Newspaper Page Text
THE CU’AKD. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. | >• «’ Jr’ 1 .- > p i<>nnd on f.’' at Geo. r. ’ i -vivo p .vw I .'• Co’s Newspaper Ad /.-i . . -. >: i st .. ■ h.- re m;v« rthJi«K' x ‘ <V 't'tx. ! UArrutwtHm, ! ,300 ieocal ^bit-^bnf. ■ <r 5 -lev water is good now. —(lib- choice leads in front. — Town council mooting last Mon day night. —Scrofula always yields to the |> tei t inlluence of Ayer’s sarsaparilla. • -Clo. -he Arnett has a supply of !■. Ji M is:oi ri cider on tap - I’ot jces will suffer, and the crop v.ill Ue cut short unless there is a rain soon. — Sin on Adler rctuimd from St. l.o' js last week He <ur thanks tor Lg- '' . Lonis papers. —I hn I l ardy had to get an assistant to help him to load the way aroimd to hotel de Kir,man last Monday eveidniz. —The patent medicine man was around last week “ posting ’’ the town, and left his signs on ihe sidewalks and on the corner. —Col. James Rutherford, George Martin, Ed Yeatman and Dr. Janes Sanders are the delegates Irom Y\ kite River to the comity convention. —The citizens of the different town ships are deserving of a compliment for sending up as good material as they have to tiie conntv convention. —rev. '.'liicr was unavoidably pre-' vented from vis t rig Fulton ami Izard ; count:,". Imt he is well known in these i counties, an I a failure to go to see them will not deter those Jr . ide from in- ’ strueting for him. —Charlie Washhnrn W. F. Moore. J. J. Waldrip are the delegates from 1 Big Bottom township to the county eon. ,mtion. —The fanners are needing rain, । and thev arc not the only om-s wh wish to see rain fall. Gardens are suf fering. — Buchan all's Hot Spring-' \ ■•leanm ■ Liniment is said to be equally U.S vain aide for beast as for man. it heals . fistula, swe.- . sprains ami s. r.iteucs mi horses - used externally it being a' vegetable eu (.pound, can do no harm. --It is astonishing the womler'u! ‘ cures that Buchanan's Tint Springs Volcanic Liniment and his eyewater have perfected. Wai l no im g r Int buy a IkhG m.d try it —Last week at the Dollar Store 1 calico sold at 61 cents, ipu ensware । half price, and all other goods 30 per I cant, less til ill usual prices. No time' to be lost if you want bargains, ('all I at once. —No convention mer held at Bates ville had better men for delegates than tile convention of t;ext Saturday will ||ave rh -y will lay aside home busi ness and Jee the day to political im I — Mi. ('. Breideckar, of C dumtda. t HL, is visi mg his daughter, Mrs.Strit- ' t r, wife of Mr. Sfritter, of Rosenthal & Stritter. Mr. Breidecker besides being engaged in the mercantile busi ness, is also postmaster at Columbia, was appointed by President Buchanan, j and has retained the position ever since, holding under five different presidents. — Mr. W. G. Buchanan of Camden, I made us a call last Monday. He is i travelling in the interest of his father, Dr. S. C. Buchanan, who is proprietor , ami manufacturer of the celebrated Hot Springs Volcanic Liniment. This liniment car. be found for sale at either Goodwin's or Allen's drug stores. —Buchanan's Eye Water is made from pure drugs, and prepared by Dr. S. C. Buchanan, of Camden. Ark., and । is sold at 25c par bottle with a liberal discount to the trade. It cures all patten oi .sore eyes and is harmless tn its application. It can be found fur sale by E. 11 Goodwin or S. W. Allen . —Many, Many thanks to our friend Charlie Arnett, for a gallon of choice, ripe and juicy strawberries sent us last Thursday. To say they were delicious, does not'half express it. Mr. Arnett informsjtts that with half luck be will have plenty of this fruit for sale next spring. _ it is po^' $ settled fact that. Simon A.ii r l.« to Im married, for betrothal cards h iv.' hern sent out to his frien Is informing them if the engagement. Sim .r. will soon cist overboard the cha ns of bachelorship that has so long filtered him. Success and hap piness to Simon i the wish of his many friends. The country people had better look out for the land sharks, r t nd poi Vo swallowed up by them. Examine and jnyestigaje carefully all of your land papers,' titles, receipts, etc., before it is top late. Better by far pay a good lawyer a fee to investigate thesp mat ters for you. —fdoh E. R. McQuire p, es.pnts his pame to Iku voters of this township for the position of justice of the peace. He is otie of the present justices —has filled the p ace worthily and efficiently, and we hesitate not to say that we be lieve him to be one of the best in the eonnty or in the state. Thoroughly cmivei^ant with the sjafu,e Jirjist; i.q inG;; i'i*t justice alike to all, and having years of ripe experience, we see tin H asmi why he should not continue to (ill the place. The people cannot, select n better man, therefore they wi l ci rttduiy re-elect him. —Robert R. Case returned from St. last Sunday. ■ —When fin I iked, Lytle Hickerson will have the best building in town. —Township conventions were held in several counties on List Saturday. ' —The mayor had one case docketed. , on yesterday. Fine, $2.00 and costs. — Hold up till Bob Weaver conics around with his line of clothing samples, cheaper and better than ever before. Our city fathers have ordered the sin. !■ to be (lamed uj> and kept clean. ; Good prec mtionary measures for health. —H. C. Smith and lady returned home from St. Louis last Saturday night on the steamer Alberta. — Fi-st to admit and establish de clines. List to claim benefit of advance. Ta reduce our stock we will sell lower than over before. Calicos at 6 cents a yard at Schwarzkopf & Loewen's. —Notwi'hs' mding the large crowd that w ro in town last Saturday, Mayo. Crone had only or. • patient to deal with, and vet H.rdy was constantly on the mlmt: ■ | —Eureka Springs water can be found | in Batesville. John McDowell brought ' down a barrel of this water, and it is on i tap at Beven’s drug store. —Boburt P. Weaver came up Satur day night on the Alberta. From hi* I new clothes you can lightly judge that! he is travelling for a good clothing! house. H* is around taking orders for, Ed. Martini Co. wholesale clothiers. | St. Louis. —Charlie E igl « says he is taking, the Eureka Spring* fever, lie thinks if it can such eases ns those men ; tinned ’ win k, that hr will be com . polled io park r ««nd st«-.r That way. , —W.» unde-rt :nd that some men j j think th •ir enridacy ought not to be ‘r ajh'd'-- lr- havhig an opponent. This] us suppus • i to hen fn e country, and |every mao eligible has th« right to offer jlri-Kelf for po ’hhm then it is for the ; free vot» rs to s y who slud! be and who | shall not be choM U. ■ —Wat Brooks ndn- nrd from his Mis- j souri trip la-1 Sirid .y. Ur reports dis tress’ng cron i , nip pariß of Sharp ; ;.nd Fuit< n r r. . .•< and po’ tions of Mi-M>uii. h<» v. i- .o of Aliy coUM-ipivnce; •he crop not w. :^ harvesting. Corn bad and cotton a . rnrmrrg sutfor- I ing tor want of rain. —John McDowell returned fr un Eureka Spiings last Sunday, where he I left Cowan and MrGuffin in good ‘spirits. J >hn says rvrrs person tiny m t ad.r 1 d iuaiii wh it he win going •to the spriu/s ..»r Mr rrpli<<d for his | A"■r- i.l th» anuouncoimuit o 'Ciiurl.r \\ :d urn, . en.lid itr f<»i as es ! sor. Cleo hr is fully (pi ilinod. favorably . iknov.n iu it' «• mu.y, un 1 wouhi mak, | a lirsl -< ta. - assessor if elected, apd <lis- I charge thr laties of th« o.die • efficient I}’ 1 }’ , ami pr< lupliy, with credit to himself and honor to the county. —The attention of aur town and. • •ountry« hunts is called to the card -of Tennent, Walker A Co., wholesale | ।dr ah in hoots and shoes, St. Louis—it is a first-cl^.sa house, and is represented ; in Ai kun* m by th it wholo-s«>ulod Ken-j ituckiun, Jiia Rice, t > whose favor we ire indeb‘r I ford; vp! lying their sign to i the publi • Jim sells wherever he goes, good bargains. Flora's Festival, at the Baptist Church, Mvinday un i Tuesday nights, ; ’May 2lth and 25^11. A rare musical । • treat for the- citizens of Batesville. Pre-' * sen ted the second time. A see ofi beauty un*urpas* cd. It has only to be I ‘seen tube appieciatcd. A festival of flowers represented in song, the whole i divided into three parts, entitled morn ing, noon ami night, with appropriate, music to each puYt. The music selected from the first Operatic and other com (posers, under the direction of Prof. if. Doacon. IM oceedtnx* Oreenbrlni Township Convention. JaMESTOWM, Ark., May 15, 1880. Pursuant to notice the township dem ocratic convention convened at this place, Muy 15, at 2 o’clock p.m., to select delegates to attend the . county convention. The meeting was called to order by Judge Henry ' Neill. Hon. J. 8. Trimble yas ciiose^ pGfmai ; ent chairpiaq upd Ooi. Mill Howard, Secretary. It was moved and carried by a majority vote, that the chair appoint »i committee of three, to attend the county ' convention. 1 The chair appointed as such com mittee : Judge Henry Neill, J. G. 1 Mayfield and Capt. J. W. Cullins. The committee reported the ” oi . th© following ^vHtiutueh as delegates, J who were unanimously chosen : D. B. 1 Mayfield, Hon. J. 8. Trimble, Judge i Henry Neill, Clark Lindsey, Capt. J. । IW. Cullins, M. M. Shearer and Dr. M. •' C. Weaver. A vote was then takep, instructing the delegates to vote for the following state of^cus. For Governor—W. R. Miller, Ist ■ choice ; J. T. Churchill, 2nd choice. ! Supremo Judge—-J. W. Butler, Ist choice ; E. M. English, 2nd choice. Secretary of State -Jacob Frolich. Auditor—John Grawforc^. Wcasuter--Mf. E. Woodruff, Jr. LMI Commissioner--D. W. Lear, Ist , choice J Jehu B. Baxter, 2nd choice. . State Superintendent Public Schools , —Jas. L. Denton. Attorney-General—C. B. Moore. The following resolution offered by J. i G. Mayfield, was unanimously adopted : A'-w/in/, Timt our delegates in the ■ county < on\ (inion ar.' m reby instructed ; to vote against tin- abrogation of the two-third role in all our conventions, but more especially- in our congrcr sional, state and national conventions. It was moved by Col. YViR Howard j that a coj.y of the proceedings of l this convention be tendered to the county papers. C n ried. Adjourned sine (Z«. Will Howard, J S. Trimble, Secretary. Chairman. —George A. .Maynard is announced this week for county treasurer. A long and business residence a-nongst us giyes him an extended acquaintance in the county. He has filled other po sitions of honor in the county and has been treasurer of the corporation one or two terms and discharged the duties faithfully. Give him a proper consider ation at the po'ls. —We had the pleasure of making! the acquaintance of Capt. Geo. Taylor, of the house of W. 8. Dickinson & Co., wholesale dealers in hats, caps, gloves, .ms and straw goods, of Cincinnati. Capt. Taylor is one of Gen. Lee’s old I veterans, of the famou- Ist. Maryland । regiment, C. S. A., Gen. Bradley I Johnson’s old regiment. This is his I first visit to our part of die state, ami l as we find him upon examination to be a gentleman, tried, true and of th? first ■ water, we hope our merchants will I give him a chance io show what he [ can do in a business point. r ——! A Flr<- Burning stenrtily for Neurit Tlin-i- tfontlrss. I The 20t li of February was ttie day l of Batesvill ’s hig fire, and on lust Thursday tire was still to he seen at the Adler ruins. .Mr: Adler had soim' five hundred bushels of wheat in the building on the first floor, immediately under the Gi auii office, and when the debris was being removed from over i the pile of wheat, it was dtsroven d io he still burning. The continuous heat of this fire destroyed the type metal, only lumps of dross to be found. Impoi'tani licins. “WINE OF CARDUI" < < irregular, painful, or difficult meiistrllatilln. For sale bv Ft'GENE GOODWIN. Tti. Wini.i.'i Co:Otars bxith th. in..:'. ts lie an I see tii:j W;;..■ as Cottage Ok “WINE OF CAKDUI" four times a day makes a happy iiou.whold. i 'i ale bl W E. BEVENS. —Best calico nt 7 cents, nt Schwnrz copf A Loewen Forty y. o trial has proved “RLACK DRAUGHT " t’.e Is'st lie. r medTeim? in , the world. I ... a' b, W E BEVEXS. j li y■ . ■ . bu .'a- iuany. Miniken's. । Gone Bow ii. Boots Mid slio -, dry goods a. 4 clothinp down 5e per cent, at Miuiken'-. “BLACK-DRAUGHT" runs costive- j new* aihl Sick-Hcadache. For side by W E. BIA TA’S. («olie Down. j Boots hidl Uines, dry rim) Is an »< '< thing down "0 p r cent, at Minik« n’< FOR SALE! - O- — One 50-SAW PRATT GIN. ■■ 60-SAW DIEBOLD GIN. •• BROOKS PRESS. “ 20-INCH CORN MILL. FOR SALE CHEAP. Apply at this Office, or 1 ts M D HopcKS, Elmo. P. 0., Ind. Co., Ark. — “WINE OF CARDUI’ makes rosy , cheeks and clear complexions. lor sale by EUGENE GOODWIN. (iood IVomeiis' Shoes i for (10 cents and everything else iu propor- I nt Minikeii s. The latest styles of Ladies Linen Suits, just received a| Schwarzkopf & Loewen's Star Emporium Take “ BLACK-DRAUGHT ' and you will never lie bilious. ( For sale by EUGENE GOODWIN. j Good Womens’ Shoes ; for 60 cents and everything else in prol,; r . i tion at Miniken's. ( j J ' —'-'--a I Don't purchase n piano until you have sei n the Decker A Soks piano. ti i i A Good Plan. As an ”< un< < of prevention is worth a pound of uiirf," it is a go. d plan to buv a bottle oi KRESS FEVER TOXIC, and drr -, ing the si-asoii when (J ills au<! Fevers are prevalent, take a small dose dailv t’e. v . p*c ’i venting the ponhil iH 1 -' vuniritefing' any , MahiY’a! .ustasc. If you have the Ague, buy t a bottle and be cured promptly and surely. I The money refunded if it does not cure. It ’ contains no Quinine or Poison, and is pleus • ant to take. . ALL FORMER YEARS QUTDVME! »5«,432 Singer Seeing Machines Sold in ’B7B, Being 73,780 More than any Previous' Year!! We give to every purchaser of a t Genuine Singer Sewing Machine the guarantee ot a company of 30 years t standing, employing forty thousand men, that any machines sfdd by a “Singer agept,’’ is pxaytly \vhat it is {.pmiisep.ttql, ' The difference between such a guar antee and the guarantee of an agent representing unknown, irresponsible concerns, is too marked to require com- i ment. The Singer 3giiiufacturiiig» Companv. W, J? Pearson, Agent, Bat e-iville. Ark. i H. L. EMERY’S UNIVERSAL COTTON GIN, CONDENSES AND FEESEB. Warranted thr Brat. Cheapest nnd most profitable ginnintr and cleaning ouHi s in use, Widely Introduced during the past twenty rears into every cotton growing section of the South. Many thousands in nsc, and iheir gem r-1 excellence and superiority of ont>tnrn nnd yield of lint, both in quality and quantity, ful.r established. Illustrated Catalogue and Price List, de scribing construction, operation, capacity,etc., and other valuable inforination toall interest ed in raising and marketing cotton mailed free and post-paid, on application with ctr.- fully written P. O. address of applicant, by n l dresslnp • THE H. I. EMERY UNIVERSAL COTTON GIK CO. A live and reliable canvasser Cicvehtr^l. O. wanted to eanva^s this and adjoin:::-; counties. soWnw HOTEu J. P. JONES, Proprietor. j JTAVING harcti the above Hotel, I will ( J L span- no j airs to make it the Hotel of Batesville. J^”Tne tables will be supplied with the ! best that this mark-1 affords. The house , has been retitte • with new Furniture, ami ; every attention will be shown guests. We have also the bar where the besi of drinks can be had, ami billiard tables whore you can enjoy yourselves. There is a good st H • in connection with the hotel wh« i • stock v ili be well f. d ami given the Ih st attention. By strict att ntion to business I ho: • t ■ merit a lih' V’d share ot pul lie patronu; • I v4:n6y J. P. JONES. | U . aS . M AIL LI NE . A. B. COMER AND CHAS. JACOBS, HiOFKJE TORS. 01 li line fit stages 1 axe 1 atesvilh* and X. wpo t daily, mal ing co iDections ”.ith trains al NcApoit. also conne'ding at ville with th*' tri-weekly mail to 2»L lbcinm . Wc have pew stages on the Batesvill- and Xga por lin-' 1 trust, by pio apt ; !o u tioi to the winds of the tra.t i’iiig pubil. , t merit th ’ir pamma .<. A 1 parsapanlla I> a compound of the virtues of «arsa- , j’.in'da, stillingia, mandrake, v How do< k, with the i<idide of potash and ir< j all powerful blood-making. hlood-< b.* - ' iim. and life-sustaining elements. It ; the purest, safc-t. and most ctfcrT.ial I alo : I ivc available to the public. The s leu. s of nifillt iiip and chemistry h.. ! never produced a remedy so potent t • | <UI'-..; ■ i- • ■- ' 1I«hmI. It cures Scrofula nn 1 ml scrofulous diseases, Frysipt las. Rose, or St. \r.tbony’s Fire, i‘nr.- ples an«l !• arr-grubs, Pu^tuh Blotches, Bolls, rumors, Tette,-, Humors, Salt Khrum, Seald-head, Ring-worm, Fleers, Sores, Rh< n matlsm. Mercurial Disease, X< ralgia. Female Weaknesses an I Irregularities, Jaundice, Affections of^the Liver, Dyspepsia, Emari tiou, an<l General Debility. By its searching and cleansing qua.i ties it jairgea out thr foul « oiruptio.H which contaminate the blood ami < au- - derangement and decay. It stimnlah-s the vital functions, restores ami pr* - serves health, ami infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system. Xo sufferer from any dis< ase of the I h o I need despair who will give Ayeu < SARSAPAiULbA a fair trial. It is folly to experiment with the 'nu nierous low-priced mixtuns, without, medicinal virtue?, offered as blood-pun- I'hts, while disease becoim s more firmly att d. A YKu's Saksai aku.i.a is am« d?- । ime of such concentrated curative pow • । that it is by far the la’St. cheapest, mid most reliable blood-purifier know;. Physicians know its comiiosition. :< d prescribe it. It has Iwen widely used f« r forty years, and has won the unqu d - tied confidence of millions whom it ha. benefited. PREPARED BY DR. J. 0. AYER i CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BY* ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE JAS. RICE, ( WITH-— Tennant, Walker Sf Co. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, | vln!s 6m SAINT LOCIS t J| ISSHI KI I IL K u, A U > - © s s CLOTHING, L_ K BOOTS & SHOES ll “ At the Brick Comer ^Case Block s , WHERE YOU CAN CET fl - — . ■ IN TOWN, WITH AN ENTIRE ‘ O New and Complete Stock - TQ BHLECT FROM. t Rem EM HE®, THE STrIR IIOVSE. SCHWABSKOPF * LOEWEN. v 3 n3j CA.HH PAID lOIt HIDES, FURS ARD PELTRY wwe b. ibhiito. nn UGGTST, (Cam: block.. third door from the corner, is on hand with I the largest and I est a<s »i t<d sleek to be found in N- rth Arkansas, rt.mpriHing I DRUGS 1 i Cl E IICAI.X ■ paten r mewines. DY ESi PEES. SCHOOL HOOKS, STATION Ei: Y. PAIN TS, oils. i VARNISHES. ! S'.iiut and VarnHli Ki-uklk**. • ANCY EX TRACTS. FANCY’ SOAPS, COMBS, BRUSHES AND ALT. KINDS OF ^OTICfNH! T O .<’ >( : OUS TO MENWX. ! TOH.'iCCO .'IXD CIGARS (A SPECIALTY, i J /:•• !lx •inns and cunutrv eht hants A'iii ii .d . v I«>k . 'rp h H t el » detail. Im I . Lower \h;.n \he bowe.M. *’u-itlhug g.binmted pure, fresh, and up t » l iie standard I am thankful for • ast liberal patronage, asd v.'.idd k i continuance of the . EUGENE R.GOODWI , April 13th, 1880. ly U.S. Mail—Smith Line, : NEWPOttI AX'D I FI’EK WHITE RIVER ALLERT A, Smith Master. Wlf-NIL, Lscompt Master. ! One ot tn- above boats ’ I- t. ,/b t r X -D'at on cjK* 5l ...dia.-.days aid d uuniug. baces N’< wpoH Tuesdays, , 1 \ • and Saturdays. ; :• ' n y <u; hipm nts cam of I;J ... !• ! boat-. iiv* ;hts consigned i io n.< vJi i ■ handled h< ie without drayage I • r k oinniis. uni. 5i . \. it l ih’in ;s our agent in charge of Wn no . -nd wd through bill .4'll.i\ Uh <• u>nan I prod ue on its arrival I ... i. t an i coin mindun. UddißT B. SMITH. ba *. ..h . Ark.. Man n 24, 1b79. How to Correct ami Improve ee ' — IMPROVEMENTS OF THE DAY.' One of these is found in King’s Patent < nv. BISATIOX SPECTACLES. FOR 8 YLE BY N. M. ALEXANDER, !• KACTIUAL Watchmaker and jeweleß AND DEALER IN W A T C II E S! ■ clocks. TAHLKWA Hi: 'II’SKAL lASTUI MEXTS, TO <t. „ niM । vinthing to tie found in a tirst cbow jcwch-i y store. Attention paid to re pairing watches, clocks orjewelery. rd Reiiunilxr Jeweler;. Stoic opposite the Court House. N. M. ALEXANDER. J. F. TRUMPLER & SON DEALERS IN ’ Shot Guns, Rifles, Pistols. Ammunition, Etc. Also just received a New and Elegant, assortment of FISHING TACKLE, ARTIFICIAL BAIT, MINNOWS SPOON TROLLS FINE LINES, * DTPNFTS 1 AND SPINNERS, BAMBOO POLES, BRAIDED HIT urr v OF ALL SIZES FBNCYa.nI COMMON 5^ ANHS PY LES, FL( >ATS OF ALL SIZES, A & COTTON „ HOOKS OF ALL MAKES AND SE AGRASS r¥vuu , G 7 " call. DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE ' «>■' Mam St. Little KOck, Ark D, T. PORTER, w. F. TAYLOR, OwTmAGRAK " PORTER, TAYLOR & CO., AND WIHIOILaIE^ILIB 300 Front Street. MEMPHIS, TENN Represented m Arkansas by 808 BAKER . . V *n4 -y M c c6mßS, CARUTH & BYRNES. IMPORTERS AND YVHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Etc., Etc.. Etc SOLE AGENTS for Hie Celebrated CARUTH CLIPPER AXES. v 3 41:6ni No, 583 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS. M GEO. 11, CHASE, rn« << KS.V ... „ JVb. U, CABUi. JR. E. CROSS WITH Wholesale Dry Goods, 4® H TO 4®5 Ho FKIFra STM®®, Saint Lowis, Mo, ▼4n9y G M BRANCH WITH KELLEY, GOODFELLOW & CO., MANVFACTI'RERS OF AND JOBBERS IN iroia mm. V4n9y] 514 Washington Avenue, SAINT LOUIS, MO. WATKINS & GILLILAND, WHOLESALE MTS, CAPS, Ladies’ Trimmed Hats and Gloves. No. Omi WASHINGTON AVENUE, (OPPOSITE LINDELL HOTEL.) Represented in Arkansas by CD. BARTON.] $t LOUIS Adler, Goldman & Co., COTTON AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AGENTS FOR tHE STONEWALL AND CENTENNIAL WAGONS. 11l worm flai Ntreet SAINT LOUIS, M>. Represented in Arkansas by BEN ADLER. v.3421y Hill, Fontaine & Co., COTTON FACTORS AND Wholesale drovers^ «- SffilBiTKNN I AGES TSfor the CELEBRATED E. CARVER COTTON GINS REPRESENTED BY JAS. A. PAYNE. ( v 3 2f* THEODORE MAXFIELD. EDWARD MAXFIKLD. THEODORE MAXFIELD AND BRO., HAVE IN STORE THE LARGEST SPRING STOCK I ever brought to Batesville. It con- Jsists of almost anything needed by anybody. THEY MAKE A SPECIALTY .OF I ; MACHINERY, । and can furnish same at manufac turer’s prices. 1 mums wmim to bk .is RRPRBSKm:i WHEN SOLD. J®“CalFon them if yon want either flrut class goods, or to sell produce. Batesville Ark. April 1, 1880.