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WAR SAVING STAMPS United States Government Baby Bonds wn gm g mi A They are War Savings Stamps. They are of two kinds—United States Thrift Stamps (25c each). Uniled WH A I AFP I HAV ' States Wa r Savings Stamps ($4.12 each). Sixteen U. S. Thrift Stamps plus 12 cents in cash in Dec 1917. or ■■ U** 1 nl v MIIV J • 1918, will purchase a War Savings Stamp, which when affixed to a War Savings Certificate is the guar- antee of the Government and the people of the United States to repay on January 1. 1923, the full amount with interest at 4 per cent, compounded quarterly. The U. S. Thrift Card is a pocket-sized card given free of charge to purchasers of U. S. Thrift Stamps. The War Savings Certificate is a pocket-sized card given to holders of War Savings Stamps. War Savings Stamps are as safe as the United States. 11711^7 Hl 11 1 ft fill 0 Because we are at war. Because the more we save, the more labor and material will be WHY \nAll||l I KIIV I lipni f available for the use of the Government and for the support of our army. Because we ■■l*l MllVUltl * 1/14 J lllvlllt must have dollars as well as men in the fight for freedom. Because they establish the soundest and simplest basis of Saving, which is the key to individual success. Because there is no safer investment in the world. Be cause War Savings Stamps must increase each month in value. • I 1171117 H I A TL 0 A s simple as buying postage stamps. This is the simplest security ever offered by a Government till Ml I | 1111 V | nPm ’ to its people, Any man, woman, or child who can save twenty-five cents can obtain at any Post ” VUll 1 UUj 1 llvlll • Office or Bank aU. S. Government Thrift Stamp and a Thrift Card to which to attach it. This starts you as an investor and puts you behind the Government. 11711^17 Hl 11 I 11 TL 0 Buy them now. because the cost increases one cent every month after the 31st of January. 1918 WtltVlw AnQll I KIIV I lIAIII r The sooner you buy them, the less they cost. The price of War Savings Stamps is $4.12 in De- / 11 VIIUU * VUJ A llvlll • cember. 1917, and January. 1918, and increases one cent each month until in December. 1918. when the price is $4,23. The cost is as follows: JANUARY 12 APRIL ... t $4 15 JULY . $4 18 OCTOBER $4 21 FEBRUARY ,t .. 4 13 MAY 4 16 AUGUST 4 19 NOVEMBER , 4 22 . MARCH 4 14 JUNE 4 17 SEPTEMBER . 4 20 DECEMBER 4 23 No commissions are charged to you, or paid to any one, Our soldiers and sailors may give their lives: ' you are asked only to lend your money WHERE Can I Buy Them ? " At Any Bank or Post Office Every Stamp Helps to Save a Life! Every Stamp Helps to Win the War! Even the Baby Can Own a Baby Bond Save Your Quarters, Halves and Dollars. There Are 30,000 People in Independence County—There Should Be 30,000 Baby Bonds. 'W'' ■ • b i —r • The people of the county have over Two Millie Dollars in the banks and should be loaning a good portion to the Government for interest, patriotism .id absolute safety. “Let’s do our bit that our Boys • in France and their comrades get their bite.” GOLDEN RULES STORES DIRECTORS MEEY HERE A meeting of the directors and stockholders of the Golden Rule stores of this section was held here Monday night in the office of E. C. Parsons, over the Union Bank and Trust Com yan}. Among those present were R. I. Sharp of Calico Rock, R. F. Wood of Calico Rock. W. B. Findley, manager of the Golden Rule store at Cotter; Dock Arp, manager of the Golden Rule store at Yellville: W. G. Moore manager of the Golden Rule store at Newark; Austin Billingsley of Guion. P. A. Billingsley of Kensett and J. W. Williamson of this city. The directors of this company are K I. Sharp, who is also president ;J. W. Williamson, vice president; P. A. Billingsley, secretary; W. G. Moore and Ed Billingsley. The same officers were re-elected for the coming year. A general business meeting was had T viewing the work of the past year dividend was declared to the stock holders. SOME WINNING DON'TS. Here are some don't* that will help win the war: Don’t waste food, it will Weed our armies and our allies. Don’t burn coal when you can get .wood; it will move our ships. Tpon*t neglect to observe the meat less . nd wheatless days. Don’t kill calves for veal; let them mature for beef. Don’t criticise the president; you may land in jail. Don’t look upon Liberty Ixtat* and War Savings as a donation. Don’t give aid or comfort to alien enemies or fail to report them. Don’t discourage the enlistment of A|*young men in military service. JR Don’t let your stock run at large Oh railroad rights of way. fail to respond to all govera -1 X||MAa Bur eervtce. COLLECTOR’S NOTICE. The undersigned Collector of Rev enue for Independence ountv, will at tend in person or by Deputy, in each of the Townshins of Independence ounty on the dates hereafter named, for the purpose of collecting ths State, County, Road, school, District, Munic ipal and Improvement District Taxes, assessed and levied against the real and persona) property of said County for the year 1917, as follows: Relief Township, at Coverston School House, Thursday, January 31. Greenbrier Township, at James town. Friday, February 1. Greenbrier Township, at Desha, Saturday, February 2. Black River Township, at CorS, Monday and Tuesday, February 4, 5. Dota Township, at Walnut Grove, Wednesday, February 6. Dota Township, at Charlotte, Thurs day, February 7. Gainsboro Township, at Ham School House, Friday, February 8. I-ogan Township. at Jimerson Store, Monday. February 11. Wvcough Township, at Mt. Carmel. Tuesday, February 12. White River Township, at Sulphur Rock. Wednesday and Thursday, Feb ruary 13 and 14. Craig Township, at Rutherford’s Store. Friday, February 15. Ashley Township, at Brewer’s School House. Saturday February 16. Barren Township, at Burrows Store, .Monday. February 18. Barren Towt ship, at Hickory Vai ley, Tuesday. February 19. Magness Township, at Magness, Wednesday. February 20. Bit Bottom Township, at Newark, 1 Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb ruary 21, 22 and 23, Ruddell Township, at Court House, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 26. 26 and 27. And after the last date named, in my office in Batesville. Ark., until April 10. 1918. Act No. 415. of the Acts of 1911 provides that all taxes levied on real and ngrsonal propertv shall be deemed due and payable at anv tipie from the first day of January to and including the 10th day of April, shall be consid ered delinquent, and it is made ths duty of the Collector to extend a pen alty of 10 per cent of all such delin quent tax payers who have not paid their texes within the time limited. The Clerk of the County Court at the time of making settlement with the Collector, ehan carefully examine the record of tax receipts as rapt by the Collector, aad ehall ckergw said Collector with a sum equal to 10 per cent of al) tax receipts recorded after the 10th day of April. All persons are requested to have deeds or tex receipts containing a cor rect description of their lands so errors may be avoided in making tax receipts. Where I have more than one day in a Township. I reserve the right to leave soon after noon of last day. S. D. Lindsey. Collector. State ot Ohio. City of Toledo. I.ucaa County, as. Frank J. Cheney make* oath that he la senior partner of the flrm of F. J, Cheney & Co., doing huelneea In the City of Toledo, County ami Slate nforeaald. ma that raid flrm will bav the num of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for ea< h and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of H AI.I. 8 CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J CHENET. Sworn to before me and eubaerlhed In my presence, thia Sth day of December A D ISSS. A. W GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine la taken in ternally and acta through the Blood on »he Mucous Surfaces of the System Send for testimonials free. * F J CHENEY A CO . Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists. TSc. Hall's Family Pill* for constipation. B ANK RI TCY NOTICE. In the District Court of the United States for the Northern Division of the Eastern District of Arkansas. In the matter of Lytle Hickerson Bankrupt. To the creditors of Lytle Hickerson of Batesville, in Independence county in said district, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that the above named Lytle Hickerson has been duly adjudged bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will he held in the office of the referee in Batesville. Ark., ors the 11th day of February, 1918, at 10 o’clock a tn., at which time the said creditors may at tend. prove their claims, examine the bankrupt, appoint a trustee and trans act such other business as may prop erly come before said meeting. Chas. F. Cole, Referee. Batesville, Ark., Jan. 88, 191 s. Why They Are Called “Posters." Posters took their name from the fact that in former Hines the footways of London were separated from the drives by u*ne of post*, on uhicli ad verUaesneut* were displayed. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For State Treasurer. The Guard is authorized to an nounce Ernest Tipton as a candidate for the office of State Treasurer, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. Far State Senator. The Guard is authorised to an •ounce J. K. York of Independence County a candidate for State Senator from the Sixth diatrict, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. County and Probate Judge. The Guard is authorized to an nounce J. H. Jimmerson of White River township as a candidate for the office of County and Probate Judge, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary to be held in May. For Sheriff. The Guard ia authorized to an nounce T. F. Shell of Cushman town ship for the office of Sheriff, subject to the action of the democratic pri mary to be he.d the last Tuesdav in May. The Guard ia authorized to an nounce E. R. Hooper as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Independ ence county, subject to the action of the voter* in the democratic primary For County and Probate Clerk. We are authorized to announce Wash Browning of White River town ship as a candidate for County and Probate Clerk, subject to the action of the voters at the democratic pri mary to be held the last Tuesdav in May. For Circuit Clerk. The Guard is authorized to an nounce B F. Adams as a candidate for Circuit and Chancery Clerk, subject to the action of the Democratic pri inary. Fee County Treasurer The Guard is authorized to an nounce W. R Westbrook a* a candi date for the office of County Trees ■rar, subject to the action of the dem eentie party. Michael, First of Archangels. Michael, the first of'the archangels (Daniel 10:13, Jude 9.) l* described In Dnalil 10:21, ns “the prince of Israel,” nnd in 13:1, us “the great prince which stunde'h” In time <>f conflict “for the children of thy people." SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. SEWER DISTRICT NO. 3. a The tax book* for the collection of special assessment upon the real property in Sewer District Uo. 3. for the year 1918, has been placed in my hands. All owners of real property lying in this district are required to pay their assessments to me within 30 days from this day. If such pay ment is not made action will be com menced at the end of that time for the collection of raid assessment and for legal penalty and costs. Given under my nan I this 26th day of January, 1918. H. M. Kennerly. Collector | lOt At Citizens Bank and Trust Co. I The Best Gift No matter what the occasion may be, a PHOTOGRAPH conveys an expression of sentiment that can tie realized in no other way. There is something person al about a photograph.- J. R. LEWIS Photographer Opposite the Poetoffice. . Special AMerament, Sewer District District No. 1. The ta\ books for the collection of s|»ecial assessment upon the real propel ty n Sewer District, No. 1 sot the year 1918, ha* been placet! in my hands. All owners of real property lying in this district are required to pay theli assessments to me within thirty (BO* days from this date If such payment ia not made, ac tion .vdl l>c commenced at the end of that time for the collection of sari assessment and for legal penalty an! co»t«. Given under my hand this 12th day <>f January, 1918. 10tq Floyd Jackaon, Collector The Individual The Initiation of all wise or noble things come*, and must always eon* from Individuals—generally at first from aoine one Individual. The honor and glory of the average man Is that he la cajiable of following that Initia tion ; that he can respond Internally to wine and noble thing*.—John Stuart Mill.