Newspaper Page Text
COURT DIRECTORY. THIRD JCCICIAL DISTRICT. Jackson, first Monday in March a id Sept. Lawrence, fourth Monday in March and Sept. Sharp, third Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September. Fulton, filth Monday a ter the fourth Monday in March and September. Baxter, seventh Monday after the fourth Moadav iu March and September. luard, eight Monday after the fourtii Monday in March and September. Stone, tenth Monday after the fourth Monday i.i March and September. ' Independence, second Monday iu January and July. COUNTY COUKT Independence county, meets first Mondays in January, April, July aud October. PRORATE COURT of Independence county meets first Mondays in February, May, August, and November. JAMES W. tUTuER. ROBERT NEIIL-I BUTLER & NEILL, LAWYERS, BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS. Will practice in the c aunties of Independence, Jackson, Lawrence, Sharp, Fulton, Izard and . Stone; and also in the Supreme and Federal Courts at Little Rock. June I, ly ' johnj. barnwell, Attorney at Law, EVENING SHIDE, ARK. Will do a general collecting business through- , out North Arkansas. Will practice in the , Courts of the Third Judicial District. 22 ELISHA BAXTER. El>. W. THOMPSON. BAXTER & THOMPSON, Attorneys at Law, Batesville, Arkansas. Will practice in the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District, and give special attention to matters u bankruptcy. No 3-y W. R COODY. BAm’l PEETE. J W. PHILLIPS. GOODY, PEETE & PHILLIPS, Attorneys at Law, Batesville and Jacksonport, No2y ARKANSAS. D. C. Ewing, M. D., W B. Lawrbnck. M. D. EWING & LAWRENCE, ' PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS. No 11 ly W. IL PADGETT. 11. s. COLEMAN PADGETT & COLEMAN, Attorneys at Law. Batesville, Independence Co , Arkansas Special attention will be / ven to the col lection of debts, and to rem i state litigation OFFICE IN THE COURT-HOJS; RMM NO. 1. J. B. Crank, M. !>. J. « . Case, M. P. CRANE & CASE, Physic i ans 9 Surgeons & Accoucheurs, BATESVILLE, - - ARKANSAS, tw Office in the Case Block. Main street • W G. ROSEBROUGH, •Rental ^ukgeon, BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS, AH work in my lino guaranteed. Country produce taken iu payment at cash prices. My prices for first-class work arc as follows: Full sol on rubber basj - - $35.00 “ upper sot - - - 20 00 Gold fillings — - from $1 50 to 250 Tin and composition fillings “ 1.00 “2 00 taTOffise In Case Block, Main Street. H. F. ARCHER, NOTARY PUBLIC, BITEBVILLE, ABK. March 15, 1877. 10 F. J. KLEIN, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER & JEWELER AND dealer in WATCHES, CLOCKS, 4 JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, NOTIONS,! TOYS, ETC Hate, ville, Wi-lr. All work left at his store, or sent by mail, boat or express, will be promptly attended to at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. IST Remember the new Jewelry Sure op posite the court house. 37 NEWPORT AND BATESVILLE STACELINE. CHARLES JACOBS, Proprietor. Leaves Newport daily (Sunday excepted) at 7a. in.; arrives at Batesville by 4p. m. Passengers arriving on trains will be con veyed to Jacksonport at any hour. Will trans port the trave’ing public t > any pa-t of the country. Keep a stable at Newport, well supplied with horses, hacks and buggies. Iljrses boarded by the day, week or mouUi at lowest rates. 27 BATESVILLE GUARD WALTER R. JOBLIN, LOCAL EDITOR. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, ’77 —Mr. T. Y. Huddleston, sheriff of Sharp county was in town last week. —Bia kberry Brandy at Pearl Saloon. It —Mr. James Lowen, of Baum A Bro, left for St. L^uis on the Aloerta, Monday last. —sls 00 Hunting Case American Watches at Klein 1 Co's. 45 —Bes*. Corn Whiskey at Pearl Saloon. It I —Mr. Isadora Haas, representing the cotion house of Meyer, Weis A Co., of New Orleans, was in the city this week. —At G. A. Baker's tinshop you can buy stoves at retail, wholesale prices. Go and see them. It —Tom and Jerry at Pearl Sa’oon. It — Ruy your Clocks and Notions at the New Jewelry Store. 42 Im —Jamison Moore can be found at the store of Rosen A Caro where he will be pleased to ; meet h : s old friends when they come to town. —Blackberry Brandy at Pearl Saloon. It --Tin guttering and roofing done cheap by 1 Baker, the tinner Call on him when you want good work done. 1 — Among the preachers of the M. E. Church, , South, who passed through here on their way io conference, we noticed Rev Messrs Garri son and Hall, from the upper counry. —Ginger Brandy at P arl Sa’o^n. It —Those indebted to us for subscription, and want Is pay in wood, should bring it in, as the ; cold weather has come, when no man want to be without it —Tinware of every style and description kept on hand and for sale cheap at Baker’s. It ; —Cognac Brandy at Pearl Saloon It —F. J Klein, at the New Jewelry Store, 1 keeps the best q ality of Violin®, Guitars, and strings for the same ; also Violin Bows aud trimmings of every description. 42 Im —While at Fulton County court, Col. Robt. Neill, in company with Pro? Atty. Abernethy, made a visit to the Mammoth Spring. They express the opinion that this spring isoue of the wonders of the world. —Cognac Brandy at Pearl Saloon. It —G A. Baker, an experienced and compe tent tin-ware man, k ep3 a large and well selected slock of tinware It —Ji dze Steel is still hard at work on the ‘Probate busness,” and is diter mined to set tie all of those “old standing' ’ cases, as soon impossible. Probate ourt will probably ad* jou.n to morrow, (Friday). —Best Corn Whiskey at Pearl Sa’oon. ]t —Baker, the tinner, is prepared to do all kinds of work iu his line, and guarantees sat isfaction, or no pay. It —Ti e Seth Thomas Ca’endar Clocks at Klein Jr Co.’s are perfect b antics, in style aud size And, just think, on SH.OJ 1 Call, see and bo convinced. 45 — When you want anything in the tinware line, of home make, call on G. A. Baker, at | his f in-shop, on Main street. It I —Tom and Jerry at Pearl Saloon. It । ! —The Jariwiport Herald will be revived again next week and will be published by Mr. Shelby I illard Wo wish Shelby all the sue cess imaginable, but W" think Jacksonport is too dead a place to support a newspaper. —Tom and Jerry nt Pearl Saloon. It I — Mr. Dave Can) th, of the fi'm of Me- C inbes, Carulh A Byrnes, of St. Louis, was in the city this week. His jovial countenance, | and t’te exceeding lo* price of his hardware , will induce our merchants to give him liberal order.-*. ' - -Peach Brandy at Pearl Saloon. It ' —We were glad to l»o able, la^t week, to , publish a few hues from Greenbriar township, I one of the best, if not the best township, in the county. We would bo pleased tn receive short ^nmunicatious of the same kind, week- i ly, from every township iu the county. In fact, . wo want to make the Guard a home paper, — Ginger Brandy at Pearl Saloon. It | —Two entertainments were given at the ' M. E Church (North) last week by Professor Lewis. The atte idance w*h not large, but all present speak very highly of the entertain ment. In fact it was a great deal bettor than most of the traveling concerns that visit our town. — Peach Brandy at Pearl Saloon. It ; — A stock of drugs for W. K. Beven’s now ' dug store camo up on the Winnie on Tues day. Mr. Wm Welch well known in this! place, takes charge. The new drugstore will he opened iu tho Caso block one day this week. —Tom and Jerry at Pearl Saloon. It —D N. Huddleston, of Evening Shade, m ide us a call on last Monday, ho arid tho Guard was like Brady’s Bitters, “everybody takes it,” in his county, and that he cou’d not leave town satisfied, without becoming a sub scriber aud a paid up one at that. Thank you. Our subscription roll is slid increasing, wo will however find room to enroll a few more. —Tom and Jerry at Pearl Sal >on. It —Notice the advertisement in thia issue ot ilia Steamer Arch P. Green. CapL Wood berry has rented tho large and commodious wirehouae belonging to W. E. Maxfield and will store cotlou and other freight consigned io him, free of charge or commission The Green is a reliable and staunch boat and snip pers will do well to patronize her. —Peach Brandy at Pearl Saloon. It —A “ soap man” and a “wheel of fortune” chap struck this town on Saturday last an I opened up tl eir ‘teetie games,’’ under license from the corporation of $5 00 a day. One of those gentlemen was arrested by Constable Bandy and taken before ’Squire McGuire, who lined him in the sum of ,SIOO, as provided lor by the Slate law, wjiich was promptly paid. The ' soap man” escaped, otherwise this coun ty would have been exactly S2OO ahead on the game. We have seen a great many better places than Batesville for gamble!si Ed. Guard—Sir: It is becoming a matter of complaint that our “City council” do not meet oftener. Right now is a good time for them to be up and doing as our town begins to give indications of life and business activity that promises well for our future. In my humble opinion the condition of certain streets and side walks need attention (among other matters) and the tax-payers themselves will hardly object tc a reasonable outlay in ths di reelion. Cum?, public servants I Let us hear from you. M. Found. A highly valuable package was recently found on the property opposite the M. E. Church, South, (in the fence corner, bid in the grass,) that will be returned to the owner on ap' lication to this office and paying the usual * advertising fee. It is a small package, yet valuable, or supposed so to be. or it would not have been so carefully laid away. The • Hud er duly tested the quality, and can say, i (though not a connoisseur,) that it is fully up to the average drank in Arkansas. We hope I he has paid the special tax 3 Should the proper owner de’ay in answering i this call, tho bottle, at all events, will be kept a reasonable length of lime. RIVER NEWS. The river is at a good stage and boats can go above. Gel your cotton on the bank ! The Green came upon Munday with a good trip and went down Tuead »y with 100 bales cotton. Notice her advertisement in this issue. The Hard Cash two weeks ago carried out o! White river 1321 bal-is of cotton at one trip. 547 were for Memphis, 777 for New Oileans. The Ruth has splendid trips going and I coming. She is a popular boa:, with an effi cient ani accommodating crew, which insures her a full share of the trade Capt. Wm. Gibbes, of Sulphur Rock, an old and experienced river clerk, is now’ employed by Capt. Smith on »he new boat. Winnie. A more reliable or pleasant clerk can’t beJpund on the river. Capt. W. B. Todd, owner ofihe new steam, bo; t. Jennie Gause Stinson, died at Newport on the 7th inst. He was highly respected by steau'boatmen and his acquaintances gener j a ly. Mr. Samuel White of Paducah, Ky. is to lake charge of his boat and run it. The Alberta went up as Irgh as Point Liv. ingstoue last week and brought down 100 ; bales of cot ton. besides agood lot o! wheat and dryed fruit. Hereafter the shippers on the up per river may expect a boat every few days, 1 and we would recommend Umm to have cot ton and other produce on the bank ready for shipment The new boat Winnie came vp on Tuesday, and a’ler looking at her horn the pilot house ; down, we cun say truly that she’s a beauty, and is the neatest, cleanest and best construct eu craft that runs the upper river. Capt. < Smith’s long experience as a st^amboatman ( has enabled h m to ascertain exactly the style of boats for the upper river, and the Winnie 1 has been constructed under his especial super vision. She is scarcely as large as the Alberta, but has a 1-rge carrying capacity, and is elegantly fitted up for passengers. She is very ; light draught, aud can carry a good trip on 12 ] inches of water. Capt. Smith has not con cluded as to tho arrangment of crews on his , two boats, but will probably do so this week. ; With the Winnie and Alberta in the trade, the shipping and trave hng public will have ample accommodation in the steamboat lino and - Capt Smith aesorves great credit for tho en- < terprising spirit he has exhibited. We hope that the merchants and public generally will f give him that liberal patronage he so well t deserves ! Tha following is tho manifest of the Winnie ( on her trip from Louisville; W K Bevens. 243 packages • I E Fraley. r 203; Reed A Co, 179: Southern Cal'd. Clock , Co, 100 ; Theo Maxfield 1 Bro, 89; J R Pat- . terson A Co. 43 ; J W Shaver A Co, 33 ; D K White, 30 ; Clapp 3l Co, 19; J A A. H H Hin klo. 15; W C Steatham 10, W G Moore, 8 ; T Wamac, 1 ; Rosen A Caro, 1 ; A J Tool, 1 ; McCurdy Hail. 30: GW Rutherford. 1 bull For sale—loo brl cement, 30 brl potatoes. 25 bxs soap, 3000 gal stoneware, 550 bead cabbage. “LITTLE JOE.” “ It is a good thing for brethren to dwell together in unity,” especially when there are a dozen or more young ladies—good looking ladies—on hand, as was the case on Friday last at the Glendale Mills, owned by our old friend F. J. Smith, whose only son—‘ Little Io,” and his young bride were spending the second day of their married life with a num ber of our old Batesville tain'lies. Yes, it is agood thing to dwell together in unity around such a dinner table, for wo never did stand ny oni belior tilled with tho good things of this life. Twenty five years ago a little group, con sisting of father, mother and a little boy baby, landed in our village They were from far off Alsace, then a part of France, now a part of the great Germanic Confed erat io u govern ment,byo!d Fitz William and Bismarck,whose long heads, long guns and long pipes were lately seen, heard and smelt atound the walls of i'aris. When first here they could not speak one word of our language. But when they did learn to apeak, they spoke truthfully; ai.d when they worked, they worked manful ly; aud when they acted, they acted hon* estly. “ Little Jo” wili carry out these great lessons: and when his only sister, littl > Em nn, a bright, bluo eyed, flaxen-haired jewel, com s to glorious womanhood, and to marry, may we, who we-e j »yous with “ L'ltle Jo,” be permitted to bo present then, ns now, and say, “ Behold, how good and Itow pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity I” L. A Spl.ndid Offsr. An excellent Map of the Mississippi Valley will l>c furnished free to every subscriber who remits to this office 3 25, in payment of the aubscription to the Gukrd and the Bt. Loui< Weekly Times tor one year Thia Map is 28 by 46 inches in size printed in bright colors, in >unted on rollers and varnished, showing accurately and plainly tho Counties, Post offi ces and R. R Stations of Missouri. Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Kansas, and partw of Illinois, Indiana, lowa, Kentucky, reuncaseo, Alabama, Florida, Nebraska and Indian Territory. It will Do sent, postpaid, lon or about I> comber Ist, 1877. Her. J. W. Bosw.ll. This Christian gentleman preached his fare well sermon at the M. E Church South, last Sunday evening to a large congregation. He left on Mond*y to attend Conference at Au gusta. Mr. Boswell, since his stay among us has proven himself, what every preacher should be, an upright, earnest and devoted minister of the Go. pel, and one who lias gain vd the respect and affection, not only of his congregation, but of our citizens geneially Taylor, MoSulro * Co. The card of this well known and popular commission bouse will bo found in ourcoluins this week. This house is well known ou low er and upper White River and has a name for promptness and fair dealing that bring them a large trade. Mr. W. 8. McGuire, one of the firm, has been in town tor several days. Masonic Notlco. All members, in good standing, of Mt. Zion lodge, No. IG, A. F and A. M., are notified to attend the next regular meeting on Satur day evening next, 17th inst, as busines of im portance will bo transacted. By order ot the Lodge Lytle Hickerson, Sec’y. Seal and Think. The new firm of F. J. Klein Co., watch makers and Jewelers, on Main street, opposite the court house, have just received the justly celebrated Seth Thomas Calendar Clocks the beat clocks in tho world, which they sell for the moderate sum sf SIB.OO. 45 A Sociable, For the benefit of the Episcopal Church, will bo given at the residence of Mr. Ed. M. Dickinson to-morrow, (Friday) evening. All are iuvited to attend. For Sale! A fine lot of pure Poland China Pigs, Will also sell our largo Poland China Boar. Arnett A Glenn, 39 if At Gleun & Hickerson’s. For Sale. A 4.ton hay, stock or cotton scale, War ranted. Will bo sold cheap. Apply at this office, ts Cheap Investment.—Those who wish a cheap investment for a small capital should , correspond with tho Groat Western Well Auger Works, Bloomfield, lowa. 14 It KILLED IN A FIST FIQHT, Last Monday evening the Coroner held an inquest on the body of a young man named J. W. Clark, a cotton picker on the Jas. Rutherford farm. The facts elicited at the inqncst showed that Clark and a young man named । Chambless had a dispute immediately after dinner on Monday, which ended in a fist fight, after passing about a dozen blows Chambless slrnck Clark in the pit of the stomach, which killed him almost instantly. 'The evidence showed that Clark was the agressor, and tha verdict of the jury was to the . effect that Chambless stinck the blow in self defense, with no intention of killing Clark. Dr. J. W. Case, being summoned, made an examination and gave it as his opinion that deceased came to his death in consequence as a severe blow on the epigastrium, acting through the ganglia of the great sym- . pathetic m-ive, thereby producing os- i thenia. Chambless was committed to r jail and will probably be admitted to ' bail by the Coroner in a small amount. .' Alberta up last night, Gues to Sylamore to-day. Warner down last night from Cali co with "9 bales cotton and 4.000 lbs. t cctton seed. Goes down to-day. M AB B I A 8 E S ■ i In U ion township, at the residence of the ' bride’s father, by Rev. Mr. Morrow, Mr. Wm. 1 Luster and Miss Niomi Wiiliamron. At Poplar Bluff Mo. Nov. Ist, 1877. T. J. । Mass y and Miss. Mollie Kims both of Green brier township, this cou rty. ■ At the residence of the brides father, in , Ashley township, bv Rer. I, J. Long, Mr. F. J. Smith Jr., and Miss. MoUie V. McNairy. t In Greenbrier township, on the Blh inst, n at the residence of the brides Ste p father, by < the Rev. M.B. Umstead, W. S. McCulloh and Miss. Louisa J. Baker, all of Independence county. The Guard office has been bountifully re- ■ membered by the couples named above, and wo can heartily wish them a long life ot hap piness and usefulness SEAT H 3 . | indexed [ At her husband's residence, in Batesville, Ark, on the morning ot the Sth inst., Mary K. Wycough, wife of M. A. R. Wycough, Deceased was born on the Bth day of June, 1850, at the family residence in this place ; was 27 years and 5 months old. She was the eldest daughter of the late lion. B. H. Neely, f and was married to Mark A. R. Wy- । cough on the 16th day of Joly, 1873. t Mary was an afibclionate sister, a kind and dutiful daughter, a devoted and faithful wife, and a fund and tender < mother. She leaves, to mourn her [ J loss, a husband and two little children, 11 a mother, three sisters and a brother, I besides many other relatives and friends 1 who ha<l known her from her birth. She suffered long, but endnred it with much pat ience and fort itnde. Her ill- t ne»a was of long duration—over ten c months tinder medical treatment, and ■ confined to her bed of pain, yet she । bore all calmly and seemed to care not so much for her own ease and com- ‘ fort as for her family that surrounded her. All that medical aid could do was done, bnt it gave her no case of pain, nor return of that blooming health which she once had Her funer al service was preached at the M. E. : Church, South, of which she was a , member, by the Rev. J. W. Boswell.l assisted by tne Rev. 11. T. Gregory, j on tho 9th inst.. and her remains were conveyed to Oakland cemetery, fol- । lowed by her mourning kindred and friends. Farewell, Mary ! Your de- ' votion to the true and good in life, your kind offices to tho sick and desti tute, your long and weary suffering, insures lor you a crown in tho life! everlasting, to bo worn on the right of | •• Him who giveth and who taketh awav,” STKAAIKB ARCH P. GREEN, REGULAR NEWPORT, BATESVILLE A UPPER WHITE RIVER PACKET. Wil continue in tho above trade, giving through B.lls of Lading to all point* v a St. Louis. Iron Mountain A Southern Railroad ai.d River. I have rented the largo and commodious warehouse ol W. E Maxfl Id. and will store cotton and other freights consigned to me free of all warehouse or commisHion charges. Messrs. Theo. Maxfield Bro., my author ized agents, will sign Bills of Lading and deliver freight. 45 6m CHAS. B. WOODBURY, Mas’er. APPLICATION TO BELL LANDS. Notice is hereby given that i will apply at the February Term, '.878, of the Independence Probate Court, for an order to sell the lands belonging to the estate of George D.Harris, deceased, for the purpose of paying the debts of eatu estate. C. F. HARRIS. Administrator of the estate of George O Harris Nov. 15, 1877. JULIUS KING’S SPA, CWT’ft /W® SOU kttHCYKT Newton M. Alexander's, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS, ; DEALER IN WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry, [ SPECTACLES, ETC. I Special attention given to repairing. At the . old stand of W. A. Crouch. 11l Redemption Notice. REDEEMED BY JOHN STARNES THE following tract sos laud, lying in Inae pendenco county Ark, to wit: S!aw qr Sec. 21, T 12 n, R. 7w, 80 acres Nw qr sw qr “ “ “ 4b “ Sw q.' so qr “ “ “ 40 “ by the payment of $lO 39, taxes, penalty and costs year 1875, and taxes 1876 and 1877, also costs of Redemption. N .v- 2. ED. M. DICKINSON. Clerk. Redemption Notice. I) EDEEMED BY JESSE SOUTHERN, SE L qr of SE qr. Sec. 5, f. 14 o, R J w, 40 acres by the payment oi $3.21, taxes, penalty and costs year 1875, and taxes for years 1876 and 1877, also costs of redemption. I ED. M. DICKINSON, Cleik. Oct 31, 1887. 3t TREES AND SHRUBS I ( Or Every Description and Size. Specialties made of RHODODENDRON', PURPLE BEECH. HARDY AZALEAS, CHI. NESE AZALEAS, CAMELLIAS, ROSES, MAGNOLIAS. EVERGREENS, and New and Rare Plants r.f the latest introduction, including the EXQUISITE JAPANESE MA PLES, with their leaves of many colors, nnd in some kinds, deeply cut like lac?. iSrCat aloguea free. Address, 8. B. PARSONS .t SONS, 43 3m Flushing N. Y. 1 Assignee’s Notice. IN THE MATTER OF THE ASSIGX ment of Eugene R. Joodwin, ot Bate* ville, Ark.: Notice is hereby given to tbe Crediiors of Eugene R. Goodwin, that the ■ undersigned. Assignee, will, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 28th ' 29th and 30th days of November, 1877, between the hours of 10 a. m and 4 pm, proceed to adjust and allow demands against the estate and effects of vaid Eugene R. Good win, at the office of Butler A Neill, Batesville, Ark., and all creditors who do not present their demands to the Assignee on the days aforesaid, will be precluded from any beneilt of said estate. A. A. MELLIER, Assignee of Eugene R Goodwin. Batesville, Ark., Nov 10, 1877—3 w NEW ADVEHTISEKENTS. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE OF — Real Estate I PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE Tndependonce county Probate Court, mdae at the February term thereof 1877, I will offer for w.le at public outcry, t) the highest bidder, at the front door of the court house, in the town of Batesville, on MONDAY, ths 10th day of D53EM8E3,1877 the following described lands belonging to the estate ot Thom is C^x. deceased : Seq* o* se qr Seo 4, Tll n. Rsw, 40 acres . ■ S ht of «w qr. Sec 31, Tl4n, R 6 w, 80 acres | Mho. undivided 6-7 of the following to wi‘: Whf sw qr. Sec 36, Tl 5 n, R 5 w, 80 acres TEEMS OF SALE. Ono half ot the purchase money to be paid in six months, residue in twelve months; pur. chasers required to execute notes bearing 10 per cent interest from maturity, with two ap. r proved securities and ft lien retained upon the lau 1 to secure the purchase money URBAN F. FORT, Administrator de bonis non with the will an nexed of the estate ot Thom is Cox, aec’d. Nov. 15, 1877 2w Commissioner’s Sale —OF— LANDS. PURSUANT TO A DECREE OF THE Independence Circuit Court, in Equity, | rendered nt the July term. 187 7. in a cause I wherein Thomas J. Morgan, as Commissoner, is plaintiff, and Marquis D. L S’X is defend- I ant, the undersigned, an Special Commissioner in Chancery, will, on Saturday, November 24th. 1877, I between the hours ot ten o’clock in the fore. | noon ami three o’clock in the afternoon, at ! the residence of Mrs. Mary Linebarger, in 1 Caney township proceed to offer for sale, at I public auction, to the highest bid ter, the fol ; 'owing described tracts of land, lying in Inde pendence county, Arkansas, to wit: East half of northeast quarter and north west quarter of northeast quarter, of Section thirty five (35). Northwest quarter of fouthenst quarter and east half of southwest quarter, of Section twenty six (26). Southwest quarter of northeast quarter, of Section thirtv-five (35), all in township twelve (121 north, ot range six (6) west, containing m the aggregate 280 acres, more or less. These lands he on Salado Creek, an 1 arc crossed by the road leading from Batesville to Searcy. TERMS OF SALE: A credit of six months will be given, the purchaser to give note beating ten percent, interest ’per annum, from maturity, with ap proved personal security and a lien retained on the lauds to secure the purchase money. THOMAS J. MORGAN, Special Commissioner in Chancery, November 1,1877—2 w DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE LOOSING MONET BY NOT BUYING YOUR GOODS FROM Glenn&Hickerson? They sell at bottom fig ures, and keep none but the best goods. You jret exactly wlint you buy in "weijrlzt and incttHUro. 1 A splendid stock of FALL AND WINTER I LORDS on hand which the public are requested to call and examine. i —, ■= We pay the highest market price for Cuttoil and other Produce.' 1 Improve the opportunity mid cull on net. Respectfully, . Gleim& Hickerson. y I Bateavillo, Ntr. 1, 1977. Km W.'B. TAYLOR. W. E. M'GUIRE, TAYLOR, McGUIRE & CO., (SUCCESSORS TJ TAYLOR. RADFORD A CO) COTTON FACTORS commission" ‘ merchants. Agents for tbe WINSIIIP GIN and COTTON PRESS. 45 2m 3Vleini> Ixljb, Texm. ADLER, GOLDMAN & CO^ COTTON FACTORS, —aNd— -114 NOrth Main Street, IST. LOUIS, T-ZTO. Liberal advances made on Cotton and other Produce. Will fill all orders promptly. 45 6m J. M. MCCOMBS. DAVID W. CARUTH. M. J. BYBNES. MWE & MW, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, etc., etc. Agents for “ Eagle Cotton CUn,” And Carulh's Celebrated Clipper Axes, 525 North Main Street, 45 c>.n ST. LOUIS, MO. ’ e/w. cdapp~&^ “ BATESVILLE, • - ARKANSAS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE and WOODENWARE. A COMPLETE STOCK OF Fine Liquors and Fancy Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars, Notions, Etc., Always on Hand. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR COT TON, CORN, COUNTRY PRODUCE, SrC. WE ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR THE One door below Simon Adler's, Main street. 43 Gm ~~ ~ REED & CW ST/LL AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITION 1 .. I THEY TAKE THE LEAD I N .• I PRICES AND QUALITIES! j THEY CAN'T BE BEAT 1 THEY CANNOT FAIL i TO I PLEASE THE CLOSEST BUYERS! WHO KEEPS THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN ? REED & CO. REED & CO. STILL AHEAD! HILL, FONTAINE & CO., COTTON FACTORS and WHOLESALE GROCERS, Nos. 360 and 362 Front St., Kepretenled by MEMPHIS, TENN. JAS. A. PAINE. 38 6m BOB’S _SALOON! i FINE WHISKIES, WINES and CIGARS. ' Fresh Lager Beer, Ale A Cider always on baud SOUTHERN HOTEL, Batesville Arkansas, A Huo Hilliard and Jenny Lind table in tbe house. The traveling public will Hud this a pleasatil resort. ' ROBERT C. BATES, i March 16, 1877. fins DOWN WITH HIGH PRICES Chicago Scale Co., 6S and 10 West Monroe Street, Chicago, 111, Have reduced the Prices ot all kinds of SCALES. 4-Ton Hay, Stock or Cotton Scales S6O. Former price, $l6O. , All oilier sizes at a great reduction. t^Evct v , Scale fully warranted. All orders promptly filled. Circulars, Price List and Testimonials sent on application. 2Sy BUY THE CHEAPEST ANO BEST, REED & CO. STILL AHEAD I