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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
PAGE FOUR — — “— ■ ; JMffiw I IT IS OUR BUSINESS CORRECTLY TO OUTFIT MEN Were we to fail in that respect we would have no claim to make to vour patronage. That is why we make the effort, and you may depend upon us, to keep you accurately advised on up-to-the-minute styles at all times. ... - / ’ nrx"* uc ;: . < -a - -a.. . > *• * B| IBTRZHUGE^ hl ■9 men’s outfitters Ollm BATESVILLE, ARK, 7'' k WUTTZB WEATHEB AMD MEAVY FOOLS Extra work put ui digestive ovcans tn cold weather h ad# to iii<lU' m .oa, . biliousneaM, bad breatli. bloating, u is. j const it pat ion. Foley Cathartic Tab- ( lets uhnnMi the bowels, bw* .O u the I stomach and lienedt th* liver. Caw** I no griping or neauava Stout prvssns like the light, free fe«din# they bring B<!d everywhere- WASP STING NEARLY CAUSES HIS DEATH — International N« w« Service. Jefferson City, Mo., Nov. 29.—The sting of a wasp came near resulting fatally te Jesse Nicaber, a young farmer, naer here recently. Nies her was stung on the neck and within a short time his tongue became •o swollen that he was unable te : apeak. The young man was ru’hed to ' a physician and is now considered out I of danger. waa umiM witb paik K. W Kitt H F ’> ’. H.’S " Sli I ters, Ala . wrltm: 1 took I’oh y K ’ ney Pills as I was restless at night 1 " »% L'Qfo Stylet & 'a // ” 3MW ■ - // % ft * // JR y> v \i L W jlcJ3 * z Money - Back Cartridges YU* U. S. Cartridges are aold with the broadest guar- “ ar.tee ever made on ammunition. It is simply this: We make exactly if you don’t like them, get your money back. the same guarantee Every dealer who carries U.S. Cartridges is author- with ized to refund, on demand, the price of the whole x"Nkai era. emne bex to anyone who doesn’t like them, and returns ■ the unused part of the box. . r They hsr. reached (^CARTRIDGES K For all make/ of firearms V power, andinuntformity There is no 22 Long Rifle cartridge as accurate at distance. J* iXu’Z£ from 50 to 2oQ yards as U. S. 22 N. R. A. Long Rifle Leamok Vo- ca> Cartridges. Thia is 50 more yard, of accuracy than has | oa< j (of kjo< j o( hitherto been possible with 22 rim-fire ammunition. .hooting, in — mi— Solid bullet for target work. Hollow-point bullet for small or black powder,, in game. Cost no more. . The Black Shell., and UNITED STATES CARTRIDGE COMPANY, N.v Ywk,M-wf«emw. r<W k,ck M row want it. Come in and ft a copy of Tito U. S. Gama Law took—nU. I BaSsavins, ArMaasss. M Q Oollrum X. 8 Priwt (rUmtn, Ark. U F. I.lmr J A Bs net TncHrsuas. Ark. d-Omnl. J. W. l>svls & Son DeShons Co r »> " ' Burna Bros Hunaket A thi '■ Barnett Bro. Merc. Co. FUapia, Ark. ' F. W Brewer W Ft TslYmrt rv. : irt». Z B. B Conine F <1 Wn nVest Jeffery Broe Pangburn. Ark. BoaentMl Hdw. Co I’anaWlrn Me’ c... Tr f.-r. Ark. W. A. HdWarda A Bon Vanubar Bree Newark. Ark. Shatter A Hal! — ' . Ark. Holderby Merc Co ''apt A i.i i« '! E. E Allen ta« - H -. J *-*• .1 M. Martin Oeorfetcwa. Ark. Broe. Merc. < . Ujphant. Ark Jlmmeraon Broe Hail Mere < o J J • A H, - 1 e» i ffnlaaar Itoek, Ark. ■; -a » c ■ - ’ *ne Ark. Ed Martin e’T* TS-i lev It »4f ri Ark. t.ime Co. M W Parka _ _ OrlffitbvjMe. Ark. x 1 .Xn c u Will KuVall rt SfftWri — — , - .*ri»a<l Ark. ■ I I ■nffaean. Ark. J J Julies Moore A " arH M*P .v <o. A" F. MUer A Co. kearey. AWt’ ’ Snv.eiA A«k. Ark. W .R. Harklna .1 X’ Woodson c F F Huie Mkaiih Mk. H. W Varner N A 3lllll<ae '. e Ward i^. .... -A- . ...... A I with a la ni> 0,. . ail » ie ..nd t .11- ri'. !,le Kill 1 I- I l tn'. i ’ H ■ nay Il ... Kid (I pills Is tl.e u. ■ di-ine for .Hi.,, . ti >ui le The> rellei, rh« u- I inatir palna. stilt, swollen joint*, latue laens. soreness. Sold everywhere IT WILL FILED I I ••e: ’:."C ■ i.d News Service I Pt i ksk'l!, X. ’’ .. . • 7 of Cathcrin Merritt, wl.r "ij l .. . •.’ I ।at Yorktown N. Y.. b fveij in re-' r! if. T he v '' w ' ' " . fifty years a»i Mrs. v erv C -in c her husband. J. B. Mi r-itt u e legatee. His heirs filed the will. CFTM PEBMXBSIOV TO USX BAMB , writ’-- I' ■ s S ■ , | Bevel i. ,r . i f n II i! rr rai ”i i a • , vertlslna I' ’'- , checks co - ■». cits I'- , .. ■ 1.”,.- .... o,e . an. a. . ” ■ ^Uh . St>lJ i k < i \ ' h» !f. | Lor j'KiHe .? i : ■ • t I erm ’< 'me tn the Gu;. • f * Hcpnrt of tlw Cmdhttm of i umlw B’xF i Tnj-x co., ♦ BatcwK r . irjwub IH V County. HkiltMa*. lAt th< • <«f lin im-sr. November I*, .1. > -RCES; i ...» i. . .u.rtb.. i s>i.3« 1, . . y . . 4 ’ . . 14 64 . . 145.440.77 L ... tn >■. iv I and uu ' . J H3R.26 i ,i« s . i!» .:• no 1 . . .i.V *u s . I.biZGT <’ tii\- 3-L4UN.IO ' l u. . • .. • 5«.45 I .. a . . .IX4 on :• indry M 1.5. M. 35 2.070.50 ■ I •J ' cj • I ’ u;s. i. ’ - n. I’i'd Ip.. | 75.000 00 > ,t. | f r'u ti . IHi< i . 4 I it >4 de! Pr fits, 7.604.77 11 s i’T . None Nolt * Kt-d,*- • t« | . . None ' lilllx Fa> C ! ”»•.’pjo^ In on which n»ott* th tin i Phi* i t :.i Itn P.U i" a£t>ne Savinim Ai < <'U'H> > ! 37 1. .1 I mxl H>nuh. . . V —•••3.45 । .1 '.a! i v I.’ । >\. . i.zss.tex ;s 1.l ’-rly - s . t H ............... t1.41h.1ib.02 i .s.ale i ’ A ki sue. Cun n> of Inde- j V.\ i . AJsnis, F'es. lent, and C. I . ie ■ . V 11. I -I” e nun- . ... •) ’ s . .111,, s ,elr that the -i . . tr« • to Ihe Iwat Ilf e m l belief. > ■ i’■ . ■ . Frealilont. I>. MKTCaLF. Cnshiei. i Attist AM'U M. CASEY. > . li >IGH. . < . II VIU ' 1 '■ , v ." ‘ ' l *' b'-fote me - .|. - ■ . I '■ ‘I J HICH. Nutars l*ubll<. I-re. h upply of Stafford’s Writing Fluid and Jet BUck Inks just receiv <u. Cha-. Sims, at Guard Office. NT/,’. NOTE TO MEXICO Washington, Dec. I.—A new note has been forwarded to Mexico by the State Depart u. . v e Department has i - the contents, •r t >ca that it con • in Carranza’s i. ’ . ' ' : t note that Jen- r 'f.'adictory Us kid- «« cXrnericans I eXll! j By ALDEN CHAE' \N | {Copyright. Ill*, by tb» bw» paper Union.) The Afton river illvhled Lyndon es artly in halves. There was little cl olce lietween the oust side and the west side as to res dentlal qinililieii tlons. although the latter Included the business section of the town. By ti Mtninge eoli cidenct’ the snclsl l leader In Ilie east tow n wn» Mrs Ed | wnnl Browne mid the dominating !m!> t «.f the west whs Mrs. Edwnrd Brown “With 'I e ‘e,‘ pleiise reinetnber," the : east s-h<e empress of style and fashion weald rt-tunrk when Introduced for I the first time. “We run hack to th» Browne Btirdet’s of (ilnucestershlro. J ' Iwlleve. There wen* three Imri nets lu 1 Ci - fntn’ly nt the time of Charles II “ “Witliov.t Ilie e.' so as to avoid eon fit- on." ft arlcssly retmu ked the queen of the west s <|< domain. “Wo are of tl e hrantdi of the parllamentar) r.iown fnttily of Wotton. I nnder atund." So the social lender with the "e' nml her rival «dlmtit It ttssurn- 1 great airs nml strove to eclipse each other In t! ■ yes of th"'r rosiwn’tive ndlier > Esi luslvem -s became the es । e of tlie combnt between the two qttes. Tims. Mrs Brow ne patronized Hie chitrih element and Mrs. Brown the business set. It was a eontlnumt« ri’, dry between the vaunted liigli aes :h. ic attitude of those borrowing n . certain supreimicy as to art and lit- I ernture and their competitors who j counted bankers and other real men I of wealth and position in thi fr ranks. Neu r did the east side, eilginee ed by Mrs. Browne, announce some high social function that It was not fol biwisl by one arrangisl by Mrs. Brown. Now. by another strange coincidence. Miss Edna Browne had become tie qtiainfed with young Mr. IVnlton Brown. The restrictions which shut hem out from meet ng socially in any general way made no difference to । them. They laughed mutually at the eotnentlimnl restrictions which. In n i loastire. separated them ns though ' they W“re f udists and enemies. A caller upon Mrs. Brown one day set n ball rolling that w as not destined | to n’lapse into Inert lit until It had ism s'derably .lepre'sed the high so I notions of tsith the Brown and the j Browne element. I lie visitor brought some news to Mrs Brown tlml stirred i iter up greatly. 1 “Confidentially.” Imparted this go*. I s'p. “I learn Umi Mrs. Browne has ,-m --bloye 1 mi ckperl lo truce the genea logical record <if tlie family." "Is that true?" nt once bridled Mrs Frown. "Tl-nnk you for the Informa tion: we ’hall do the same. I fancy we are entitled to u ctvst or a coat of arms fully as much ns the Browne fninlly.” "Mrs Browne dilates c-jravagantly in n cerittln E n-tus Brown who first a IC’sl the 'o' to his t.nine three eeu ' tiirli - nr ." • i l’ ■■■ <•"' der.ilisl Mr'. Brown । “cur fiimll’ goes back three cenluriek ■ lei. ! 'I / I Fo t>e rival social teatiers contrib- I uti I< in to tl e me, ।■of n d smal looking ■ no..high al student who pr<s .fe' si nit proficiency in Cacing ! luiek family history. Menntlme Kiinc and Wnltmi lived the l ie of hi pefn Ii- i: on - ! icnt and lore, became engacisl i-’ il all I ’ mien womlertsl If the an । th qii 'ed marriag * would unite the i riyal facthms or at least their rockbound exclusiveness. Ot day Mrs Browne received dis mill news The owl faced antiqmirtan «lu hail employed culled upon her with a s roll cont.lining a family tree in s’ i-letmi outline and slumt after s|„s t of reeonls. 'Mrs Brow tie," he announced, “yon must prepare for n aerere dlsap|H>lnt ment. You are not connected with tin- illmieester Brownes and your orlg lual progenitor whs Brown, plain nnd simple." “But here Is the at the end of Ms name.” "That Is true, a notation. Mrs. Browtie. The 'e' In the record Is a ites gmrtlon. Your Brown wns driven from England nnd the '<•' signifies 'exiled.'" "No baronets, then!” mourned ft-e collapsing east side lady. "None. I fear" It w Mrs Brow h's turn next Tlu genealogist was terse and blunt. “My liar iHdy.” lie umioun, ’-d. "yor., mirlinmentary family cialin does n c uohi gotsl. Your am-vs or was -t, I i-’"' l ' Braun, a repalabl’ nml >'■ amr** clergyman of We«tphalle. whi i-bht ged his name when he settled In England." And now ensued an Influence that canned Mrs Browne to take In her sails a* the saying goes and her ao ■.A rhul to eat humble pe Neither mode |>uldlc her failure to link up w I th heralilia consplcuousness. Eacti feared that the other had learned of the dl« nml outcome of the quest after ilhi« trious Htieestry Then each halted with relief a xeneral town function In wti h Iwith were forced to take a twin ■ut of sheer patriotic Impulse, The war tsty* mine home and all • ciebrated Ktinr. arrayed In a lllwrty ■up nnd Walton, wearing the govern tmnt in-gida of »mp engims-rlng sen lee. were nmwplcuou* among the rcivptioii committee, nnd Mrs Browne ic-io.ii b. J Mrs Brown with the isti ^ hreiirl, smAUhe subtle ‘iiyns : graciously spoken. . “IVell dear, we are all Amer cao. । Aren t weT” l 'llTHT" , 'Tm'''**iHTTHTrinTni~ New Jewelry Store] Just received, shipment J Sil. —are. We have many articles I in JEWELRY suitable for C ir-o n presents, and Christmas is • not far off. Call early. ‘ ~ jt. I R. C. Thompson JEWELER. GEM THEATRE BUILDING. i Weare pleased to announce to the ] public, that we have added to our i Grocery Department a new and up-to date MEAT MARKET We will try at all times to givo you the [very best of meats and good service. Me Intush’s. “Where Baiesville trades” PHONE 197. QhristniSs\ Gifts Make your Gifts persi’ib.l < 'GRAPHS will solv a lot of problems for bus; (ample. A- GIFTS, they an always appreciated.' Don’t put it off too late. J. R. Lewis ✓ PHO GRAPHER. V’ 4 ! Gfarry Your» Groceries Tina Save Money A big supply of real fre —uuuy outlet and eggs will be re ctwed today ami tomorrow. Get yours now! Qoy Laman & Qo. BATE \ 11 I E. ARK. r PROBLEM OF THE DIS CHARGED TUBERCUL- OSIS SOLDIERS The problem of the discharg ed tuberculosis soldier needs the special consideration of the Red Cross. No greater service can be rendertd by Home Serv ice Sections than to look after the needs of such men and pro vide for tnein i.di riately and sympathetically. Thereiore the IL m« Service worki r f Lid • pendence county request te help of our citizens in hx;.tm;t any soldier who is suffering from tuberculosis in this coun ty. Any such soldier is entitl ed to government care. It is desired to ascertain the facts in order to report what number of discharged soldiers suffering from tuberculosis arc iu our county. What number ha> e re reived hospital care. What numlxr are willinr to enter a hospital if arrangements can be made. Aay inforn ation will be glad ly received by Mrs. W. H, Walkup, chairman Home Serv ice Section. FAUtS SHB KRING IX I U E O| WORST WINTER IX J UtRS ' Fsrfs, N«v. 2* —Rari’.*n» <ssne«frr erlnr at iheapproach of Winter, aid in all circle* the Mme question i» be ing asked. "Shall we have coal*” Despite the optimistic as«ursnce» of the Government, the coming win ter promises to be worse than any in France during the five years of war The stocks of coal in Paris have shrunk to practically nothing, and many large factories have been oblig ed to shut down. The underground n ilwny trains have reduced their S| e.I by o-.e-third, and it is a matter for serious discussion whether it will !■ . •■• !\- to msirtain 'i ■ noi nal : ervice throughout the Winter. This st«o applies to the tramways a: d motor omnibuses. Most of the cor.l depots are shut, ami not one is wrr'iing ncnalh. Coal tickets sr* u elew. Our Phone Number is No. 9 Strong & Jones § Plurflbers ’