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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
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PAGE FOUR If you forgot to have your CHRISTMAS PICTURE made, better do it now. J. R. Lewis PHOTOGRAPHER. ;» — H Mi' 9^} To say that the PATHE is the only high-class instrument on the market, would not only be an untruth but a re flection on America’s inventive genius. Os more than two hundred makes, F there are less than ten that may be term- g ed high-grade. r It is reasonable to presume that one of these is better than all others. Just which, is a matter on which there may be an honest difference of opinion. The makers of the Pathe claim for it clearness and sweetness of tone that is unexcelled by any make. Come, let us demonstrate just what it will do. A. L CROUCH Your Credit is Good. !■ I. . ■ ! ! ■ - । 1919-1920 I I! | MAY THIS YEAR I I EE THE HAPPIEST K I AND MOST PROSPEROUS I YOU HAVE EVER HAD. * I tuf K (“New, Cem and FasLicnable”) L G. E. GATHRIGIIT. Manager. I i BURN HOME TRYING TO EXTER MINATE SQUIRREL — lM*T r 'Mln*vd Nows Henk* Chico. Cal, Jan. I.—Fully prepar ed to write a testimonial to the de. atroying qualities of a squirrel ev terminator. Mr. and Mrs. D. Huds peth, here, mourn the loss of their home today. Here's how it happened: A squirrel had tunnelled under their home and the exterminator was ‘ purchased. It was poured into the । hole, but it was an inflammable li quid. An oil tank and smudge pots caught fire and the house burned tn the ground. It was not known what happened to the squirrel. TOWN CLOCK TOLLS WHEN ZERO IS REGISTERED Beaver, Pa., Ooe. :>l.- Beaver’s town clock has th- ”n-y n- h< i* lt .' tr -1 « :h. .. - - । tees soro. All Winter the Uli BATESVILLE DAILY GUARD ^^^CASTORIA if For Infants and C^'l^n. I*? ^ACTnnii Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria i ALCOHOL -3 PBH 4 1 i < AVcictaMH*?*^™ AIWaVS / % sinulaiiniAU>cFoo d lvp ? »“^-l * Xa/ -\» the /Xu* '-■’tv Thereb i^un7o^ Signature /%»}r Ciwcrfutocssandße*^^ ° /ft AJj neither Opium.Mon**"? nf ZIX.Jj !:k’ Mineral NotNahootK UA ftmr ho.f I AM Ml \ I V 1 i«k-~ ■ 4’“ „ I lav tea a .rv In ? C ** . I 11 t fl • ■ <• !■ e d (It,.**" I 11 111 pt* 1 J's ■ YA. tI n Ri'* A helpful II QQ and Feverish^ I 14/ 5 For Over M Thirty Years t^MSTOKS Exact Copy of Wrapper. vmc Mwraun ••••*•••*. »»«w *o«< e«rv u A HAPPY NEW YEAR! I and Do not accept so-called “just as good 1 substitutes, but ask for and get j BEAUTY BISCUIT FLOUR. { It’s the original and best self-rising 1 j Flour money can buy. ; Sold by Leading Grocers. ■I Majestic Product and Supply Company j G. M. Kirby Mgr. ‘ | c x ( ; t -y. < made Its henrers acquainted v?h (the .weather . -millions TH fsrt . xero wenth.— this Wlnt« was al. 7 announced. I Ji" Tpr pirn Emma Go’dman. Alexarie- Pr-’- '/ran and ?'? ni nv “ ov ' hnve been pi t alx'Sr.l -hi” a> ' •' ■ are now on the wav bail to Europe The entire gr .up is coinpnaad of anarchists who never bc'-ame <iti . xens of the United States. The United States Governntc nt ' as long hesitated to take the step t'.at 1 has led to the deportation of these (people who arc < mplimented when, they are referred to as “pohtical prisoners." The melting pot ha.i to • be skimmed of its scum t ' protect ’ its contents from e nfant pollution; and the "bun voyage" to these un I washed foreigners can well He chnng ed to hearty wishes for "good rid | dance to bad rubbish.” The deportation hoold b” con strued as a part of ‘he pra t teal iwork of America ii at ion *-r ’"st as the dullard is finally i ^.tad fro 11 the public school giades and | amon<’ the "d ..ct ,e -1. icd ' to an *' the e-m ul ed. au shuul/ the policy he corti'PAHl ,of -'’’cetin;- foreigner' w’ ~>w no] 'mH * ' - ’ to' :.r i . "it 1. Anai<hi?.ui vdbv wa* oi Uw j aa t ■ " """ — -T-™ - — ( '"rcvclutii n," -hovld learn the tmt'.ij of Vite rosi'ent hall’s state 1 ’ment that “ne had etr revolution in thii • u ■ 'KmI if .ky vchfk , a -o. and have pa ?d that sta c in h ’ hJ. ’ - ■- . ..a-* < . ■ ' । Have is to Join a ns • x p : ri l Vlh viinbuua^ viuu L :i:H.A7EW/;TIiD--n YOUIUVEIIrSIf^ iCR REASON YOU COUID HOT JOIN ON THE OPENING DAY, RIEN KOWISYOUSmRTUKITY p-s«^ yt’Qp m- — Anyone ran join. Any church or .«•,< or ''><•'■ It > < ‘h to in it costs nothin to w hdrv . You do not double your payments each wwk, as »"r ic th nk—but you simply add an nmount equal to the first pnymei.t each week. For example: If you join Club er < lass 2, you pay 2 cents the first week, 4 cents the second «<ek. and G cents the thin! week, etc., for 50 weeks, and two weeks la-fore < hriatmas we send you a check for 125.60, plus 4 per cent interest, if payments are made promptly. If you join Class 5 you simply pay 6 cent- the first week and then add 5 cents to your payments each week for 50 weeks and receive a check f r $6.1.75. plus interest at 4 per cent, if payments are promptly made. Or join class 50 and pay *0 cs-nts each week, or Class 100 and pay SI.OO each week. If for any reason you can't keep up yeur pa) meats >uu du not lose one rent, but receive a check for the amount you have paid in two weeks before Christmas. We pay 4 percent interest on Savings. CITIZEN BANKS TRUST COMPANY Batesville, Arkansas. GEM Theatre 0 TONIGHT | WILLIAM FOX Presents I PEGGY HYLAND | i IN i “THE WEB OF CHANCE” \ TOMORROW NIGHT | MARGARITA FISHER | i in 1 I “THE MANTLE OF CHARITY” | In Five Acts. | Vxo “THE GREAT GAMBLE" (The Crawling Menace) Episode No. 7. h Ji Show Starts 7p. m. Prices 10c and 20c I i.lHimimftHftwewvfifimiiimiiilllltimmuillllllllllllllllllWUUUUUllHiUHHMWllll ■oyi»y 111 | THE NEW CASEY DRUG COMPANY | ! will be open for business ] TOMORROW. We will appreciate your business. \ CASEY DRUG COMPANY GEO. J. TERRY. Manager. ; I - 'it difficult to asaimitat* American ’ idea's ahould be spe-dily dirjrti * {just a" was done with Gol.’r . ? Berkman, and their fellow loud vi>i cd creature.-, v. he h:iv lx i t I '•rated year after year, while in re turn they failed to. contribute a un -le iota of constructive work for the better tent of conditions Jn a free country.