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Order your Groceries Where you get Prompt Service J. 9. SONS The Grocer Phone 269 Tire Trouble IS THE WORST OF ALL AUTOMOBILE TROUIH I S. 'FT Me REPAIR YOUR TIRES. RAYIIOIND HOLMES EXPERT '.IRr. VUL' ANIZER ?H<JNE 37 We plan our service to meetyour every need. Our phone sen-ice is a specialty and is prompt, because we know you are in a hurry when you phone. We not only give you immediate service, but accuracy as well, and you will get what you ask for if you phone us. Bpo^y^EpHnGCoj I THE UNIVERSAL CAR I The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car, nJ seats five comfortably. While an enclosed car JU with permanent top, it has large windows, and 111 • may in a minute be changed to a most delight- Mi ful open car with always a top protecting u against the sun. In inclement weather it is a II closed car, dust-pr<K>f, water-proof, Cold-proof. I Finely upholstered. Equipped with electric I starting and lighting system and demountable I rims with 3j4-mch tires front and rear. A real H family car. Won't you come in and look at i^? The delights of the electric car with the economy of the 'Ford. B. F. W. Anto Co. NOTH E TO CHAI TAI NGA CLUB MEMBERS * riveting of ail members of The < .-»u " .go Club is hereby called, to m »s at the Chamber of Commerce O' • Ihe Casey Drug Company on Fri- A »ven ng, November 14th. 1010, at > o'clock. for the purpoee of consider ing t’w matter of re-opening and re orrwxmg said dob. 1 cry one who was a member of •a I«hib at the date of tu eeapeaeiea an arount of the war la urged to ha pm sent at this aeutiug. LYMAN F.BKEDEB. Pre Mitel a-m<v4. DO FT DSSaSGABB A COM \ mlnM c<»M may develop Into m<»l •« rkb»»« ►ickit* *a The Influens* nr«.| pi. MBnonl* thal swept the country a 'car a«n wet* prt'ct^led »y *n ••Mamie of coW* •’Mey a Hm>e> and iSf will clafL a coM if taken In time It loos o <<- phlecni anti m h «»um clears alt i> iN»4gr«, «*ara hoareem***. M«»p* tlckl- In* thnwt NaM everywhere- MRS. Hl DRON APPOINTED AS GUARDIAN The circuit coart al the recent term, made the appointment of Mrs. Ureel Hudson as guardian of Elisa beth Richardson to succeed W. M. Thompson, who was appointed by the probate court last summer, and the appointment was appealed to the cir cuit court, and set aside, at ita recent session. _ | • Local and Personal 000000000000000 o o o Tonight and Tuesday, generally O O fair; colder tonight. 0 O 0 oooooccoooooooo Batesville Insurance Agency writes all Lndscf Insurance. Phone 105. dtf J. Rich for insurance. dtf ILrnun Guenze). the Tailor. Phone No. 151. Call us! dtf. B' your typewriter ribbons from <ba Sims, at Guard office. ts Th bed yet! Stafford's ink and ear paper. Will be pleased to have your itronage. Chas. Sims. ts •V li. Murphy writes all kinds of insurance. Also, dealer in Real Es tate. tfd When in need of writing fluid, car bon paper and typewriter riblxms, get them from Chas. Sims at Guard office. A fresh supply of Stafford's inks and carbon papers just received. ts Does your chimney need cleaning? If so, call Laurence Brown. Phone 468. 6td Edison latest model phonograph for sale, at the Piano Store, 475 Main] street. J. H. Shook. 4td-pd.i Walter Denison of Cushman was in' the city today. Clairvoyant, palmist, the great La 5 Verne at Barnett Hotel. Do not fail to see her. Dr. and Mrs. Stark Craig left Sun day morning for Rochester, Minneso ta, where they will spend sometime. Circuit court adjourned Saturday until January sth when the adjourned term will be continued. Miss Mary Bains of Newport visit-| ed Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Blandford on Sunday. Miss Georgia Shanks, who is work ing in Newport spent Sunday with her parents in this city. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Murphy of Schoffner are visiting in the city the gm t of their son, W. D. Murphy. ? t. J IL Kennedy and Mrs. J. C. Johrston are attending the W. C. T. U. Convention being held at New port this week. The rainfall as quoted from the government gauge for last night reg istered 2.44 inches and the river is rteri 11 l>e falling at this time. !. an Mrs. Roy Hinkle left Sun day night for Newport after having spent Sunday with Mrs. Willie Hinkle in thia city. ' O-. Can of Mountain View -ame i down Saturday night and will spend a . few days here visiting the family of Junius Case. D. A. Spicer and L. S. Starks of Prairie View, Arkansas, recently pur chasqd farms in this county, and have , .<1 tru,. iaui.,i« neiv, wh,re nicy will make their iuture home. | sirs. I X Barnett went to Newport Sunday morning where she will re fill to attend the W. C. T. U. con vention, and while in that city Mrs. Barnett will be the guest of Mrs. W. b. Grant. Sheriff Harris returned Sunday morning from Little Rock where he ..ent to take four prisoners to the .ui penitentiary and they were as follows: John Peal, sentenced for uur years tor stealing a horse; Rus sell Barnes, one year for grand lar ceny, and Jessie and Tom Smith, one year each for stealing cotton. Pat Malone and Will Ingram, who were conftned in the county jail, ac cused of robbery, escaped from the jail on Saturday night at ten o'clock by sawing the bars of one of the win dows in two. No clew to the capture of ths escaped prisoners has been made, but an effort is being made to locate thclh. The recent rains added to the neg lected condition of the roads for the past summer, has rendered the subject of good roads paramount in the minds ct the people ,uat no*. Os course the hen puces of road building material and the extreme labor situation ren -ieii the speedy work on the roads lathci uncertain, but at any rate we can talk good roads, and want good roads, until the good roads will be (.ome a realitj —we hope. w UNIT—REWARD I lost my pocketbook containing •ALM in greenback on Main street to dav. ( will par Kmn -if returned to Gauri jfrp^W. SERVICE CAR I am now running a service car. H. G. Westcott. Phone 493. 12td-pd. IMIS FOUMD RELIEF. ' ■•1 an I uoiufi. *uftVHng kM ■ t/ I 1 ’der tr • v w ‘h’ ?!ad t n< •on i found rein Mra «L M.oh.. writes "I that terrible ImckMCliv and tiled out I • i...^ Hcarcvlv able i • iny w >rk. • a n -w person." F<»!d ev«ryw’i*ere. PROGRAM FOR STATE U. < T. U. .MEETING FOR T-. ESDAY Tuetuiay Morning, 8:3(1 O'clock. Conference of Corresponding Sucrt tai s ^nd Treasurers, conducted by Mrs. Jas. Brooks and Mrs. Eliza D Furry. '( o'clock, opening of convention. Music. Devotional, conducted by the Fort I Smith Union. i Music. Report of committees and confer ences. I Reading of minutes. Summing up the work of the Wom en's Committee, National Defense league— Miss Emma Archer. Little Rock. Child Welfare Exhibits—Mrs. Min nie L'. Rutherford-Fuller. Our Girls’ Industrial School, a Real ity—Mrs. Jennie Erickson, Little' । Rock. ; The Boys Industrial School—Mis. ' It B. Rue. Pine Bluff. ; A New Christian Citizenship—Mrs. I Mildred Dorsey, Newport. Our Orphanages—Rev. J. F. E. ’ | Bates. 1 Discussion—Led by Mrs. 1. N. Bar- j j nett, Batesville; Mrs. W. S. Daniel.' I Dermott. | The New Woman Citizenship (51 minutes each) —Misi Onp Lindsey.! Stuttgart; Miss Bessie Irwin, New port; Mrs. Mary D. .Meiser, P’^- gould; Mrs. Frances Almond, Little , Rock; Mrs. Minnie U. Rutherford j .Magazine. , Mother a Citizen—Mrs. Mott, ' Blytheville. Quit, on the State W. C. <. U. I constitution—Mrs. Lulu A. Markwell, , Little Rock; .Mrs. C. P. Michael, Mena. । Our Papers Necessary Tools—Mrs. .Jennie C. Pittman and Mrs. Eliza Fur-| i ' Bible Exposition—Miss Elizabeth! i'dlock. Little Rock; Mrs. Sallie Dick son, Monticello. Parliamentary Drill- Mrs. Clio Harper, Little Rock. Miscellaneous business. Noontide prayer, led by Camden Unidn. 3cneu:etion, Kensett Union. I’i ogress luncheon—Toast mist teas, -Irs. Brooks. Tuesday Afternoon. 1 O'clock. • Sung sei vice, tifteen minutes. Devotional, conducted by the* Hart ford Union. j Music. .Minutes of previous meeting The Physical Decalogue—Mrs. j • Morse. Morrilton. The Station Matron—Mrs. E. D. Vann and Mrs. Sutherland, Fort Smith. Parks and Playgrounds and a Wid-i er Use of School Plants—Mrs. Lucy t ritz. Pine Bluff. Women in Industry—Mrs. Lula Ed i .rnnwn. Little Rock. W . ■ Our Schools Need Mrs Con nie Bonslagle, Little Rock; Mrs. Helen 1. Junes. Forrest City. Picture Shows Educations!—Mrs Jas. Brooks, Blytheville, and Mrs., Bevins, Newport. The Fair an Abused Institution—! Mrr. Willie Ketchem. Morrilton Round Table Discussion of—Health pre and post Natal, for Efficiency.) and a report of the Great Meeting of Women Doctors in New Y’ork—Dr 1 Sara Wise, San Francisco; Dr. Ida io» Broke. Little Rock; Dr. Olive Wil son. Little Rock; Dr Ellen Higgen- Hbtham. Pine Bluff. The Negro a Citizen—Mrs. Susie ( rawford. Little Rock. A Poster Parade—Miss Minnie Bur t n. Morrilton; Mrs. J. M. Soward, Pine Bluff. Miscellaneous business. | Music. Benediction, Rector Union. PROGRAM FOR LAST DAY OF THE STATE W. C. T. U. BEING HELD AT NEWPORT TueUay EsetoM? 7:N O’Chrk. Young People's Rally—ln charg. । of Mrs. J. K. Meadows, Newport; Mrs. J. N. Robertson, Monticello; Miss Thcnie Hal). Brady; Miss Dovie Irwin, Newport; Mrs. Effie Remley, Brink !<y; Mise Rowena Campbell. New port Music—Children's Chorus. Devotional—Van Buren union. Silver Medal Contest. Grand Diamond Modal contest. Meek. O'sßgue — Mr. Tightwad. Awar-iing of Medal. F, ( e>^<s«4—The Herald. •• I Pageant. •'L . • GEM Theatre TONIGHT MONDAY NIGHT PATHE Presents x a Fannie Ward IN s An Extra Selected Picture “The Ury of the weak" IF YOU WANT TO SEE A GOOD PICTURE SEE THIS ONE TOMORROW NIGHT SELECT PICTURES CORP. Presents SV Qi ar a Kimball Youni in ./I’ 1 “Theßoad Through The Dark" SHOW STARTS 7:15. PRICES 10c and 20c. Advertise in The Guard Music. The Hope of the World—Dr. Sara Wine. Benediction, Springdale union. Wedneeday Morning, 9 O'Clock. Music. Devotional, conducted by the Fouke Union. Reports of Local Presidents, con tinued. Reading of Minutes. Reports of all committees. The Bible Basis of W. C. T. U. Work Mrs. Hilda Hudspeth, Monticello; Mrs. Bel. Yun Buren. The Art. Music and Literature of t e War Period, Mrs. Dora Pacard, Fort Smith. A Father's Letter to His Daughter, Mrs Dora King, Hope. The War's Influence Upon Prison R form Mrs, W. T. McCurry, Little Roc. Baby Week Revelations—Mrs. C. W Gai l«on, Little Rock. Pub!; Health Problem* —Miss Earl j C amliers. Little Rock. The Good Roads Movement—Sena tor ponder. Walnut Ridge. Illiteracy Commission—Mrs. Frank Milwee. Clarendon. The Children's Bureau and Arkan sas W. C. T. U.—Miss Dovie Irwin, Newport. The Future of the W. C. T. U.— Os cen and guests. Music. Noontide prayer, led by Manfleld union. Final report of Credentials Com mittee and Resolutions Committee. Ratification of Superintendents and Secretaries Election. Election of delegates to the Nation al and World's Convention. Invitations for next convention. Sound the JubHee—Dr. Sata E W iae. and Mrs, Eliza Furry. Miscellaneous business. Sentence prayer, led by Siloam Springs Union. Closing oT Convention. BOOTLEGGERS NOW USE PLANES IN BOOZE TRAFFIC Inter nat lonel Now* Sr-rvtc* Cleveland, 0., Nov. B.—“ Watch ev-' ery sort of a vehicle, from an auto mobile to an airplane." That is the order sent out by Col lector of Interna) Revenue Harry H Weiss, who is in charge of the en forcement of the Federal dry law. It '8 reported that the air is being used as a means of transporting w< td goods from one State to arother, tor those who do not have to ‘ count the cost'' WARNING OBDEB Independence Chaocerv,Court. Charles B. Hart. Plaintiff.' vs. Mimmie M. Hart, Defendant. The defendant. Mimmie M. Hart, is warned to appear in this chart with in thirty days and answer the cam pl-dnt of the plaintiff. Chartei ■ Hart. B. F. AbAMS, C!<-r'.. PAGE THREE u Save That Suit! If you have worn it a year or two, it's real woolen and better cloth than you can get now in a new one. Send it to the Star Tailors We will deun, press, and re pair it, which makes it look and wear like new. Our latest improved Hoffman steam pressing machine, which we have recently installed, en ables us to do our work much better and quicker. We guarantee satisfaction and reasonable prices at all times. Have been in buisness forty years. H. A. GuenzdiSon Typewriter RIBBONS fer the various machines.- CARBON PAPEBS Palas Brand—the Beet Madatj i ALSO l CLEANING and UPAUHNG. ' Will aggreeiata yagr pataaagM Mal! Orders taceive praapt at|||fhw CMAS. SNMi 4^ at The Guard