xaxoui rot’WDRT <<>• !| -»<rs— * (Owecessors to Thomas l 'H4 I Co and ■ C Wshrfrtta Machlaery 1 I UTT H POCKMARK I and Supply Co 1. l.lltle Hack. Srk I ■ STrt>Y~*T~HOMB. For lh» b.nsU. th ■>. who arr not able to p U rsu> Ik sir atuitlsa Iri resC.nes at a .ollax- or u >.r.l:> th. I n.rsltr of Arbans. u now offering corr.sgonden. - ..ui-es In a.n. ull>.r ru. iwms* u -imal worn, and th.- libera! aHs. including Englist >' t rei n lai history, politics: eeonomy. mathsmstus physl. a and 1. ■' '•• • ' *•* Corrr.pondrucc ours.s are ot asp. al value to students rreparlna for cal lea* or professt. schools college st" i.nts who are ucj io ue m re dence eent'nuously tea he s tn ths Vubllc schools *b w irh 1 edi .nee 1 > pro fas. lon msmbers of womens clubs mechanics artl-on- drat me and other wage earners wishing te Increase their efficiency in their p« al line of work Aaelgnmenta are worked out by the etudent, eent la to tbe Instructor at tbe Ualvsrslty and corrected end returned by him. Full college credit towards a degree Is granted to correapondenee studeata who euccessfully complete coursee of college grade Xtuny pet are thue able Io shorten the time for g. t.luailoi <n to lake vocational or colle<o sori while attending to their customary business. Fer terms, bulletins, descriptions of courses, ete.. address the DIVISIOR or COKRKirtIMIIFYI'K STI IIY. I MHIHMTI nF ARKAWgAg. Fayelle. Ilie. Arboasas. TREATMENT ■AcdcV I° r L>i<l u <* rfl JIV and Drup ThWW rsa" •■vwwaes sad W »e twees htehmMbiMidtli Cujjwvuedsaos emAo.sUs. Lsag 1 Wcseo. rn>*s W « Park maos WOT SPRINGS. ARX. THE XMIOS TRCST CORFANT Offers 4 ffor eoat lateroot. parable eeatl-aaaaatly. oa Capital ''.'/“ri’., •soo.ooooo UNION TRUST COMPANY MOOIIHKAII WRIGHT. Presldea* Little H.*k, Ark. THE LYONS MEAL MILI The Lyons Mill should Iw in the possession of every fanner W4O grows gram of any kind. It is invaluable to him. Whether to make fine meal for his table, or buckwheat or Graham flour, or to make feed for his stock, there is nothing equal to the Lyona With a flour bolter attachment (extra) the Lyons Mill makes a high grade whole wheat flour. That is a point to consider in view of the present prices of flour. It grinds any kind It will make 96 per of threshed or shell- '• “3R©9 cent meal out of an ed grain and does 2g Varieties average bushel, and more work with less ia so easy to oper ( power than any oth- Os Feed ate that a boy can er mill. ™ n ’t. Southwestern Supply Co. JOF. 1 YON< Pn-Mdenf ’ 11J to 120 N. LOUISIANA ST. LITTLE ROCK. ARK Write for Catalog P. H. A. FROM PFEIFFER. Oat sowing, gardening and house I cleaning are the order of the day at 1 Pfeiffer. Mrs. Henry Barnett is reeuvering 1 after a serious illness of scarlet i fever. I Ernest Huggins, who spent the win I ter in Carthage. Mo., has returned to 1 Pfeiffer 1 Bill Ives, who is employed at the stone quarry, received a natnful in- | No War Prices j • \t thi STAR TAILORS \ Prices almost cut in two; : : workmanship <^uaran- : teed; fit the very best. J Clothes cnlled for end tivlivered i! ' ‘ I 11. GUEN'ZEL \ Tie gaasvilie Guard Solicits arJ will A | preciate y air Patronage Wr ro GOOD CO^NFRCIAI. PRINTING AND ’ OOh WORK. AND Ol'R fOLUNNS ARE ARONG THE BEST ADVERTISING ^EMVHS The BATESVILLE PRINTING COMPANY HOME GROWN TREES Ft uh «haJ« au l nut trees. Dsrry pianta crape vloss. hedges, two-year old roaaa hat bloom every month Spacial prkxs OB (rafted p*’in trees S»nd for our naw dsscrtptlvs catalog TIPTOE NTRSICHY (Bwa.i l.lttto H»rk. • ▲rhanMs jury to his hand in an attempt to move a atone one day last week. Mrs. John Carpenter of this pls visited her daughter, Mrs. Nora Trent of Magness, last week. 000000000000000 o 0 O WOOD C. 0. D. 0 0 Hardy 4 Son. 0 0 Phore 22. 0 0 0 000000000000000