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PAGE TWO ■MMMMMHaMaaKaMaMMHMMR FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS we will give a 11 PER CENT MOON on ail dark colors in GEORGETTE WAISTS and CAMISOLES SEE OUR WINDOWS. JEFFERY Bros. Qompany I CASH STORE. B SATESViLLE DAILY GUARD By The Batesville printing co. JARED E. TREVATHAN Gen. Mgr MRS. N. U. TREVATHAN Editcx . <| Entered st the Batesville, Ark.. Post- •ffice as second-class mail matter, j SUBSCRIPTION RATE. • 50c fine in advance |5 00 EX-HOUSFMAID SEEKS SEAT IN PAR’/IMENT ... ——. I London, Jan. 23.—Along with the. laiHet and di c. r tamed” f r ’’ in an ex-housemnid Miss Jc <sie Stephens left dome® tit service to win a place on the Ber nonds-y Borough Council. ; Buy your Talking Machines and Records in Salesville where il is easier to adjust any trouble or I dissatisfaction. GEORGE J. TERRY MUSIC COMPANY * ■KMMWimiMiki > >imi<''i ‘u. !i;uiiiß:.. : Hiiiiiuiiii;i;i«n;i.iiiiismmki«»«^ tttttnttttt:ttttuntr:~:::ttt:—tttrtttntu—tttntuttntittttr.tttttzttttttittttttr st THE WORLD BEATEN I IS io h BEAUTY BISCUIT FLOUR j DON'T FORGET IT! AU Leading Grocers or y Majestic Product and Supply Company y G. N. Kirby Mgr. | “A seat in Parliament will come later," she says. She would eliminate stone steps that have to be scrubbed, make it J illegal for houses to have comers j I that coiled dust, install central heat ' ' ing and eliminate coal grates and ' wake a municipal laundry take care i of everybody’s wash. ■ POLITICAL ! :! ANNOUNCEMENTS I I The Guard is authorized to an m.unce the following candidates fori i the various offices, subject to the ac ' iti.m of the next Democratic Primary,! August 10, 1920: FOR < ONGRESS HON. W. A. HODGES, Bald Knob. FOR CIRCI IT CLERK I B. F. ADAMS, FOR i’AX ASSESSOR G. O. MAGNESS, < Newark. FOR SHERIFF N. F. HARRIS, Batesville. E. F. DeCAMP. Batesville. BATESVILLE DAILY GUARD CHURCHES I I FIRST METHODIST Sunday school 9-30 a. nt., J. R. Bullington, superintendent. , Morning worship and sermon, 10:55 a. m. Epworth League, 6:30. Evening worship and sermon. 7:30 IP- nt. Prayer meeting Wednesday eve ning 7:30 o'clock. We shall be glad to see you at any lor all of these services. F. M. TOLLESON. Pastor. FIRST BAPTIST The Sunday school meets al 9:30 a. in., Floyd Jackton, Superintendent. I Teacher's prayer meeting, 10.30. 11:00 a. m. subject, "The Prince of Soul Winning." 2:00 p. m., Sunbeams, Miss Cora Kennard, leader. 5:00 p. m., Junior B. V. P I'., I .Mrs. Mary Williams, leader. 6:30 p. m., Senior B. Y. P. U., Horace Jones, president. i 7:30 p. m, subject, "The Lordship! | of Christ." | Note: The Sunday evening serv- I I ices have been moved up 30 minutes. i 7:10 Monday night, regular month ।ly meeting of our deacons, .Ino. Q. Wolf, chairman. Meet in Baptist headquarters. 7:30 Wednesday night, continued study in book of John. Wednesday' night is also regular business meet ing for the church. Please have all I report raedy and up to date. This will enable us to transact the neces sary business and also have our ! Bible study. I Bring a frierd to worship w ith you | I Sunday. ALONZO F. CAGLE, J Pastor st. paulTepiscopal Dr. Verne Stover. Rector. Fourth Sunday after Epiphany and the . onimemoration of the conversion of St. Paul, Jan. 25. Holy i rnniur.ii n. 7:30 a. in. । Sunday school and Bible classes, 19:30 a. ni. Morning prayer and sermon. 11 I o’clock. Church Service League, I p. m. Evening prayer and sermon, 7 p. m. , Wednesday, 7 p. in.. Litany pray | era and Bible lesson. A cordial invitation to all to wor j ship and rraise God at St. Paul’s. Wri BATESVILLE BAPTIST | S'inda. school, 9:15 a. in., E. D. 1 Cunningham, su|>erintendent. Preaching 11 a. m., by the pastor B. Y. P. U.. 6: 0 p. m.. Coy Mm ley, president. .liss Bessie Shaw, lender of the hmiors, Kenneth King, president. Preaching 7 50 p. m . by the pas tor. Prayer service ea.h Tuesday eve ifr-c, 7:30 o'clock. W. M. S. will meet Tuesday after rimr. with Mrs. R. M. Brook-. Come and worship with us. You are welcome. THOS. J. D. KING. Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN Sunday school at 9 15 a ga., Judge 1. F. Reeder, Superintendent. Regular services nt 11 a. m. No evening services. CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible reading at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. n; Preaching by C C. Fuquac FIRST CHRISTIAN With the Sunday iny work at Batesville closes. Since I made my arrangements to < ome to Arkansas three of my sons have been mustered out of the I'. S. Serv ice All these- have good positions in T<- as: and they, together withour two married daughters there, are anxiors for us to return to the Lone Star State. An unexpected call came from a good church there and we could not afford to turn it down I like Arkansas—the state, the country, the town and her people, the climate, the scenery, the moun tains. the fertile valleys, and the beautiful rivers. The ministers of th- town have been uniformly courte ous; the superintendent and the teachers of the high school have *l - totomMff too a haarty weliome; the Chamber of Commerce, the Ma- ' sonic fraternity, the business men, and the people generally have nil been kind and cordial; and the Daily <ard I beei • • I'■ ly kind and liberal. 1 hereby extend my ihcnKs for every i; t of courtesy and kindness that may have been extend ed us. I am leaving the church pastorless. .V. ih. jr,r?:i‘. request ci the retiring minister and the official board, Eld. G. T. Rc.ves has kindly consented to till the pulpit until a regular minis ter is called; consequently, not a se- . ice v. ill be omit led. For s -netii et!.: ■ ha -o ii../ ! b. : i; sted by th. S'ate Mission E ml, I t th.- woik las grown and pr .pen i so recently that last Sun day the official board passed a reso lu/.on that th? «hui h is now -elf supporting. My subjects Sunda. are as fol lows: Morning hour, "La nch Cut into the Deep." Evening hour, "Infidelity—lts j Cause and Cure.” I A cordial invitation is extended to • the public to hear these addresses. D. A. LEAK, Minister. P' I.nv pahiF are juH I-** the s ><>rt ribs. » afTecit th*' Ram** r«»nlon but toward fl hai k B ■ ■ \ > SN< IW LTNIMENI Is th* reme<l? ithei . <-.■ it rubb«*4 • ■ ea i pali re la xca ths 11 i at fi'-is an i v<»mfortn 1» Sol.. by Goodwin Drug Co. M A SPLENDID TUNIC" Says Hixson Lady Who, On Doc tor’s Advice, Took Cardii And Is Now Weil. Hixson. Tenn —"About 10 years ayo I was..." says Mrs. J. B. Gadd, of this place. "1 aui.ered with a pain tn my loft side, could not sleep at night with this pain, always In the left aide... My doctor told me to use Cardul. 1 took one botUe, which helj cd me and after my baby came, I was stronger aad belter, but the pain was uUD there. I at first let It go. but began to get weak and in a run-down condition, so I decided to try some more Cardul. which I did. This last Cardul which I took mads me much better, In fact, cured me. !t has been a numl r of years, gull I have no return of this trouble. I feel It was Cardul that cured me, and I recommend I aa a splendid fe male tonic." Don't allow yourwlt to become weak and run - n from womanly troubles. Take < an al. It should sure ly help you. as it :.a so many thou sands of other wot a tn the past 40 years. Headache, i .-kache. eideacbe, nervousness, sleej ssnesa, tlred-out feeling, are all sign of womanly trou ble. Other women - relief by taking CarduL Why not ^uf All dnggir.ia NC-13J i fvctiw liver Htlmula’ t. ’I hU • pnii the Im. fir-it«l ie i* I ^ Ui 'i f FLSffi J 1 SPUEADS FOR PASSAGE OF BILL TO PROTECT f ;T<> the Editor of The Guard: During my happy months with 'the X. E. F. in France I ha-l plenty of chance to study the r- por'ant role played by the dog in the World's ' "Bii Sh-w," m»t only as an active s.>idi« r in hundreds of . uses, but as •< friend ;md comforter of the fight i inu mat). 1 have seen dogs in the front line - trenchoa, dogs that went over the : top with the men, dogs that curried me sages where- a man would have I failed, ans now I eome home to lie absolutely shocked by the fact that 'Americans would even hesitate for a moment alaiut passing a bill which , would assure at least the lives of American dogs. I have always been proud of the fact tlwii the American public was made up of “Regular Girls” and ( "Regular Boys." To be "Regular" is only t<- l>e huniuni W<- spend ' tbou-ards sending missionaries to barbarians in distant lamfs. trying to teach them the beauty of human । kindness, and then at home our men । boast of the fact that they can re move the spinal column of a dog and still keep the dig alive for a I few hours. I One of the few remaining gentle ' things in this world »s love of ani : mals. Money, jealousy, greed, old a e. and a hundred other things can wreck human friendship, but the old dog's tail that once wags for you. wags on, come what may. • O, please everybody, let's pass the Meyers Bill’ ELSIE JANIS. W.C T. U. The Woman's Chrietian Temper ance Union will hold its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. C W. Maxfield qn Monday afternoon e's next week, Jan. Mth. All Mai bees are nrtei to be M wiittitt.ui; >*n3tunii«ntttutnnni»ttitni~tu:tutnntnuuiiiititt?tttiiiiiiiiiiiuniiu g We cut the earth up and sell it in | p chunks. How much of Mother Earth do | I: you own? Remember there is only one | H crop of land and there is no more being i H manufactured. We have some of the | biggest bargains you ever saw. Let us | | tell you about them. h i? Buying or Selling j SEE JUNIUS R. CASE | nTtcsauumsttumttnrtttmnmjtttßitttmttmammttmtjnmattCttnttttmmtnttn K’e wish to ANNOUNCE :t g •j to the people that we have the agency H for the Rich Tone Play-All Talking Machine jj Absolutely guaranteed and built by the h Great Eastern Manufacturing Co. -j « Hr hare them in stock and would be glad | for you to come in and investigate ij the Machine. | .: If you arc ever in the market for an Auto - Tire try a Federal —7,000 Miles Guaranteed. ] COY LAMAN & COMPANY J Batesville, Arkansas. : k (.El RlUll <J( U K (Continued from First page). noint of rush .md din, and the in <1 stria!, and rublx-rs two good econds. It i - eds a man of phys ical strength and leatherlike lungs t in a lacc- when things are ho. • ling. The average stockbroker is work ng hard. He- i- making money fast and sending quickly. 1 * PARKS MERC WILE WANY I ■■ I 11. W. PARKS. Manager. | Smrcssors to ' | 0 I W. A. EDWARDS AND SONS | The enti e slock of merchandise own- i i i • j nd by W. A. Edu aids a Sons lias been pur- i i chased by the Parks Mercantile Co. The | stock is one of the cleanest and best in i Batesville, all of the Dry Goods, Shoes, I Clothing and Hardware having been : i bought months ago when prices were I much lower than at present. The business will be conducted at the same stand, and, your patronage will be greatly appreciated. PARKSfIFMMLE COMPANY j H. W. PARKS. Manager. Successors to i W. A. EDWARDS AND SONS I ■’ • ' > J ’ nmc । o k mt' come from over work ■ f aMtied 1 n the • ’’ ’h* ba< k. or from tn th* former rhe rlrM r ■ h b - - be rubb«Mt In f hon’.k’hh r the as . and MAtlßfHctory Hold I - AbuKiwir Prog <' • Judge Pvne H. Coleman wr;P. to Utt Ie Rock Frida; nirht where he uul at uno tht meeting < tn* Ih.n tM ratic State Central Con ; lilt *e. which mect> ir. that city teduy.