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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
TANLAC TANLAC TANLAC Lots of TANLAC in stock and we can supply your needs. GOODWIN DRUG COMPANY “The Old Reliable 9 * PHONE 16. FREE DELIVERY ■MMWMlllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllilllilllllll.lHllllllHlinilllllM COME IN TO SEE OUR NEW SPRING GOODS If you leant the prettiest Hats, the Newest Style Waists, the Newest Skirts for yourselves, and the Prettiest Little Clothes for your children at REASONABLE PRICES whereby you can Save Money Then don’t fail to look over our line. JACOBS VARIETY STORE Read The Batesville Daily Guard for the New: Endicott-Johnson U.S Army Shoe / H Z\ •I VI XX. UK \ \A . /A } \ ) \ VI MX / MORE WEAR PER DOLLAR Carpenters, mechanics, railroad men, farmers, mail carriers, business men, and all who require extreme comfort togeth er with medium weight and “chuck” full of wear and truly “more wear per dol lar,” will be found in the Shoe illustra tion above, than any other Shoe on the market. Come in and let us fit you with a pair of these Shoes and you will know com fort and where to always find the Good Things in Footwear. Your friends, Barnett Bros. Mercantile Co. —. b e— LOCAL AND PERSONAL 00000000000000 O o i O Tonight and Sunday: Fair, O < O rising temperature. O i O ’ O 00000000000000 i Mrs. W. If. Dennison of Cushman is shopping in Batesville today. S. E. Simmons of Cave City was a ' business visitor in Batesville today. C. R. Hartwick of Route 2 was a 1 business visitor in the city today. 1 J. R. Evans has purchased a new Ford truck for his delivery service. W. D. Magness of Magness was transacting business in Batesville to- ( day. B. Vanemburg, who has been quite sick with pneumonia and influenza, is able to be out again. Ross Dennison and I). M. Losee of 1 Cushman were transacting business ( here today. Will Landers returned last night I from a business trip over his terri A tory. |, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewi* and chiL 'Then are in the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Sherrod. Charles Van Beek arrived Friday , I night and will spend the week-end with his wife in this city. 1 Miss Amy Edison left last night for Newport, where she will spend i the week-end with friends. < C. P. Forsythe came in last night and will spend the week-end with his *arnily here. । H. W. Parks spent last night with ' home folks at Sulpsur Rock, return ing this morning. Walter McDowell returned last 1 night from a business trip over his 1 territory. ’ Frank Babcock returned last night from a business trip over his terri- 1 tory. 1 I Mrs. Geo. Terry left last night for Newport where sho will attend the funeral services of Mr. Will Hook- 1 John < Bone will leave Sunday night t . ’ ; tie and Helena and other eastern t ■ .vns where he will be gone a Week or ten days. ; IL C. Wo 1 ufd last ni bt front Little Kock. .. re he ha, been recehinc treatment >.■ n.s eyes. Lytle Peyton arrivt.! I- riday eve ning fr n his traveling ti . i lory aa 1 will spend the rcniai L of .h? week with his family in this city. Prosecuting At! rney Earl Casey returned this murnim from Walnut Ridgi. where hi- has been looking ,: after business. J. L. Gist of Shelbyville was a business visitor . > Batesville yester day and while here made the Guard office a pleasant call. O. T. Jernigan and Sidney Wells of Sulphur Rock came up this morning to attend a meeting of the County Teacher's Association. Chas. Prather returned yesterday from a business trip up ihi road an 1 will spend Sunday here v sth his family. । Little Miss Beatrice Be t went to Newport last night where she will ■pend Saturday and Sunday with 'riends ami relatives. । : C. K. Mosby is remodeling the front part of his jewelry store prep aratory to making a work bench in front. | Robert Neill of Hot Springs ar rived in the city last night to attend the funeral services of the Hon. Ed M. Dickinson. Rev. F. M. Tolleson returned last I night from Little Rock, where he has been attending a meeting of the , Inter-Church World Movement. Miss Ida Higgins of Sulphur Rock I is attending the meeting of the; County Teacher’s Association in this ( city today. J. K. Rollings and Edgar Holcombe! of Newark are in the city today to I attend the County Teacher's Associa-i tion. J. D. Nixon of Route No. 1 was a i business visitor to Batesville today; and while here made the Guan! of j lice a pleasant call. Mr. Nixon says he has been a subscriber to the ~ Guard for about twelve years. . * Miss Jetrue Fugett, who has been visiting her parents here for some time returned this morning to Ft. j Worth, where she will stay with her brother, Paul. She was accompanied to Fort Worth by Paul Fugett’s lit tle daughter, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fugett, here. ALL KINDS fishing tackle at Hail- Billingsley Co. tfd ; IF YOU NEED any electrical work done with an old house or new, call or i see R. M. Brooks. Phone 309. 2td , Mrs. Carl Tinkle of near Cushman; is reported to be very ill with pneu ' mcnia. For hoarseness, inflamed lungs or 1 irritating coughs, BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP is a healing halm. It does its work quickly and thoroughly. Sold by Goodwin Drug ^SENTHALS V HARDWARE, \A .store J 00000000000000 o o O DR. CHAS. E. HEINTZ O o o O Chiropractor O O O O 134 Main Street O O Just below Episcopal Church. O O O o hours: o O 9toll a. m.—2 to sp. m. O O Nights and Sundays by O O appointment only. O o PHONE No 67. O 0 O 00000000000000 JARED E TIE' ATHAN will take your acknowlctgemet to ypur income tax report. GEM Theatre TONIGHT PAT HE presents Ruth Reland IN “ADVENTURES OF RUTH” Episode No. 3. Rathe News Snub Pollard a id Sambo IN “WALTZ ME AROUND” ALSO Al Jennings IN “FATE’S MOCKERY” NIGHT 6:30 P. M. PRICES 10c and 20c MONDAY NIGHT REALART Presents Alice Brady IN THE FEAR MARKET” Miss Brady appears in the latest fashions. SHOW STARTS 7:15. PRICES 10c and 20c EXTRA Coming Wednesday EXTRA CHENEY CONCERT QUARTET uumiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniiiiiriirni»ii»niniitiiniiiii»»»niiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiii aatiiiiiiiiiiiiitHiiiiniiiiiiiitnunnitintßiiiiiiiiriiiiiiHniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiißtwa JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of REXALL LAXATIVE ASPIRIN COLD TABLETS The demand for this famous remedy has been so great that we have been unable to procure an ample supply, or to keep a supply continuously on hand. Guaranteed to relieve colds, headache, fever and other ill effects resulting from and attending colds, intluenza, etc. A full line of drugs, toilet articles, etc. Prescriptions carefully and accurately filled. TERRY DRUG COMPANY R. L. STATES, Manager. Phone 161 Free Delivery Records Just Received 2861—Chloe Al Jolson <k Was There Ever a Pal Like You Henry Burr 2857—Wond'ring Ted Lewis’ Jazz. Band Ssc Y'ou Can’t Get Loving Where There Ain’t Any Love Louisiana Five 2864—Just Like the Rose Paul Biese Trio 85c When Y'ou’re Alone p a ul Biese Trio 2862—You’re a Million Miles From Nowhere Fred Hughes Hsc Once Upon a Time Fred Hughes 2863 -All That I Want Is You Henry Burr B>c When the Harvest Moon is Mining Lewis James 11'85—War Bride Blues All Star Trio Ail Star Trio GEORGE J. TERRY MUSIC COMPANY Balcony Floor of Casey Drug Co. Engrand CaHhg Cards at Be Gniei (Mfti