Notice of Sale Os Real Estate Pursuant to the terms of a cer tain Deed of Trust executed on the MJth day of February, 1923, to the un dersigned as Trustee by E. A. Hawk ins and Ethel B. Hawkins, his wife, which is of record in Book D-3, page MB of the Records of Deeds of Trust and Mortgages in Independ ence County, the undersigned, at the request of S. M. Casey, the Benefic iary in said Deed of Trust, will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in the City of Batesville, Arkansas, between the hours for judicial sales ea MONDAY OCTOBER 27, 1924, 4hr following described real ertate dEaatad In Independence County, tv •O: We undlvdled intereat of Ethel Matter Hawkins We heir-at-la* of A. A. Bartier in and to the south half of MM aoathrvent gukrter of wOotton tamer-Eve (M). and the north half of the northwest quarter of section Mdrty-clx (M), in Township thirteen (U) North, Range four (4) west end containing 160 acres more or leas. This being the separate estate of Ethel Barber Hawkins. Also the following real estate, sit uated in the city of Batesville, Ar kansas, this day bought by the grantors from Floyd Davis, to-wit: A part of Lot numbered three and four in Block forty-six of Maxfield’s Western Addition to the town (now city) of Batesville, described thus: Commencing at the northeast cor ner of said Block 46 at the intersec tion of Evans and Edith Street, thence along the line of Evans Street 800 feet to rock for corner—the be ginning corner—thence at right angles to Evans Street and parallel with Edith Street a distance of 150 feet to corner, thence in a southwest srly direction parallel with Evans Street a distance of One hundred (100) feet more or less, to the line of Agnes street for corner, thence along the line of Agnes Street, 150 feet to Evans Street thence along the line «f Evans Street 100 feet more or less to rock for corner and the place of beginning. C. D. METCALF, Trustee, d. 10-6- W2t-10-10-17. Warning Order Independence Probate Court. Sarah Agnes Ball, Plaintiff, vs. Simon Ball, Jr., Margarite Ball, G. C. Ball, Jr., Elizabeth McKee, and Kleapor Baum, Defendants. The above named defendant, Eliza beth McKee, is hereby warned to ap pear in this Court within thirty days from this date and answer the com-1 plaint of the plaintiff, Sarah Agnes ; Ball, in the above styled action. Witness my hand and the seal of ■ this Court on this September 25tn, 1924. 4tw. •9J 26*10-3-10-17. (Seal) 11. W. FOX, Clerk. I । KANSAS CITY DOCTOR INVENTS NEW TRISS Kansas City, , (Special)—A new discovery which, experts agree, haa no equal for curative effects in all rupture cases, is the latest ac complished of the well-konwn Hernia Specialist, Dr. Andrews, 75-H Koch Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. The extraor dinary success of this new method proves that it holds and hea'« a rup- : tare. It weighs only a few ounces. I Has no hard gouging pads, no elastic! belt, no leg straps, no st-e' bands, and is as comfortable as a light I garment. It has enabled hundreds of persons to throw away trusses and declare their rupture absolutely heal-, cd. Many of these had serious double ruptures, from which they! had suffered for years. It is Dr. An-; draws' ambition to have every rup-1 tured person joy the quick relief,! comfort and healing power of his discovery, and he will send it on free trial to any reader of the Batesville Guard who writes to him. He wants •ne person in each neighborhood to whom he can refer. If you wish to be rid of rupture for good, wth •ut an operation, take advantage of the doctor's free offer. Write ■him today. Dahlias For Sale I have beautiful and numerous Dahlias, all colors and sizes, now full of choice blooms, and will have until kjlling frost. I will bo glad to wut them for social events, for funer als. on an economical basis as to •prices. If you wish some of these choice flowers, call at Sixth and Main streets or phone 323. MRS. W. D. GRAY. «> td —6twk. J) 10-11■13-14-15-16-17. W. 17. /^□op aip SuipuiM se uado o} Asea sb p^pnq ut JJUpMOUS l[S9Jr ; Jill O} JWIbW puy noA qatqM XanaisiMoo utafMaio Miivt aip sAma^v si yijpMoug ’nipm uuva ui Ainnu jo ^os tyupMoug saop jdqipt^ •aq Asm jaq^naM oqi pjoo Moq ja^nui ou pjuq oo; jaAau st yupMoug yupMoug Suiuißaio ui ajqnoj| Xub QArq jaAau piM noX ;nq ‘uubav Apjejapoiu Ajuo udijaa auuiu pus—pjoa uaqM ajpußO i? st pjvq siiaa 4i?q| ^tii^ooo v pasn aABq noX KiaiSSOd HOW DOCTORS TREAT COLDS AND THE FLO To break up a cold over night nr to cut short an attack of grippe, influenza or sore throat, physicians and druggists are recommending Calotabs, the nausea less Calomel tablet, that is purified from dan gerous and sickening effects. Those who have tried it say that it acta’like magic, by far more effective and certain than the old style calomel, heretofore recommended b physicians. One or two Calotabs at bed time with a swallow of water. —that’s all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interferem with eating, work or pleasures. Next morn ing your cold has vanished and your sx tern feels refreshed and purifhd. Calotah are sold only in original sealed pa -Kago* price ten cents for the vest-noek’l i?f thirty-five cents for the Hrse funti p. . age. Recommended and guaranteed I" druggists Your money back if you are u delighted.—adv. I ' I i I ORB fiM i fwM dr Goodrich Silvertown CORD t »| ,I ~r J d 7 T* I ■«c, ! There is no lux* & i ury in the cost of hk | 1 Silvertown Cord Tires. The luxury i is all in the per- ; formance. . . • " Shaw Auto I Company 'fI'BEST IN THE LONG *>. . V ’■ - ' * Land For Sale CHEAP Part cash, balance on time. Owner, Ben Desha, Desha, Arkansas. Box 63. -pD929-30-dlo-l-2-3,4 w-10-3-10-17-24. mKM J . if YV \// . ; i&mPY “lip Cas* Such popularity must be deservgd OLD records to break, new must deserve ir. Chestcfl^d, for ones to make! Grilling tests example, has long been -^juning of speed, stamina, power! And an average of over 1 a^n. mci s for the winner— popularity, hard- a day. »* won and deserved. One thing ;.lore—ChcstSrticki's r So with everything else. To better taste — ean account for win popularity even a cigarette such pope'ar i Chesterfield CIGARETTES^ t (kqix-iKht Mfi4, Liggett A \| wrs Tobacco Cm■ * ;——■ l • —' - — - COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as Commissioner in Chancery in pursurance of a degree of the Independence Chancery Court made and entered on June 6th 1924, in a cause therein pending when i Maggie L. Mayhue was plaintiff and XVilliam M. Thompson and Etta B. Thompson were defendants, will on Wednesday, Nov. sth, 1924, be tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., at the front door of the Court House in the city of Bate-- ville, Independence County, Arkan sas, proceed to offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder on a credit of three months, the following deecribed lands situate in eaid county, to-wit: The E 14 of NE 1-4; SW 1-4 of NE 1-4; -all «Mt Mrt of NEI-4 of B*l-4 as aadion * lying North et^ East of a certain Credk ii*g Sirough MiM -f«rt> acre *Mt, the MM named Mart oonMUaing K gem, ■ore or lea. All of aaid land* ly k« aid feeing in Sa. M, Twp. 14 X R. I W, and containing 145 acres ■ore or lees. Said sale being for satisfaction of a debt decreed in said cause in favor or said plain tiff against said defendants, Wil liam M. Thompson and Etta B. Thompson, for which a lien was held against said lands. The purchaser will be required to execute bond with approved security for the purchase money of sail! lands and a lien will also be redained against said lands therefor. W. R. WESTBROOK, Commissioner. fpwit” ■TvaM QUICK. EASY. PAINLESS EjllyS cueno eaixoosn and nOv corns . IN TUB LOMO ! E HH Oil UH y I*;) Silvcrtowns are bulk ap «• she highest standard of tire quality— not down to a price. And yet they cost no more than ordinary cords Goodrich ' SILVERTOWN CORD Shaw Auto Company