Newspaper Page Text
COURT OIRECTORY. THIRD JUCICIAL DISTRICT. Jackson, first Monday in March sad Sept. Lawrence, fourth Monday in March and Sept. Sharp, third Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September. Fulton, filth Monday a'ter the lourth Monday in March and September. Baxter, seventh Monday after the fourtli Monday in March and September. L'ard, eight Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September. ^tone, tenth Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September. Independence, second Monday in January and July. COUNTY COURT Independence county, meets first Mondays January, April, July and October. PROBATE COURT of Independence county meets first Mondays in February, May, A igust, and November. JAMES W. EUTuER. ROBERT NKII.L- BUTLER & NEILL, L AWY JZS n s, BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS. Will practice in the ciuntiesof Independence, Jackson, Lawrence. Sharp, Fulton, Izard and Stone : and also in the Supremo and Federal Courts at Little Rock. June I, ly " JOHN L BARNWELLr Attorney at Law, EVENING SII IDE, ARK. ■Will do a general collecting bnsinew throngb out North Arkansas. Will practice in the Courts of the Thiid Judicial District. 22 ELISHA BAXTER. ED. W. THOMPSON. BAXTER & THOMPSON, Attorneys at Law, Batesville, Arkansas. Will practice in the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District and give special attention to matters i i bankruptcy. No 3-y W. It COODY. BAM’L PEETS. J. W. PHILLIPS. GOODY, PEETE & PHILLIPS, Attorneys at Law, Batesville and Jacksonport, No2y ARKANSAS. D. C. Ewing, M. D., W. B. Lawrence, M. D. EW/NG & LAWRENCE, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS. No 11 ly W. B. PADGETT. H. 8. COLEMAN. PADGETT & COLEMAN, Attorneys at Law. Batesville, Independence Co , Arkansas | Special attention will bo given to the col- | lection of debts, and t. real estate litigation I OFFICE IN THE CO JIT-HOUSE- ROOM NO. 1. | J. B. Crank, M. D. J. *. Case, M. D. CRANE & CASE, Physicians,] Surgeons & Accoucheurs, BATESVILLE, - ‘ - ARKANSAS. I C®* Office in the Caso Block. Main strest. | WG.ROSEBROUGH, ' Rental (S’.urgeon, ' BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS, Ah work in my line guaranteed. < ountry produce taken in payment at cash prices. My prices for first-class work are as follows: Full set on rubber has? - - $35.00 upper set - - - 20 00 Gold fillings - - from $1.50 to 250 Tin and composition fillings “ 1.00 “2 00 Office la Case Block, Kain Street. H. F. ARCHER, NOTARY PUBLIC, BITESVILLE, ARK. March 15, 1871. 10 F J KLKIX, NEWTON M ALEXANDER of Augusta. F. J. KLEIN & CO., PRACTICAL Watchmakers and Jewelers, and dealers in WATCHES, .CLOCKS, JEWELBY, KINO'S SPECTACLES, NOTIONS, TOYS, ETC ■Rsitcwvillo, Ark. All work left at their store, or sent by mail, boat or express, will bo promptly attended to at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. Remember the now Jewelry Store op posite the court house. 37 APPLICATION TO SELL LANDS. Notice is hereby given that i will apply at the February 7’erm, 1 878, of the Independence Pro bate Court, for an order to sell the lands belonging to the estate of George D. Harris, deceased, for the purpose of paying the debts of satu estate. C. F. HARRIS, Administrator of the estate of George 0 Harris. Nov 15, 1877 4t Special Notice. I hereby notify all persons holding old claims against me that I will pay on all old debts and security debts on Jan. Ist, 1879, ten cents on the dollar and no more. If not accepted b* that time they m ly consider the claim settled. Home farm and proceeds are the property of my wife. Willi am Wilson, 4H 2t of Gainsboro Township. BATESVILLE GUARD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, ’77 THE PEARL SALOON. THE PLACE TO GET A GOOD DRINK. Tom and Jerry. Hot Punches, Cocktails, Toddies, Peach Brandies, Cognac Brandies, Missouri Cider, Port Wine. Sherry Wine, Ginger Brandy, Catawba Wine, Acorn Gin, Blackberry Brandy, Claret Wine, Lager Beer, Stonewall Whisky, Punch Brandy, Snow Hill Whisky, Mellwood Whisky, Maryland Rye, Corn Whisky, White Whisky, Cigars sud Tobaacco. 48 G. W. HURLEY <6 CO. —W. D. Meniwether, better known as “old Bill’’ is in town buying rotion. —Rev. Mr. Mathews, of Jacksonport, will preach and hold communion services at St. Paul’s church next Sunday at 11 o'clock A. m. —Theo. Maxfield A Bro have made a change m Ibeir advertisement. After reading the sign, call and see if they won’t do just as I hey say. —Parties wishing to make application for United States Internal Revenue License, can procure the necessary blanks by calling on R. W. McChesney. —His Honor Mayor Denison can now bo found using the yard stick on dress patterns al the mammoth store of H. C. Smith. You may look out next week for Henry’s big ad., for when he does advertise ho aims to make it count. —Mr. H. C. Smith returned hom? last Sat urday night from his purchasing tour. Henry says ho will have more goods, better goods, and cheaper goods than ever before. Send in an “ ad.," and all the people will conclude, that it is so. Try it once. —We regret that our space will not permit us to publish in full tho proceedings and ap pointments made by tile While River Confer ence, held al Augusta on November 19 last. Elsewhere wo give the appointments made tor this and the Searcy districts. —Our town has been entertaining a host of drummers wno aro drumming a trade for tboir goods, wares and merchandise. Wo can only nope that their sales will be so light that they or their houses will bo compelled from neces sity, it not from liberality, to advertise. —The Calendar clocks are all the go. They are in fashion and go quicker than a lellow can kiss a gall. The wonder ns not how they sell so much, but how so many men nre so prompt to pay If every body don't have a good time piece it is every body’s fault —Sam Alien will hnvo in hie card next week. Sam propose) to keep up with the trade in the use of printer’! ink. We know of other houses that mighi be benefited by ad vertising ; but each man ought to know his own business best. Some people will keep their light under the bushel measure. —Every traveller, commercial or otherwise who has visited our town, «ay ihat we have the best locality for a live and healthy town of any place they have seen in tho Slate. They all unit© in saying that wo have Ilie liveliest town and ilie best trade of any point iu the State. They judge from what they have soon, not from hearsay. —Frieaman Bros., manufacturers 1 whole, sale dealers iu boots and shoes, of Memphis, were repicsinled here on last Monday by Geo. W. Miiius. As »inter is coming on they wish to furnish covering for tho feel of all tho inhabitants in this country. Wo would say to Friodm in Bros, to aeud up your ad., and then we will tell the merchants more about it. —We had a pleasant call Tuesday from the Rev. J. W. Boswell, pastor of the M. E. Church al thjs place, who was aocompan.ed by Rev. A. Pike Sal Told, a native born son ot old Independence county, who is “a worthy son of a noble sire ' Pike was sent this year to Salem, and called to have the GUARD sent to him, (Which is read by the good as well as the bad. —We hear that there will soon be another grocery store iu town. Dolph W ycougli is now absent purchasing a stock for Mark Wycough, whiie me latter m titling up ihe room lately occupied by A. W. Lyon as a drug store. The more business houses, the mare trade will be brought to our town. For ono we like to see them open up, especially If iboir sign is dis played iu tho Gcakis, — ' v e, as well as our subscribers, are under ■ obligations to our friend and worthy deputy clerk, John 11. Dickinson, for assisting us in , getting the Guard out on time Iwu publica tion day. As we had to stay at home part of ' tho morning to nurse another new recruit that Dr. Lawrence presented us with. It was a gal and we are proud to know that it will nev er have lobe a so'dier. John is a lira* class printer and we may have to call upon him again. If we do, we will. —Robt Weaver, tho Arkansas representa tive of H. T. Simon A Morse, wholesale and fancy dry goods, of St. Louis with Jim R. Kice, ol the woll known boot and shoo house of Tennant Walker A Co., also of St. Louis, came to town on Monday. They join ihe; chorus ia saying we have the live town of A-kansns. Bob will let the business men of this section know through the Guard what he travels lor, can’t you do ihe same Jim. for nice Rico looks well anywhere, espeeielly in print. —John Harvisen, of Gainsb >ro township, killed last week one hog that weighed 520 lbs and it was not as fat as it could have been. From this it would seem that out “in the skil let" they will have plenty of hog and hominy for an oilier year. Besides they raised plenty of wheat and sorghum. Thoro will bo some grease in the Skillet to fry cakes with. The man that can beal John’s pig will please send us in one el the hums, when he sends in the weight. —ln another column will bo seen the ad. of Ihe City of Augusta A Now Orleans boat is of considerable advantage to this section as cotion and groceries can be shipped without rehandling, which insures delivery in good condition. As a large amount of cotton goes annually to New Orleans, our merchants and farmers ought to support liberally a New Orleans boat, and the City of Augusta is such a boat as the trade and travel needs and the Elliott's aro firstclass—A No. 1 liver men —Two alarms of fire last week, but no damage done. We want that noise hushed, as it is a great harrasament to us to run out to see what is the matter and catch an ilem or two, then have to come back panting and knowing that we all bad our run tor nothing But wo warn our citizens of the great danger of carelessness about fire, ashes chimneys, etc. Winter is upon us, and we should be ever careful of fire, for it will burn something when once started. —W. P. Painter, the gentlemanly reprosen taiive of Stewart, Gwynne A Co, wholesale grocers and cotton factors, of Memphis, and Stewart Bros. & Co . cotton factors and com mission merchants, New Orleans, was io town last week, working like a first class painter in the interest of bis houses. He had many samples of coffee and sugar, which we learn wore offered at close figures. Mr. Painter represents good firms, and we hope he may establish a good trade for them; but—would it not be more business deserving tin this sec lion especially) if the Guard was used by these firms to psint their business to the pub lic, thus showing a desire for the trade of the best part of Arkansas. SPECIAL NOTICES AII advertisements inserted under this heading mH be charged at the rate of 20 cents per line. Our regular advertisers mt! be charged 10 cents per line. —Clapp A Co. are now receiving their big shipments of Christmas goods, which they are offering very low to the trade. no4O —Choice books for holiday presents at F. J. Klein A Co. uo4o Gill and see Reed A Co.'s cheap goods. 48 —We notice the new sign at the Green Front, painted by Paul Every himself. It is neat and plain, and shews that Mr. Evers is a good artist as well as good grocery man. 1 —New sugars, molasses and fine syrups al Clapp A Co’s. nor 9 —Go to Bevens for pure drugs. Billy Welch will wait upon you. n 049 —Be sure to stop at the Green Front. Take an empty basket along and get it filled It —Send your orders to C. 8. Brunn’s for Christmas cakes. 2t —“Say, my friend, where did you get that fine wagon ? ” "I bought it of Clapp A Co. Il’s the celebrated Milburn wagon. They are the best in the woild." n 049 —Go to S. W. Allen's drug sto o for vour Christmas presents, for he will sell them cheap. Warranted to give satisfaction. It —Yon will save money and get handsomer articles by buying your holiday presents of Klein A Co. n 049 —ls yon wish to make a good sale of you cotton and produce go to Clapp A Co’s and you will gel good weightsand good prices. 2t —Cheaper goods at Reed A Co. than any nther place in town. 48 —Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Refined Lard at Paul Evers. It —The cheapest and best place in town to buy stoves is at Baker's fin Shop. He can'l be undersold I Try him I ts —Bagging, ties, sugar and coffee cen be bought at Clapp A Co's, for less monev than any house in lowa. If you don’t believe it, call and see. n 049 —Cranberries, Currents and Citron at Paul Evers It —sls 00 Hunting Case American Watches at Klein A Co's. 45 —Try some of that roasted best Rio at Paul Evers. You will get a fancy pail in the bar gain if you buy 3 lbs of it It —For Christmas toys, fire crackers, torpe dees and all kinds of fire works, go to Clapp A Co's. n 049 —Go to Reed A Co. for Christmas goods. 48. —Salt at Clapp A Co's for $1.75 per barrel. —New Missouri Cider at the Green Front. It —Mincemeat, stick or fancy candies of the best make, oranges, cocoanuts, apples, fancy crackers and every thing for the hollidays can be found at Clapp A Co’s. Bev of them and keep your money at homo. Give them a trial and »ou will never regret it. n 049 —Toilet seta at Reed A Co. very low. 48 —A nice lot of Toilet Sets and Vases j ist received at S. W. Allen's drug store, call and see them, and make your selection before they are gone. It —White Corn Kentucky Bourbon's andTen nesee Whiskies, Peach Brandy, Sherry and Port Wino. Champaigne and all the best brands of Liquors are now lor sale by Clapp A Co. u 049 I —Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours, at Berens' Drug Store, ia tho Case block. n 043 —Christmas goods at Reed A Co., and prices to suit times. 48. —Christmas is coming and if yon wish a go sl Egg-nog yon must get your liquor from Clapp A Co. -No headache in it. n 049 —The Selh Thomas Calendar Clocks at Klein <t Co.'s are perfect beauties, in style and size. And, just think, on $18.00! Call, see and be convinced. 45 —Boys and girls, for fine Candy Toys go lo the Groen Front ]t: —Beautiful Toilet Sets just received for I Christmas gifts at Berens' Drug store.lhey aro i just what you waul for presents, for your) mother, wife, sister or sweetheart. no-10 ; —When yon coma to Batesville, call on; Clapp A Co., nnd examine the mammoth stock. ' In quality or prices, they are ahead of any thing in Arkanaas. n 049 WANTED. Cotton seed foi which the cash will be paid by Clapp A Co. 49 Ho, for Christmas I Capt Klein, (of F. J. Klein & Co.), haa just returned from St. Louin where he purchased the neatest and best selected stock of jewelr r . toys, notions and holiday goods ever brought here. They will have r grand opening next Saturday, (the 15th, by their 13,dollar Callen dar clock). n 049 Something Now. Just received at Goo M. Miniken's a large supnly of tho Standard Oil Paint Co.’s “Shak er Ready Mixed Paints," the cheapest and best paints in use. Call and examine. 41 For Isle! A fine lot of pure Poland Chins Pigs, Will also sell our largo Poland China Boar. Arnett A Glenn, 39 if At Glenn A Hickerson’s. For Sale. A 4-ton hay, stock or cotton scale. War ranted. Will be sold cheap. Apply at this office. ts Bead and Think. The new firm of F. J. Klein <t Co., watch makers and Jewelers, on Main street, opposite ihe court house, have just received tho justly celebrated Seth Thomas Calendar Clocks the best clocks in the world, which they sail for the moderate sum of SIB.OO. 45 Notice. Notice is hereby given lo all persona inter esled, that after the end of this month, all c aims held by us, not satisfactorily arranged, will be placed in tho hands of the Sheriff for collection. Respectfully, 48 4t Theodore Maxfield A Bro. NOW IS YOUB TIME. Tinware at Cost for Thirty Days. New ia the time to buy Tinware. When you come to town, call at Bsker’s and see his Tinware. lie courte com pet ion in quality and pricse. He has put down the price of Coal Oil so low that it is now much cheaper to use oil than caudles. Sell you tallow and use oil hereafter. Below will be found his prices: Buckets—6 qL 450., 2 gall. 50c., 9>qt. 55c., 10 qt 60c, 3| gal. 75c. Cuffee Pots—l gal. 35c., 3qt 30c., 2qt 25c. Milking Cups, 15c. Lanterns, 75c.; Dish Pans, 45c. Tin of every description cheap for cash. Best Coal Oil 35 c per gallon. Will sell the highest standard oil—tested at 190 s , non explosive guaranteed — at 50c. tit Im, The Green, on her last trip, carried out 325 bales cotton and 101 ska cotton seed. Amount of Cotton Shipped from Batesville up to December Ist, 1877. Below we publish the number of bales nf cotton shipped from here by our merchants up lo the Ist of December. Next month we will give the shipment for the month of December. Theo. Maxfield A Bro 972 Thomas Wamac 200 Rosen A Caro IGO Reed A Co 875 G. W. Moore COO H. C. Smith 925 Schwarzkopf k Bondi 70 Simon Adler 700 Glenn A Hickerson 573 Baum k Bro 50 E. W. Clapp A Co 65 G. M. Miuiken 352 Making a total of 5542 bales, nearly, if not. double the amount ship ped in same lime last year. And each week's sales continue to increase. Tho recents here last week were largly in excess of any pro vious week' and from tfo number of wagons on our streets this week, wo would think that the sales will overgo those of last week. BIVEB NEWS. The Winnie left yesterday evening with 337 bales cotton and 100 packages cotton seed, peaches, wool, etc. The Winnie came up Sunday night with 757 packages. Her Down trip was 235 bales cotton 3GB sacks cotton seed, 15 rucks dried fruit and 8 commercial bummers, who had taken in our town. The Arch P. Green camo up from New* port yesterday with 300 barrels of salt and 520 packages. Sho also had several wagons for W. D. Meriwether of Sulphur Rock. After discharging and reloading will leave for below this evening. Capt. Warner was detained nt Newport last week awaiting the Inspection officer. He reports Ihe Warner all “OK and safe.” John had to charter the Trader to make this up trip. He lert list evening for the upper river, and will return next Saturday. T. Maxfield A Bro receive! telegrams yesterday from Capt. E. R Ferry and from Judge Baldwin, of Jacksonport, stating that the John Howard wou’d arrive at Jacksonport on tomorrow, direct from New Orleans, and will come through to thia place if snffic : ent water, and will Lave coffee and sugar for sale. The Howard will run regularly iu the White river and New Orleans trade. The Alberta went up as tar as Buffaly City last week, and returned Monday. She left for Newport Tuesday. Below we give her manifest, as Rent in by that accommodating skeleton Thad K : 134 bales cotton, 45 for Batesvilc and 89 for below; 104 ska wheat, 884 sks cotton seed and good list of syrdries. A good passenger list, including farmers ac companying their cotton lo the Batesville market The flno side wheel steamer Citv of Au gusta arrived at our whart last Saturday night, direct from New O:leans, in command of Capt John D. Elliott an old Whit© river boataman, who is well and favorably kuown ‘ all along the river. After disposing of what groceries left on board she began lo load up with cot ton . and departed at noon on Sun lay with over six hundred hales cotton for New Orleans. Capt. Eiliott inform* us that he will return hero on or about Christmas. Tho City of Augusta, on her way down last Sunday, grounded at Engle’s, seven miles be low Batesville. The Green went to her as sistance. and after being lightened, the Au gusta departed for Jacksonport. Monday night Theodore Maxfield A Bro. received the following dispatch : “ Leave Newport to-night with thirteen hundred bales J. D. Elliott.” Ot this number nine hundred were from Batesville; 431 of which were shipped by Theodore Matfield A Bro. to McGehee, Snowden A Violett, New Orleans. MABBI AGES. At the bride's residence in Greenbriar township, on the sth inat., by Rev. M B I’m. stead, Mr. Wm. Pearson and Miss Octavia Massey. We exlond our sincere thanks to the happy couple for their kind remembranco of the prin ters. The cakes were nioo, and our friend John Maxwell tempered the rich eating with some good wine. We hope their journey through life may be one continued honeymoon with never ceasing j >ya, and that they may be bleated with pi city girls and good boys. At the residence of the briie'a father, in this city, on the 12th inti., by Rev. J. W Campbell. Mr. John C. Boue and Miss Nettie M. Gorsuch. Accompanying the above notice, wo receiv* ed some of ihe nicest ana most choice wedding cake, fruit, etc Johnny has secured a valua ble prizo, and we trust their livee may never be marred by any bones of contention, but blest with many little bones Iha! give joy and pleasure to the household. Mra. I. N. Reed and Dr Wm. M. Lawrence were attendants REGULAR SEMI-MONTHLY WHITE RIVER AND NEW ORLEANS SIDE WHEEL FASBENGKR STEAMER CITY OF AUGUSTA. JOHN D ELLIOTT Mazier JOS. ELLIOTT Clerfc Will run regularly in th. trade, and will come through to Batesville, waler permilting. The patrouzgo of our old friendi respectfully solicited. JOHN D ELLIOTT, Capt. 49tf JOS KLLIOTT, Clerk. KTEAMEK ARCH P. GREEN, BEUULAtI NEWPORT, BATESVILLE k UPPER WHITE RIVER PACKET. Will continue in the above trade, giving through Bills of Lading to all points via St. Louis. Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad and River. I have rented the large and commodious warehouse ol W. K Maxfield, and will store cotton and other freights consigned to ine free of all warehouse or commission charges. Messrs. Theo. Maxfield d: Bro., my author ized agents, will sign Bills of Lading and deliver freight. 45 Um CHAS. B. WOODBURY, Master. NEWPORT. JACKSONPORT, BATES- VILLE k FORSYTHE PACKET, Str. “ALBERTA." Leaves Batesville for Newport every Tues day and Friday at 8 o'clock a. m. Returning, leaves Newport for Batesville every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 o'clock a. m.. makh g connections with trains on St L., I. M.i 8. K. R, also with Memphis pack ers. Will also make occasional trips above Batesville. jy Fre ght consigned to me at Newport will be handled here without drayage or com mission. Will give bills of lading tor couon immediately on its arrival here free of storage and commission. A competent and reliable man will be in charge of the warehouse at all limes. Will have three boats in ths Upper White River trade this season, which will insure prompt shipments, ALBERT B. SMITH. Commauder. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PAUL EVERS, AT THE Green Front Store Gives a cordial invitation To all of every sex and nation. Please visit and try him before You go to any other store. This is the place where you can find Choice groceries of every kind. As Coffee, Sugar, Tea and Spice, Grits, Hominy, Soda and Rice. Fish, Sausage, Pigs Feet and Cheese, Tobacco, Soap and Axel Grease. All kinds of Fruits in cans or dry. Figs, Currents and Raisins sure take your eye. French Mustard and Pickles by the pile, Chow Chow and Sauce in every style. Kraut, Cranberries, fine Navy Beans, Sorghum and Syrup from New Orleans. Cove Oysters, Salmon, Lobsters too, Fresh Oysters raw or in a stew. Cider, Vinegar, Coal Oil you’ll find, Country Produce of every kind. Cocoannts, Almonds and Toys. Fine Candies for the girls and boys. Everyone, old, young and all Be sure to give the Jjreen Front a call. Respectfully, PAUL EVERS. Bsrasvnxs, Auk., 8 ept. 17, 1877. W I will pay the highest market price either in cash or goods for all kinds of coun try produce. WARNINC_ORDER. Independence Circuit Court in equity. William B Ruddell and") Joseph Ruddoll and i John Ruddell, minonC | Plaintiffs by their next friend I William B Ruddell, | against 1 Warning Order Albert F Goodwin and his wife Elizabeth J Good- | win, Bertie Goodwin, | Lizzie Goodwin, Dora | Goodwin and Eddie Defendants Goodwin, Johu L Rud- | dell and his wife Mattie | L Ruddoll. Mattie L | Ruddoll, Annie Rudd. 11 I and Lena Ruddell, J The defendants John L Ruddell and his wife Mattie I. Ruddoll and Mattie L Ruddell. An me Ruddell and Lens Ruddell, are warned to appear in this court within thirty days, and answer the complaint ol the plaintiffs William B Ruddell and Joseph Ruddell and John Ruddell, minors, by their next 'riend William B RnddelL ED M DICKINSON. Decll, 1877. Clerk WARNINC_ORDER. Independence Circuit Court in Equity. * Charles W. Watson, ) plain till against Warning Ordci ; Henry U. Watson. .Sidney I S. Lu vadie, Eliza M. Wit kins, Sarah A Wat son, L. IL Davis, M. Waters, Leila Summers, । a minor; the unknown heim of Malinda Fon- Defendants. tains, deceased, Wm. C. Hunter, Aurelia P.Hun ter, Richard W. Hunter, John Clay Hunter, Robert H. Hunter, Ella A. Dawson, Louis W. | Hunter, a rrinor, and | Francia J. Smith, J The defendants, Henry C. Watson, Sidney S. Lavadie, Eliza M- Watkins, Sarah A. Wat son, L R Davis, M Waters, Leila Summers, a minor, the unknown heirs of Malinda Foir taine, dec’d, William C. Hunter, Aurelia T. Hunter, Richard W. Hunter, John Clay Hun. ter, Robert H. Hunter, Kila A Dawson, and Louis W. Hunter, a minor, are warned to ap pear in this court within thirty (:t0) davs and nn-wt*r the complaint of the plaintiff, Charles W, Watson, ED. M. DICKINSON. December 8, 1877. Clerk. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER MADK BY the judge of the probate court of Inde pendence county, at the November term,lß77l I will offer for sale the lands specified in raid order, belonging tithe estate of John W. Carrigan, deceased, at the court house door, iu the town of Batesville, Arks, ou SATURDAY. 12th day of JANDABT, 1878, at public auction, to the highest and last bid der, the following described lands, to wit: The SK qr of Section 38, Township 11 N, Range 7 W The SK qr of Section 1, Township 10 N, Range 5 W The NW qr ot Section 20, and the SW qr of Section 20, Township 9 N, Renge 5 W The NE qr of Section 1, Township 10 N, Range 7 W for the purpose of paying the debts probated againrt said estate. TEEMS OT SALE. A credit of three months will be given, the purchaser giving notes with approved security to draw 10 per cent interest from duo until paid. Said lands will be offered without re serve. A certificate of purchase will be given the purchaser, and a hen retained on the land to secure the purchase money. Sale to take place between the hours pre scribed by law for judicial sales D C MONTGOMERY, Administrator of the estate of John W Can i gan, deceased. December 11, 1877 2w Redemption Notice. REDKKMKD BY JAMES O. BELL THE following tract aof land, lying in Inde pendence county. Ark., to wit: K| se qr Sec. IS, T. 12 n, R. Bw, 80 acres Ne qr aw qr “ “ “ 40 •• Sw qr se qr “ “ “ 40 “ by the payment of $lB 84, taxes, penalty and costs year 1875, and taxes 1876 and 1877, also costa of Redemption. Noy. 22. ED. M. DICKINSON, Clerk. Redemption Notice. Redeemed by mrs. rate berry, per W P. Berry, Lots 2 and 3 in Block No 29, Fowler’s Addition to the Town of Batesville, Independence county, Arka, by tbe payment ol $7 54, Taxes, penalty and costs year 1876, and taxes yew 1877, also costs of ICedfcinplion. KD. M, DICKINSON, Clerk. December 4, 1577. SCHWARZKOPF & BOHDI AT TH E Red Front Store Have just recited a Large Stock of Fall and Winter Gocds, and <3- uarantee to 8311 CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. Having bought our Goods for cash very low, we are able To Furnish everything In tho Dry Goods line at “ rock bottom prices ” and Ladies Good* of every description at less than hard times pr ces, and will be pleased to have Every Girl and boy, man, woman and child, and everybody else, to call and see as, for we mean business- We can sell you jSI G o o d outfit for yourself, your wife, or your children for less money (han anybody, and It will be to the Interest of every good Husband to call and seo our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. We have the largest stock of Dry Soods, and when you are X xx Batesville Wo would like for you to call and see us, as It will bo to your interest to do so. Wo have a large stock of Boots, Shoes and Clothing, and everything in the line of merchandise, and we are always ready to show our goods to everybody re e of Charge. K. W. CDA PP & CO., BATES VILLE, - - ARKANSAS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE and WOODENWARE. A COMPLETE STOCK OF Fine Liquors and Fancy Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars, Notions, Etc., Always on Hand. TME HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID POR COT . TOW, CORN, COUNTRY PRODUCE, <SrC. WK ARE AISO AG4CNTB FOR THE One door below Simon Adler’s, Mein etroet. 43 6m RE IE II & CO.; STILL AHEAD OF ALL J COMPETITION I' THEY TAKE THE LEAD!* — —- I PRICES AND QUALITIES! i| THEY CAN’T BE BEAT I' . -- THEY CAOOT FAHj TO I PLEASE THE CLOSEST BUYERS! i WHO KEEPS THE CHEAPEST; GOODS IN TOWN ? ' REED & Oj REED & CO. STILL AHEAD I W. 8. TAYLOR, W. B. m’gUIBK. TAYLOR, McGUIRE A CO., (SUCCESSORS T J TAYLOR. RADFORD A CO.) COTTON FACTORS -AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Agents for the WINSHIP GIN and COTTON PRESS. 45 2m Mexxxx>Xxl«f, TAnn ADLER, GOLDMAN & CO., COTTON FACTORS, —AND— -114 NOrth Main Street, St. T-sOdls, IMEo, Liberal advances made ou Cottou aud otliev Produce. Will fill “U orders promptly. 45 Gm REED & CO. STILL AHEAD I