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PAGE FOUR E»»hA "'Am ' k . f L k? p • j. "JI yr mh' < JANUARY 19 and 20 1 la r 4. BnW" .tSE' jmMkPm I BBF Hl?0| ‘ ^ ernara Tallry !$ "'j^k RICHARD HAGER > i KW’Ws—IT j >7l Ml M’ll 9 will JH *— Wr ■MiniiffliiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwimiiiiiiiMm Buy Goods where you can SAVE MONEY ! The Quality of our Merchandise is al ways backed up by an uncondition al guarantee of satisfaction. M. STOKES & SONS MOMMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIUUiMMIIIIIIIIIIM^ g»»wnn«n«nnmmmm:u:nm:a:::«;::aßu:u«:an::n::ms:::n«:mtttt«a::ui We wish to ANNOUNCE | to the people that we have the agency h for the | RICH TONE PLAY-ALL VICTROLA j Absolutely guaranteed and built by the i| Great Eastern Manufacturing Co. We have them in stock and would be glad § for you to come in and investigate the Machine. If you are ever in the market for an Auto j Tire try a Federal—7,ooo Miles Guaranteed. COY LAMAN & COMPANY | Batesville, Arkansas. I aainiiiiiimiiiiiiiinm:»miiuiiiiii:nHn:n»nn:ni»ii»»»B»MKt:HfflHta«tta:M Brown meets a friend with A GOOD SUGGESTION One day Ben Brown boarded the train to visit relatives in a * nearby city. In the smoker he met a friend and in the customary way they began commenting upon the beautiful scenery. The scenes from the window which delighted his companion were hazy to Brown with his glasses on and indistinct with them off. So in his anxiety he kept putting them on to read and taking them off to see the points I J ll “Why," asked his friends, “don't you Ket a pair y<n ,an Wear all the time—bifocals for both near and far & vision?” “Oh,” remarked Brown scornfully, have a heavy crack across the urface which spoils the looks and obscures the vision." "But I don’t menu the old style bi focals that make a fellow look old. 1 mean the new invisible kind, Kryptocks, the modern two-vision lenses void of seams,” re joined his friend. But how and where can I get them?" asked Brown excited ly. “Simply go to C. K. Mosby Jeweler and Optometrist I where 1 obtained mine, and y m'll never neain have occasion to I Complain about faulty vision." replied his friend smihnglly. B THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., TO GET A GERMAN CANNON InternMlneal N»w« Service New York. Jan. -A cannon, which the G rmans . ’ . the American Doughboys in tne Ar ■ .AL gonne For. st, has lieen given to William .1. Md.igan, chairman of the Knights of < olumbo- Committee on TN ar Activity. , and wdl l>e give by him to the town of Thompsonville, Canna <d ehwh )» i« a resident. Mr. Mulligan was presented w>.r, the cannon by th French Gover- amony • . . J.iet •••■- ....... I„ was can 1 b^ -jmencau troops. BATESVILLE DAILY GUARD ’BOTH SIDES PLAYING POLITICS £ 1 lltn.^ 1x“ - . Washington. .lan. 14. The peace f i situation appears again to be in a deauiotk with scant prospects of a" i...mediate compromise, following the - i Republican leaders', rejection of th. ® I latest Democratic proposals of a ^'modification of the Lodge Reserva ? ti ms. Both sides are playing poli s I ties and waiting to see how far each ~ will yield under outside influences - who are bent on ratification of th< * treaty. i PROVIDES SCHOOLS WITH FREE FILMS j I Fayetteville, Ark., Jan. 16.—More Il than 2 a, . Is of the, state are now i i being 11 ■ ided wfth free vin 4 p.ct m e s by tb< Ge - eral Extent 3 sion ' i\. ~.n of ‘he University of £ Arkansas, ... .1 more are bc’ng added S to the list each w?ek. I” The films are sent out over the state wit the only expense that of paying the cxpreM from one town |to another This charge is minim | ized nil ie circuit plan of routing n। is follower!. The pictures are not | only eduiauonal but recreational, H and include scenes in national parks, H factories where commodities are u l made, and lessons in history, science, g geographj i"d the like. H Any school in the state may be H pieced on the list for free films by applying to Dr. A. M. Harding, di- I I rect .r of the General Extension Di-I . j vision. MRS. PANKHURST i SEES PERIL IN I LABOR LAWS I New York, lan. 16.—Mrs. Emme line Panl h -st, English suffragist, in an intcrv.ew deprecated the proposed welfare Jeigslation for women which is to be introduced at Albany. In Mrs. Pankhurst's statement, made through the Women's Equal Oppor tunity l^aeue, she said in part: “Recreative legislation would de stroy the freedom women have gain | ed, would limit production, and ham. । per national prosperity. Women ev | erywhere are loosing to the most i I powerful nations—America among them—to lose the shackles of tradi tion which have heretofore classed women with helpless children.” STATOira SHOW ! A DiC DECLINE IN INFLUENZA Washing! n Jar. f... Since Sep temb-r n ’ fjian 7,(>00 caw« ' of infl’ien • 'e been icported to ' the Unit. ' c ‘»'e thiblic Health j Service, it i. ... ~d. During the. preceding uilar period last year more than UK’.- 00 cases occurred. KAM W WORK '•ATLANTA F. .11. ,k„ Jan. la. Miss । Stella Pr r. v "ad of the depart- ment of homo . conomics at the Uni-1 versity n* ' Kansas, is representing i the University at the meeting at At-1 ’ . ' • ■’—'.l ’T- ... «. • 1 WO.U4. wlu or perfected the mi st tug. । T^‘" - ■ • * ‘ I —gives better bakings that ■' /\| go further. It strikes straight at “ ie ro °t extravagance—waste—and re- /wW Bro duces livingcost in a sane, sensible, worth while way. Calumet Baking Powder never \ fails *° Properly raise all bakings. It never J fails to produce the best of results. It always Pc’lr'c^ble । and Sweetest cf Foods | h Calumet bakings go further, g , because they are • deliciously good, are G ;d never thrown . way. K j A;:d because t! ev have I k." ity-si.-v i . in. „• -p--j £ j * > anu ; 1- c . ys V . j 1 and da>s. 2 < I 1 1 Calumet makes z \ * your baring 7' ”’- / A . ' der money, and your baking Fi;.n kJ money go . J r (■ ’&. —stretches it to the extreme of economy. r I You save when you buy it—mock rate r —in cost. You save when you use it — has ft more than the ordinary leavening strength— b* “ A'JZ tlierefoie you use less. You save n’.flcna sit is IA; —-A used with there is never a bake-day lai’ure. t ¥cl Generations of good cooks have t..-ed ll S Calumet- because it positivdy prove: - its !! t*^*^**' fl snixiii rdv and economy. I' unfailhdily dt p< d- M < y ■- ill''•*.■”* Baku r^wdet i.. ."i th. If' rs I"'** ।‘ n leave:- - ! po»> r the day nI ■ Calumet FiaKt H I Contains only such iirjetAnt; ..j t’ «■ , A* have in.' •’'> dly I ■ d : ' 'mU* St; es Food Au horities. »oH by youi kF •' f- ri rtv •• UB '' d* ',: . • I. * | lyE' jO "best Ly test"—in your own kit Jun, 1:1 any g> j \ ... ..A SY TEST Remember when you buy Calumet, you get a full pound, if you want it. 16—not J 2 ounces. CURB SALE OF HARD CIDER IN ILLINOIS “OASIS’’ •ntern.tlon.l New. Servlc Beardstown, 111., Jan. 9.—This lit tle Illinois city is as dr yas the Sa hara Desert. Take it from the citi zens. Before the enlightenment of prohibition came Beardstown was one of the few cities in the State where alcoholic stimulants could be purchased over a real mahogany bar without fear of contradicting the law. Now it is so “prohibitiony" you can’t even buy “hard cider.” as the sale of that stuff has just been banned by the authorities. "THE WOLF’ Jules Beaubien, a French Canadian | trapper, seeks to revenge th edeath j of x his sister Annette who was be. itra’yrd by a civil engineer. Jules is , in love with Hilda MaeTavish, whose l father is very eccentric. Mr. Mac |Tavish opens his home to two civil 'engineers, William MacDonald ami his assistant, George Huntley. ”a 1 Donald, attracted by Hilda's inno ! cenee and playing on her father’s peculiarities, seeks to get the girl away from Julea. From Huntlv •, Jules learns that MacDonald is al ready married and that his inten- । tions are not honorable. Hilda’s father is blind to MacDonald's faults .and Jules elopes with the girl in or der to save her from MacDonald. About this time Jules learns that it Iwas MacDonald that betrayed bis sister, and so when the mining en gineer pursues Jules and Hilda. Jules faces him in open combat. A tier < tight ensues and Jules wins the vic tory. . • This picture will he shown at th' I Gem theatre Wednesday night. ' M. G Burr*, nf this city, who has F *•*’ n ’''r'-rm* *'• i »nce '•’« Infirmary, I.itt'e Rock |M-MnprovAi4r »**eiy. I NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS Owing to the continued high price of Sugar and to maintain our quality by using PURE SUGAR AND NO SUBSTITUTE . We are compelled to raise our price to l| j| SI.OO Per Case. uiESnui BonuK co. CALLS FOR HELP ! FOR CHILDREN Little Rock, Jan. 14- lb Innnv I that "the care «f helplesa children j is the very mrn t of humanity am! ■ of pure and um’eflled religion. ’ G >v "-nn-h . . caEiai. t, n -• • > - «■ । to suppu.l Umi ,^... r ..^... !ing of f ‘iW " m for the erection of n Children’s Hm; ital in Arkansas. The t<>:i>mt*t« tn, already received a)«o<t >13,000. a'.,! conditioqal sub -f fTAOOO Gov. Bixturh is ihairmim of ' i.u.utive <b’ . i n :ee of th< Association. 1 have a few s<«nau haqd typewrit er- which I will on«r at bargains. I They are all In fine c ndibon: t v. , jpgs no I QiAd. o<eta, Aim.