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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
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PAGE FOUR K *" A T' y■w agna^A.^ F j 4. • JANUARY 10 and tO All |j \ i ™ m ;w. Lmn I ; / '• 1 ! & «T Cbacuwaati <U mMEH WjßMgtWjl Bernard Talley J RICHARD HAGER > ~ ’ I < ■ Bl ft ~ — ~ , — - ,« ’ We wish to ANNOUNCE to the people that we have the agency for the Rich Tone Play-All Talking Machine Absolutely guaranteed and built by the Great Eastern Manufacturing Co. We have them in stock and would be glad for you to come in and investigate the Machine. If you are ever in the market for an Auto Tire try a Federal—7 DOO Miles Guaranteed. COY LAMAN & COMPANY Batesville, Arkansas. <UMBER OF COMMERCE GIVES BANQUET (Continued from First page). printed and such additional matter added as would give the outside world a better ami clearer idea of “VIRTUOUS MEN” . : with E. K. Lincoln, Grace Darling, Clara Joel, and Ten Thousand Others Gem Theatre Thursday Jan. 22 nd ONEDAYONI.Y THE GREATEST MELODRAMA OF THE YEAR SEE —— Jost what constitutes a Virtuous Man in your opinion? Must he be virtuous physicality, mentally or morally? Whatever your individual opinion may be you’ll be interested in the opinion set forth. BIG SCENES, BIG THRILLS, BIG FIGHTS In connection with the Picture the ACTUAL VOICE AND LIFE OF THE SCREEN. CHAS. J. KERN GUNMA ION FIREFLY SINGS SWEETHEART MAYTIME Children, 15c Adults, 35c “VIRTUOUS Men” ) Batesville and Independence County and induce immigrants to come here and locate. Several calls have been made upon us for photographs by other publications and railroad , officials for use in their advertise) I campaigns. The Chamber of Commerce is also BATESVILLE DAILY GUARD fostering a County Fair with ta hope of making it a district fair which we are assured can l>e done i we succeed with our organization and we would recommend that th committee in charge of this proje be ; 'ert end push its organization t completion. Its advertising value the c iinty alone will lx- worth thousands of dollars. There is i good reason why Independence Cm > ty shou'd n t have the very best fair in the whole state. The good roads movement has been backed by this body and Bates ville and its interests should see t it they are completed with the least possible delay for the one reason there is no one thing that increases values or lessens cost of production and marketing more than good roads. They are not a luxury but an asset and necessity and should not be allowed to lag. Through the efforts of your Secre tary we are assured a mattress fac tory will soon be in operation in Batesville, operated by home capi tal. This organization has sto.e squarely behind the city authorities and B >ard of Health for a cleaner better, more sanitary and more beau tiful Batesville and has been of treat assistance to them in many wavs, particularly in elevating the inoral standard and we believe we can sav without successful contradiction there is no town of the size of Batesville in Arkansas or elsewhere with a higher morale than this. The money expended for a page advertisement in the Centennial edi tion of the Arkansas Gazette, we r•- gat'd as a gift to that publication as it has had no advertising value so fai. nnd we remmn •nd that in t? ’ future no foreign advertising space ’• taken in “Special” editions of any kind as the results do not justify the expense. We can get better and greater results in other ways. We recommend a live special com mittee of three or five be appointed to round up all citizens of Batesville who are not now members of the Chamber of Commerce and ”.est them to take one or more ships, as there is no resi. Batesville that is not reapr benefit from the results oft ; ,ors of this organization. We also recommend that com mitteo become more active in lae fu ture 'ecause when any matter is left t< drag it soon dies and is for gotten. There has been expended up to and including 1 December 31st, 1919, the following sums: By Advertising Committee $ 658.86 Public Highways Committee 30.00 Agri- u’". al Committee 527.66 Mano. jig and Mining I r c ‘.iin ,ent Committee 496.04 i 1 < at; , ■. Fixtures, L ,f ats. Fuel, Phone, 1,097.71 For Sr ones 2,081.00 From General Fund for miscellaneous items 651.12 Total $5,117.79 Believing the expect"tions of every member of this board and organiza tion has not only been realized, but exceeded, during the vast year and with my most grateful thanks to each and every member who has in any way assisted me with their ad vice and counsel, and it ’very other way, to make this organization a success, I respectfully übmit this as my annual report. A. A. WEBBE.;, Secretary. TYPEWRITER F iRGAINS I have a few secom -nd 'ypewrit ers which I wll '** at bargains. They are all n fi alien: Remington. No. 6 SHI $25.00 One Ooliver No. 3 $25.00 One Fox Typewriter $40.00 One Smith-Premier (bi d) $25.00 One Smith-Premier No. 10, visible $35.00 CHAS. SIMS, 1 , ville Ark. NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS / Owing to tbe continued high price of Sugar and to maintain our quality by using PURE SUGAR AND NO SUBSTITUTE We are compelled to raise our price to SI.OO Per Case. BATESVILLE BOTTLING CO. Buy Goods where you can SAVE MONEY J The Quality of our Merchandise is al ways backed up by an uncondition al guarantee of satisfaction. M. STOKES & SONS READ THE BATESVILLE DAILY GUARD