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Newspaper Page Text
WE CARRY Al ALL LIMES A VERY LARGE \ ARII 11 Ol Toilet Articles VOU can get your favorite ■ Powder. Cream or Perfume by calling at our store. It will surprise you to see the variety of high class toilet articles that you can buy right here. We Appreciate Your Trade Terry Drug Co. Free Delivery Phone 161 Local and Personal JOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 o O Tonight fair and warmer; O| O Saturday partly cloudy. O o o| O .Marc h3O, 1917—Fair and O O fine. O । J O 700 0 0 0000000000 Big cash sale at Jeffery’ Bros. Co. ts John Morrow returned this morn ing from a business trip to Newport. Tomato plants for all le each. A T. Sherrod. 6td Snappy styles in Red Cross Boots. Edwards. Easter is near Why not select your new suit now from Barnett Bros. 2td Clothes called for and delivered Guenzel. the tailor. We will come when you call. For jitney service call 296 Miss Pearl Hinkle is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hinkle in Newport this week. Phone 115 for the best dry cleaning in the city. The Wardrobe. If you need a taxi cal) 296 and have us take you where you want to go. Mr. and Mm. J E. McKell of Bates ville were m town Monday.—Newark Journal. FOR SALE Residence property. Terms. Geo. F Sanders, 240 Neely st. A want ad will sell what you have to sell or get what you want to buy. Attorney Frank Pace of Little Rock is looking after some business matters here today. Have your clothes cleaned and pressed at Guenxel’s and get satisfac tion. Attorney F. E. Stein returned last night from Newport where he has been on business. Don't worry about April fires and tornadoes. Just see Rich. He will protect you. Work that little garden, trade at Barron's and be prosperous in the time of old H. C. L> Ibi ii DON'T BE THE GOAT B Insure With Ds And Get The Best U We represent Aetnn. Atlas. Camden. Com I. Union, Fidelity Phoenix, Fire Assn. Firemans ;; ! i Fund. Firemens. German Alliance. Globe & Rutgers. Hand-in-Hand, Hartford. Home of < > N. Y.. Home of Ark.. North America. Lon. & i; Lan . New Hampshire. Orient. Pa. Fire. Phil. Und Phoenix of Hartford, Royal Exchange. !: St. Paul. Scot Union. Springfield. Sun, Aetna ;; Life. Aetna A & L.. and U. S. Fid & Guar. We Are Here To Stay ; [ ii Batesville Insurance Agency h E. C. PARSONS, Managei nmtui"! sstrt—* ♦♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ t. ■ We clean where others fail. The Wardrobe. Prices reasonable. Phone 115. Earl C. Casey, prosecuting at- I torney, spent yesterday in Newport, I returning home on the local. Our loss is your gain. We are over stocked. Bargains for cash. Jeffery Bros. Co. dwtf L. B. Poindexter of Black Rock and Ira Mack of Newport are among the business visitors here today. We clean and press clothes satisfac torily. Let us do your tailor work. Guvnzel A Son. R. A. King and wife of Marcella are spending today in Batesville. Mrs. King having some dental work done. Your money back if you are not satisfied at the big cash store. Jef fery Bros Co. dwtf Our new line of men's suits are of the latest designs and patterns, and we want you to sec them. Barnett's. Have your lace curtains, portieres, dry cleaned at the Wardrobe for spring. Phone 115. Miss Helen Haile returned to her home at Cotter this morning, after spending a few days here visiting friends. Assessor Geo. W. Wyatt is spending today in Batesville meeting his many friends and looking after some busi ness matters. James B Ketchem is a candidate for mayor of Newark. Mr. Ketchem is chairman of the county democratic central committee. The big stock of Weaver-Dowdy Co. and Jeffery Bros, thrown together and stock must be reduced. Save money here. Jeffery Bros. Co. dwtf J. T. Garner, one of Calico Rock’s leading business men. spent last night in the city, leaving for his hone on this morning's train. Barnett Bros., "The Big Store,” has the largest and most select line of men's and boys' spring and summer clothing in North Arkansas. 2td Judge Eugene Cypert of Searcy has been appointed by Judge Crisp as the White county commissioner for the Batesville-Little Rock highway The burning of a bridge near Yell ville yesterday dclayed passenger train 209 several hours. Due here at s:4'i p. m.. it did not arrive until 4:40 this morning. ’ ayor J. IL Holderby and Mr . ' M. gie Tuggle, I uh of Newark, were mr ed in marriage at the home of I Squire and Mrs. A H. Saylors Tu s I day night. Squire Saylors officiating. POUND On Main street, a lady’.- 1 ; liar J-nag. containing some money and| a few articles. Owner may recover *ar e by calling at thia office and de-, scribing property an i paying for this i notice. O. F. Craig has let the contract for the erection of a new brick building; at Newark on his lot adjoining the i Journal building on Mam street. T , I. Young has the contract for putting up the building. Stone's Cake. Silver Slice, now ad vanced to 12c. Still they are cheaper । than baking, quality unexcelled ' Stone's Cake is made with pure but 1 ter. The price on Stone’s Mephisto. Golden Sunbeam. Spanish Cake, now in our stock fresh from the bakery, , only 10 cents. W. E. Barron, Cash Grocer. Phone 212. ltd Cl SHM \N NEWS- Carpenters are at work tearing I away the old lodge hall which stands east of Main street. A new two story building will tie placed upon the same grounds. Some rogue broke through the glass front and entered Albright’s store last Sunday night. He took some change from the cash drawer and made Lis es cape without being detected. Misses Lula Albright an Nanna Ottinger were at Batesville Tuesday night attending the show. W. H Denison is looking after busi ness on the Mississippi river this week. Claude Collie spent Tuesday in Batesville, where he was looking after business matters. Miss Vergie Hon is serving as clerk I for Postmaster Dobson while Miss Lettie Dobson, his regular clerk, is de tained at home on account of sickness . Ernest Rennie, a son of .1. E. Ren nic, has been confined to his lied for -eveml weeks. At this writing the lit j tie fellow is very low and his lone-1 hoped-for recovery srsmr very uncer i tain. Miss Lorenc Hardister. who is at-1 ten ling high school at Batesville, was ! visiting her parents Wednesday night The attendance in school ha« been lowered from the fact there are sev-j eral cases of measles in town. Th present term of school w ill close May i 4. A program is being prepared which will be given on the evening of the I third and fourth. The principal sea-1 tures of the program will lie a gol<l ( medal contest for the best recitation I and best declamation among the young | ladies and young men. and a play from the Alto series, "A Daughter of the | Desert.” SULPHUR ROCK. In the declamation and reading con i tests Thursday night of last w eek the i following pupils participated: Otis Crutcher, Harvey Chaney and Hershel Parks; and Misses Maxie Chaney, Van Martin and Fannie Long. The win ners were Otia Crutcher and Miss Maxie Chaney. W. H. McKenzie and Miss Ollie Bruce w ere married at the hon e of j the bride’s parent’, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bruce. last Thursday night. Hubert Rogers of Sharp was a vis itor here Sunday. The boys' basketball team was vic torious in a game against Magness at that place Saturday, the score l»ein : 37 to 19 Mr. and Mm J. W Taylor. OeU Wann and Hershel McGee of ' ave City were in town a few hours Sunday afternoon. The remains of Miss Kate Jernigan of Jonesboro were brought here from Jonesboro Saturday night Burial ser vices were held Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Fallis and chil dren of the Charlotte vicinity visited the lady's mother. Mrs. Sarah W*>od. Saturday and Sunday. Mm Oscar Anderson of Cave City is visiting relatives here this week. "Uncle” Hugh Wright has been very I sick. Among the teachers leaving here Wednesday night and Thursday morn ing to attend the State Teachers' As sociation were Roy Wright of Lone Oak, J. A. Carpenter and Floyd Jer nigan of Charlotte, and S E. Wells. O T. Jernigan and Miss Daisy Noth em of this place. Mr. and Mrs H. W Parks and daughter. Mis Hazel, and Misses Net tie Hodges and Lelah Wood spent yes terday in Batesville PLANTING CORN IN MARION The Mountain Echo says: "With favorable weather the remainder of the week, there will be hundreds of acres of corn planted in Manon coun ty. Our farmers have become tired of paying the high prices they have t>een | forced to pay for fe«*d for their stock and food for their families, and are making the effort of their lives to raise not only enough for their own use, but a surplus this year.” The OuMm Tint Ooes Hot artoet Ths Heo* Bkssss M Ha tea* ew - ,essb>s sure* LAXA TIVK UKOMOQVINiNn aWurrihanoonnsrT | O-Ontor swt 4.*, tex r*nw nervousness so, I I'WU In hes-t Sememner tbs full num* and , lu^k lor Iha s^s-jrv ol h, ♦ ’ Naoki. iSc. -ar, I Seeing Is Believing J We believe in Gossard and Bon T° n Corsets absolutely. / * We tell you these Corsets are i lM)th in STYLE and COMFORT - J But you can convince yourself as to the merits of these two well known Corsets most readily by seeing ? ' ’ them. CL/ Royal . | ter h A Style for every figure; a Corset f 1 ? for all occasions; for sport as well as WTnHIKv AX j 811 iFi/ for fashionable dress. Come in and see our new styles in both front and hack lace Corsets and be convinced. RESOLI THINS IN MFMORIXM We, memtiers of Alvis I <uige. No ! 42. assembled, adopt the following . resolutions in behalf pf our beloved I brother. W O. Tugwell, who departed , this life March I. 1917: Mr. Tugwell was born at Sandtown I August 19, IIW9. He joined the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows June I 10, 1913, and was a true member of the order; therefore. Be it Resolved. That the member of this lodge wear the badge of, mourning, for we have lost one of our I best and most valued members. j Resolved. That a copy of these reso ' lutions he spread on our lodge record. a copy be furnished the Batesville ! Guard for publication, and a copy be ; presented to the members of the fam ! ilv of the deceased. B D. Gallaway. A. A. Barnes, M A. Southard. Committee. Molli I 1 Will Montgomery and daughter. Mias Tina, were shopping in Bates- I ville Saturday. CJyde and Hall James attended Sun * day school at Mt. Tabor Sunday after noon. Porter James, who has tieen serioua ly ill with pneumonia, is reported ' much lietter at this writing. Mrs Marv Mobley is ill this week Rev. J. R. la*wallen of Cord spent Saturday night and Sunday with his nephew. Porter James. Kev. A P. James will fill his legu lar appointment at Cedar Grove Sun day There will be singing Sunday morning and also in the atfernixin. John Mitchell of Charlotte will be with j ua. Ig*t all attend who can. There has been no church services at Cedar Grove in quite a while on ac count of measles and other contagious diseases. I “Unde” Jim McAlester, who live* near Clinton. Van Buren county, has. during the p«’t 33 years, furnished the lumber and made with his own hands 90 coffins, which have been used to bury residents of Van Buren coun ty. He never charged for making a .offin ansi the entire amount of money received for his lumber and hia work during the 33 years la represented by • 1.15. 4 ARD OF THANKS We want to eapress our thanks to the people for the kindnesses shown in the late sickness and death of our little daughter, Frances. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Williams. 000000000000000 o o O WOOD c. 0. D. 0 0 Hardy A Son. 0 0 Phone 22. 0 o o 000000000000000 I spoil ING Ol D SRIENDSHIPS ' So far as men are concerned, the warmest friendship is that which ex-1 ists between two fellows whose wives I have never met. A friend that we ; have known and liked for years has । drifted away from us. and we suppose j he feels that we have drifted away from him. We liked each other so well that we wanted cur wives to meet and be good fnends. Finally they I met. and. as might have been expect ed. they cared nothing in the world for each other. In fact, one of them i said she couldn't see what on earth I anybody could find in her to admin*., and we suppose the other said abnut । the same thing. We felt that our friend knew what our wife thought of his wife. an<i we wen* a little ashamed to b« in his company Probably he felt the same. At any rate, we haven't had much of anything to do with each since. We speak, but no one would ever guess that we once were bosom friends Ft Worth Star-Telegram. \l MiiND We are having some pretty weather after so much rain. Several from Banner visited Stony Point Singing Class Sunday- evening. Albert Garrett was a visitor at the home of Mr Thomas Sunday. Noah Perlin is preparing to re cover his house Misses Pearl Sandefer. Nellie and Myrl Jeffery. Lillian Jeffery, Clara Garrett and Rent Gossett were guests of Miss Lillie Bullard Sunday. Jim Bullard of Newark visited his brother. Frank, this week. The party at Mrs. Street’s Thurs day night was well attended. Georgie Bullard of Locust Grove at tended Sunday school at Stony Point Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Desford Massev were guests at the home of Harry McEvoy Sunday.* Singing convention will tie held at Mt. Etna April 28 and 29. Everybody invited to attend. J. C Jordan made a business trip to Batesville Wednesday. Representatives of seven counties through which the proposed Mammoth Spnng-to Hot Springs highway will pass met in Little Rock recently and discussed the proposed road with of ficials of the state highway commis sion relative to methods of procedure to organize improvement districts to build the road. The representatives were from Fulton, Izard, Stone, Van Buren, Conway. Perry and Garland counties. _______ _ ! svigoratlng to the Paie and Sickly ITbe CM relief al etre«rthenln< tonic TAE TKLKM ebill TONIC drives ov talat is. enricbestbe blood. st»d build* no the * u>. A tonic. F<x ? KZ’S LIVER PILLS Relieve Biliousness, ( onstipa tion, Torpid Liver, Sick Headache and Kindred Liver Troubles. Dose—One pill at bedtime; in extreme cases 2 pills. Children, one-half hill. I se no other purgative while taking these pills. i Prepared and for sale by THE CASEY DRUG CO. [ Manufacturing Pharmacists. Batesville • - Ark. HIS DUTY. Recruit—“lf you was to put the lid on. you wouldn't get so much dust in the soup.” Cook—" See here, me lad, your busi ness is V» serve your country.” Recruit—“Yus, but not to eat it!”— Tit-Bits. MOTHERS IDEA. — "Did you meet any nice men while you were away ?” “Yes, mother. lx>ts of them.” “l.ots of them! There aren't that many in the whole world.”—Detroit Free Press. AT YOUR SERVICE Wherever you want to go or whenever vou call, whether it s for z short trip or a long one. late at night or catly in the morning, remember there's alwavs a Ford Taxicab and a careful, courteous driver at your service. Hardy Auto Livery Co Phone 22 —