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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
^KaMWBNKmmmMHmHiiiMMMm m • 'nwpamaßi.-.uimuu-HiJ? w ^Ae March Records Are Here. Both the Victor and Columbia Records j tor March have been received. The supply is limited. Call and let us play them ^or you. GEORGE J. TERRY MUSIC COMPANY Rai cony Floor of Casey Drug Co. I ‘ I ' i! ' ■ I"’; ' ■ if:: ' " "m" Spring will soon be here 1 ~ You will be out in your car a great deal. I I Do not delay having j . . , I | for it will save you time andmoney. | RAYMOND HOU 1 ® | Tire Vulcanizer. j ■ ACROSS FROM BAKER HOTEI.. Phone 107 our Business is Appreciated. | WHEN HOI DIM IEXRNS THESE TRICKS. MARINES Wil.l. SAY “HE'S COOH" Internal tonal N. n « Sir'l.-. Paris Island, S. C., March 2. -By permitting himself to Im lashed with I a sea-going hammock lashing, using al) the turns and hatches known to I an old-time marine, and then getting -ooac in full view of his comrades. Private James Kelly, Marine Corps, established a new record as “The Houdini of the Marines." Kelly hails from St. Louis, Mo. and has juat enlisted in the Marines He is able to break ten-penny nails with his teeth and chew up electrii light bulbs. “SHOD WITH FIRE” Here is a William Russell picture.' You know what that means. First of all. let us remind you that the star is a universal favorite every where -that he stands a symbol of, I the West— a daring, resourceful and capable actor. His latest photoplay is “flhod With Fire,” written by Har old Titus and inspired by Bayard Taylor's poem "Bedouin Love Song." it is a wholesome, appealing, and FOLLOW THAT NATURAL IMPULSE Spring time with ail nature blossom ing forth in rejoicing and new life, calls for new and pretty things to wear and in the very height of Style and Beauty is out- line of New Spring Slippers. Dainty full Louis wood heels in turns and light welts. Full Louis leather heels in turns, Mc- Kays and welts. And also the newest creation, the Baby Louis heels. Oxfords, Pumps, and Ties —Suedes, patents. Black and Brown Kid, Black and Brown Calf. Width* in stock, AA to EE. Our prices are low er than you will have to pay for the fl same class of mer chandise elsewhere beautiful in d dainty cnanutsc tix-iHivic. r u n l4Mlis (<tveMd In fact we are try- £•»«* *•«•**■ . . . . H idth* AA to C. tng to protect our price moo customers as much as possible by pricing these slippers with a very small margin of profit. Your Friends, Barnett Bros. Mer. Co. b thia “Shod With lire." It presents the wild free life ■ f the plains and is alive with ae •. » and ter-e situations. You will mv the picture of a wife who at tempt to reclaim her husband and who is aided by a man who faces • and death bemuse of his lov» r u her. X stallion “shod with fire" , ' an imp •rtant part in the drama and Mr. Russell again shows his abil i’ ■ X delightful vein of comedy is woven into the story- a story which appeals to people >f all ages. See the at the Gem Theatre tomorrow night. MEETING TO BE HELD Litth R >ck, March 3. A special meeting; f the State Text Commis sion will be held Saturday, for the purpose of considering questions ’f vital interest to the educational sys tem of the State A. B. Hill has be n an jinted by the Governor as a meni ber of the board to s icceed George B. < uok, deceased. The Governor has appointed John Monteath. a promi- I i u ol l ■ it • k. aa a m< mi>er of the Board of Trustees of the Arkansas State Farm for Women, to succeed Mr. Cook. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ooooooooooooot O o O Tonight and Thursday, rain; 0 O colder Thursday. O U O 00000000000000 J. F. Lassiter, who resides north of Batesville was in town yesterday. The Batesville Cotton Compress has received up to February 27th, 7,646 bales of cotton. K. X. Billingsley f Xugusta was i busineas visitor in the city today Alex Lewallen of Shelbyville was .i 1 u.Mness visitor in Batesville today. J. M. Collins of Little Rock, was a business visitor In Batesville to day. Miss Ida Williamson is spending the week in Little Rock, the guest of Mi- s .Addie McH aid. Judge Ji.nmerson of Sulphur Risk was tramsa ‘lng business in the city yesterday. Judge Lyman F. Reeder is spend ing the week in Memphis and points in the southern part of the state on legal business. Miss Sadie Urow, he county health n .c . spent the day at Newark, in the interest of her Red Cross N; •s --ing class. John T. Puckett will leave Thurs • night for Indianapolis, Indiana, where he will probably accept a trav eii;'... position with the Eli Lilly & < o„ Prup Manufacturers. J. M. Montgomery, who has Iwen v ■. ng his brother at I'feiffer. was in Bat. sviße today enroute to his home at Etowah. Tom Walbert and his son Hale re turned last night from Texas byway ?f Joplin, where they spent several lays on business. I>. Hannibal, who has been Station Agent here for a number of years, has a epted the position as Travel ing Freight Agent at Little Rock and will soon move with his family to l ittle Rock, where they will make then- future home. IMrORTANT TO NEW I WOMAN CITIZEN j * with n ; h ■ j u-re the women of Indopendc e I • I dor to be eligible t> a ■ in Hj n the . mntv on the 10th ■ ’ of .Xu- j 1920. ' i 'he joP 'i x re ;,t- w'li -h are H ■ ' j I and in order to be a legal Voter a ■ 1 ■ the date of the primary eh H • ■ . ; an t • l»e legally prepared t > express jl ie >at the । ■ . • ill be count d, fm •h< man of !u r j 11 toil ■ it the making up • f the per I sonnel of the county, state, district J I' ■ hi dependant upon the action of the I] Wm-en th. ye n. ;. id tie nei.-'-ty ' of the ote. is iieamircd by the voice : of the men, who urged it upon the w mien, ai d as re» .itizen.- the I women should nu disapp ' the ' ''■ 1 oral minded men, whi i Lose to aid he strength of the women to t’ i ballot, f n better and wiser purpo-i Ot ; of the required majority of States to the ratifi ation of the ■ suffrage amendment by the nations l congress, there remains six 'iviv states necessary, and ir the e\ nt these str.te# should ratify before the general election t > b* hell in No vember, liie rights of women to vote will be unrestricted, and they will then be legally authorized to vote in the general elections of this state and county, the same as in the pri mary, as is the condition at pres ent. And the boarder voting pros pc< ts. is another reason why the women should not fail to pay their poll tax sometime between this date and July 10th. SHUMAN BEGINS EXTRA OPERATION C. (1. Shuman, superintendent of 'the Whit' River Mining Company m Tuesday of this week, began the ■;h ' ation of his new machinery, has recently been installed for the mining of manganese ore. Mr. Shuman will leave Thursday for his home at Chicago, and will probably not return for several weeks. A PRIVILEGE NEGLECTED Now in the days when nurses are so scarce and hard to get. it seems a . pity that so few of the women in town are availing themselves of the opportunity to take the instructions in “Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick" On Monday and Thursday our < minty Health Nurse teaches i three laaae*. N>w she is giving' the dem >nstrations so necessary for cv< nan to know. Last week ‘ she * thoroughly demonstrated “Bvhs nod Bathing.” “Beds and B dMaking,' "How to Administer' Medic im and To Give an Enema.” F' r Thursday she will teach the 1 .pp oatum of heat, cMd. and counter-1 irritants. I ■J ;• ;! D I I Hi 1 I ooooooooooooooj o o O DR. CHAS. E. HEINTZ O o o! O (hiroprm tor O O O O 134 Main Street O . O Just below Episcopal Church. O iO O o HOURS O .0 9tolla. m. * sp. m. O ■*• Nights and Sunday* by O j<> ap; ointment only. O O PHONE No. 67. O O 0 100000000000000 GEM ■■ TONIGHT VITAGRAPH Presents Harry T. Morey IN “THE DARKEST HOUR” Special Production A picture that will keep you guessing all the way through. Pat he Review a color picture that you will never forget. Don’t fail to hear Charles Kern sing ^memories: 1 SHOW STARTS 7:15 Prices 10c and 20c TOMORROW NIGHT WILLIAM FOX Presents William Russell IN “SHOD WITH FIRE” A Romantic Love Story of the plains. ALSO Mutt & Jeff Fox News Show Starts 7:15 p. m. Prices 10c & 20c After the Flu, you should take some good Tonic. We bshly recommend TANLAC as a splendid Tonic and System Purifier. A treatment prepared by the combina tion of Roots, Barks, and Herbs, gath ered in various countries of the Globe and blended to produce the best results. Tan lac is sold in this city only by the TERRY DRUG COMPANY R. L. STATES, Manager. Phone 161 Free Delivery The REXALL Store. READ THE BATESVILLE DAILY GUARD mmmm»aiiHiiiiiiiiiiiii»nnninrnn!»iiuiiiiiniiii»iunumu4mmmaaom When you think of Real Estate, don’t you at once thii.k ^JUNIUS? Buying or Selling SEE JUNIUS R. CASE