Newspaper Page Text
BATESVILLE GUIRD farm. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26,78 A merry Ohristmau and a happy Ke er Year to all. We art ander renewed obligation* to Hon. L C. Ganta fox Coagraaaion*! far ora. A hkalthy aeaaon of a few week may be reaaoaably looked for. All the dootort are engaged ou their yellow fever reports. Jvnaa Taos. B Hasty, of Phillip* count-., is daily gaining strength as a candidate for Speaker of the next Hoose of Representatirre. The big bridge at St. Louis was ao'-* at public auction on last Friday. I was bid in for the New York stock holders at 92,000,000, SSO 000 i gild paid down as eurne t money. Gov. Wans Hanrron, Beuator-elect from South Carolina, who ba* been suffering from ampuiation of one of bi leg*, is now considered beyond danger and hopes are entertained of bis speedy recovery. The State Teachers' Association will meet in Little Rock on tbe 29th. 30' 1 and Slut f the present month. Even teacher who can *honld attend and le-d bin or her aid in bnilding up so itupor taut an organisation. The St. Louis Republican does not consider Gov. Baxter in the race for U. 8. Senator, as an article in that paper mentions all the other aspirant excepting Gov. Baxter. The Repnb lican is not well posted in Arkansas pdi'ies. Hon. R *W. Johnsoe. one of the prominent a-pirant# for the U. 8. Senate, passed through our county on l&at Sunday. He gave Batesville the g’«nd g»-bye; passed within two wiles of town, and stopped over night with Col James Rmherford, onr Stale 8r tutor -elect. What does this mean? or was it mean ? Manx of onr mb-criber*' time expires with the next number. W hope that all of onr old patrons will renew with the first number of volnme three, rod that each enbrerih r will endeavor to per«n*de hi- neighbor to subscribe for the Guabp. You will enjoy the reading of your paper when it is paid for. *V> acknowledge tbe receipt of an invitation from Admiral Milt Harry, commander of tbe fine passenger t'eamer Jo«ie Harry, to accompany him and partake of bi* hospitality on a trip to Memphis. Thank yon, Milt; we will try and accept the name one of the days perhaps when you least ex - peot us. Nothing we know of would afford us more delight than to lake a pleasure trip to Memphis by river. Fbequbbt mention is made in th late papers of wide spread adulteration of sugar, and an official investigation is being held, as to ita extent and also as to its probable and possible delete rious effects on those who use tbe article. The prime object seems to be on tbe part of manufacturers and im porters to "get away” with the Gov exnment by payment of a less duty than is warranted by law. Aside from the question of loss to Ibe Government, however, is tbe more serious one of injury to the public health. We will not, after learning this, be entirely sat irfied aa to the safety of using sugar liberally, and trust that the "true in wardneM” of the whole thing may eoon be caponed. RON. E DUNN. We are in receipt of a letter from ibis distinguished citicen, saying that he accepts the honor conferred upon him a* tbe orator of the day, at the reunion to be held at Little Rock, on tbe 15th of January, and that he will be with ne on that day. STATS TEACEZM ASSOCIATION. Reduced Fare—Teachers will pay foil fate to the State Teachers Aseocia lion, and one fifth fare back. Impor tant educational questiona will be discussed, and it ia hoped that tbe attendance will ba good. • mi —We wish to call the attention of our readers to tbe prospect ua of The National Live-Stock Journal, which will be found in this inane. No one who is interested at al! in live stock of any kind should fail to subscribe for The Journal, aa be will find a great deal of valuable and interesting matter in it. Tbe wealth of every county in the Slate would be largely increased if all farmera and stock raisers would read The Journal regularly and profit by the experience of those who con tribute to itscolntnc* from all parts of iLu country. ARUIIMB mLESE* OSMMNCWCtMCM/ KteTCUtt. The Presbyterian Chutcb of ons eiiy was filled on Thursday evening last with an intelligent an appreciative audience, who had gathered together to witness the Com men cement Exer cises of Arkansas College. In the absence of Rev. Dr. Welch, Mr. A.W Lyon presided, Professors Lung and Stubbs being seated on tbe platform with him. On the right were seated the graduating class, five in number, and immediately behind them tbe trneteee of tbe College. Tbe gradua ting class were composed of the fol lowing yonng ladies and gentlemen : Mius Kate Crane. Miss M. E Street, Allen N Johuedb, Graham Street and Eugene R. Long. The Cornet Band were seated on the left of the platform, and discoursed excellent music during the evening. Mr Lyon opened the exercises with prayer, after which Prof. Long made a few remarks explanatory of the exer cises of tbe evening. Tbe following is THS riIOORAMXB I Music Essay Miss Kate Crane Music. Oration. Graham Street Music. Oration Eugene R Long Music. Oration Allen N. Johnson Musio. Essay Mis M. R. Sven Delivery of Diplomas Muai -—' 6weel Bye and Bye”—By rrqur.l. Oration A. Ross Kennedy The essays of Mis-es Kate Crane and M. E. Street were read by Rev. Mr. Kennedy, and he will pardon na f r saying that he scarcely did justice to Miss Crane's fine composition. Th* boys delivered their orations in fine style, particularly Allen N Johnson, of Little Rock, who certainly did credit to the institution of which he is a graduate by hie masterly effort on Tknraday evening last. The»i«li»n delivered by Rev. Roas Kennedy, of Angneta, was an able ef fort and was very appropriate to the occaeion. He enlogixed the in.titn tion ia our midst In the highest terms, and said what every one present felt to I e true, that “onr town and county could well be proud of Ark ansas College." He was frequently applauded during th* course of his re marks, and it waa the nniveraal opin ion of all present that he did entire justice to bi* subject, and we only re gret that our apace will not permit us to publish bis remarks io full. The President of the College, I. J. Long, then stated that the Board of Truateee had conferred the degree ot D. D. upon tbe Rev. Henry B Bonde, of Sherman. Tex**.^ He also returned thank* to ti e Band for the excellent music furnished during tbe evening and dismissed tbe assembly with tbe benediction. Tbe exercises of the College will be resumed on D wm 1 or 80. —Mra. Saiab Case, as usual al Christmas times, gathered around hei on Tuesday evening last, at her resi dence on Boswell street, her numerous relatives in this city, and gave them such a greeting ae will be remembered for many a day. The little folks were made glad at tbe eight of a Christmas tree, which was loaded with valuable presents—a large number of whic h bad been contributed by this es'imabln lady. Alter refreshments were served the evening wae passed in social chat, aud all retired to their homes with pleasant recollections of the evening. Tbe wink of her children and grand children ia that she may live for many long years, and enjoy many more sneh happy occasions. Tns following note wae picked up on theetreet yesterday, and can be lad by calling at this office : Drab Josh ; Please come home We need yon very much, aa several -ad accidents have befallen ne. John sprained hie ankle badly, and Sarah’s fros*ed feet are troubling her. My corne are increasing in number and severity, and the knot* on our mnle’e back are growing larger. Uncle Dick is laid up with the Rheumatism ; so do come home and bring a bottle of Concerns’ Linament, which is success foily used by all of onr neighbors, for each of the above afflictions. You can bny it al W E Sevens' drug store for 50 cents a bottle. Mary. »1 if —Oue of the pleasant eventa of the Chrietmas holidays was the Christmas tree given at tho residence of Mrs Uriah Maxfield, on Christmas night. Twelve of her children and eighteen of her giand childreen were present, and participated in tbe enjoyments of the evening. Tbe tree was loaded with presents for both yonng aud old, and a happy lime was enjoyed by ell. May thia worthy lady live to enjoy many more aticb happy oceatioM. —Homemade side saddles, cheaper than eastern saddles, at if Hot 8. Weaver’s, —Wo take pleasure in calling the attention of shippers and tbe public generally to tbe card ot the Josie Harry, the new and elegant passenger steamer commanded and owner by Admiral Milt R. Harry, The Joeie Harry is said to ba the finest stesmer that ever r»n in oor river, while Miit is one of the most clever and aeeotn - modeling gentlemen. As this boat waa bnilt ex pres-1 y for the Memphis and White River trade, we hope she will get a good share of the trade. — For Groceries and Liquors goani see Clapp A Co. before buying efee ■' where, 50 —Tbe Christmas ball at tbe eottrt house last evening was enjoved by all who participated. Prof. Brunn, of Evening Shade, furnished the music, and as usual gave satisfaction. tari*"f°UOWEBIMOX ADLER, TOO MU»T COME UP ANII SETTLE, OB TAKE THE 00K8I QUENCK. KO HUMBUG IN TIHB. if —"The beautiful snow” fell to tbe depth of three inches last night. ar You need not go bare foo ed any longer, but go to W G Moore, and buy a pair of boots or shoes, which are sold at lower prices tban iror before oCuad io Ba tesville. 1 — A No. 1 Milch Cow, with aalf ten days old. also fresh milk, for sale by Mis G. A. Bsker. For further par ticulars apply at Baker’s Tin Shop. 50 2t Quest: "Why wi l men smoke common tobacco, when they can buy Nurburg Bios Sool of North Ctrotina,' at the same price — A new and large stock of general mor chaadiee Just received at G. W Moore's AH to be soldcheaper than the cheapest. — From ail parts ot tue country reports come ol tbe immense sales and iuc easing d>- maud tor that deserviigly popular Hewing Machins. The Old and Reliable "bTAROaXD.’ the price of which the proprietors hart wisely reduced to S2O including all the attachment*, and at once secured for them a popularity among the t eople tar beyond that ever yet —I ained by any other machine at any price die cnuscquence ot which is agenta are leav ing the old h'gh priced machines a-d set king territory tor the "I+iA'Dxkn" Ku wing n. n. expcriei co that with the best g<«ds at tr e lowest ptice they can ouisell ail other Ma chins*, Where ths superior quulitv and low price is made known. Th< splendid Mac in<- combines all the improvement" Is far -hesd ot all others in beauty and durability of its work, ease of management, hgbi ran- mg and certainty of operation, is sensibly m« e upon sound principles wi'h puautve working par’s all steel, and can be aafelv pul down aa the very perfection of a serv ceable Sewing “t --chine, in every particular, that will out hat any machine aud at a price la- down below any other II it thoroughly w named for five jears Kept in order free nt charge. .And sent to any pail of the country for examina tion by tne customer before payment of lb* bill. Families dealing the best mscume manufactured should wtite direel to the Fac tory. And enterprisinc person- wishing to seize tho chance ■houlJ apply tor so desirable an ageuev. See adver weiurni in ano'he us this paper. Address, Stannard Machine tlo.. Corner Broadway aud Cliutun Plaee. Mew York. «Ry now is m ths to bvt sxwnro RA CURBS CRIAT! The naderaignad ia new p «par. d to furn eb tho Weed. H< w-, Singer, Victor, While, sod Wheeler 4 Wilson Sewing Machiroa; and an other varieties can ba had upon at.ori nonce. I a'M keep a full assurtmeut ol 8 -wi g Machine Oils, Needles and Atiacbmeate at lowest raua. The prices of oor machinea range from $lB to S4O. We emplov no ag-nt*, but give the people the benefit of the agonu' comm-won. Parties clubbing together aud taking a» many as three machines, will be entitled U- a diecouni of S per ceni Will give prompt attention to the repairing of all kinds of Sewing Machinos Res pectf illy. •6 F ' JOR M TRIMBLK HOUI HERN Historical Society. 1 >ffl- e. No 1 Library Floor, State Capital RICHMOND. YA. Parent Society, Richmond. Va—General ■Tubal A Early, President; Hon. Robett M. T. Hunter Vic» Presid- n ; Rev. J. W Jouee, Secretary and Treasurer. Executive Committee.—General Dabney H. Mnuiy, Chairman; Ooi Charles & Venable, Col. Wm. Preston Johnston. Col Robert R Withers. Cel. Thomas H. Ca-ter, Col Geoige W, Munford. Lieut. Col Archer Anderson. Major Robert Stiles, Judge Gtn. L Christian. Vice-Presidents of States —Oneral Isaac R Trimble, of Marvland; Gov Zebulon B Vance, North Carolina; lien M. C. Butler, .-'outh Carolina; Gen. A H Colquit, Georgia; Gen E W Pettna, Alabama; Col W. Call, Florida; Gen Wm. T. Martin. Miasissippi; Gen J. B rlood, Louisiana, Col. T. M.Jack, Texas; Hon. A. H, Garland. Arkansas; Gov Isham G Harri*, Tennessee ; Gen J. 3. Mar maduke, M-aaouri; Gen. 8. B. Buckner. Ken lusky; W. W. C .rcoran, Esq, District of Columbia LIFE MEMBERSHIP FEE $50(0 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FKE. IGO Member* receive the publication* of tbe So ciety without additional charge Our Monthly (Soctuerx Historical Socik ty Papi rs) has al-eady won it* place, both in this country and in Ruiope, a* high authority ou the queaiions of which il p-eats. In entering upon oui seventh velums we pledge ouraelves that the high character ot the Papera shall be mainiained. Papera from some of our ablest Comede-ate soldiers— ex haustive diacutoion* ot the mod Important battles and campaigns ot the war—otScial reports and rare MBS which h*»e never been in print—and other features too numerous to mention—will make our paper iuletesting to all lovers of historic truth, aud simply iovalu able to those who desire to seo vindicated the name and fame of those who made our great struggle for couMiiutional fredom. Teuns tor the Monthly; $3 per annum in advance. We can supply Back Numbers in six beautifully bound volumes, which we mail for $1 00, $2.25, or $2.50 per volume, accor ding to alyie of binding. We have also our discussion of the "Treat mentof Prisoners" (March and April Nos, 1876.) in a beautiful voivme, which we mail fix sl, $1 25, or SIAO, according to binding. Ae owr Monthly goes into every Btnle iu the South, and circulates among our vary beet people, it otfera rate inducements toadve.tia etc. We desire to secure everywhere suitable agents to canvass f ir members of ibe Society or subscribers to our Papera. Address REV. J. WM. JONEB, D. D. Secretary Southern Historical Society. 51 RielihiOinl Va Fraa B»b * Co. You eftn buy a No. 1 Biivar Hnn tstA UaHed, American Lever Watch for sls 00. ts. — Cooking and Heating Stoves gold at city prices nt Baker’s Tiußhep. 43 TO MAKE MONEY Pleasantly and fast, agents should address 44y FntiKY, Habvky A Co., Atlanta. Ga PAUL EVERS WILL faint Wagons, Buggio* O*rri»gw< Also Signs, show Gards, Banners, Me., Rnder short notice, in tbs latest styles Liwerthan any body else in town. ASKING Everyliody who wants Farming done to Visit my shop learn my prices, and Examine my work Alwayo being R-sdy to rec tve yonr o'dere I gua* .ileo Jilielactiou in every reep'-M. YOU WILL flense leave yonr orient for Any kind 8 Painting, which I'll |n any way or style you eboose. Rone but tbe best material is ttoed. Terms ate cash. Prices and work wH sail (-erylody Cotas and See toe. ReepectfnUy, yours truly, PAUL EVERS. Batesville, August, ISH. CHRISTMAS COODB. the cheapest and best DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, Fine Liquors & Cigars. —AT— MINIKE.VSI MEW STOKE! ROSENTHAL * STRITTER Have rpened a Store at D. R. Fraley’e oM stand, Opposite Reed A Co Tbeir Mock conaaM of CUTLKRY. IROX. STOVKS. TINWARB, CLOCKS. BTC. TBKY BAVB The Best Assortment of Hardware IN NORTH ARKANSAS! Which they are selling at St Lottie price*. Give them a cal! and yon will be convinced that they sell goods Lower than any other Store In Town! fe?" FONTAINE & CO.’, COTTON FACTORS and WHOLESALE GROCER'S 3M and m Front street, I KUMI rise as 4 Seeoud. MEMPHIS, TENN | HT. LOL'IB MO. Agents for the Celebrated E. CARVER COTTON GINS, Represented by JAS. A. PAINE. « 8 b O. GUTHR.IBJ, REPRESENTING JOHN SHIELDS & CO., OBER A CO., WHOLESALe'^S ROO ER» 6 • TTO \ T 0 " 8 — AND— —AND — COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Me. tit KerU SeceM St., UI Xertb Setend St., NT. LOVIS. 43 ST< LOVLS. J. W. MCCOMB* DAVIB W. CABCVK. M. 4. BTRXXB. McCombs, caruth & byrnes. lagGrten and Wheletale Beaten la Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Ac., Ac. Sole Agents for the Celebrated Carnth Clipper Axes, No. S*<S North NKtoin Htreet, 41 S” «lt. ZLaOVLISS, aco. ADLER, GOLDMAN & CO., Cotton and Conunission Merchants, AGENTS FOR THE STONEWALL A CENTENNIAL WAGONS. 114 Booth Main H reet, St, XaOlXl«. MO, REPRESEyTED IB ARKANSAS BY BEB ADLER. 41 | Slabbers Thugs. Pacts are atobborn things, That Goossens’ Compound Honey of Tar will cure Cougbs, Cotts nmi all die— eases of ibe Tbrffat and Lungs, ia one of those obstinate certainties that WO envy or malignity can combat. If you have a bad cough or cold, realize the benefit to be deprived from the great est cough Medicine ever prepared. by nsing Goossens’ Compound Honey of Tar. Sold by W. E. Be vens Drug gist at 60 cents a bottle. WanfoH A UMITBD ffUMBKR WW Call ICU of active, energetip can vuss ra to engage io a pleasant end profitable oueinsea Good men will find this a rare change to make n eney Bech will please answer this edvertishmsut by letter, enclosing stamp for reply, stating What business that have bran engaged in. Bone but those who mean bumnear noea apply. Address Frxtwt, Hsbvkt & co, Atlanta, Ga. -tai- HOME MADE Furniture House! C. L. GORSUCH, 9K A BATESVILLE 1 ARKANSAS Ie now roesivtag his new tall stock of FURNITURE Ball Paper, Window Shades, window MlaM, Pit tn re rmwes And HoaMlngs, LOOX/AG GLASS PLATOS/ kattrMsn, Bolsters and Pillows, Comfort*, Bed Springs, Chain, all hinds. UNDERTAKER’S GOODS! seen as Burla! Bobos mA lilts, MBs Trtantags. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS / SASS, BOOBS AVB BUMPS I Alt of which will be void lower man ever tor Cash. Too can hay a Bedstead from 82.70 up to |3O 00 and other yooda ia llbe proportion. I make all thnee eondr a vpeeally. Abo rpb f later'. Gooda, Brd festers Chair Beate, Picture Nails, rtetnre Cord and Teasels. All kinds of Cabinet Hardware Come one, come all and see mo. I will make it to your interest to do so. Trankful for port favors, and by low price, and fair dealing, I hope to obtain you' coo Unnei patronage SC dm O. L GORBUCH. mi agent Wanted in this lmmitt tn subnet the rapid hmarb io’O'mxjxrQ. BX7ogt£dbx>s LTttn strccJEeta T e Former High Fiord Machines Red, cbd to S2O TWENTY DOLLARS! S2O "thoroughly Warranted and sent to you tor Extuninntioi Hefore You I’ujr Tor It. And no obi gatkm to keep one, if not than any machine you over had EVERY FAMILY CAN NOW OWN A Flßdr CLASS BKWING MACHINE. THE OLD FAVORITK AND RELIABLE STaNDAHD Sewing Machine for S2O! . ACKNOWLEDGES NO SUPERIOR I OT WE CANNOT MAKE A BETTER MACHINE AT ANT MICE. -® ne Blithest Premia* Awarded ike Btiteh at he Centennial. A Strictly Firm Chas fihuttle Double Thread Ixieh Stitch Machine, more complete iri equipments than any other, and combining all the late improvements, with Uio old and well triad qualities for which tbs STANDARD IS O POPULAR A Faithful Family Sewing Machine in every sense of the word—that runs smooth and does every description of plain or fancy sewing ith ease and certainly—so strong and well made, and so thoroughly tasted While in use for years in Thnueande of Families, that each Machine that leaves our Factory la warranted for five years, and kept in Order free of charge. Money refunded at onco if not perieotiy sa'istactory. Reduced in price far down below all othrr wchinev. No extras to pay for. Each Machine is acc tnpanied by a more Complete Outfit of numerous and useful AtUchraema for all kinds of work (fre< of any extra charge) than b given with any other Machine at any price. Ths Standard Machias baa more good qualities than those of double the price. Light and Easy Bunning, a child ran ttM it Strong and Durable, never out of order. Rapid and Certain in Kiecution. No useless Cogs or Cams to wear out or make a nois». Wil! ,a« for years. Is reedy in a moment, and understood in an hour. Makes n Double Th ead Lock Stitch, alike on both sides of the roods, from cambric to leather, uses a Short, Straight and Strong Needle, extra long large easily threaded Shuttle With Now Automstic Tension. Large Bobbins capa ble of bolding 100 yards of thread. A large, strong Machine, with great width of arm, giving it many desired qualities, snd grest cspacity for a wide range of work. It is the l»eet Machine in principle and in point of construction. Use it ooce and you will use no ocher, f elite agent* wanted in this county to receive orders snd deliver mnehirea — Extra Inducements offer d Clergymen. Teachers, Business Men. etc Illustrated Book, samples of work, with price list, etc, free Safe delivery of goods guaranteed to any part ot the world. Address, STANDARD BKWING MACHINE COMPANY, Broadway and Clio on Plaoe, New York. <g THE BEST WAGON ON WHEELS! IB MANUFACTURED BY FISH BROS. & CO., RACINE, WIS. WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY OF Farm, Freight and. Spring Wagons And by confining eorsslves strictly to one clses of work, by employing none but the best sis Workmen, using nothing but FIRSTCLABB IMPROVED MACHINERY and THE VERY BEST OF SELECTED TIMBER And by a TB>ar>eeß gwr wLKnoe of the business, we have justly earned tbe reputation of making “The Best Wagon on Wheels!” We give the following warranty with each wagon Wn Hnnr Wswxant the Fish Bros Wagon No .. .to be Well made io every pariiets* taraud of good iraierial, and that the stengtb of the s<me ia sufficient foi all work wiui fair usage Should sny breakage oocui wiibia one year from ibis date bv reason ol delectiv. materiel or worktsamhlp repairs for the same will be f rniehed at place of sale, free of ohante. or th. prion of said repairs, as per scent's pr ca list. will f e paid ic cash by the purchaser prodoctieg a sample ot broken or defeClre parts aa evidence. ITitct G. Flea. ) BKWS.I"" BMB • " Ino Ing we esn suit von, w. solicit patrouage from every section of the United Stater. Seed for Prices snd Terms, and for a copy of our Agricultural Paper, to 80 T FISH BROS. & CO., Racine, Wls. T-.EJVI JOY, —with— BICKHAM & MOORE, COTTON FACTORS — AND — COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. I*2 Gravier Street, NEW ORLEANS. TVfipeelal attcatloa given Io parrhnstag Nagar, Coffee and Molasses. M A.. <T. VI EJ IST IST Importer and Dealer In AMMUNITION AND FISHING TACKLE, GUNS, RIFLES AND PISTOLS. AGBX' FOR Oriental Powder Company, No. 345 Main Strkzt. MEMPHIS I ENN. POWDER AND SHOT DEPOT. REPAIRING DONE ANO WARRANTED. COUNTRY MERCHANTS TRADE SOLICITED. 10 1} REED & CO. STILL AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITION THEY TAKE THE LEAD. IX I PRICES AND QUALITIES! THEY CAN'T BE BEAT THEY CAL NOT FAIL TO—— PLEASE THE CLOSEST BUYERS! WHO KEEPS THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN ? REED & COJ REED & CO. STILL AHEAD! j REED & CO. STILL AHEAD