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le witerman Ideal Fountain Pens RECOGNIZED AS THE BEST. Satisfaction Guaranteed or your Money Refunded Terry Drug Co. Rexall Store Free Delivery Telephone 161 Local and Personal jOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3 O 3 0 »coOOOOO O O O O O O 0 Lux at K. Z.’s. T. B. Everetts of Sulphur Rock is transacting business here today. Mrs. R. W. Searcy of Desha is shopping here today. Seal of Arkansas flour at Conine’s. Lee Crabtree of Mobley is in the city today trading. A. L. Dunlap of Desha is a business visitor to the city today. For all kinds of insurance see Rich. .1. C. Johnston arrived this morning from a trip over his territory. Ix*e Smithv of Shelbyville is trans acting business in Batesville today Call Lyle Luckett for a taxi. Mr and Mrs. Preston Wilkerson of Saffel are shopping in the city today. Holly Hardin of Strawberry is djoig sonic trading with < ur merchants tv day. House to Rent—M. P. Baxter. 3td J. L. Rosebrough, a tobacco sa'es man, is in the city looking after his interests. George Ballard and daughter, Mis- Kuth. of Maxville, rre visiting in th’ city today. Lap robes to fit Ford cars at Jeffery Bros. Co. 3td Alex Bevens arrived this morning and will spend a few days here with his mother. Jo Qualls of Evening Shade is in Batesville today looking after busi ness and buying goods. Lux at K. Z.’s. E. M. Sydnor returned home this morning from an overland trip, made in the interest of his trade. Save Money on Groceries Barnetts’ Bargain Annex 121-2 pounds Granulated White Sugar, SI.OO 3-pound can Tomatoes *5 Half-pound can Salmon • 2 cans Good Luck Baking Powder . . 15 48 pounds Best First Patent Flour 2.75 3-pound can of Extra High Grade Coffee .75 6 pounds High Grade Grain Coffee • LOO 8 pounds Good Grain Coffee . . . • LOO • _____ Barnetts* Bargain Annex “W« Saw • Ewn Now is the time to buy Thanks ing turkey, if you intend to have one, for prices will be higher later. Genuine Edison Mazda lamps at K. Z.’s. Mr. and Mrs. Senter Stewart left today for Black Rock, where Mr. Stewart will look after business. If you want a taxi call Lyle Luck ett. E. P. Brown of Route One made a I pleasant call at the Guard office while ( in the city, renewing his subscription, i Genuine Edison Mazda lamps at | K. Z.’s. • C. N, McGee of Dalton, Ark., has arrived and will take charge of the 1 Mosby garage, which he recently pur-1 chased. Money to loan on five years time on farms. See J. Rich. N. Linenweaver and daughter. Miss Sylvia, of McHue, are in the city to day trading. Mr. Linenweaver called at this office. Cecil Wade returned home this morning from a trip over his terri tory. He will spend Sunday here with his family. Just received, a new shipment 01 typewriter ribbons. Call at this office John W. Ferrill returned yesterdaj afternoon on the local from Jacksor county, where he has been looking after his farming interests. For northern select oysters call Otis Williams. Phone 365. Imd Wyatt Mason left this morning for Fort Roots, following a message to report at once. He had intended to remain at home a few days longer. Messrs. Darby & Shook delivered a special French style Louis XV Chick ering & Sons baby grand piano to the home of W. A. Ed wards this week. Call in and select a pair of penta today. Nice line of samples on dis play. H. Guenzel. | The streets of Batesville are i । crowded today by fathers and their wives from the surrounding country. | i and the merchants are doing a good 1 business. I J Lux at K. Z.’s. George Brewer of Cave City is in Batesville to lay to meet his wife on her return from Heber Springs, where . has I censor her health. Mr . Brewer is much improved since her I stay at Heber Springs. A ANTED Two rooms for light housekeeping. Call W. Garretson, at I Barnett hotel. t2d I Desha lister left Friday for Hot i I Springs, where he will spend several । weeks taking the births. Mrs. Lester | : wiil visit with her parents. Mr. and | •Mrs. E. O. Craig of Newark, during her husband’s absence . IOR SALE—Fallis seed wheal, SJ.I-'i per bushel. See Clarence Bruce, Moorefield. 3tdltw M’S. Charles Mosby and son. 1 harles Jr..* returned Friday from Little Rock, where they had been vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Handfor.l. I h< y were met at Newport with a ca: and motored home in the afternoon. Genuine Edison Mazda lamps at K. Z.’s. Don Matthews of Yellville arrived in Batesville last night and will spend several days here. Mr. Matthews is assoicated with his father. F. N. Mat thews, in the new-paper business a’ Yellville, and is doing well. The Glee Club o' the school featur ed in the program given a “The Womanless Wedding" on aesday night of this week, when M - Blanch Kennard, music teacher for the school, | directed to music. The week is up for signing the food conservation pledge cards, and [ those who have failed to do their patriotic duty in this regard, may yet be called upon to perform some other obligation of trust to the gov ernment. The Story & Clark player piano on exhibition at Casey Drug Store is a trading considerable attention among the music lovers of Batesville. This piano is a special case of a dtlir: t chased design and it certainly is a beauty. ltd John Collie of Cushman is trans ncting business in Batesville todav. i The Ladies Aid of the Baptist II church will hold its regular weekly meeting at 1 o’clock on Monday af j ternoon of next week instead of on r Tuesday, the regular day, and all o i members are urged to be present at o I this time, j ' “ MISS STELLA PICKETT ' HARDY IS HONORED I I At the election of state officers for 1 the Arkansas Federation of Woman’s Clubs for the ensuing year, held at Fort Smith Friday, Miss Stella Pick ett Hardy of Batesville was elected auditor. In view of the fact that the com ing year with the Federation and local federated clubs will lie burdened I with great responsibility, on ac- I count of Arkansas being the hostess I for the biennial of the General Feder | ation of Woman’s Clubs, the election I of Miss Hardy means much to Bates ville's clubs, and will place the feder- I ated clubs of our city in an important I light with the General Federation. Mrs. H. C. Gibson, former field 1 secretary of the A. F. W was elected state president after a heated contest between Mrs. J. E. Andrews of Harrison and Mrs. Minnie U. Ruth erford-Fuller of Magazine. Other officers elected were. First vice president, Mrs. A. W. Troup of Pine Bluff: second vice presi i .lent, Mrs. J. S. Holt, Fort Smith; treasurer. Mrs. Ed Graves, Arkadel phia; general federation secretary, I Mrs. John Ike Moore of Helena. i e I Neuralgia of the face, shoulder, hands or feet requires a powerful rem edy that will penetrate the flesh. BAL LARD’S SNO WIJNIMENT posses ses that power. Rubbed in where the pain is felt is all that is necessary to j relieve suffering and restore normal l conditions. Price 25c, 50c and SI per । bottle. Sold by Goodwin Drug Store. AT THE GEM. The serial, "Seven Pearls,” which should have been here tonight, failed to arrive. I have sent my car to Newport after two reels, making a । four reel program. The final chapter of “The Secret Kingdom" will be shown, also the two reels I secured from Mrs. R. B. Hock ing. Just what the reels are I cannot state, but will assure all my patrons that I aas not trying to hold then up and will reduce the price tonight to 5 and 10 cento. I know the “Secret Kingdom" fewrth bhe price alone. W. L .Landers. Largest Line of Clothing In North Arkansas For Ken, Young Men and Boys Consisting in conservative cuts for men, young men’s up-to-date, snappy suits, in Pinch-backs, Belted and Trench styles. Boys’ suits in the latest designs. Large line of overcoats in plain, trench and belted. Preistley’s cravenetted combination overcoats. Raincoats from the cheapest to the best. A very large assortment of men’s and boys’ Mackanaws. This large line of woolens were bought before the heavy advance, and we can save you money if you will see the line before you buy. We have the goods, you have the money. Come in and let us verify our statement. Yours for a Fair Deal, 1 BEST MAKES OF PIANOS. I Prof. W. W. Darby, J. H. Shook. W. O. Collins arrived in Batesville this week for the purpose of making Batesville headquarters and distribut ing point for the following line of high grade players and pianos— Chickering & Sons. Hazelton, Pack ard. Estey, Story & Clark. Marshall & WendalL Haddorf. Becker Bros. Autopiano, Hohler & Campbell, Fran, cis Bacon. Behr Bros., and other well known makes. Arrangements have been made with the Casey Drug Co. to display samples at their store and some beautiful -»mplcs of Storey A- Clark and Estey pianos are now’ on exhibition. Prof. C. W. Darby of Harrison is well known here, having sold quite a few pianos here about ten years ago. J. H. Shook of Rogers will stay here this winter. Mrs. Shook is expecting to join him shortly. Mr. W. O. Collins, expert tuner of Searcy, will remain here for about two weeks tuning up the pianos sold here by Messrs. Darby & Shook last spring. Those desiring a piano in the near Pope of Searcy’ and conduct their busi ness on strictly legitimate lines, and ask the patronage of the people of Batesville and country. Those desiring a pino in the near future can inspect the samples on hand at Casey Drug-Store and leave orders for Christmas presents In the piano line, as it takes several weeks to get pianos from New York and other cities. ltd MRS. EDNA HICKS. Mrs. Edna Hicks passed away at her home in Tuckerman October 24, 1917. She leaves a husband, step-mother, •wo brothers and their families and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her death. We know our loss is her gain. She was the daughter of Rev. S. B. Vick and wife, her father having pre ■eded her to the sweet beyond one ear and eight months, and her moth er missed away several years before. Her step-mother. “Mama Lydia," showed the true Christian spirit nnd love by staying by her daughter and doing all she could for her. Her neice Miss Inez Vick, was also de v-tod and attentive to her. Mrs. Hicks was a beautiful charac ter, a true devoted Christen. She wa known in several counties where she ’—J KufSt school and was fnurh be- loved by all her pupils. She showed much patieice throughout all her ill ness. which was continual for nine ’ weeks. We feel that we should not grieve over one who is safe in the sweet be yond where she was met by father, mother and two brothers who have passed into the haven of rest Bereaved ones, “though we sorrow here for loved ones gone, tears of grief will soon be o’er; there’ll be no parting and no pain on the glad eter nal shore. “Safe in the arms of Jesus. Safe on his gentle breast. There by His love o’er shaded. Sweetly her soul doth rest." One Who Loved Her. DON’T FORGET. To put a 3-cent stamp on every let ter. To put a 2-cent stamp on every post card. j To take an extra penny to the movie show. , To pay a nickel extra for long dis- , tance telephone calls and telegrams. i To add 10 cents to your club dues. ' To pay 8 per cent more for your railroad ticket. To pay 10 per cent more for your Pullman ticket. To pay 1 cent extra for every 20 । cents that express package cost you. j To pay 8 cents on each SIOO of new । life insurance. ] Pay your war taxes. Put a porous plaster on the chest and take a good cough syrup intern- , ally if you would treat a severe case of sore lungs properly. Get the dollar 1 size BALLARD’S HOREHOUND SY- 1 RUP. With each bottle there is afw HERRICK S RED PEPPER POROUS . PLASTER for the chest. Sold by the Goodwin Drug Store. A FEW RECIPES. Cheese Sandwich—To a cup of: ground cheese add a little paprika sauce, olive oil and chopped parsley : Mix well and spread between slices of' white or rye bread. Salmon Sandwich—Pick apart with ' i fork half a cup of salmon, add to it I' one-fourth cup finely cut celery. Sea son with boiled or mayonnaise dress ing. . । Instead of buying soup meat, use ground atoak for broth or any kind of °oup, aa it has a better meat flavor - ’ t^e meat makes it look teatv. U*e ‘wo or three cloves in beef broths t r ’-v kind of soup. Human Vibrations. Wlie has not felt the Instinctive feel ing >f distrust that certain Individuals create, though there is nothing out wardly to indicate that anything la wrong? Who has not felt the tremen dous vibrations that some orators and actors give forth as soon as they come before their audiences? The variety of examples is limitless because they all dejiend u|M>n the character and ten dencies of the people who create their vibrations, which combine with the oth ers nnd are Just as real and Important ns the vibrations which are kno vn to us as electricity, hent, music, light and color?—Exchange. Stop coughing! You rack the lunes aid worrv the body. BALLARD’S HOREHOUND SYRUP checks irrita tion. heals the lungs and restores com fortable breathing. Price 25c. 50c and $1 per. bottle. Sold by Goodwin Drug Store. Man and Other Animals. The essential difference between man and animals is well stated by Doctor Gasset, nn eminent French biologist, quoted by the Scientific American. He says the nnimnl Is pre destines! to obey the laws of Its spe cies, while man obeys them only If nnd when he will. A rum may. If he wanw to. sustain with energy the pretention that two and two make five, or he may ’’ommit suicide. Regulate the bowels wh- n they f II to move properly. HERDINE is an admirable bowel regulator. It helps the liver and stomach and or-s a fine feeling of strength and b ioya c”. Price 50c. Sold by Goodwin drug store. Arabs Still Eating Manna. The manna with which the children of Israel were fed in the desert was the honey dew of n species of mealy bug which lives on the tamarisk. These bugs secrete It In just the name way that the aphids secrete the honey dew that Is the food of the anta. Ths Arabs still eat the “manna” and their name for it today Is “man." How About Other SenessY "The sense of direction la ao strong ly developed in the average man." stated Prof. Pate, “that he can rise In the middle of the darkest night that ever wnv. unerringly find his way clear through the house to a burglar proof safe, work the combination with out a light, take out a bottle of hair restorer nnd drink heartily of Its con tents by mistake for the cough rem edy which stands on the little table be side his l>cd."— Kansas City Mar. Uaeie Bbon. “A mao dat ata’ got nnMn* to IM ibont 'rapt de hotness of to wunthsr." said UMte Eben* tela' get ne tetoMi ■wwrth muiete I .* _