Newspaper Page Text
U. S. Mail-Smith Line. NEWPORT AND UPPER WHITE RIVEP PACKETS, ALBERTA and WINNIE. Leaves Batesville for Newport Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays Returning, leaves Newport Tuesdays, Tbursd*ya-nd Saturdays. Mark and consign your Shipments care ol Smith Line of Boata Freights consigned to me will be handled here without drayage or commission. Mr. A. H, Joblin is our agent in charge ot Warehouse, and will give through bill ladings for cotton and produce on it* arrival here free ol storage or commission. ALBERT B. SMITH. Batesvillb, Ark , March 24,1819. ALF. H. JOBLIN, GENEBAL FIRE INSURANCE AGENT For North Arkansas. Capital represented, $8,000,000 MAO AGENT FOR THB SMITH LINE OF STEAMERS and Warehouse, and ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. Circulars and price list furnished on appli cation. Office at Smith’s Warehouse and Elevator, foot of Spring street. Residence on Boswell street, Batesville, Ark. 20tf Notice to the Public! HAVING PUBCHASED MR. W.S. CURTIS’ Cotton Cin and Mill AT JUCKBTOWV, we are now prepared to do work for the public generally, aud can assure them that saiisfaction will be given to all. We respectfully solicit a share of the public pal ronage. J. W. CULLINS. W. L DUNAWAY. vol 3 no 44—3 m - COOL AND QUIET. The Most Popular Resort In Batesville! ED’S SALOON ! In the Exchange Hotel. FINE BILLIARD, POOL. AND JENNY LIND TABLES. Fancy drinks a specialty, made from the finest and puiest liquors. THE FINEST CIGARS IN TOWN I Ice cool Brer always on tap, at 5 cents per glass Give me a call. 23 W. E. HOLMES. STEAMER ARCH P. GREEN, REGULAR WHITE RIVER PACKET. Will give through Bills of Lading to all mints via St. Louis. Iron Mountain A Sou'h •rn Railroad and River. I have purchased the large and commodious warehouse ot W. E Maxfield A Co., and will itore cotton and other freights consigned to me tree of charge. Being the sole owner of the Green, I shall ■s in the past, treat all shippers alike, giving «pecii>l rates to none. George A. Maynard, agent, will sign bills ot hiding, receive and deliver freights. 15 6m CHAS. B. WOODBURY, Master —TH E— — MADE Furniture House! C. L. GOBSUCH, ’M& BATESVILLE Hh' ARKANSAS is now receiving his new fall stock of FURNITURE Wall Paper, Window Shades, window Glass, Picture Frames And Mouldings, LOOKING GLASS FLAXES! hattresses. Bolsters and Pillows. Comforts, Bed Springs. Chairs, all kinds. UNDERTAKER’S GOODS! SUCH AS Burial Bobos and Sults, Coffin Trimmings, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS ! SASS, DOOBS AND BLINDS I All of which will be sold lower than ever for Cash. You can buy a Bedstead from $2.75 up to $30.00, and other goods in like proportion. I make all those goods a specialty. Also Uphoister's Goods, Bed Casters, Chair Seats, Picture Nails, Picture Cord and Tassels. All kinds of Cabinet Hardware Come one, come all and see me. I will make it to your interest to do so. Thankful for past favors, and by low prices aud lair dealing, I hope to obtain your con tinued patrouage. 306 m C. L. GORSUCH. BATESVILLE GUARD THURSDAY, DEC. 4th. 1879. Advertisers! you should remember the fad that the circulation of the Guard is now one thousand copies. This circulation is exclusively through Independence and the upper counties—just where you want it No other paper in North Arkansas has such advantages to offer to advertisers as the Guard. —Have you a turkey for Christmas. —Three weeks to Christmas. —The children are thinking ot Christmas and Santa Claus. —Best canvassed hams, st 134 c, at R. W. McChesnry’s. —Mrs. M. F Neely has been visiting old friends, and attending the conference, at Jack sonport. —W. D. Meriwether is up this week buying cotton, running II to the top point. —River rising with some five feet of water in channel. —The Winnie left on Monday with 325 bales of cotton. —The Green came up Tuesday with a good load, and left this morning with a big load of cotton. —The A Iberta came up Monday and left for Sylamore, and returned last evening with 458 bales ot cotton. The first trip made above Batesville Ibis season. —Kraut at 30c per gal.; also, greet, apples, onions, Irish potatoes, dried green peas, navy beans, etc,, etc., at R. W. McCIIBSNBY’a —Geo. M. Miniken and E. W Clapp left last Monday lor St. Louis, lor the purpose of purchasing their Christmas goods. —Rev. J. W. Boswell will preach at the M. E. Church, South, next Sunday at Ila. m. and 7 p. m. —John Morrison informs the people that they can get fresh fish from him every Wed nesday and Saturday evenings, in front of Clapp A Co. —Prof. Stubbs requests us to say that he has commenced to rebuild, and all persons knowing themselves Indebted to him lor tuition, are urged to settle at once. 11 —SOO sacks of salt, at $! 00 per sack, lor sale by R. W. MuChksxiy. —With pleasure, we call attention lo the card of J. F, Trumpler A Son, guu-mith*' al Little Rock. Parties needing anything in their line, would u<> well to give tneir orders to them. They have done well for Arkansas, and Aikansiaus ean do t.o better than to give their patronage, small or large, to J. F. Trumpler A Sou. —Those who attended the Great London Consolidated Shows and Circus, all lay il was a grand sight to wituea*. —Simon Adler paid out in cash during the month ol November, $14,000 lor cotton—this was independent of what be collected in cotton on debts. —No. 1 mackerel, codfish, smoked halibut and sardines, at R. W Mcv'besuey'a. —We learn that our neighbors across the bayou (Charlestown), have bad a preacher veut l.a them. All they have lo d » now, is to go to work and gel a church house built that they may have regular divine sorvicja —Rev. John Steel pissed through town last Tuesday, for his work at Cedar Grave. —The undemigned has a large kiln ol well burnt bricks, and is prepaied to do any work or repairs needed in the masonry busi ness. Material furnished aud work done at living rates. H Fbaxk Jobu*. —John L. Ruddell, ol Denton, Texas, is visiting bis old home. He earns up last Friday, and will remain the guest of l.ia brother, Wm. B. Ruddell. for several day* John seems well pleased with Texas, ana says it is a great aud praeperoiw state. —The ladies ot St. Paul’s church will give an oyster supper, at the Southern lioioL Friday night, December sth, for the benefit ol the church. Every oue wbo loves good things should come, and be astonished by the tempting display spread before them. Mrs. E. M. Dicxinso*, 1 Mbs, I. N. Rxzn. V Committee. Mbs. J. T. Wahkbr, ) —We return thanks to those ot ou- friend* who have called and left substantial ackuowl edgmenta ol tbe past. We hope Olbera wbo have not paid up will not forget us ; while everything else i* booming, you surely could give us a little boom that you may receive thanks in the hereafter therefor. —Heavy cannonading la reported to have been beard in many localities on last Thurs day, caused as many think by an attack made upon the tribe M Turkey. The noise no doubt was from the clattering of kuives and forks, the weapons used in such wars, waged on Thanksgiving day. —Tbe farmer* and gardeners have no cause for complaining this year, as every article Os food that they have made or raised has sold for a good price. Vegetables, fruit, bread stuffs, chickens, eggs and butter, have throughout tbe entire season sold at extra figures, which amply renumerated the seller. —Waite granite queensware, just opened, at R. W. McChesney’s. —Don’t forget the Oyster Supper, at the Southern Hotel, to-morrow mgbt. Come out and help the cause, by giving indirectly to the church. If you don't enjoy it, tho^fault will be with you. —Oen. Carrol H.Wood, representing Nave A McCord, grocers, St. Louis, is around in the interest of his house taking orders from almost every merchant in this part of tbe state. Carrol represents a good house—one that is fully able to give good bargains ; but they give no bargains to tbe printers, to let it be kuown. —Wm. W. Byers leturned home from Memphis on last Saturday. He accompanied his uncle. Hon. Wm. Byers, who, he re ports, stood tbe trip without much fatigue, and that the Judge was doing well when be left> It is believed that the , change w'ill prove beneficial to Judge Byers. All his friends nope so —Very bust lard, IHe per#> at It. W. McChesney’s. —lt is a settled fact now, that Wm. D. ! Meriwether, of Sulphur Rock, will make bis I residence here. He has purchased the Bates’ I properly, and will soon meve hia family up. j Wash "rowning. his son-in-law, will accom ■ p-ihy him here, with a view of engaging in the mercantile business “ Old B>11,” as he is more familiarly called, is one of the oldest merchants in north Arkansas. To such we exieud a welcome, for he will bting with him both experience and money, which will aid in giving our town a livelier boom. —From Mr. Thomas Wamac, wbo attended conference at Jacksonport, wo learn ot the following appointments: Rev. J C. Brown re turns to this station. Rev H. T. Gregory aa Presiding Elder of this circuit. Bev. John H. Dye, made Presiding Elder, and sent to the'Helena District. Rev J. W. Boswell, to Augusta Station. Rev J. Anderson, to Searcy. Rev. S. L. Cochran, to Melbourne Rev- John Steel, to Cedar Grove Circuit. Rev. E. A. Garrison is returned to his charge st Helena. —Mixed pickles (in barrel); jai pickles, chowchow, sauces, etc, etc., at R. W McChesney’s —Rev. L. G. Rogers, of the Batesville cir cuit—which includes Alderbrook and Charles town—has arrived, to take charge of the work lately assigned him by the conference. He will make'[a round of his work immeoiately He is a young minister of fine promise, and we feel well assured that he will labor with zeal and diligence in tbe work. He comes among ua from Tennessee, and, after holding his first appointments, he will make a visit home to arrange his business, preparatory to taking up his residence in Arkansas He will preach al Mount Zion on next Sunday, ia tbe morning, and at Morgan’s School House at 3 o’clock p. m. —K W. Clapp <t Co. gives notice to be found in another column, that they will sell no more whiskies by the drink. —Tbe following, so full of truth, and as applicable here a* eke where, is taken from the Jacksonport Herald: " What a pity, that when a merchant wants a clerk, be ha* to pass by his own townsmen and send, at a great expense, abroad for one. There are two causes for this: Oue is that our home boys are not as good a* they might be, and tbe other is that the average em plover would sooner take chances with an unknown man than with one whose little faults are known to him. This is a mistake. Employe* wbo are always ready for a position, are seldom quali fied to fill one when they get it, and, be they far or near, it is but a poor recommendation to find them, Micawber like, ‘waiting for something to turn up' Give our home bays a chance Tney are as good a* anybody's boys, and if their faults are known to you, they arc much better than tbe stranger, whose failings are concealed.” i "o AU members in good standing are espec l ally requested to attend next meeting (to morrow night.) Business of vital importance to all oddfellows will bo brought before the lodge. A Sood Inv«tni»nt, One that will pay a large dividend upon a small outlay, i* to iuvest $2.00 for the Guard for one year. Try il, aud nee what the re. turns will be. Batesvllls Boomlag, Kill the Arkansas traveller, arrived at Juhn Cannons. Twin Sisters and Belle of Little Rock at Bcvena's drug store. The best five cent* cigar mads. Stat* Taachar*' Association. The Arkansas State Teache re' Association will be held al Helena December ,39th, 30lh and 31st, 1879. Provision* will be made for tbe free entertainment of teaebor* R. H. Parham, President. A Danger and Nulranee that Ought to b* Abated In Every Town, by Conn ell Enactments. A few days since, as ene of the sfndent* of the University at Fayetteville was walk ing afong the streets, he was struck in the eye by a shot from the “ Bean Flipper.” which destroyed his eye sight. An eye leal by the act of careless boys, though uninten tionally, the damage i* irreparable. The town councils shauld prohibit thia evil by stringent enactments.. Batesville District-First Baud. Bethesda Circuit Dec. 13-14 La Crosse and Kveulng Shade Circuit " 20-31 South Bauxvillo Circuit........ “ 27-38 Melbourne “ .Jan. 3-4 Ash Flat “ " 10-11 Pineville “ “ 17-18 Balcsvi le Station “ ....... " 34-25 Barren Fork “ Jan. 31 to Feb. 1 Vio'a “ Feb. 7-8 Salem “ ’ 14-15 Batesville “ “ 31-33 Mammoth Spring* Mission Circuit. “ 38-29 Calamine Circuit March 6-7 District steward* meeting at Evening Shade, on Friday, Dec. I9lh, 1879, al 7 o'clock, p.m. I desire a full attendance of the district steward*. Bury T. Gregory, P. E. Cotton StaUmant. Below will be foand a statement of the number of bales of cotton porches, ed by our merchants up to Dec. Ist : B. W. Clapp A C 0......... 675 J. W. Glenn 595 Taylor A Hickerson 125 G. M. Miniken 480 Schwarzkopf A Loewen.... 168 W G. Uooro 540 Reed A Co., 992 Tho*.Wamac 251 T. Maxfield A Bro 1282 Wycough A Case 30 Rosenthal <t Stritter 7 H. C. Smith. 900 Baum Bros .... 5U Simos Adler 893 6898 W D. Meriwether, Sulphur Rock 400 R. G. Conn, Big Bottom 120 N. E Duffey, Oil Trou<- h 700 1920 Total 8118 NA B B I A 8 B ft CASE—WHITE—On Thursday, Nov. 17th, 1879, at the residence of the bride’s father, near Batesville, Rev. Julian 0. Brown, officiating, Geo. Richard Case and Miss Angie E. Whit*. May their honeymoon ba perpetual, and may they show many Cases to sustain and bless tbe union they have established and cemented with their love. Tho printers return* thank* for that beautiful cake and wine sent them. FOUMD. Anight key of some business house, which the owner can have by ' proving properly aud paying for notice. | lO’Or'JT YOU FORGET IT! THAT YOU CAN BUY GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS AT THEIR Real Intrinsic Value, o * NO EXORBITANT OR FAN Y PRICES AT «. M. MINIKEN’^ BJKWw h ; " ■ MlB»Rr g 1 MkmMm HMMUMMI itHß^^^H|HhkHEe Emh One Price Cash Store. One Frloe Casti Store. —— o I Examine Our Laundried White Shirts at 31.00, The material is good, the garment well shaped, affording an cx. eilent fit Ont White Unlauudried Shirts can’t be best, made well of the I e>t niateriai, at 75c to 51.25, worlh double the money, in colored shirts, we have every variety, from 50e np. In clothing we can suit the moat fastidious. Our S 10.00 and 15.00 sni7« can’t be beat. We have the largest stork of boots and shoes in town, and are selling them at bottom figures; in fact, lower than we can at present replace them. In ladies dross goods, fancy good* and notions, wo defy any oue. We make these a specialty. Gents’, youths and boys hats, we are soiling rapidiy. All wanting bargains should call early. My DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT 18 IN CHARGE OF Mr. Charles T. Arnett, a merchant to the manor born, having been at the business since quite a lad. He thoroughly understand* it in all its branches, and ke-ps ported on price*; and always gives our patron* the benefit in any and all bargains, in th* GROCERY XtaIISTEJ I »lway* keep a first-das* stock of everything, *nd will sell them as low as the lowest. My prices brook no rival. I nay again, don't you forget it ! Th* Popular and Ptogrewive Oue Price Cash Store of ro/ 3 - no 46 C. M. Miniken. •w a n! TO THE HANDLE!! We wish to Inform our friends and the public generally, that we shall continue to wage the war of prices, which we begun at our opening, with any and all com petitors, who may wish to take up the gauntlet. HfWe buy and sell only for cash ; on Ibi* bails we are determined lojbmld up a big trade, and to accomplish our aim we shall sell *ll kiuds of goods lower Ilian lias ever been known iu this town. We fare now receiving new invoices ol clothing, *hoe* and staple dry goods, which will be sold at price* that shall cauoe a revo lution in this market. Good-Bye, war prices, they are a tiling of the past ainca tho inauguration of the Dollar Star*. Yours Respect fully, vol 3 n* 42—3 m BEIRNE A STENSON NEW STORE! ANCYGROCERIEO A. IN Ik PROVISIONS. The undersigned has secured the new and spacious storehouse on Main St., built by Judge Hail, and is In receipt of a general assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provis ions. x^Our customers will be supplied with the best goods the market affords, and at prices as low as can possibly be sold. R. W. M CHESNEY, Mali St.,^Batesville, Ark C. M. MINIKEN’^, UNION INSTITUTE. W. F. BUCK. MILL BFUtX OX Monday, December Ist, • five moullia school, Mar Sharps X Road*. Tuition per month, from $1.50 to $3 00, ■ccoiding to grade. Good board can be procured io the neigh borbood at $6.00 per month. Location as healthy ns can be found iu the Bute. Fe ling con fid-nt of giving enti’e satis, faction to noth pupil nud parents, I ask vour liberal patronage. W Z BUCK. THE BEST REMEDY FOR Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. - , Diseases of the pah y\Y E RS tnonary organs are so prevalent and fatal, r th* l a and relialde w remedy for them is in r x_L> W valuable to every X community. Avkk's Cherry Pkctomal is • «uch a remedy, ami no other ao eminently xev v nnr\vv media the confidence VHLKKI x of the public. It is a scientific combination the medicinal prin jßJSwpiples and curative v *rtnes of the finest ' rM K 8 » chemically united, to insure the PECTORAL. greatest possible effi ciency and uniformity of results, which enables physicians as well its invalids to use it with confidence. It is the most reliable remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs that science has produced. It strikes at the foundation of all pulmona ry diseases, affording prompt and certain relief, and is adapted to |>atients of any ago or either sex. living very palatable, the youngest children take it without difficul ty. In tho treatment of ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influ enza, Clergyman’s Sore Throat, Asth ma, Croup, and Catarrh, the effects of Ayrk’s Okkbhy Pkctokal are magical, and multitudes are annuallypresorved from serious illness by its timelyund faithful use. It should Ims kept at hand in every house hold, for the protection it affords in sudden attacks. In Whooping-cough and Con sumption there is no other remedy so efficacious, soothing, and helpful. The marvellous cures which Ayer’s Chkrry Pkctoral has effected all over the world are a sufficient guaranty that it will continue to produce tho best results. An impartial trial will convince the most sce|>- tical of its wonderful curative powers, as well as of its superiority over all other preparations for pulmonary complaints. Eminent physicians in all parts of the country, knowing its composition, recom mend Ayer’s Chkkrv Pectoral to inva lids, and prescribe it in their practice. The test of half a century has proved its absolute certainty to cure all pulmonary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemist*, • Lcwe!l> Mass. j FOLD BY ALL D XfGGIMTK EVEIIYWUERE. HILL, FONTAINE & CO., COTTON FACTORS AND Wholesale Grocers, 2*5 and 298 From street, j 318 N Commercial M.. Corner Memphis, Tenn. | of Locust. St. Louis, Mo. Agents for the Celebrated E CARVER COTTON GINS, Represented by JAS. A. PAINE. HAKDW ARE ST<HIK! ROSENTHAL & STRITTER, Batesvil’e, - Arkansas DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, STOVES, Etc., A full stock and complete assortment of above and other goods in our line always on hand, which we are prepared to sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. gy Country merchants are invited to examine our slock and prices before buying. THEODORE MAXFIELD. EDWARD MAXFIELD. THEODORE MAXFIELD AND BRO. Hereby notify'all persons interested that their claims are now ail due. When immediate and satisfactory settlement is not made, the claim wilUbe pushed. THEIR STOCK IS MORE COMPLETE ’ than ever before, and their prices the lowest. Every facility is afforded the trading public by them. COTTON AND OTHER PRODUCTS. They have a good lot and camp house adjoining store for the nse of their customers and offer special inducements to parties coming from a distance. Batesville, Nov. 11, ’79. S. W. ALLEN, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, AT THE ROCK DRUG STORE, (opposite Reed A Co,) Offers to the public a well-selected stock of PURE DRUGS, FINE CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Window Class, Putty, Dye Stuffs, &c. &c. SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Druggists’ Sundries and Fancy (foods, A Handsome Line of Toilet Articles Standard Extracts, Perfumes, Tombs, Soaps, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Sponges, Cosmetics, Ac. Prescriptions accurately compounded by a competent and care f nl Druggist at all honrs, day or night. The trade of Physicians solicited. All orders promptly fi'led at the lowest cash figures. Satisfaction guaranteed. 50 y 8. 'W. Allen. ”A NIMBLE SIXPENCE BETTER THAN A SLOW SHILLING.” DON’T 3UYMY GOODS UNLESS I MAKE IT TO YOUR INTEREST! I HAVE JUST PURCHASED FOR CASH A CHOICE STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! i HAVE FOUND GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE, ANO I PROPOSE MAKING LARGE SALES ON A BASIS OF SMALL PROFITS ! MY STOCK OF j BOOTES AND SHOKS } ARE OF STANDARD QUALITY ! In CLOTHING, my present assortment will sustain my reputation of the past—of keep the most varied assortment in North Arkansas ! LADIES will do well to examine my stock of Dry Goods, Notions, and Trimmings, as great care has been taken in its selection. Hats to Suit the Most Fastidious ! A full Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Qucensware,. Lutlery, &C«, always on hand. Thankful for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. Apniio.lß7B, SIMOM ADLER.