Newspaper Page Text
“THE BATESVILLE GUAED. PUBLISH I iftjft BY FRANK D. DElfTtM.' i One copy, om year, in advance pl 00 O»e copy, eix mont^ J/TOO £O€«< Club BATto-rfa copies, 0» 00. Tun copies an*—•***> lIFftS m 31 Wl - ;l . — .•W WBl<^ J»ST“£r- - Wm. Btbrs, Judge. Batesville, Ark. Jackson,firstMoiplivM^Atitnd Sept. ' Lawrence, fourth Monday m Maren and September. ~- . - , Sharp, third Monday after the fourth Mon day in March and September. Baxter, seventh Monday after the fourth Monday in March aadSep*ewii>e» rr - Icard, eighth Monday arlerMiefohrth M^n- 1 day in March and September. rar I of Independence County, meets first Mandan in January, April, July and October. " ‘ Commission arid stAragb. toliecfions made. J 1 gard^ydg. blooded al^ann and rattle — — , H. F. ARCHER, , . j~A^Eg^^^^7.Eß. ROBERT NKILL, BUTLER A NEILL, * 1 unrrfwig ri JIT T_b2SL MV V JMIXJSy- BATbA^L^.^J&KANSASV I'^ 1 '^ 3 ’" Will Dractice in the conn Ue^flndenend ™7a^ 1 ■ Tnrinrlfanrta nt Uttlii M— h. Jaws i Sy- • ■. Will do a general ooTTectirt^ business < 74Tn™ ws rtc? wTroyt*. EusHA^id h a&:9S9£&B& 5 Wl Attorneys 4tLaw< Will nrMtfne In Hm I'onrt.of Um Thlad 111 - - dicfal Irtstrlct, andgtvc special attention to naaMeps In bankruptcy. NoS ly w. R. coody. sAd’nYkkTE. j. w. r&ri.ikr/ COODY/PEETE A PHILLIPS, Attorneys at I*w> .r n.' £ BATESVILLE AND JACTtSONPOBT, xoiiy ; : - -< ^nida n MiS-oauxß D. C. EWING, M. D. Wo B. lAWBBBUEpM. ». BATESVIL&J AlAfXlfet^ | J ’ Noilly * 1 1 /1H , I •. - J. B. CRANE, M. D. J. W. CASE, M. D. CRANE A CASE, Surgeons and Accoucheurs, BATESVILLE, - .1-1.-I TUMa*' Office in theCasc Block, Main Street. .mhrW liaWrffrTfrrn.l IAROB ANq ) ¥ AI—RSR^ OPPOSIYE COURT-ROUSE. m/osr Executed in the highest style of the aft. z t T. B. BABBBTTtOiH IMft ’IW* te-ftHw LandA«y WI.E.A^ M . i , Offire in Court-house, first foom on Mt- J^ESVILLE, -/- ^.G. ROSEBROUGH, ' W^f? J SukdloN? «JUA work in my line guaranteed. Country produce taken in payment at cash ^Tlnandßomps«?Wohl!mfF ‘**!Wto CTO "Type in Cbm Block, Main Street. ~’m , L Tew*. SB WKM.Wi I !? mS W JUUBH LAGER BEER, ALE ANB’CHIER JT. always o^ll^-111 fl Soutliem BAMMILJ^ABKANS^k A fine BUIM-jKpool Kd Jenny JSfcTable in the houaeg^e gulling pnblflFA find tills a pl hob St C. BATES & CO. ffiWM ( k A RD. . TftLe j lilU 1} nauUl IIIAQ g-7f ri "Vr*"/ ^'"7 i v» .Vint to Mo -HT .•^*•B .K ' f it " __ ,-as. J? E Y°L^9.JO BamnMMM«LiI»OaW.A«ItASSM.nA-.V -”rl' *<<■ no ,W jp.n-.orr- RS OOC .SOW : H VOL. 11. • > - * ‘ - " Im^KE, BNOWDEN ft VIOLETtJ eumw Faewra" ] Merchants, ' ! ‘ NEW ORLEANS, LA. >, afcggaleriW*. / ,>PhE ? white, I’" ^TESVILLE, - - ^^NSASu ♦ RENT g<>» , TRE kDNE-WAR WAGON, ?he BEST W AGON ever in this market. aMliaDwi complete. 51 ts co., ^aMSMseNmHMlrAit, Chicago, ID., Have reduced the prices of all kintb of ’ SCALBS! F' T H , TWW“^ All other sizes at a great reduction. E> en' | BUY the CHEAPEST and BEST J a*»n*i /. nt I HCBtMMIIIe, Arkansas. '* ♦ r jocM \biL3j~olfieakifW ■BS. L. B. HARDY, Proprietress. 1 &M sATeaaoi the tables vril! he sti^ned withthe^ «x«t tMMafMC aVUMBLA OTO J^ephcn’^ line of stages arrive and de- I part daily for the railroad. ' BjTuan'ful attention to the wants of toy i gmMs, 1 hope to merit a share of the public - patronfitfaV I : ” f k^L' 1 ’ -■ j ^afcio n “ ™i?G wte 1 ”- co.’ii FRA.CTIC4.I. bib jEwnm AND DEALERS IN y Watches, Jewelry, WKIiJUMIXO i ’BAte^Ville, j tIXD work left at their store, or aentbf mall, 1 boat or express, will be promptly attended n TrP ewelry store - o pp^*‘^ WWffl ! wi MftAN IT>- And an prepared?io demonsUelipMfiiiot. itobfeetindiamWbr, - K 2& A^J 8 °“ ^<MWRWiH 1W Cl ^^RawMW >UIS TTtCr^ t -i -t tf — * vtFu tfooH M on nJ fttUiqsg 1 Rj^aansa aoye. le > Hw* i 4 —* **■—-> Lw.WH HinOAAlg was occupied in considering in Committee of The Senate was noLin sessmn on the 27th. Thfi'lrtffise dbHM<ftrt!l‘ Various apprp-'l priation bills in Committee of the Whole. ■ t certain information concerning the surrep-, . <l«r <Maa 001*11 insaeghh* '.iMdWtiaiuture policy of Spain towards the Government of Cuba, was agreed to. Mr. McCreeu- DKe^arttx.. ed a petition signed by a large mirnuW^ of influential citizens, regardless of party, askfn I&MMSrM I Mr. McCreery also presented the credentials Jonn J - Williams. Ta mwittef of Imhypa.^ed, among them the fal lowing: Senate bill to authorize the Secip-r tary of the Treasury to examine the evidence vatee mUHa#j«w*e«b Mfr. Mil r.Mnte for military services actually perfonp--' ed in the suppression of Uie rebeiko i, and to make a report thereof to Cotiiae «. House bill making, an jummouiJoUquajM 10, WM for plef l Tights rtTOieWtFartbft ttfthO J?ttii.<, in the South Pass, MiMHi.naippi Biver. Senn to bill for the relief of settlers on public lan Is route of road. House joint resolution appr r ll printing fdF tUd"tfrMion of a monU|J ment over the grave of Thomas Jefferso i. House bill appro»v<attn<fTtO<MQr<he < wtil>rr ic schools of the'DhtriJt <>£( hahfbk.. the House, amofgft lip liiNs jntrll A-eiAind l referred were thWMllftaingt V^MrrllMEipe —A bill setting aside the contract entered in °f <l>e Treasury’ and pheßfncUttej ■yl#Acklin—ltepenling the ■lron-flaw Qatli lor|jlu'ora; by Mr. Turner— fTok gn iwent KssAilUbents for political j purposes; also a joint resolution pro posing an ataMndinirtt Wllie’institution prohH/Uingameinberot Awngress from hold -* ing, anting his term, or for two years thercs Wurt Cmti-ra. _liie lUuiMa Dn»se<r HOHrtaiMuFbiiNmii 11 MlSlMlinent 14,772,bureau. The bill eoiuainli a nrOvTMbh Jbr the encduragemenT 6Lln<li-, ru* WagfMlttii* »rtl oM*^ivi>Mil <mr* J fpM* 4 J»U»a|tstabi- In the Senate, on tlie 36th, Senator Mor. ^H, i^^Voitnont, Ijnin the pojnmltte^oi^ tain the Sinking fund, and the committee waaf ' dlsoharged from He ftirthijr considiroHdiu. neiiM b«d repealed by a concurrent rcsoluti<nr?t isoaauw CooltrHl, from Hm CommWfm. *n I Wf#e^^ 'M .lent to apix>i««»iffiM*silMif*‘ orMMAui l! h , Brigadier General in the United States Ariiv l on tneTettrvrt Hut. rmer<t on the r«lm<Ur. In reporting the UUUmuUUor Cockrell Mii'kit: , was not a unanimous report, amt membarH of the comßittMßMße'-Wl tl>« HaM, til nftuKriipr DHT^^^Tcp<»n7a wTnMno #e amendments, and pending discussion of a ! ^notion to refer. rttttt MtßyuuMd , nH^h^Tou2e^rter»ome*^^£tf^^^TTjini i n , l^pphe gm^gpe of ^jong^t—ission on rag need I B'rropri^onsjßr TmKriid Kov<Titffc nts, ■ne arifoflKf tJ^VofnAißee on AiiMpni in ' HTons having been criticised on the Republicin ' side of the House, Mr. Kandall (the Speaker) I defentM 4W oviM-ac oft the cotfnnittee aid ! condemned the tendency of Republican 1 members to hen! together in opposition toH Me ofc the Xlt^w J*, not to bm borne, and asserted that from 1^72 to tpc’ I present tigie (under Republican as well hs. control of MiOWoum-) the I In the Senate, on the Ist, the motion of asuixjxkamn' i and the House amendments th^feto to a i | the law whouldjmt take effect until the Ist ■ ?.!.<W!yraemTwfc^ b ? aWHMlitetwii U u ' ,>, f taIH<«WIWn<I|OKMMIMMft-yeas 15. , I nays 22. After further discussion, Senaw# I ! {’bFMWWlfll^ i clause might be perfected , Agr«n4, to—yms ' 37, nays 16 In the House; Mr. Kobertson, [Chairman of the Commitee on MisHtsHippi^ Tstrengnieinng leveen on rT!F Mi'-sWWtppi । River. Ordered printed and recommitted? klWl>HMk>WMt><l ImUuwMl. Ohio ia. ! in Louisiana; and for raisingjaml strength ening levees on the Ix>wcrMßNTsfnppl, sl, gWioi^W as theprotectioit of alluvia) landt^ the report sidftnkMf by IMpi*«Wt«Wf<wMtobertson treats elaborately K H : teip. It gives e<piaT prbnimrilrv fb the rec 4 laination of alluvial lands, and claims tuns J||l| Mt|gi ■> 1 _TI ' ' to repair, •mnrenflWmWmlWh R^KWRt i<i<> imp rive navigation of the river. The Ihdwe'Went in- navigation oi tne over, inv iiowwe went in tive Appropriation bill, with Mr. Eden in the , Chair. Auigi^^^ .0. ^.O In the Senate, on Ae lit, ffie ConhAtrtee on Judiciary reported backJbOjMU ta ruieal the Bankrupt law, with ah ame^<ll^l?!n^>«?t ^ ^T , IWSSHEi^iI Ordered that the amendment be printed, and that the bill be laid over until -10-uaflrWW’ - At the expiration of the morning hour the bill to repeal the Resumption act whs taken up and discussed at length, but not disposed or. In the of bills were reporte(^h^^^^^^^H^Mnt being by Mr. Reagau, on Com 4nerce, grantA; tM^HKofApy through 'public landi^K Ui^^^Atai^Kanal Com ’Tany, to N, ‘" -gleans to tj|J« H Mo and j 11 ibit j carriers. ^^■^■■■■■^■Nu^^Bobjeet ^ic hitter ion <■l ch urge so that to er wereJ) 'orbjflNlM-aan^^N^^^^^^BnHt ion A he ns ma-V provision wsM^lHAFvlould not’l je more for shorter distances than for longer distances on the same line of carriage. The morning hour expired and the bill went over without action. The House then went into Committee of the Whole, Mr. Eden in PERSONAL AJ*4mTfUky< 3 B ?WW- of the statement*. kkOBtSMAO ‘VLll*ainlW]4Ked'' for the Hayes Mr. TiHop of fee, JJtaptoraUwtj jl^hat State. In Archer Precinct lio. 2, AlScnua County, 219 Republic^ JOTrwY®our»»BiiW'!jr Leon County, 74 Republican lialkits were stuffed into the ballot-box; and in Jeffer. son County doo'RepßMidaw-lMilw»»iSw<irß [ i Ture^^o^wtsH *cWAiu, ifi wuivn lattfer par- i i tle^PfeS'seffiiKW-Mfcßi'VMtilwMMly tils- 1 1 wppfiiatetof ntastirtittionl wito ethe. s . «<RMees<-Mesl4atoiflfcrw>-w)k> U«hM<g«d. i ■»<4.irt4 a r *nrtk/we tIHMCIH • MYMriF 4 I itftaidMtloMte^aWr<i>dl MhijM)M««as., 4 ■ «r» •tfMfiriws'flosswanAOtiskmaM afthe r fraud committed in tb^e^jpfc a((i , • ( bers of the Cabinet placed no credendi In the d!WM«ailSton:V>’ AffiftatflS could J f •■ hßMDiMiiudd. W toik ipato dfY*W- cimitry to 1 r suit any purpose. He regarded the-wiolS c 1 W n WM«*^ o »‘i^SiW pofc- < ticlans and disaffected Rep^jilKaßs, -for I thp PUHMIM ri>f- fomenting tosensd Iw theratii^f 3 tire RepuWtfiMpitrtJ. -Apart f < i 1 • IMN AMnffion wr ^b^fJrecMfW^omWWMotij ( t 1 «Sa£ial Sevena IhmisM iLat taawapca’tie t tji «mhNSm M <ha ’ preaantuMma/.whed ike^t . W» <*a tMHwDiWrpn*- Is T un ’W‘W®K VWria +» sawofc&wawsßC? li^eSpeefl^e Srpffty.* 1 *" J ’ ■Williliu-Wfl^ «!rf ofj ^3lMe,xUa»H>SidflMil7r«iMi&il^ Wtab-Jf ingV.a on toe4.Wi^«Saottoiffiptoin. nYMi^ t . ^varta J»»A |»e«t engage*!» bnSnaM in I China, and recently .ytoifaodrff^if, of his health. * »ia</Z George G^nt, founder of the Victoria’t <WAiy, R^nshs, died on the 2flth. I c .j ,Vt>eMr*JDitocrfa*lH< Hnrenlfetoper,!, ■ ance Society has dropped tha same, of the L 1 orgaritzatfiAi Ari the grotlhd that MraeutS'T 1 f Mr«i'HBWB-cU»*owuten«iiuwt wtoe' Bi<he ^ HW p 4J®<»«DHlUbei;JiwwiWM4l»ey^ j uth’c Mansion, she coun|eaaiicet| thq use of c claret-punch at a dinner on'Yhi-’fihitiwlon b Abeamv Delaware Bayfdurlnjfca fccenf] 4 W»»MaMIUI Ki|> .1 VT i 'EHNatiaaaUCxeo'MioeOOmlllittetoOf the , Socialistic Labor party are out in a oard de- | , (Dying that any branch pc ac<>M«a of. ’ het Ah f party iaaupplied with anaa ar undergoing J j H military drill in Chwago or elaewhooe as 1 * jchirirml in titohl dinp.i.nW fro- 1 TTKey claim their organization to l.e purely i political. JSMGOK He is undoubtedly insane. J Jones, and Representatives Carlisle, Ellli^ SfIKBMK ES i; i on the 27th iilt^ upoaJnvitallon of the Boa. 4? * ton Commercial Club. The occasion waevi •OUWIDSKKia., .J; I resolution will soon ba^iit ro j M ty4-* n the of •' ii efiijM IMN wlr .mu JR? । 'i ^W^iAuNEß^':" ; rfiofiM tiiMfr Ynim CTftifir W appPar before 1. ffieWortto MnWßfWWirt -«ki*Trtniire* ii»> . the state Department au* enpldln oettaig ( ' sorloii^h^y. him, affect- ' Atlanta, Ga., on theTst, Bishop Meh:e pro^ ^suUli*. .yhsa^we-MeWPI delegates . j , from 37 conferences, and all the Riabops. » ( i Hon. John Morrissey, ex-Congressman J ‘ ’ and ex-pugilist, died at Mpstsgs, M.T., oil^ COMMEKCE AND INDUSTRY. ’ 7 tl£ &>" the 25(11 tKe’ tynittSftMr taken 11 irfthe‘4 R2W (WrtY.’bodds Urf*-T UrliiwM^reisnteodtPato- "» "T‘ ’ Newburyport, Mass., is exc txKl avcr tov? ■ recent discovery of a fraudulent or forgedfl j<>A■sekburf toe «nwbnnypori a»«l(t, . Amesburg Horse RMIPM* CumpPke. r, Tha, e HU-Tc-JiWett jL*'heen elected <Fre*®fai | ,»f lh»,iwn<^niiMl Kaie Heilwep Cnm»snh h the U3uie of whic^ is to be changed to p\ o fffOTW NternKailro,dC ^ Charles E. Suberg, formerly Teller of the L aiialMwy City (Pa.) First National Bank, lift ^National Bank, is a defaulter to a larg^ amount. He has fled, leaving a note stat- ! lingtj^l his d^udpll was due to Wall Stßecf ? l AS|R^K^£hosphatc>qf liiMb lias akeeny J^an »-»4 on the is ve^^^^^^H|^^^nlizing ] mrpoiqfel The TtiMel Atul, ltailr<ifl|^^^Mra^^Hncliides We tun. ( &m the. and St® Louis ^^W|gH|^^MH|^^ftvith the Wis-min '?<^j ! A*i-®^-A?'’;®-»eks aCpr near I-.. - 'J'WlJi^^gohl lintiut fore* of o»' ,ir<x of interest, tfca amol^^^QKnMM^^Maliout sl,t>*o,- 000. t over s' 5 > 00010 the hank Mir Yalf M iJtWfmore belonging to individuals Chicago •ms pMUiwasrth,. jeen seized by change siWfrsW(JdrSSor ^MUtnkks. fi” The Committee on (Wnye-an* if cans, b^lU vote of 8 to 3, have Bedded to report to tlrtf resolution directing the Sec?ei iM’JIttWWMtliKg fund, as provided by sectien 3,004 of the Re vised Statutes, until the close of the flseal 11—d. — imnaZ nuto to lariq a.n AJ SlVCtaM*»eopgHMp[nr IMIIS mid The hhlWHW'ttr^C^^ ft <H,dhrTbeM ! aw,tog»tiß4l *w«ie tUKf sMldd rel«£ie(l<M<pfiM! out 1 southern votes against it, of Which two Worn WofeMß. rl«fl 35? The public deh*>M«M*eTMsMi^ Mey 1' shows a decrease, foLthe preceding montl, MkuMokUH rodwnOtoiß oL-fcaVi—abcur^ rency, $10,000,000; special deposit ofj^al tenders for the redemption of certificates ( of flep«tfl»pHß/nxo(in‘kwiiißTs»«e{o3Maß (ipa l dMfcfc eehaidd tovea’<Jerttflc«m»;»fiMo*4*t । *0). v<onteOindMt leTH-.MftltoPrvWi*!,* > Al^nndaitonll owoad- Haw m MrtXaS -<* jpGmPiw wijiw * diWa taVpfr&tli, Hiltlbnali- ^Wj^jrfdmifofithe gtob« ’Pres- j Id—Pßlefitah— idwibrtef-litfMlSß. n ' ! anTbc Fa*maetEß<aem<alsii*««l»<d^in- । tofts* Afewratf iW.OQ* ar,-^Riredi W«V*>«|g4lW|l<sfiWewyWfßHkhMomßßnßa t liop oya^asters, a ? d -^3^ to suppl* the deficiencwaln thb, postal, revenues for ttftf'KbifWAPp^^'W'T^i? m;\’He sxymksF’W^opHMtofty l .#meees!iary to <ptol>^y’«jmiMtt'ldrstt4iMof tHe depart, ment. < 1 m r! a'lttas xn*’’* '* <» •-« The total-trip o»»r toe. CWbert Eledated Jialtoa<l 4a New Iprjbfiiiy was piado oiUhe S®R£»TWW< The Ncwcomb-Bucbanifri''(3istnp'rlny of U»utoMAl<R4>A^b*rk)4 diatlltera, wiilch was [ to<^|f»V“P<H‘d,4ii^lW^ iMt, that they are now prepared to 1 pay then creditor* I* foil, ‘With i Y>e**rtriVlWW««. »ov mov l«a? ,»>■■-.--ri ,H ') sill o) noil w M I Wfr v f i ‘ a * The recent lowa-cyeloue did greater dam- . W^ftian^li^ rSjttAriil. dfaVhevftin- „ ity of Wall Lake hardly a house or feaCeAes capcd injury: ffle (ts holic Church at Cat <ran'ftMi'eoapw«i^<i>iii*4hift4*i 'n&hou^ ( ,us 9ftiidJHtt«i wtobtow«HdffWfcM*;%«biHl K torn from its methor’s arms lw the wind, wa* found in a mar-fi (fast of th^ SoiUc^ WhO* Mm. uew kas fown/l halt a—til wed^ The.. greuaid was attowd, wM> diactabowlM-and ifcad dij^a, gecs^et*. Mw hea*ofpa|t)e lr a^<. kfted. PUcrwn.’toou»e,barn and. granary well stocked, were.demolished^and not a thing o? value left 6n the place. A t>rbthcrl:ir/6Ain7! lUKsiis were also drereoyedre’lWßatneriibirity. Wa+ylto,: «t pmprety AiKPNto is‘reported at a*wedi»h settle meat to tiraar f—dCataty, tai A pafctou- P Jailers ri»Wf n »n. iW«i-<JIo!IeP.» white rfry* MW f<-mP «bV¥»> W M up into the air with barn and cattle^n* ha.< noLliccn MeeUAUftit—*^J<M>y, l*wt Hern driy* ** ing cattle home, liu also myatortouidydls- RM, new One ^'WbreWWMP, Mer lAdnlms*, near RIA Ciijq Wta taHtartUy-Wneht.' nPO t*» sama , toeality in home, wvwvtoatreyedoand rivv 1 pereans MiladauriW wounded.. - . , Tlie. Wi«d"or Hand, M Coburg, Ontario, Injured to the ground op the morning ,p( the 35(11. Tpe front wall fell outward, burvipg f AnurtiWr 6'f (Iremm in th# Tullis, ftrt(r of ”*• ■’>•’o'' ,n “ BO- to T. omriffi taw! Wife wtoowebntij i ntorderaMM JMdfcoMfoufian Drea*- . Atotadtonk wwwhaagpdrtoirian .h'ntooto^ on the 2«t h for the murder of t *^man. Coo lb - -- — 1 ea7&lis! ! M . * 'SHWiari? 1 JfepWlttW <M ’a- lsrgp ritailto indWAhMtoryat, IWftopm, fowa. MDtantotort wutaMb aw'ttta 2ftta .-Fto—eht I embafraxaWlaW W»re th»tca*|— ,Ho<WM a tootlw-iwtwf «#.fAHWap| ; Jß«rtftWtor- | I Laue, DubUn, exploded on the 27tn. HM teen pc Nottsw^Fe lAfled^tid ’ftlnßired. WitdW<+*V» n6WH«i« hoMe-thWf'.'was Ipftto freln t!W Itai ft RdWofflMj WRRiliKe ieonnty, Kana* mat ho togta altoa STth? t aad*M ge**3 WHtob M aSotfl 40 Mea^uraied XdrVWftP^/. V ,tol. .uoiJum nO t I Ludu» Trever AD. pld/an^ highly IslifU-reeces. tuenntoilivri.H nfttoMat, t 6 thd< iftddlr jlitaig toifbls.xwrtdhakt fhr tllrtlng vaww-f i«rta.rto»toenight,o( to* ^*th ? ro * t be Lon toe evidence pt a ttoWMiJ'Mnt. Nn&iW/s aflWfcn.' ,n MW 'M* taMt^touttjf lieiMdntoffitoei tout uHileeiiuantly i tos»"wiy4idd cftiftwsed tha toiwdec. A^ter lutag jstoxk) in Hkftto-aUempftd tp^cM^ ■' nUM’ioi^l^iiMdMiinftJMiwUfc^Rr^ todftaitjfaMltaKMHaydc A .trida JromlßoH ItarltoaWiiuta aetotod-aejywbßtftriW, M* 1 tataittlldMFlkd'A^ffWHi* ißWsc eUftaP at ifcii iThty TaMieteWplrtaiWtowtaoti i*^ -ifenddMdd^ceftbMtowasbUMhfeiwite m* - totokiwtet.mdl m anol *• hMank! ad (4 nNWtf^riVh W ‘h 1 ,a XfK,ahsiWoit^.e4 l tti#nlihtlof‘'the 2ltW; TheodsM''ll»MM>adb,'d QtomltntoheniiiU n taped i^HfindUls write wenatofe* dead 4a their room, with a bloody ax and Mt inW S ireffthfiMßilW ^©eaflMS- , pt theflS i cut, but succeeded in reachßt^ lift Vafß alid > alarming t^e ifefgHWS.'WllATUstod in to ■ flfttl* Boiire itrtames and the dead bodies h|itotddadribed. M betavHiiCi&hy Urs ' Haltenbach anther ehild was saturated With kerosene. The little girj^was so 4 badNhP jured as to be unable TO^tv/iny infMqphte ■ «oedteitklMli»lMiv: -id a 11 ' AMOtamgeipfoceMibn in Medteeaims M- Htacked bj*Oa»Wlcee»thentghtpftbbWr. I AtftStil Wfl'kftMV'w<ere ! 'e«te^ One • ICutoollpTra-ftiilffed and twb otoert ri-bundi • । sit, ana one Oran’^epiaiji was' shot twice, but -I The towbokt 'WarneY, from N&lv (Means I to St. Louis, with barges iu tow, exploded ■ .■ .VS,. ^;-^yr Kne-V Mi»K9 ‘kef Toilers at MAhiphis oil tlte monifng <4.. "thrMb TtnfpllotelKHtnraßd roof-wfirebtown । H ^t^ig^^fell i Wk u^the , wreck, which took nre, but in a few minutes- H S«£?teftmwft •WftivßkacWlrtfendAeAj; i ataw»K t>i)M-Mwa»i«wt*W»vMhraaid*'wtet'ita<i^ OWb n »li# n »^BU“&' b, 4W , !ln4l&^ Sight was shared by John W. Poe, the boat’s.., ‘ffXk.wfVaHfio time w-wftmw'tK: iiijmrAtite oMMioadi SHnralf •then were injured, none, it was thought,r^teUy, <nr S. E. Cpmminge, a revenuemrormer in ; BimWUMWky?**. In uhw ‘ Mriwa wAnfrUooi «e«d »»a»f rw Mal r £ , ■mJetetWle djmttr m«v»arhfifi AWwaPo.-. j #toMfc>Hri»“ «JW <>At, ra^ww; that iday it tnoA terfiflc fepVdsiou oemirrM in l tlte "gr^t ! Whbteffi' 'Mill,: 7rom^hlc*<W<nihiMn <k>fllMi<f’'Wab«Ml te. ■hoot,-up ^venrtkHßdicdMtetir'fioHovteal l>gr a crMhrwhtob ouaMediHnitaiwme ■Qud' < tW-liJte art. egg-shell. jyie,^u:s almost nouring-mills adjacent, four of which were burned, toother *WV w- ing-nrHl and* tiwn smaller build- i *«**.> The ■ the ignition ot gee generated by the mit> 1 dlings purifier, whichls said to be as expips: KSTMaux time at the ejptwien, dMy! fi-hrat wbfih are' ' 0 vlM*; ’ The mills destroyed were among the largest^’ ffifttWld.”"** oi 1 103 -d V irmr— aid fnotda ®ij MISCEJ.IANBOUB. ! -An- ^ericaf, M potato tai t,«HaO a iriwen*ifi lib» to j£^ pTincTptnWy, wniCn is axuarnnte^oi rtsr np eWjtMnl»Mlekieni}eßoe..sTbe jfoitoiratHwV J SX2HNHO: the CUteh.-' HM I MlM* is eofiMfint that,. mpi h society will finally return io the homage it owevte the Church. The encyclical Is gen ■eraMg nuMtorafcl told tell AfiPfiweM«M °f r "* Wtgo-V^^^^ u/bfthe !. eeportedmntwmhijte MtbrCmiiraniM* of f t^yt cite. Tlify^re, said Jo. be actively hl ! work drilling and arming with bfeejh-load- I l^'rMfearil^’heihtMkMi<moJtM9 rMhh | r»sg|h®j»M, prv^riugtorXbtiwnlymiargen- I are .haul MOO b»Uamrtoi to* tSownhyva.^ t । <w,M»M»W I gd and ijrilipd weekly. The police force are WclWttiaHlfovettftta* W i«f ebtlfie rerdfrreilMi ’A ti^lriMM* firMeedfia* us last .tatyjq f emesl *1 IJaoda it .coc ’ । tont<<terntbMaaaoetohya^,Aprilii<,*v:i».i , g<9K#»lto otewne<L |hrto**(Jw*u th& tJpntn with m^c of.r]fss T vayem,py, .Al Macon, Ga... the .Confederate monument coiner*. slfinc was laid by lie Grind Masonic Lo'dge ifffleorgto. AnetterTrbril*Jtffßrson Mvi* »>h S ¥eafl,»Man'ornHoi» delivered . Colquitt. oel’nn . JnXOftnatioh haa-heei* nepejyed tMt« Chi uesaMinister accredited to Washington, ac- COt^uiimJ .fa, ^embers oT legation and Consuls for the principal ports of this coun-. 1 Vv,teill sdtln Mate tklfta for the *flWltßd WT” 1 -* Jocm ■ 1-7xl .ooiajaab’ “The BeitMt FrMFsfiae estoUMrßMawas MaftNriaßfiiylftreqanqttw nsdniog ba the’ «B»KaMised bjMWr«aHdsi6kpof• a gaa Traits. ^itadumiwWhebyUitiißg. with thawep- *44^ fawefifi |)o«u e ß n>ai^ th? insurance on the establishment. • | loss, about JftMO*** — )e 1. About Ji o’elook on the night of the 28th, ■ ■three masked hich entered tlie PoW-b'ftlca at 0t WhMiU, T«sa%.nd f>Ns«WtiMlh«imhu>l v< j unrat t>o Po»mw>t«r, o^lored him to open! his safe, lyhich he did. The robbers took . ' 'W^Ki, but to thefrftMth dvWltWkMla i*ck- j anwcMMMagiMlOi mfr ol »3^d® loa No official information has be^t, ygy^ived at Washington ot the nreliminary ntrahge-' r ifients Mr nttrtgbut’CTUiseW by tfidßussiaan VcaneiMM «T >UMwhere nentjot WasMngten.'krc dMJtM t» nee < <tae diligence tarwtW : fit*iug out*M®>Og : a , s»jss««:'!ftsats?K •n'Wilr^'irttwta pioWar WNh wMeli it is at u »W»»..hWJ‘<»«AI WW.iWkexißtltet^onany two nations there <an be no breach of nen- 1 t raHty M pWnitrtmr clthbr Hu Ala or Great- I Britain drm ittWg MNMWMh Wi tfh»*n» • 1 Ap^rehensiX^? f§!?fd GdverhWeM dtow M %IM’M eerldut trMMtrcrMMaMglMimß tW u ewintklWMaeFs-aThp ^af. jy^ar^mot ts in receipt of communications frojnpvti** whose opinlons are erfMed to earned at- J JeWttoiv'i t.itJW eSd* Mt*«**UkeyiA>v'ei J B ^ C £orW<^bl»tt’Mßki^thWe^ n Mtim torgriniMd .di tbi» : WraatWlbWUT s 01<T*gil:»MW«« : Ulftaii«M0dnd a - W/X te ^ K aw& . nutnudr taken prisoners atra tnree arown^u gtl«Mloti^»dntabtll»rlMr.flßf saw I kU .viand o. J IndJ *«»J’»n ! «m fj. i r , ■ ■ . ? ifcaa ” sfiFfafos I ^'^msfeMln^have ^W^t iWrii ho ftluWUdQl* dtmUdered < UttfominatdithM Btomhrckl aM?«tortacha > kotrhavwtollebiHW.thiicnflticaJ^WMyure. f Th. Mwtow *> j; s^angthu t^eir poeitjons, o 27th that Russian privateerWiMteohcMg s fitted out at ItoW, tn prey .upon Englleh. t fflM WM WsS *i lh«H,iA'«tMieaTk» < tn*a^»tMwisiv I f " i SV SM’Wliett V-Wlfila’biaMMSHbM r.4BHaffli;- 7de«MiloiMM«Mr>HM<MMti M e 4 pothteastbmmtndeMw-Qiitai a* titerxinnn silwDertay,’ wJU^lMhvdli IWrqltatfd 4 3 itfiChMd«f«Mr- L<Jd a ot aiool 111 J The steamer C^farl^, M» , is j American line, under charter or tholiussian d Government, arrived at Southwest Harbor, -—TOHMB W-ABWBTISIKG: 12^: i gg.eajn».aoi».<><k»».oo 2 n E75 tioo 4ioo 7.00 14.00 28.00 iS;S uriar 1 /? ^rinrh^ 019 All transient adyerUaeaeenU oMhin advance. MarrfitoWMMbitfUMiaMMlAKratis. Miine. an Urn Mthi totem h»g nn hniid a full comnlemeijt of jifflijgrtL JPd men, and is under direeflt^F#tfTHliWm naval officer of -high rank, on— her - arviVaT a Tong dispatch lit e^HeMWlefltrtb'DßdArhjles-. rtterifbilgfiWHW oflyers seemfiMbSfi’a#Mtidg , 'ji r rebl^.‘■’ttifi Ship tffc^jaw\smror KoAf «i in diiding coif feFro Jl-ms or arnffitlrtlttjin irSTTsfflfc, jt^f’jM'^eers of the steatrier deny that hftre are any such on board. ....■_ , L _ f 4. Vienna dfroaf(^l ofWe3^M#twi|Bov enrment AipyesseVeoiftaim’tdffiTheLroin Pt a Constantinople ?P‘ resents both the Russians and Turks as nav- f iu ' ' Kbis, May l£^ w^i^jHyfithe opening of the International Exhibition of 1878 took placg to-day with xreat nouw and •access. The c6ren^4j M^m i# 2^ M the af*mioon,at whieWtMlkM ^^»fk^ry*but aM o*cio<m vMl4>i4»Mft vrtilltod^fiMghUy wain. TM'ctoridaMniemiMntkuKPiAtbu. stastie; In Sp'te pA4bee-«l«ew*lipsav*»hiiii >Uuw,'lr«ut -the pavabefiiitom eiMSs Stere everywhere heard sp> ‘‘ Vive 1 a France.’’ Amongffio^fficsenC were the Prineeof Wales, Pi auwts "Assise, father ot therKhig^^pa£u<>u®(MLps ta , brother otthe pt 1 tiUy Iry? of .StwdftX w Wiafc^Prtilbe of ^lemnsnfertMl’mMeAr ritusddtetamt aMmr- arrived in the S4lrt.^fc:«n*H[gw*W?olfea , by'^iiM >mmtoO-JMMMalinld.. troops baing Arawi^ up - the-rnpcESßtaa' wl^?iTrE^ ,F|7pxwS to a )pIMMWOVIhnJdMII< tMPMiYIaMRIMWm Ot kdW MilkoiMifls fUkdX£PUUds«4» lI£JX XCMMaUiAfiMW • !<fdra OdiMieitt^wWoWctuTO in WSMNm^AMifP%e«^le clared the Exhibition opened. Onßaithrired and one guns from the Invalides, Mont Va leriCTi and Arlstaln Seine followed thC^an- pleting the round of the buildinftw’crorceil over the river to the Champs du Mar.s. Troops were driuvn up on ami near the brulgig. The terrace ofthe Chansps do Mars PhracMn us occupied by SehcriarK Werutltw, OwuGa of ^'an«Src>o« 1 " SI*ECTAChE ir Twfc ! was magnificent, and pfcffWt brSeF pf^Riil | edc Muesli IwalwHai of wmwgoed l • opening IWMnpdMng I in M-eMrcM^rMINKHw h»»®hW.ti Jltca- banks of tiwSeino and at FM«sj^ WWw wPthe . right and left. In front lay an. ’mmemie area grand otseade and rows tS *«MMi illiftrat- Tnir LiiexjuiuiXiica iMM ihunatiiur- A long tine spersed witta Oe«»*lUiW»»»«>f nioantctl gridrds of Paris, magnificent escorts of visiting princes and the mtltthlT lunisellold of Presi deat MfteMahun. TUooiitenilniJ'roc-fids' of tlio 'rivery »skrnabte "Ipitcfi ‘ the Mndrittids 01.-spriotafiM-a wer« l»»l<-»•> by lines of infantry. As the Presidential procession, imrtmMng tiro princes, diplo mates and other diMmgqfsnedaaesW.T«ich ed the front of the Palace 0.1,th» phamfß do Mark, the scene wits bxtrt-mcly picturesque. ngutte UMKe* hi grinut uniforms, OouiT'eOun eUora «>Mk Mf^terates ia Uwu .tobea, and different bodijs of ^lnstitute BU<L Legion of Honor stood in strong contrast With sen ators, deputies clergy and mieoi ilfieials ’ll their civil eostuuiiw. Thoao, jritn tk« depu tation from ttfe armt,"lit lull ’imformj in with the PresideaWul cortege am' 'ntoved thrimgh «» East Indian UaM Bwo IM Hrimd «g«« d eiMMigiHg MUutes-wUU- 4Mtch- Commissioner, 'sssaasascs to the Elysee. •:>- • > * TUE BCBNES AT NIGHT. — - - I Hkßtenfcnre. Taner, Hi«‘atrdewwffre fiifrass aUteru many Wees. He onwriqumteoiMitlio quarter of the city were^ecorated with flags 'Tpiaatware taimmssly tHuaMtawd- wititgas ^’3» a e'^ thoroughfares and every side atreetwaSOCcu pied-by surging masses ehouWngand singing. « An»rttem.ons*r*tjoniMrMquew>M be «*^l tm ^^ PflcA^und thcinmliwauivolvedin. tM:craSln.-anA ♦ere compelled to seek reluge from the pressure of tub crdwH Tn open abtfi-wsyff" ot novels, MStHutaMAinH 4Um» p«MlOlMiio«A,»len, o» half intnxioaund youtite taib mMMnen, fflMMjei!? illumination shomd haww be«n Rt^ACT^est, many lights were extinguished and the A case In one of the courts yesterday, ^WefeiriWWHs ikenHrtfly swdMwed no aH fntCrtibf IntlM drtgjrfaf ctrtse of action, orfHl^^¥"dßWsaH«ft W re &&io s^ur,w^ML&:. the DurtY r^ftted. Ms e^emijce.^pni^ urae ago in a contest ovej of a B proven value of i 3 cents. mg •raSWBB: nQieuu^man. 1 Iha (Wtnftn r^nmiVto pJte/jB Up. and CEBiXUM ekfl* WMtafiWlW the ease L dragoon™ uTwurFwas abol ®a&: 1 ble pre*efidte^«|»<»*'^l<»tiff again ob . tained judgment. The case was then , appealed to—tire General Term, which : & ; Os bisdLr^th ooSsol aUA »lain- fSteWSfe Mm.' Tb**6*S,-whiCtlM had hM(«g«wvtera>itF tforvMAk »1»eal, :■ ita 5 1 gbbsfe Whs-fife iu*»iaß# loss h riiMiOllcli, IPOM4P W h°th- r |iloto dmem bril 1—.,-irrrH -W B old phellow who fit forever pTdhchiug . 1 Wtalitf ffifd th% W tecfiftMAMnißirts; 1 k toftradind Aati hifi^nMiMiiJy *^^ no Jarlhcij bftk than the time that the kan n dieovlnzown jJashuns'y^ent dht.— J. r, Billings. ' ' '