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Hl > YOUR ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES FROM AREAL ELECTRICAL DEALER And You Are Not^So Apt t . Gv S, m.l or Third tirade Ma R. M. BROOKS BATESVILLE. ARK. HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS PHONE 309. “L(7 Me Fiyure II Uh You." BARNETT BROS. SECURE WINCHES 1 TER AGENCY Cha*. Barnett, Jr. returned last night from Little Kock, wheri he spent Monday tran-.n •my busim w hile in Little Ro agency for Barnett Bros Store t ■ ndie the famo w ducts of New Haven. ' on . a ■ cc manufacturers of nil kind-, of high trade cutleries, tools, o\e lor. het., etc., and almost everything in this line. They are the same people that manufacture the Winchester guns and ammunitn n an I have a line reputation for this class of mi i han disc. Nathan Adler is spending the week in Little Rock where he is looking after his business interests 00000000000000 o o O I>R. CHAS. E. HEINTZ. O o o O ' Chiropractor O O • O O 134 Main Street O £ Just below Episcopal Church. O O O O HOURS O O Itoll >. m.—2 to Sp. m. O O Nights and Sundays by O O appointment only 0 O PHONE No. 67. O O O 00000000000000 BARNETTS’ PRICES ARE LOWEST The word “lowest” is rightly spelled in Capi tal letters. Prices ARE lowest at BARNETTS— positively lower than competing stores can make. BARNETTS’ big business makes BARNETTS’ little epenses—BAßNETTS’ little expenses make BARNETTS’ lowest prices. Buy your merchandise wisely. Compare values. If you do, BARNETTS will get your bus iness, because this store’s prices are consistently lower, quality considered. “Comparison is the basis of Low Prices.” Your friends, Barnett Bros. Mercantile Co. FAIR ASSOCIATION j MEETING I All persons who have subscribed k m th. Independence County hair A- ■■eiation, are requested to me. at the Chamber of Commerce, Thui~da\, March 18th, 1920, at 4:00 ■ p. m. Il you ale interested in the^way Vol.l Ilium s will be used you should be on hand. TWO BANDITS HOLD UP REVENUE OFFICE l ’ ’it * il Now* Service. Seattle, Wash., March 16.— Two bandits held up an internal revenue office today and t scaped with $20,- 000 Advertise in The Guard, i , Caterrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by u. applKath i » ma they cannot reach 1 t• • ■ . a < • ire catart Im i afaaM ’ and tbai la bi » cuaatitutiMMl remedy । Catarrhal »a caut«d by an in- ’ ■ f ih< mu tub inibg at । th- i m Wb । nito tnb< >• ga • tor lm« • l ; * ■ t. ■ r ■ v c 4 i r • m • th, rraalt VnieM the 1 c ’ f 4 thia tub I r.i ored to :• normal condition hearing * ■ • • a f >t. \ ■ t M*n> OMM "* l I M which la a « h< mill a•• »ur - 1 faces Itai's <'a;arrh fecdirine acta thru th. blood oath. r«aooua gartMaa at the ’ ay item I We will give tn* Hundred DeHart for any rase o* Catarrhal rveafneea that cannot ) be cur» 4by Ha •la* I. rt Medkinr. Cir« cuiaratr.. ah ”ru<aiata He I F J < HFM£J a CO. TclMa. a LOCAL AND PERSONAL 00000000000000 o o O Tonight, cloudy. colder. O O rain; Wednesday, fair, colder. O 0 ' 0 00000000000000 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Farrell, who have been visiting friends in this city returned this nfoming to their 'home in Aurora, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Case are spending several days at Wnlnut Ridge, visiting relatives. Dr. W. H. Craig returned Mon day from Dallas. Texas, where he attended the State Dental Associa tion, John Long of Almond was a busi ness visitor in the city today. J. T. Roads of Jonesboro was a business visitor in the city today. J. M. Cook of Tuckerman is viS iting in’the eity with the prospect of locating here. W. L. Brock of Almond, was a business visitor to Batesville yester day and while here made the Guard office a pleasant call. R. M. Light, M. C. Light, Lucian Bell and Roy Bullard of Almond were transacting business in Bates ville yesterday. The funeral guests of the late Hon. Ed M. Dickinson, including Robert Neill of Hot Springs, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bevens of Newport, Mrs. S. R. Phillips of Newport, after spending Sunday in Batesville, have returned to their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dickinson, who have spent several days with rela tives in this city, left this afternoon for their home at Shreveport, Louis iana. Miss Lula Metcalf and Mrs. Lu man and her two daughters, all of Cave City, attended the musical given at Alumni Hall Monday eve ning. Miss Mary Wright of Sulphur Rock was a visiting guest for the musical entertainment given Monday evening. PARENT-TEACHER ASSN. TO MEET The Parent-Teachers Association of the Batesville p'l’dic - hiols wil' meet this week, with prigram and leaders as follows: West Batesville School program! for March 17, 1920: Subject, Moral Trainin ' of < hil dren. Solo, Mrs. Crownover. Cultivating Right Attitudes Toward Homej .'school. Church and Commnt' ity, Mrs. W. 11. Walkup. Teaching Moral, in Sch d. Mrs I Burton Arnold. ■ , Reading-, Miss Ruth Adam Moral Training by (lames. Rev. E. ' H. Hook. | Teaching the Common Virtues in I the Home. Mrs. A. Morris. Music, Mrs. James Conner. j Co-operation of Home and School i with Church in Teaching Morals. I Rev. T. J. D. King. MRS. W. K. RIDDELL, President. I o I i High SchiMil and Main Grammar School. I Program for Thursday. March 18. I 1920: I Subject: Moral Training of Chi! j dren. Reading. Miss Evelyn Sims. j Cultivating Right Attitudes. Mrs. W. S. Lacy. Teaching Morals in School. Mrs. J. R. Bullington. Co-operation of Church. Home and School in Teaching Morals. Rev. F.l M. Tolleson. Moral Training in Play, Rev. A. F. • Cagle. Vocal Solo, Miss Lucy Fitzhugh. MRS. I. N. BARNETT. President. SPECIAL MUSICAL TREAT AT GEM The Cheney Concert Company will give an entertainment at the Gem Theatre on Wednesday March 17th— when an evening of special music will be featured, together with a very fine picture show. The customers of the Gem cannot ' n'ford to miss this splendid treat I planned fur them. /I Join the Chamber of Commerce । and be a booster. Advertise in The Guard. Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company ' • I Greensboro, N. C. Perfect Protection । Policy Pays SSJMO Natural Death Pays $10,(M0 Accidental Death Pays SSO per month uhile totally and per manently disabled and , face value at death || Policies are paid-up in twenty years Will make farm loans at 7 per cent, — „l Pt fore you buy or sell I real estate, see me. . J. E. McLEAN । Batesville, Ark. GEM Theatre • TONIGHT Come and See Eugene 0 Brien in Leila Burtofi Wells’ Remarkable Romance “THE PERFECT LOVER” A Ralph Ince Production. The First picture starring inimitable EUGENE O’BRIEN TOMORROW NIGHT CHENEY CONCERT QUARTET in connection with regular programme. “THE VENGEANCE OF DURAND” with Alice Joyce. Show Starts 7:15 Prices 25c and 50c im»iHiiiiiimHiiiiiiiiiiinn»H»m»iHiiiiiniin»»was«aggmss»aswttM w»iiiiiiiiim»t»»mt»imi»nniK::»i»iii»n»::iiiiiiiiiiiiii»iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinr JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of REXALL LAXATIVE ASPIRIN COLD TABLETS The demand for this famous remedy has been so great that we have liecn unable to procure an ample supply, or to keep a supply continuously on hand. , Guaranteed to relieve colds, headache, fever and other ill effects resulting from and attending colds, influenza, etc. A fqll line, of drugs, toilet articles, etc. • Prescriptions carefully and accurately fiUed. TERRY DRUG COMPANY R. L. STATES, Manager. Phone 161 Free Delivery Records Just Received 2861—Chlw AI Jolson 86c Was There Ever a Pal Like You Henry Burr 2857—Wond’ring Ted Lewis’ Jazz Band 85c You Can’t Get Loving Where There Ain't Any Love Louisiana Five 2864—Just Like the Rose Paul Biese Tri<f KJ* When You're Alone Paul Biese Trio 2862 You're a Million Miles From Nowhere Fred Hughes 85c Once Upon a Time 4 . Fred Hughes 286.1 All That 1 Want Is You Henry Burr Vw When the Harve -t Moon is Shining Lewis Janies lOlif War Bride Blue, All Star Trio Oasis All Star Trio GEORGE J. TERRY MUSIC COMPANY Rai cony Floor of Casey Drug Co. ^w^uhiiwiiiuiiiiiiiiiitwiiitMiiimiMiininniiiinriM Uh! Cm(. a Ih M Ufa