Newspaper Page Text
U. S Mail-Smith Line. NEWFORT AND UPPER WHITE RIVEP PACKETS, ALBERTA and WINNIE. । IfToTnrvf VATTni«m.:.-d I Leaves Batesville tor Newport Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays Returning, leaves Newport Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Mark and consign your shipments care oi Smith Line of Boats. Freights consigned to me will be handled here without drayagc or commission. Mr. A. H, Joblin is our agent in charge ot W arehouse, and will give through bill ladings lor cotton and produce on its arrival here free el storage or commission. ALBERT B. SMITH. Batesville, Ark., March 24, 1879. alfhTjoblin, GENERAL FIRE INSURANCE AGENT For North Arkansas. Capital represented, $8,000,000 ALSO AGENT FOR THE SMITH LINE OF STEAMERS and Warehouse, and ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. Circulars and price list furnished on appli cation. Office at Smith's Warehouse and Elevator, foot of Soring street. Residence on Boswell street, Batesville, Ark. 20tf Notice to the Public! HAVING PURCHASED MR. W.S. CURTIS’ Cotton Gin and Mill AT J4MESTOWN, we are now prepared to do work for the public generally, and can assure them that j mtinfaclion will be given to all. Wo respectfully solicit a share of the public pa’roirige. J. W CULLINS. W. L. DUNAWAY. I vol 3 no 44—3 m ' COOL AND QUIET. The Most Popular Resort In Batesville! ED’S SALOON ! In the Exchange Hotel. EINE BILLIARD, POOL. AND JENNY LIND TABLES. , Fancy drinks a specialty, made from the | finest and pm eat liquors. TtH FINEST CIGARS IN TOWN! lee cool Beer always on tap, at 5 cents per xlasa Give me a call. 23 W. E. HOLMES. MTEAMHR ARCH P. GREEN, REGULAR WHITE RIVER PACKET. Will s?ive through Bills of Lading to all »oinl» via St. Louis. Iron Mountain & South ini Railroad ar.d River. I have purchaaed the large and commodious Amrehouse ot W. K Maxfield A Co., and will j ii«»ro cotton and other freights consigned to me roe of charge. Being the Hole owner of the Green, I shall ah in the past, treat all shippers alike, giving ipecinl rates to non?. George A. Maynard, agent, will sign bills of moling, receive and deliver freights. 15 6m CHAS. B. WOODBURY. Master -THE- HOME MADE Furniture House! C. L. GOBSUCH, O BATESVILLE ARKANSAS is now receiving his new fall stock of PUBNITUBE Wall Paper, Window Shades, Window Glass, Picture Frames And Mouldings, LOOJC/^G GLASS tPLATES.' hattresses. Bolsters and Pillows, Comforts, Bed Springs. Chairs, ail kinds. UNDERTAKER’S GOODS! SUCH AS Burial Kobes and Sults, Coffin Trimmings, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS ! SASH, DOOBS AND BLINDS ! All of which will be sold lower than ever tor (’ash. • You can buy a Bedstead from $2.75 up to S3O 00, and other goods in like proportion. 1 make all those goods a specialty. Also Upl lobster’s Goods, Bed Casters, Chair Seats, Picture Nails, Picture Cord and Tassels. All kinds of Cabinet Hardware Come one, come all and see me. I will make it to your interest to do so. Thankful for past favors, and by low prices and fair dealing, I hope to obtain your con tinued patronage. 306 m O. L. GOBSUCH. BATESVILLE GUARD THURSDAY, DEO. 18th, 1879. Advertisers! you should remember the fact that the circulation of the Guard is now one thousand copies. This circulation is exclusively through Independence and the upper counties—just where you want it No other paper in North Arkansas has such advantages to offer to ^advertisers as the Guard. —Christmas next Thursday. —Only one week to Christmas. —All kinds of toys for the children at Miniken’s. —Christmas goods have come and more a coming. —Everybody is getting ready for Christmas. —The finest assortment of fancy stationery in town at Miniken’s. —We acknowledge Congressional favors from Hon. P. Dann. —Salathiel Morris’ brother is here on a visit, being his first since he left here in the fall of 1844. —Toilet setts, vases, motto mugs, cups, etc., at Miniken’s. —Onr friend, Wm. Meachem. one of the old-timers, presented us last week with some of the finest sausage that we have tasted for a long time, for which he has our thanks. —All members of the Masonic Lodge hers will bear in mind that next Saturday night is the time for the election of officers. All members are requested to be present. — Miniken’s is headquarters for holi day goods. —The proposed endowment plan, as suggested at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F., was ap proved by Independence Lodge No. 4, 1 at last meeting. —This month’s purchase of cotton here will exceed that of any previous month al least, thus far. I —John L. Rnddel), after a sojourn at his old home for several weeks, left, on the Winnie, la«t Monday, for his home at Denton, Texas. — Mrs. Lydia Black, with her two children, arrived on the Winnie last Tuesday. Mrs B. is a sister to Jo Mason and Mrs. Wm. B. Ruddell. She comes to make this her future home. — 87,500 has been subscribed to wards building a new Episcopal church at Little Rock. i —Christmas is coming, and Mini- ken is prepared. —Bcvens new drug store is nearing completion, and will be ready for oc cupancy by the 15th of January. When finished, it will be a daisey. —Clapp it Co. are prepared for the holidays. —Schwarzkopf & Loewen say they have the best and largest stock of hoys’ and mens' hats and caps in town, all of which they propose to sell cheap during the holidays. — Henry C. Smith and his new bride are expected home this evening, lire house is being put in order. —To-morrow night is last nomina tion night of 0.0 O.F. Lodge, for offi cers for the next term. All members are urged to be in attendance. — I,umber being so scarce here, Charley Gorsuch had to go to New port this week to purchase cabinet material, and have the same shipped on steamboat. While the water is navigable, the mills up the country ought to be rafting down their lum ber. —ln anticipation that Christmas will come next week, eggs have gone up 25 cents per dozen. Most too ex pensive to eat, but they may do to drink, if properly mixed. — What shall I bny for a present I Go to Miniken’s and find out. Gan. Carrol H. Wood of thia place, now travelling for the large wholesale grocery house, of Nave it McCord, of St. Louis, honored ns with a call last Saturday. Carrol is doing good work for his house, if we judge from the orders he takes in this part of the State, —To all the little folks, their cousins, their aunts and their uncles, I make my best bow, and to every body else, and would ask an examina tion of my stock of holiday goods. Miniken. —Wm. D. Merriwether has pur chased the Bates property at 81,500, and will move his family up from Sulphnr Rock next week. —ls the children don’t have their desires satisfied this Christmas, it will not be from any lack of notions, toys, •to., but from the want of papa’a । change. —Johnny Cannan is ready for | Christmas, with a fine selection of goods for the holidays ; and if you want any cakes for Christmas trees, parties or otherwise, he will make them for yon, at short notice. Bend in your orders in time. —Go to S. W. Allen’s for Christ mas presents, in fancy stationery. 1 —The Winnie is making regular ; ti i-weekly trips to Newport and return, carrying the mail. Loavoa here Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays ; re ■ turns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days. Sani Earnheart in charge of the office, Jeff Daugherty at the wheel, and LeCompt as master and mate. — Griffin M. Hogan, of Baxter county, came down last week, on a visit to his son in Black river town ship. Mr. Hogan was formerly an honored citizen of this connty. —All kinds of stationery and blank books, extremely low, at the post office. It —The Green camo np Monday night, with a good trip. Left for New port Tuesday, with a good load of cotton. —The Florence Meyer left here last Saturday, with 700 bales of cotton, for New Orleans, — Fireworks ot every description at Miniken’s. —Mrs. M. E. Gillam, (a native ot Batesville,) of Cheyenne, Wyoming, is visiting her sisters —Mrs. Jennie Byers and Miss Cornelia Egner--and her daughter, Mrs. Georgia Pattillo May her visit to her old home and relatives be enjoyed. —Bro. R. W. Leigh, of the Pilot, is again at the helm, having returned from a visit to his old home in Ten nessee. —Christmas presents for everybody at Miniken’s. —A great pleasure, but seldom ap preciated by the press, is to have men call and engage in conversation with the office hands while engaged at their work. It does not delay or hinder them in the least. Therefore, such visits should be fully appreciated by all proprietors. —The finest assortment of candies can be found at Miniken’s. — A choice selection of Albums, Bibles, Testaments, Prayer-Books, Scrap-Books, Writing Desks, Music Holders, Dominoes and games o’ amusement, suitable for holiday pres ents, at the postoffice. 2w ! —Miss Lucy H. Hardy celebrat'd I her 16th birth day last Thursday ••ven- | ing, by giving a party at the Southern ; Hotel. The accompanying note was I received, with a choice display of cake and other nico eatables, which was sent Us the following in lining “Compliments to the Guami. in remembrance of Lucy H. Hardy’s birthday. ” With many thanks lor the remembrance, we wish Miss Lucy may enjoy many happy birthdays. —Stereoscope and Views, Pirolo Frames of all kinds ; the popular Poems, neatly bonnd aid suitable tor holiday presents, at the postoffice. 2 —We will furnish the Guard to j ministers of the gosp-Lat 81.00 per 1 year, of whatever denomination, who ; are actively engaged in the ministerial I work. — See Miniken’s Christmas offer ings. —At the meeting of •Neill Lodge, No. 285, F. it A. M.. held ou the F3th, the following officers, who are to be installed on Saturday, Dec. 27th. were elected to fill the respective stations for the ensuing year : G C . Rutledge, W. M. ; E M Flinn, S ; W.; Wm. S. McGuire, J. J. W Henry Neill, Treasurer ; A. J. Craig. Secretary. —Mr. Theo. Maxfield has donated a lot of ground across the bayou fnr the, purpose of building a Methodist j church. Subscriptions will now be j in Older, and those wishing (and all should^ to give whatever ot money I that they feel able, will have an op poriunity to so du. Rev L. G. | Rogers, recently assigned to the South ; Batesville circuit, will in a few days call upon our citizens and neighbors for contributions to erect the building Let eveiy person give a helping hand to the building of houses of worship, especially when one is needed as much as a church house is in Charleston. —Some of our readers are opposed to onr having so many advertisem-irs in the Guard, as well as local nolle.» of this and that, which they care noth ing about and do not wish to read ; Our experience, as well as 'hat ol j many others before us, is, that but < few, if any, advertisements appear m print that is not read and re-real, else business men, who know their busi ness, would never want printers ink. | space and paper, in presenting tlieit business to the public They would place notices on shops and trees, high up, for the benefit of the class above referred to. We will, some time din ing the latter part of the next century, employ an advisory returning board, who can tell how they would run a paper, whose chief duty will be to pul in and take ont what shall, ami what shall not appear in print. F n said services, a good salary for lite will be paid. It ia a feature of news paper men to wish to be dictated to. in regard to their manner of conduct ing newspapers. HOLIDAY GOODS. New crop N. O. molasses—fine. New crop N. O. brown sugar. Leaf lard, number one article. Mince meat, green apples and cranberries. Pigs feet, herring, mackerel No. 1 The celebrated brand of one-spoon baker’s power. Splendid lot of fancy candies. Variety of nuts, raisins, citron, &c. Just received—at the new store — prunes, dried currant, citron, Muscatel and Sultana raisins—for the holidays. Lemon crackers, soda crackers, sugar crackers, cakes and jumbles. New York factory cheese, canned fresh • almon, tomatoes and Lima beaus. Almonds, pecans, Brazil nuts, roasted peanuts, etc, . A choice lot of canvassed bams goig al j 13| cts. i A general assortment of confectioneries. ' plain and fancy. Mixed pickles in bulk; onions and cucumber pickles in jars, etc., etc., etc. FOR SALS AT THS NEW STORK BY ». w. McChesney. XJOIVT you forget it THAT YOU CAN BUY GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS AT THEIR Eieal Intrinsic Value. o NO EXORBITANT OR FANCY PRICES AT M. lyJJll I Fa S | MJ 11 IB One Price Casn Slore. Ono 'Prico Casli Store. o Examine Our Laundried White Shirts at Si.oo, The material is good, th" garment well shaped, affording an excellent fit. Onr While Unlantidiied Shirts can’t be beat, made well of the test material, at 75c to 81.25. worth double the money, lu colored shirts, we have every variety, horn 50c np. In clothing we cun suit the most fastidious. Our 810 00 and 15.00 suits can’’, be beat. ; We Jiave the largest stock of boots and shoes in town, and are selling them at bottom figures; in fact, lower than we can at present replace them. In ladies dress goods, fancy goods and notions, we defy any oue. We make the-e a specialtj. Gents’, youths and boys hats, we ate selling rapidly. All wanting bargains should call early. My DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT IS IN CHARGE OF Mr. Charles T. Arnett, a merchant to the manor born, having been at the business since quite a lad. He thoroughly understands it in all its branches, and ke^ps posted on prices, and always gives onr patrons the benefit in any and all bargains. Ln the CFLOCEFLY LINE I always keep a first-class stock of everything, and will sell them as low »« ihe lowest, Mv prices brook no lival. I say again, don’t )on forget it I file Poptilai and Piogt"s>ivt“ One Pi ice Cash Store of vot 3, r.o 46 C. M, Miniken. •w a n.! TO THE HANDLE!! We wish to Inform our friends and the public generally, that we shall continue to wage the war of prices, which we begun at our opening, with any and all com petitors, who may wish to take up the gauntlet. We buy and sell only for cash : on this basis we are delerniiue I tojt'mld up v lie trade, and to iicci uipliJi out aim we shall sell all kinds of goods lower tliau has ever been shown in tins town. We are now receiving new irvuici-s ol clothing, .lines ai.d staple dry g< od“. » '-i -n will I e sold al o'ices that shall cause a revo. utioi. in this market. Good-Iyo. war pri -es they are a thine rt •lio last sine- die inauguration of Ihe Dollar -Store. Yours Ri-pee'ln ly, vol 3u- U-3o; tILIRNK 4 STENSON NEW STORE! ! FSTAI’LE AND ANCYGROCERIEO AINU PROVISIONS. The undersigned has secured the new and spacious storehouse on Main St., built by Judge Hail, and is in receipt of a general assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provis ions. x^Our customers will be supplied with the best goods the market affords, and at prices as low as can possibly be sold. R. W. MCHEBNEY, ALuiu St., Uatesvillc, Aric C. M. MINIKEN’^, WARNING ORDER. Matilda JoKRs, Plaintiff, J ng i»nst V Warning Order. Solomox ’OvKs Defendant) I^OLOMON JONES, IS WARNED TO O npp ai m thia court wi'hin tinrty days, and a :swe r the Cvmplainl of the plaintifi, Malinda Jones. ED M DICKINSON, Clerk. J. C. YA NC KY. Sulici tor. Dec 18th. 1879. APPLICATION' TO SELL LINO* Notick is hereby given that i wid apply at Iho Februaiy term, 1879, ol the Independence Probate Court, lor an orde*- to sell the land (or town lots) belong ing to the estate o! Burrell Lee, deceased, for the purple of paying the debts u’ said R R. CASK, Public Adm uistra’or of tho estate of Burrell L» e, decenscd. Dec. 18 Ji, 1879. 4t Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all tho purposes of a Family Physic, I and for curing Costiveness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Foul Stomach, Breath, Headache. Erysipelas, Hheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Bil- j lousnoss. Dropsy, Tumors. Worms, Nouraik't. as a Dinner Fill, for Purifying the Blood, fl Are the most es- i •* ■ - feetive anil conge- 1 . Y- nial purgative ever tliscoveml. They are mild, but et rS fectual in their °I >cra *i 0 ”’ m o '"’? ‘ l ' lc ' ,o " v ' s n "‘' p 3 ' ll - rW Although gentle 'll * n ^ lc ' r operation, they are still the mjatthorough and - - searching cathar tic medicine that can be employed : cleans ing the stomach ami bowels, and even the blood. In small doses of one pill a day. they stimulate the digestive organs and promote vigorous health. Aykr's have been known for more than a ipiarter of a century, anil have obtained a world-wide reputation tor their virtues. They correct diseased action in the several assimilative organs of the bodv, and are so composed that obstruc tion's within their range can rarely with stand or evade them. Not only <!o they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also formidable ami dangerous diseases that have bullied the best of human skill. While they produce power ful effects, they are, at the same time, the safest and best physic for children. By their aperient action they gripe much less than tlie common purgatives, and never give pain when the bowels are not intlamed. They reach the vital fountains of the blood, and strengthen the system by freeing it । from the elements of weakness. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates, containing neither calomel I nor any deleterious drug, these Pills may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever fresh, and makes them pleasant to take; while being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. rRKPAREp BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., •OI^*B? , ALI?DBUwI§T I S B EV^ , YWHEBE HILL, FOHTAINE & CO., COTTON FACTORS A N D W^holesale Grocers . 296 and 298 Front Street, ; SB W. Commercial St.. fornr Memphis, Tenn. | of Locust, st. Louis. Mo. Agents for the Celebrated E CARVER COTTON GINS, Represented by JAS. A. PAINE. 58 hardwabF store J ROSENTHAL & STRITTER, Batesvike, Arkansas DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, STOVES, Etc., A full stock anil complete assortment of above and other goods in our lin always on hand, which we are prepared tn sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. merehsnts are invited to examine our stock and prices before buying. THEODORE MAXFIELD. EDWARD MAXFIELD. THEODORE MAXFIELD AND BRO. Hereby'notify’all persons interested that their claims are now ail due. When immediate and satisfactory settlement [is not made, the claim pushed. THEIR STOCK IS MORE COMPLETE ! than ever before, and their ^prices the lowest. Every facility is afforded the trading public by them. COTTON AND OTHER PRODUCTS. They have a good lot ami camp holme adjoining store for the use of their cn.tomeri and offer special inducements to parties coming from a distance. Batesville, Nov. 11, ’7O. S. W. ALLEN, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY AT THE ROCK DRUG STORE, (opposite Reed 4 Co,) Ollers to the public a well-selected stock of PURE DRUGS, FINE CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Window Class, Putty, Dye Stuffs, &c. &c. SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY ‘7)^•uffglsts , Sundries and Fancy Goods, k Handsome Line of Toilet Articles Standard Extracts, Perfumes, Combs, Soaps, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Sponges, Cosmetics, Ac. Prescriptions accurately compounded by a competent and careful Druggist at all hours, day or night. The trade of Physicians solicited. All orders promptly fi'led at the lowest cash figures. ^Satisfaction guaranteed. 50 y JS. "W. j^Lllexx. •‘A NIMBLE SIXPENCE BETTER THAN A SLOW SHILLING.” DON’T BUY MY GOODS UNLESS I MAKE IT TO YOUR INTEREST! I HAVE JUST PURCHASED FOR CASH A CHOICE STOCK OF SPRINGUND SUMMER GOODS! I HAVE FOUND GODOS CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE, AND I PROPOSE MAKING LARGE SALES ON A BASIS OF SMALL PROFITS I MY STOCK OF J BOOTS AND SHOES } ARE OF STANDARD QUALITY! In CLOTHING, my present assortment will sustain my reputation of the past—of kcep the most varied assortment in North Arkansas ! LADIES will do well to examine my stock of Dry Goods, Notions, and Trimmings, as great care has been taken in its selection. Hats to Suit the Most Fastidious ! A full Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Cutlery, &«., always on hand. Thankful for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. Apriuo.' is7B. SIMON ADLER.