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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
»DAYS ONLY Let’s Get Acquainted Sale « days only Sale Starts. Wednesday, February 4th and Closes Saturday, February 14th We have been in business in Batesville for several months, but we have been too busy to instigate a “Sale” in order to draw your attention to the great values to be found here, and since the Christinas holidays we have rearranged our stock and readjusted our prices to what we believe to be the lowest to be found in Batesville or Independence county. So now we o er you the many advantages of buying where you can get the best quality of goods at the lowest price in our Special 10- Day Get Acquainted Sale, Beginning Wednesday, February 4th, to and including Saturday, February 14th. In this Sale we are making every concession possible with present prices in order that you may visit our Store and get acquainted, because we want you to know that we can sene you well, with as good quality of Goods as ca nbe found else where, and at prices which will induce you to buy. Our Store is a GENERAL STORE where you can buy nearly every article to supply your needs, and we only quote prices on a very few items to let you know of some of the values to be found here. . Best Slurtine Worth 40c yard WK A J^eal Bargain and you » * must rush. •*• - • ■*» 11. —■ I I TKW; " ™ Jr < «I! The best of quality and in all colors 22c per yard This is 30 percent below the market price. 50 Pairs Ladies’Shoes Going at . ’ 98c pair Rooster Snuff , three ; cans for 20? -full size. AIW REASONS WY IE CAN SELL GOODS CHEAPER: ———— mTllKmewerffa^ J,. Coy Laman & Co. ■Vchw- _ CBHumBOUinS ,^«thm to pay $l5O to dt per mSSSwy?SJ- • ^HV? Becaae.iMlWt4ibcr. ■■ ■ RINKR IllE PUS . ' ■■• r X - BATESVILLE DAILY GUARD The best grade of Blue Denim Jar making Overalls worth sOc yard Goins at 37c 'Work Shirts SI.OO each : Poulins •. - c in different colors 40c to sl.lß per yard yard wide. The best of quality. More .than your money's worth. Searchhdit Matches Three Boxes for 10c OR Bine Star three boxes for 5c Rouletts B. Twist. 2 (or 15c Arkansas Twist. 2 for 15c J We will soon receive 1 car of Red Horse Mule Feed, also 1 car of Feed and Seed Oats See iu before you buy. The price is right. A real good grade of Heavy Bed Tickmg Worth 35c, on sale at 22c yard Don’t fail to get yours 1 r\ . while it lasts. Silk Stripe Voile per yard 3- — - 25c In different colors and best of colors. OuakerOats Full size can 3 for 25c Before you get through you will find we make the price and others follow. Navv Beans 8c ner lb. Light Brown Pinto Beans 8c per lb. Rad Pinto Beams 20 bs. for $1 Good Grade of * Outing Now’ worth 30c Hus Sale 22c Re ason —Overstocked. Special price on Ladies' Poplin and Serge Skirts Cheaper than we can buy them in the market today. Don't Fail to see t^em. 7 Bars of Good Lauudry or Tqjjjet Spay for 25c ' Get you a V 75c Broom for 49c » While they last, We ui e always glad to have you visit our store. We feel we can stive you money. We wish to thank the peo pie for tiie good business they are giving us. PAGE THREE