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PAGE FOUR *ct~ It fr 5>dPWWt a* .^^BB^T^tHI ■ f ^^ '■’ ; iM W r L^W •r? k BVJ)—- ' '£U^K Bo cJBK t qW Rife JrW -^0 >1 — .h:rc’£nc~JnckJ Be S ca: lection. Srtisfiction ii buyi-T— be- MM ■HI cause -t cconcmicul cast. HHC ~in vs’.-it — became es ij® ■■ of beat r< 11. MH — Inci^nc’h-c ' c '-- r ra> e* n^m b . ■ - -re pure u. 4 hrelh.nL CJI .... v entycuch I”-' ir^rc ierts an Lave I ?n s - proved off.c: "y ty t..e U. J. M Food Authorities. lbw save « hen you hv it — YoataveuluniuuuseU DENIES REPORT International New* Service London, March 15, —According 0 a later report, it ia officially announc ed that the British government has recognized the German government. I ’Why is it, with so many i brands of com flakes offered to the public. Post Toasties outsell । all the rest ? answer is in every dish of j this wholesome, satisfying and palate “pleasing food. Post Ic ashes exce/ threu^^ sheer merit E- ary package is identical with every other package in quality and the de inand is so great they are always fresh. Post Toasties are a substantial food: not tnin,tasteless wisps,hardly recog nizable in flavor; but a robust food'of high quality. No Wonder Post Toasties are Paramount. I Made by Postum Cereal Co. Battle Creek., Michigan. I ™ <• *- MEETING OF BATES VILLE POST There will be a special meeting of the Batesville Post of American Le gion No. 114 at 1 p. m, Saturday, March 20th. For the purpose of vot ing on the following questions: 1. Land settlement covering all states. 2. Home aid to encourage pur chase by ex-service men of rural and city homes. 3. Vocational education for all ex-service persons. 4. I vote for the cash bonus to be added to the three recommenda tions already endorsed by the Na tional convention. Yes or No. We urge all members to be pres ent and all ex-service men who are not members to come and join the Legion that they may vote on these questions. All ex-service men who are not members and expect to become mem bers bring your discharge papers with you. MARION BRANNON. Adjutant. PAUL LUSTER. 3td-ltw. Post Commander COSTS MORE BUT PRICE IS SAME Foley’s Honey and Tar is the orig inal and genuine honey and tar cough medicine. It costs Foley & Co. more to make than it costs others to make mixtures of cheaper ingredients, but it costs you no more than the cheap mixtures. Contains no opiates. Chil dren like it. For coughs, colds, croup. Sold everywhere. LAST CHANCE TO SECURETICKETS Practically all tickets have been hold for the musical entertainment to be given at Alumni Hall tonight, and the committee in charge of the sale of tickets urge that those who desire tickets should call at once and get same. BEAUTIES AND GOWNS IN “THE PERFECT LOVER” Some of the most beautiful girls, gowns and scenes ever seen on the screen are among the many extra ordinary attractions of Eugene O’- Brien’s first stellar production, “The Perfect Lover,” which comes tomor row to the Gem theatre. One of the sets representing a ballroom of the home of a member of the “Four Hundred” in New York is without doubt one of the most elaborate and stupendous scenes ever erected for a motion picture. It took up the entire floor of the huge studio where the picture was filmed and no expense was spared in fit ting up this set. The result is as tounding. When you see it on the screen you will not be able to believe it is merely a studio set. With its parquet floors, glass doors and shin ing mirrors, handsomely framed pic tures, Queen Anne furniture and huge baskets of flowers, this ballroom is the essence of elegant reality. To complete the set, the most beautiful girls in New York were hired to grace it. Blondes, brunettes, tall girls, short girls, artists’ models and many Ziegfeld girls are among those in this superb collection. Not only are they the most beautiful group of girls that have ever been seen at one time, but the clothes they wear are the most gorgeous col lection that ever graced a ball-room. The value of the wonderful gowns worn by these girls aggregates a small fortune. And handsome Eu gene O’Brien in the center of this galaxy of gorgeously gowned beau tiful women completes the scene. THIS SHOULD INTEREST OTHER WOMEN “My kidneys were giving me trou ble for some time,” writes Mrs. L. Gibson, 12th and Edison St., La- Junta, Colo. “I took Foley Kidney Pills and they helped me right away.” Backache, pains in sides, sore muscles, are rheumatic twinges and “always tired feeling” are symp toms of kidney trouble. Sold everywhere. Jefferson Standard Life: Insurance Company i Greensboro, N. C. Perfect Protection Policy Pays $5,0^0 Natural Death — Pays SIO,OOO Accidental Death Pays SSO per month while totally and per manently disabled and face value at death Policies are paid-up in twenty years Will make farm loans at 7 per cent. Before you buy or sell real estate, see me. J. E. McLEAN Batesville, Ark. WE MODEL SHEEP RANCH' TENTATIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS to the Capital "tick of the Proposed CRESCENT IVE STOCK COMPANY which will establish an up-to-date Model Sheep Ranch in thqk vicinity of Batesville, will l>e received by Mr. Albert Sims at the’ First National Bank, or by Mr. A. A. Webber at the Batesville Chamber of Commerce. You are invited to call on either of these gentlemen for attractive particulars. Handsome profits are assured and a new and valuable industry for Arkansas will be created; therefore every citizen should be doubly interested. 14td-ltw We have a nice assortment of Suits for Men—young or old. Call in and let us fit you. COY LAMAN & COMPANY If there is a time to buy it is NOW. Winter shows a place up—if it is good now it will be good any season of the year. Buying or Selling SEE JUNIUS R. CASE Kar City Girl’s Gold Tipped Cigarette Has “Snuff Stick” Rival in South I, W ■ 'iW ST ■ This Young Mountain Matron I* Enjoying Her Afternoon Chaw While Her Husband Smoke* Hi* Favorite Pipe Her* I* an unusual picture of marl I*l felicity It wu enapped by a worker for th* laterchurch World Movement during * survey *f living condition* In the Tenner see Mountain dial Met Th* yo*n( woman In the Metor*. a held* of * few week* I* **ln* th* mountain aobotltut* foe the cigarette a muff eUek'-o .tie* •Mtea VM anoff Md «*4>Mr»Mlr akewoO. The habit he* two-• - taffoo ever th* g*ld Monad at too eMr fftrt It to am **en*a*toai and ft laate longer—* well mad* ' snuff *Hck' having aoly *ne ri'** for l*ngevHy th* “all day ■*< her of wh**l day* The Imerehurch W*rld M*v*mMl Snda dlatraaaful lgn*r*no* and gov er I, among I he*, mountain folk* •u«»Mte a now r*lt«iou* rrogrom— to ronplo Ute Rtbl* with rraotwol •• Mrwotton M *<rW*ller*. enew * — —Mel farm* with •eaaole *r-o >um* and *tbw cenMonMy neotoa M the oragMte roaL