Newspaper Page Text
BATESVILLE GUARD! FRANK 0. DENTON, EDITOR, ' THURSDAY JUNE 28, 1877 * 87:i0,000 in specie was banked in New York on tho 23rd for elllpment. They arc having a wholesale hang ing in Pennsylvania. On Ilic 21st four man wore bung at Mauchi hnnk, six al Puttsvilk*, and one at Wilkes barte. Ou, " the dear people !” flow pa triotic some people are in behalf nt ‘'the |>eop)c!” Watch tho man uho continues to cry ont, •‘the dear j eoplc !” James Gordon Bennett arrived in New York on the 23rd from an exten sive tour through Europe, having re enperated froth the effects of the much* talked-of duel. From the Lawrence County Journal we learn that, a lire broke out in tho engine room of the Powhattan Factory, on the 15th inst. The fire was discov ered in time, and checked before mnefi damage was done. No trouble to find a party in lowa 'lhcy have Independent, Republican. Prohibition, Hard Money, Soft Money and Democratic. You can choose either, for they have quite an assort ment. The Martin box says the GVard is filled with condensed nothing. Can’t you send us another piece of M&rtin to fell up on, after yon have doctored it with an mfi'ision of free work, patriot ism ah*! on !y SI.OO for printer ? KansalJ City has an interesting bird’s nest lawsuit. The point of law to be decided is, whether wild birds in a tree or imsh are tho property ot any person until they are captured. Able attorneys are employed to represent the case of birds. Gen. D. If. Hili,, of North Carolina, who will be remembered as the com mander of Hardee’s old corps, at the battle of Chickamauga, of which Go van's brigade was a part, has been elected President of Arkansas Indus trial University, located at Fayetteville. The Pocket Mirror is the latest in vention of Fail view enterprising, liber ality and patriotism. It has settled part of tho finances, and now reflects a miniature Martin, that was hoard in the far off meadow when it thundered ; and yet no lightning has struck, for it can find no place to stick except at tho corned key. The eity ts St. Johns, New Bruns wick, was almost totally destroyed by fire on the 20th inst, leaving 15,000 people homeless. The loss is estimated nt from $10,000,000 to $15,000,000. St. Johns contributed SIO,OOO in gold to aid in alleviating the want and dis trees of the unfortunates from tho Chi eago fire. Meetings are being hel l in the Northern cities for the relief of the people iu St Johns. 'I he Russians have crossed tho Danube, though long expected. After one roads the many reports, and try to pronounce the names, ho fools more like pronouncing n cuino upon all such. In tho last engagement, the Tuikr are reported to have been con siderably worsted. They could nut stand the raking fiio of tho artillery, "nd fled, after having sustained severe losses. Perhaps tho Tuiks aro only drawing (Im bears further on. Some time ago brother Bascomb, of tho Prescott Clipper, offered a gold pen to tho publisher of the best pa]>er in tho Stalo. However, he had to get matriod, which is quite right and lion orablo, oven among the Press gang, so ho could not lie on hand at Fort Smith on tho Gib. Consequently, nobody, as yet, has received the pen. Now wo move, as brother B. has obtained n ir miuni better than the host paper, that he donate tho pen to his better half. Bno, G’aulJing, as the Standard, proposes to try Dunham, of tho Van Buren Press, by a drumhead court martial as a paity to that wine affair neglect of duly. All right, brother G.; wo aro far putting you in tho chair,! ami you can select tho members to cou- 1 slitnto tho court. That wine would j have, no doubt, tatted well as we wore! crossing tho river. Tho water being muddy, wo could have avoided mixing the two together. Maybe wo will get a double cargo next time to make up for this great loss. Next year Dan Voorhees will appear before the people of Indiana against O, P. Morton, the present sitting bull in-the U. 8. Senate from that State, if the tali sycamore of the Wabash can ) orauade, inlluen 0 orfcajole Morton to meet him in the canvass, all will be well ; otherwise, Voorhees will show tho temerity, and trickery of Morton. Indiana Democrats never knew what the words fait or fear meant, and in tend business. Dan will tako Oliver’s scalp and triumphantly hold it up to the public gaze of Indiana. Noble son ! The editors frewr Fort Smith, which | are those of Van Buren and Fort I Smith, arc to got- a bottle each of thatl lino brandy sent to the Fress Associa- i rmn by E. Simpson it Co., of Now. York. Just our luck—away off from ! good times amt places. The groat. Northwest editors can smack their bps over it, but wo have to smack our foot on the floor, being away. We left that neighborhood tco soon, and thought so at tho time of leaving. Never mind 1 ! We found • sample case as wo journeyed home. However, we think one, just one bottle of Simpson’s ’ best" might have been sent this way, without danger of getting lost. Didn’t think we would be forgot so soon. THE EASTERN WAR. The latest reports from the Eastern War is, that England and Russia have come to ab understanding. Russia will insist on occupyingUonsUntinDple, but agrees to evacuate upon receiving Tull indemnity fdr wet purposes. The British Parliament will vote a credit of $50,000,000 for military purposes. England is to occupy Egypt, by and with the consent of the Khedive and Snltan, said occnpalioh to lie cmißuma ted at such time as will bo best for En gland. British troops are to be ccm mended by Gen. Bir Thomas Steele ; to consist < f 20,000 men. The troops ere now reedy for the move, and cam ■ ping ground has been selected. If all reports be true, both the Russian and Turkish government aro needing funds to carry on tho campaign. Tho Ber lin Bankers have withdrew tho loan ns first offered to the Russians. Gov. MilleH has been attending the commencement exercises of the Arkan san Industrial University at Fayette ville. He was received by the citizens of Washington county With a hearty welcome. Tho Democrat, says Got. Miller was tho first live Governor seen in Fayetteville for thirty years or more. It is reasonable to suppose that ho at tracted no little attention, and the ver dict of tho people is, that he is a good fellow generally. The Governor is an nnarenming, affable gentleman, who mixed freely with otlr citizens, and re ceived a hearty welcome. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, Juno 93, 1377. Socially, Washington is qniet, al thongh the exodus has not been as gen eral this season as usual in former limes. Chronic peregrinators having wisely concluded to love homo more, not that they love man less j but the wet blanket of financial depression is so wide-spread and qnicting in its ef fects, that tho gain in numbers over like periods in other fiscal years, disrs not compensate for that sense of enthn siasm incident to tho lack of the where with to be joyful with" However, we have an occasional cheap excursion over to Richmond or to White Sul phur, or down the river, or to tho son ny sea side, or elsewhere, and what, with ice applications within and with ont, with the usual remedies when the temperature falls too low, and what with the cheap but intentions memorial of happy, innocent childhood days, we shall manage to tide over until the next season. The atmosphere is beginning to thicken up, with rhadow* ol coming events, notable among which ia the pioposcd sojourn of Mr. Hayeo at White Sulphur Springs. There is to lie a very significant gathering there, it is said, of tho great lights of the conn tty, and it is believed that many inter eating and delicate questions connected with the organization of the coming House future legislative policy, will be Considered, if not informally settled upon. In fact, il is supposed to boa sou of now-policy picnic reunion of all the elements. “Il is pleasant losee brethren dwell together in nnity,” etc. But oh ! the unity on the question ol the Speakership ’ However, it will please the While Sulphur people, and it will please ncwspa|ier people (and the latter never fail to please the peo ple). Bo let ns all be thankful, and not seo tho storm too soon in the gen tle, refreshing breeze. Then, too, there is the appearance of a commend able intermingling of business and pleasure bo consonant with the cconom tea and responsibilities of the short life allotted ns. Probably it was this consideration that led the chief execu tivc to name the time and place. Seriously, the coming Congress bids fair to bo one of the best for the trans action of the business of the eotlnlry that we have hail for same years. AH appear thoroughly awake to the fact that bneitMM most now take precedents of politics, aa we have hod substantial ly no business done during the past three years. There are many very important interests that ehoald be looked to, many changes that ought to bo made, and many new measures that tho necessities of the times de mand, besides tho private calandor ha> been almost entirely neglected. Al! agree that the business of the country I should now be promptly done. । 'llie firm attitude tho government i has assumed on the Mexican question t is the subject of much comment, but 1 speculation would of coarse bn idle.— If our belicose neighbor has a chip on his shoulder it is num liable to be knocked off moat any day. Benue long and exhaustive ar tides on the subject of capantion of territory have lately appeared in leading journals, wherein Douglas’ Words about an '• Ocean bound Republic” aro lauded, and a fair conclusion hr, that if all the people aro not in favor of the annexation of Mexico and the British possessions, some are. The man who holds the public purse I’is getting nervous over Ohio. He seems to have one hand on ber pulse, and from his serions aspeit and troub led look it is feared she may not be able to speak above a whisper in next October. The democracy have taken the aggressive, and we may expect to see some effective woik pot in. The extremists lack enthusiasm on the new policy, and this with the money issue will settle the matter beyond all doubt. Wo were going to send you a pen photograph of how Rnmor has it that widow Oliver, tho darkens, eX-Senator Cameron, Vain McWeigh and the übiquitous Benjamin, oliat Spoons, are getting mixed up in away that promises to develop inomentons things from insignificant causes, but wo dis like scandal, and saving the lady, eueb people should rarely be mentioned in public with impunity by those who have any respect for public moral*.— The same authority has it that tho matter is to be brought ont in toe District Courts this fall. “Be virtu ous and you wiU be happy.” B. NEW YORK LETTER. THE citv’s BAD FAITH — THE THOMAS CARDEN PROJECT THE LISZT ORGAN. Naw York, Juno 23, 1577. Pursuing tho subject.of the Ring cases, Which continue to form, as lost week; thb most important local object within the range of public vision, I am called upon to repoit an act of bad taith on the part of the prosecution, which is in every way unfortunate. Tweed’s ronfet-sion was given to the Attorney-General months ego, under what ho clairils lo have been a positive assurance that hn should bo called ns a witness by the city attd then released: Bnt whether this promise Wits absolute or not, it was certainly nh acknowl edged stipulation that no ttae whatever should bo made of his confession Unless Ihe prisoner was set free. Such an agreement between prosecutor and pris oner has boon repeatedly held, by the highest conrtß in the land, to bo one of tho most sacred obligations which can bo entered into ; bnt in this case it basin realty been shamefully violated. To bo sure, tho city’s lawyers did not publish tho document, but they held it on various pretexts or no pretexts, through weeks and months, until theii pm session of it enabled them to got a mneh better settlement ont of Sweeny than could have been affected without it, meanwhile showing it to everyone im - plicated by its contents, and drawing from those persons wbat their defense would bo in earn the matter should be pressed ; and now, having got all they want of it, tho honorable connsei re turn tho papers to Tweed with woid thnt on tho whole they have decided that it is not of sufficient value to war rant his release. Os thothealres Daly’• and Wallack’* aro still open, bnt fail to present as strong attractions as Gilmore’s Garden or the Aquarium, both of which, being airy and alapted to promenade, are well attended by all classes of people. The great void in onr amusement world this season is the unwonted si lence of onr magnificent Thomas Or chestra and tho absence of ihoseCeotra) Park Garden concerts, which in fortnei years havo been tho icdeoming feature of life in the Metropolis during the hot weather. I am mo>t happy to stale, however, that this ia likely to tie (be last season that Wo shall have to enduro without Thomas ; for the plan lo which I have previously referred, for electing a suitable st met lire to bo the |>erma nent homo of this incomparable organ ization. has progressed so far that the project has become a fixed fact. The subscription book* of tho company having tho work in charge are rapidly filling tip al the office of Btcinway i Sons, to whose liberality am) active interest the stlccMs of this noble work will be due in uo small measure. The inlbicnco of the Steinway firm, with its wealth, its public spirit and its wide reputation, upon the progress and culture of music in this country will bear a high estimate. They havo not only done more for their peculiar ail than any other house, but lo every de serving enterprise they give such hearty and substantial support as in many case* has assured au otherwise uu*t tainable success. To the absolute su periority of their instrument* they havo just received the lewtimony of that qnecn of pianists, Mme. Easipoff, all of whose New York concerts weregivon in SleinWay Hall, and who used the Steinway pianos st her every petfoi - manco in America, Het tribute to thi‘ superioiity is careful und discrimina li g, but is an hearty as that of Rubin stein anti Liszt, Liszt, by the way. cnghl by this tinro lo have a profound respect fcr tho musical rnecham s ol Ameiican. Kume tiriiuago he chanced to see in tho watcrooms of the Hanover (Germany) agent for tho Mason A Hamlin Organ Uo., a cabinet organ which so far surpassed anything he bad over scon that be immediately gave orders through his agent for a similar instrument to bo built in a particular manner which ho described Thi* nn solicited older fiom the acknoWlcilged king of tho musical world was natur ally felt to bo something of an honor, when other makers would have given their ears for I lie privilege of presenting him with one of their instruments. Great paius and cate were therefore taken with the Liszt Organ, which turned out to be, by the ackuowledg ment of tho ruskers, the Itnr‘*t they had ever produced, and which has elicited from tho muentro a letter of wandering admiration. The improve ments made during their study upon this instrument prove ho unexpectedly great that they aro to bo permanently introduced into their manufacturo, anil the Liszt Organ will hereafter occupy a regular place iu their catalogue. Radix. — ■ - -raw- * TWe St, Louis Jt Iron MouftlMu Kail road Butt« Hon. Thomas Allen, president of the Iron Mountain Railroad Company,fuel* very highly gratified at the lesrrlt of the effort lo place that road in the hand* ।of a receiver. He regard* tho dectHion and the l*ogu*ge as a vindication of his management, and none who are familiar with the history of the Iron Mountain road will question (bo jus tice of thia Vindication. For Jcnra Mr. .Allen has devoted hittself exclmntoly Ito the management of the road, ami in every step lie has consnlfod the interest !of Bt. Louie and of the State. Ho was visited and congratulated by hundreds yesterday.— (St. Lonis Times. Bro. Sfarks, of the Herald, has had ripo poaches. Yes, and some of Simpson’s beat Now York brandy. Oh ! peach and brandy ! Wo * wagr t he had honey, too. But then" he is President of tho Press Association. Why ahonld he not fool as well as the late President of tho United States, even if he don’t got thesso,ooo a’year Lawrence pounty ia making large shipments of hogs and sheep by tbo Iron Moiwtain railroad. Soiling off the young stock is a pound foolish policy. CORRESPONDENCE, Juno, 1877. En. Guard—Tho future is always fu 1 of conjectures. Fear, li<-pe and anx iety are employed iu tho contemplation of coming events. The present cond’* tion of the United States is one Iba we should contemplate with interest and desire, for an improvement in po’- icy and desire for a just adininistia tion of the law and the constitution; for general and individual rights under the administration of the late retired Pres* idont, it could not be considered extrav agant to assume that much inequality, and a short-sighted policy has been in dulgoil in, detrimental to all. The great question that Is unanswered, and that applies to otit future, is, will Pies- Lidrlt Hayes, Who obtained his election by a congtessiunal rafle, aided by the tinilcd idienaic ability of tho high court of political chancery, do the biddings that are dchlatlded by a Just necessity dtio all sdciibns, having respect for all legitimate majorities ? And lias he the statesman’s accttmon to di .corn tile true from the false representations of inter ested men and parties, Wild will ap proach him in all the attitodbii knbwn to political tricksters ? Can, ot will, he walk erect and listless, to detittucia tiona of those of bis party who arc against the Southern people, and who desire to bar the door of constitutional rights and privileges Against them, without any regard for a general par lieipation under onr long accepted form of government ? Will he look to a general united interest, or will he ponder to tbn will ol the jobbers in the lobby, the blood suckers of the public pap, who are strangers to al) things except place and contracts lo enrich theuisoives by executive patron age which, under Gen. Grant’s ad ministration, amounted simply to a reckless (after tbo kin were served) re ward, tiue merit never consult ed. Will you do my bidding, was the passport. Gen. Giant’s visit to Eu rope, to see bis English kin, may be fortunate for President Hoyos. The retired President may disrobe himself of civic honors, and don the sash and epaulets, lo bo seen at St. Petersburg, or smoke a pipa at Constantinople, in Ihe court room of tbo Sultan. Time will decide the choice of tho man "Reticent.” Il is to be hopod that bo is uol in the secret service. Louaobr. SNirarrLlz, Ark, June 21, 1377. En. Guard —I have recently been in the countica immediately west ol Black liver, from the Missouri line, to While liver. I find the farmers all busy al work. Crops ol wheat and oats very good. Corn and cotton laic, but very promising. Vegetables, mill , butter end chickens, Very plentiful (Good, whole smiled, hospitable [oo plc. I must any, however, that the fanner*, gmcrally, take less interest in ncw-papeia than any I ever »aw. 1 meet with your very excellent pa|>et occasion ally , und the people say that tl cy will subscribe as soon as the greenbacks gel more pkljiy. The farmers are in a much better condition than they havo been, ami if wo should havo another good crop, they will be gin lo lire alter tho old way< Hogs I arc very plenty ; cattle scarce. Noth I ing trow or exciting to tell you. Pet loci peace ami tranquillity ccoiu to roigu iu nil this land. 8, P. Holloway. There uro 20,000 vagabond chil dren in Philadelphia who never enter a school door. — Plnladelpliia Press. This iu tho great Centennial city Beller take tho Centennial profit and educate tho children of tbo fraudulent groat. Ignorunco aud vice go baud in band. History tell* of ihe vice, ami now wc hear of ihe ignorance. What wiil lira next Centennial show us ? A city of brotherly ignorance. Thi. total sbipmont of cotton front September Ist, 1870, to May 31st, 1877,inclusive, from Hope, Hempstead Co., fool* up 17,155 bales.—Star of Hope. Silas W. JacoAh, tho cattle king of lowu, has gone into bankruptcy. As setts, >60,000, with liabilitica of $67,- 000 Lost, on tail SaturdaY, Between the Bayou bridge and Pros byteiian church, a lady’a gold pencil. 'Die finder will be liberally roWaidcd by l«av : ng the same al this office. F6R SALE. Four dwelling houses, one bosineH house aud ouo blacksmith shop—in tbc business part of tho towu of Batesvillo. For luithur paiticular* apply al this office. ts Tty You Luck! In order to introduce our laigo and handsome Literary Family Paper, The Souvenir, containing eight large pages, forty colonYne, of choicest road ing mutter, we will semi it on trial six months for only 6ff cent*, aud to every subscriber We Will send, fine of extra cost, our MAMMOTH PREMIUM PACKET, containing shoots ol good Note Paper, f 2 good Envelopes, I Pencil, 1 Penholder, 2 Stool Pens, 1 Celebritted Golden Fountain Pen— whites half an' hour at one filling—l , Blank Book, 1 Card Photograph of a 'beautiful woman and a splodid prize of Jewelry. AH the above articles in au elegant Facket and a first clas* lit ery payar for only 60 cent*, ’/ry it. You aro snre 16’get more goods than you ever bought before fur the money, and may draw a prize worth five times the price of both paper and premium Send n* a club of five BubscribUre and we will send yon an extra copy fur six months and an extra Packet. Postage •tamp* taken as cash. Agents wanted to sell pictures and take subscriptions. 83 to 87 a day easily made. Cata logue of pictures free. Address W. M. BuruoW, 200 Main St.; 24-4wj Bristol, Tenn'. XEWPORT, BATESVILLE, SYLAMORF., CALICO KOCK, BUFFALO CITY, TAL BERTS FERRY, DUBUQUE AND FORSYTHE PACKETS, Btr. “ALBERTA.” A. B. SMITH, . • • Master str. “bates Ville. WILLC. SHIPP - - Master Tbo above packets will run in tho above trade, aud shippers can rely upon their puuct. utility. No. ti-ls. ALBERT B. SMITH. SOBEBT P. WEAVES, —WITH— H. T. SIMON & MORSE, WHOLESALE Fancy DryCoods, AXD NOTIONS, Cor 7th Street & Washington Avo^ St. Louis, Mo. A'eiV iurA: Office, 315 Broadway. 20 ^LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST !± GEENN & HICKEK.SON, Dealers In GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ; BATESVILLE. ARKANSAS, They CanyOne of the Largest and. Best Assorted 12 rm Stocks in North Arkansas. Bargains ! Bargains ! Mathews & Son., | PINEVILLE, IZARD CO., ARK DEZLLUB IN DRY COODS! I GROCERIES, BOOTH, SHOES. HATS, CAI’S. WOODEN WARE, JIARDW A R E , aud iu fact everythieg generally Kept in a COUNTRY STORE. Our goolu have beou bought at tho Lowest Prices, aud will be Hold accordingly. THE CASH SYSTEM biM been adopted, and We are now prepared to oiler our tuatourura 'Heller .Liargains Than liver. SOMM A® BKS US Before buying elaewhetc. MATHEWS & SON. ARRIVED DURING The Past Week THE LARGEST MOST COMPLETE —STOCK of— — SHOES, HATS. CAPS, & GROCERIES. IN FACT MOST EVERYTHING Kept? in a general ntore that is t 6 be foUnd in Batesville. 4 pounds Coffee, sl. Coal Oil, 40 cents. And everything else io proportion. Ced. Miniken. Non iy. THE OP ORE MAXFIELP. EDWARD MAXFIELD- THEODORE MAXFIELD & BHD. G£NERAL MERGHANiTS, Are now receiving at their new stone fire proof store house, a large and complete Stock of New and Seasonable Goods. They are selling at the lowest possible prices^ and guarantee everything as rep resented. Cali dn them If you cither want to cell you produce or buy goods. SATISFACTION OtTAR AN 1I IJ> Batesville, Arkansas, March 29, 1877. wabi wibi obi has bceb declared by Russia against the Ttuks and by mo agaiiist HIGH PRICES! 1 1 take pleasure ih ihfoihiihg the public Abd hiy friends and old patrons geuerallv, that 1 can still bo foUiid at my old stand, ill the Institute Building, #heib I keep constantly on hand a well selected । aud seasonable stock of goods, which having been pur- I chased culircly fur eisti, I will sell as LOW AS THE LOWEST MY DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT COMPRISES Standard Prints, Bareges, Lawns, Piques, jaconets, Muslihs, Linens, Checks, Wh te & Striped Osnaburgs. ' Sheetings, Ticking, Cottonades, Jeans, Flannels, Cinghams, etc. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF CLO THING IN THE TOWN. Boots and Shoes of the beet Manufacture and latest styles, Yankee Notions, and a nice lot of Dress Tritr>mihgs,also Crockery Ware, Hardware, Tinware, etc. | Having unsurpassed storing facilities. 1 am prepared to handle or buy all । sorts of County Produce, such as Cotton, Wheat, Flour, Corn, Meal AND PELTRIES, For all of which I will pny tho highest maikct price, or ship for consignee’s account, making libera! alliances on satho. ONE & ALL COME AhO SEE ME, IF YOU WANT TO TRADE! To my old cuetoinors 1 will say, let our dealings in tho past be a goarantoe (of fair and square transactions ia the future. Thanking all for liberal patronage rn tbo past, I would request a coYYtiif uancc of sa&e in tho future. RUsI^ECTPULLY, Simon abler. May Ist, 1877. INSTITUTE BUILDING, EUGENE R. GOODWIN, Druggist and Apothecary, BATESVILLE, ARltiffSAS,' bEA L£ £ IN PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYE STL'FI'S, WISDoV GLASS, Ott£, PdYtt & Heavy Ooodh AtJ»ci A rWcis lot of ** TOI E3T ARTFIOLEISi Extraefe, Fancy* #oafis } Ae.y ^c. TOBACCO AND CIGARS OF BEM School Books S Stationery^ ALL OF WHICH IS OFFERED LOW FOR CASH Prescriptions care hr Uy compounded* by competent cletKs at all hours, day or night. All persons indebted to me are reqbest 6<i to caU and settle immediately dr accounts will’ be platted in the bands Os an officer for collection; Kc ’■ v l _ E. ft GOODWIN. BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS,