Newspaper Page Text
THE G U ARD. FRANK. ». DENTON, Editor. WEDNESDAY - - Dec 8, IS SO Entered At the Pbst Office, Batesville, os Seeond-closirMatter. J. H. BITES, Newspaper Advertising Agent, 41 Park Row (Times Building), New York, is authorised to contract tor adver tisements in the Gvakd at our best rates. MEETING OF NEXT LEGISLATURE The State Legislature will convene at Little Rock, on the second Monday of January, which will be Jan. 10th, 1881. We see that several of the state papers have designated Jan. 13tb, as the day. The law sayS: on the sec ond Monday in January, and the sec ond Monday of next January, falls on the 10th. COLMANS RURAL WORLD. Every farmer ought to take Colman’s Rural World. The price has been re duced to only f 1.00 a year, making it the cheapest and best Weekly Agricul tural paper in the country. Fine premi ums are also given for clubs. Send for free sample copy to Norman J. Colman, Publisher, St Louis, Mo. Two Newspapers.—The Mansion, published at Little Rock, and the Peo ple’s Guide, published at Dardanelle, are conducted by colored men, Rev. M. F. Easton, formerly stationed at this place as pastor ot the African church, is the business manager of the People's Guide. The colored people ought by all means givo their aid and support to the sustaining of these two newspapers, published in their interest and behalf. The Arkansas Gazette is getting up a big boom in the way of premiums to subscribers, #2,000 in premiums is now offered. Each subscriber of the Weekly Gazette at 81.50 has a .chance at the drawing, to take place on the 2nd day of May, 1881,129 gifts. 104 of which are cash premiums. A good opportunity to get a good state paper, and a premium. Address, Dean Adams, Proprietor Gazette, Lit tle Rock, Arkansas. NOTICE Prof. Tice’s Almanac for 1881 is out. Besides the usual Almanac matter, it Qontains the Forecasts of the Weather; their Wonderful Verifications in 1880; howto Guard Against Lightning; when it is Unsafe to enter Deep Wells. Mines &c., how to Bake and Roast; cause of Blight in Fruit Trees, and much other valuable matter. Altogether the pres ent, surpasses any former issue in prac ticlo information. For sample copy and terms to the trade, send 20 cents to THOMSON, TICE & LILLINGSTON, Publishers, 520 Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo, TRE TOMBS. The Police Gaeette (of New York) will commence in No. 168 a history of this famous jail. The incidents which it contains are full of startling interest. The lives of its noted inmates in the past and present ate sketched in graph ic manner. Romance and fact are blended together in a style which can not fail to delight all who love sensa tional reading. This history, in connec tion with the Police Gazette’s sporting, and general news, makes that journal one of the most entertaining weeklies published. In No. 169 a full-page illus tration of scenes of the interior of the Now York Tombs sketched specially for the Police Gazette, will appear. Order .copies from your newsdealer or the publisher, Richard K. Fox, 183 Wil liam St., New York City. Sample sent on receipt of 10 cents. A CARD OF THANKS. Batesvii-ic, Ake., November 26th, 1880. Editor Guard.—Sir: You wil please allow me a small space in your paper to say a few words in the way of returning thanks to the people of Bates ville for their liberality and hospitality. November the Ist, we presented ourselves before the people of this city, in the way of subscription papers, called clubs, for the purpose of raising means to pay for work on our church, which is now nearly completed, and cost us 8100. Now, let me say, “let honor be paid to whom honor is due.” Suffer us to say that nearly every white per son in the city, and colored, came to our assistance, with the neat sum of 855.65, Some few, of course, passed us by, and did not give anything; as though they did not want us to come to their stores and buy shoes, hats and dress goods,they forget that good word in the Bible that says; the liberal hand shall wax fat. Thus we thauk you la dies and gentlemen, and pray God that each one of you may prosper in your business, and may share a fall portion of that blessing that is promis ed to the cheerful giver in the follow ing scripture. 2nd Cor., ix chapter, 6th and 7th verses: He that soweth sparingly, shall also reap sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully, shall also -reap bountifully, for God loveth a cheerful giver. Gal., vi chap., 10 verse: “Let us do good huto all men.” Ist Tim^ vi chap.l7,lß, 19 verses: “Ready to distribute.” “Charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high minded, nor trust in uncertain riches. Heb. xiii chap., 16 verse: “To do good and communicate, forget not for with suchsacrifice God is well pleased.” Ist John, iii chap., 17 verse: Whoso ever has this world's goods, and sees that his brother hath need, and shut eth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him." Prov. xix chap., I7th verse: “He : that has pity upon the poor, lendeth unto the Lord, and that which he has given, will be paid him back again. Respectfully yours, R. Johnson, Members and Pastor of A, M. E. Church. i —। — i The Bentonville Advance says Ben- ' ton county is getting her share of im migration. , A Faying Cccupation. The approach of t he long winter evon ngs calls the attention to the matter of a lamp, for without a good light half the pleasure or profit is taken, from reading or study. Coal oil is now in general use for illuminating purposes outside of cities or large towns where coal gas is used, and when a proper lamp is used it is the best substitute for sunlight yet discovered. The principle or plan upon which the Student Lamp is constructed may be said the best in use, but the lamp itself has always had several ob jectionable features which we are glad to see are being done away with in the aspirant for favors called the “Home I Lamp,” manufactured by the Home Lamp Co. of Cincinnati The great ob jection in most other lamps is their lia bility to bo upset, the trouble to keep them in order, and the poor light given by them. The New Home Lamp is Nickel Plated, and almost a fae similie of the Student Lamp; it has a handsome ornamental clamp by means of which the lamp can be at once easily adjusted in any position upon the center table, piano, music*est, sewing machine, desk, or by means of a handsome bracket, which goes with the lamp, can be placed upon the wall, and in whatever position it is placed, it is absolutely safe. This is the great feature of excellence, but the New Home Lamp combines also the patent argaud burner, a filling indicato and match box. No lamp has ever her fore been received with such unusual favor or such strong recommendations • from the leading journals of Cincinnati. It is also endorsed by such men as the ! mayor and postmaster, several insurance ■ presidents and express agents of that * city as tho safest, must convenient and > best lamp made. The company desires 1 agents in this locality, and any smart lady or gentleman can make a handsome 1 income during the next six months by । canvassing for its sale. There is hardly a dozen families in this county who will not want one, and its price is so low as , to bring it within the reach of all. For ( further information address, Home Lamp Co., Cincinnati, 0,, mentioning * our paper, and they will give you full 1 particulars and exclusive territory to i canvass. 1 - Important Items. * —For fresh meats Darling’s is the place ’ where you can be served at any hour. —Just arrived, a large complete and fresh stock of fancy and family gro ceries at Miniken’s. —John W. Glenn with a full store ol ; fresh goods, asks an inspection of same. . His prices are below all. > —Don’t purchase a piano until you have i seen the Dxckek A Sous piano. ts . —For tender aud fresh beef, go to Dar- ling’s. —The Westebn Cottage Organ beats them all. ts , Schwarzkopf and Loebner have just received the largest . stock of Zephyr shawls ever brought to this market- —The bad weather is upon you and wo wish towarm you up with clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps at bed ) rock prices. Come right along while f tho opportunity is offered you. Delay i not, but speed away to Duffy's at Oil . Trough. i —New stock of boots and shoes just , arrived nt Miniken’s. —The golden opportunity is now ' offered by Duffy’s at Oil Trough. Don't miss this chance to get what you want ( or may need in the ary goods or grocery , line. —Latest styles of prints at Miniken’s —E. W. Clapp has a full line of fine ’ liquors now on tap. —Ladies cloaks at Miniken’s. —Do you wish to gladden the heart of your sweetheart ? If so, go and buy her a present at Duffy's. —Ladies cloaks, nicest styles, at Schwarzkopf & Loebner’s. —Now is the time for bargains at Duffy's Oil Trough store. Great slaughter of goods from now till Janu ary Ist, 1881. —Overcoats at Miniken’s from |5.00 to <12.00. Now is the time to purchase an over coat. You can get them at Schwarzkopf & Loebner’s at from <5.00 to |30.00. —Christmas goods at Duffy's. —A. F. Darling keeps constantly on hand in quantity to suit purchaser, beef, pork and mutton, lie keeps the best that this market affords. Shop open every day, in the rear ot the Maxfield brick store, next door to White's shop. Entrance on Spring street. ts —At a sacrifice—prices unprecedent ed-must- be sold without regard to cost or value, to make room for tho large stock coming, at N. E. Duffy’s. —All kinds of canned fruits and vegetables at Miniken’s. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. WARNING ORDER. (Independence Circuit Court, iu equity.) JOHN A. GALBRAITH, ) Against J. Warning Order RHODA A. GALBRAITH. ) The Defendant, Rhoda A. Galbraith, is warned to appear in this Court within thirty days, aud answer the complaint of the plaintiff, John A. Galbraith. Eo. M. Dickinson, Clerk. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken up by H. W. Gray, in Wash ington Township, Independence county, Arkansas, and posted before John A. Shaw, a Justice of the Peace, on the |29th day of November, 1880, one dark norrel colored j mule—blind in right eye, thirteen and one half hands high, about twenty years old; valued at S2O. Attas: M. A. Wycough, 1-* Clerk, NCTIOE. All parties indebted to the former firm of Rosenthal A Stritter (hardware dealers), are requested to pay their accounts to either of the undersigned. If not paid soon, the ac counts will be placed iu the hands of au of ficer for collection. |C. T. Rosenthal, 45-2-t Tho. G. Stiutteil A 8100 PRESENTS Fer a Kubik. tkat will Saw as Fast and Easy •• this one. This la vu Klar of flaw Machine#. It mws off a R foot lor In 8 mtautoa. 80,000 la nao. The cheapest naaobiao ■ado, and folly warranted. Circular frss. Sanaa Mala. Kaaahoturlng Co., Chisago, 111. 8. JACOBS. JNO. W. GARRETT JACOBS & GARRETT, LIQ UORS^CIGARS, NO. 303 FRONT STREET, - - Memphis, Tonn. THE OLD RELIABLE I 18 STILL IN THE FRALEY BUIILDNG. o A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF TooSs, Iron, Steel, Cutlery, etc. ALSO AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED MOLINE PLOW. THEO. G. STRITTER. TBEODOBE MAXJTELD. CHAS. W. MAXTTKUD. J. FBKD. MAXIIELD. ID. MIXFIELD. THEO. MAXFIELD & BROS., COTTON BUYERS .A-JNTD AGENTS FOR THE GULLETT GIN, WHITEWATER WAGON AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. Proprietors o£ Arkansas XV ooien Mills. KEEP THE BEST GOODS AND WILL SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. CALL ON THEM IF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS OB SELL YOUR PRODUCE Hardware Store. REMOVED! rom the old stand Fraley Building to my new Stone Building, Main Street below J. W. Glenn’s. ON HAND THE BEBT ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE! CirTJLERY, STOVES, -A-ILIa kinds of tools, IRON. STEEL, NAILS, ETC., ETC. to I e found in the trade, which will be sold at the lowest possible figures for cash. Givo me a call. C- T. ‘R.OS'RNTT'Fr AT. ’ ' AVOID A SMASH I SELL FOR CASH S g ; FURNI TURE ! I John C. Bono ) (AT THE OLD STAND OF CHARLES L. GORSUCH), ’ u , Keeps on hand a large and Well selected stock of ) nFVBNITLRE^ <7O J SUCH AS > $ BEDSTEADS! D J Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Safes, WW^stauds, Wardrobes O LOUNGES! 5 AND A FULL LINE OF >7 , Cabinet Hard wave, O O WINDOW-GLASS, PUTTY, FAINTS, 4NP PAPER-HANGINGS M UNDERTAKERS’ GOODS A SPECIALTY. * r* Q Orders for Coffins Filled on Short Notice. " CZ) " _ W-With tlianlu, lOrI O r the favors shown me by thepatrons of the late Mr? * C-L. Gorauch and by litenj? that have given me their support I shall ^-4 strive to sti U merit the same by pricM and fair dealing. ’ Callon' me ' J.OHN C. BONE. Batesville, p r k. / K- ————- - / > ‘HadVd-lIVM 2$ SdSSVHJLXVW! DR. ROBERT C. KENNER, Tenders his Professional Services To tha peopie of tho vicinity of Victor Post Office. may be found day or night at the residence of Hiram Sherrill’s, when not pio fessionall y engaged. T. H. GOTHARD. DEALER IN Dry Goods, BOOTS ANO SHOES, Clothing- and (Groceries. ^■CALL AND SEE ME FOR THE LOWEST PRICES^ Full Prices paid for Cotton, Wool and all kinds of produce, Long Building, Main Street, Batesville. K O T PI K R Great Reduction! AT * GEORGE M. MINI KEN’B, Cash Store. ARRIVAL OF AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS AXD GROCERIES, EVERYTHING MARKU) LOWN AT BOTTOM FIGURES. WILL BE SOLD AT CASH ONLY. J^"lf yon want to save from 30 to 50 per cent, on BOOTS AND SHOES, yon can prove the fact by calling at my store. £<V”A splendid assortment of Gents’ Unde: wear, 1 lusiery, etc. The finest ever brought to this city. C-A-I/L A.TTID stock will bn c.nnpletc in every department, and my motto will be quick sales and small profits i mean just whs! ' ■.i;.-, and will sell you goods s' prices that cannot Ue Lout by any bouse in N■ th Ai kan-.,... Call ami see for yourselves. Respect ful I y, May 17, ’BO. O. H. MINIKEN. ^‘REMEMBER THE STAND AT THE ROCK HOUSE. THE St A § Jk s £ r ?> DRY GOODS, ciEOTZZTisro i BOOTS AND SHOES, EMPORIUM. (CORNER CASE BLOCK.) NO CAMPAIGN WITHOUT MONEY, No Kind of Specie Nor Greenbacks Refused We announce ourselves prepared to clothe all candidates, voters, women and children with very cheap goods for the next campaign, and will sell in order to make room for our fall stock at a Genuine Sacrifice. nd anything heretofore in the line of bargains will be OUTDONE. UP* Goods never were sold as cheap until we came here and put the prices down. Call and examine our stock. Schwarzkopf & Loebner, CASH PAID FOR COTTON. HIDES AND WOOL. F. T. REYNOLDS and S. If. HOGKADAY. WITH ALLKIBK & CO., v4nll:y 914 A s!b North Second Street, ST. 3. GUIS. SA&LS AND PHENIX 2P:EIRIETB]C , T’ ball sewing thread, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. PREPARED BI A PROCESS USED IX XO OTHER MILE IT IIAsTSrt^EM^TTA.Xj 16 Balla ta Pound, | lb. Paeka 8 B|. jo Balls to Pound, 2 lb. Papor Bum. Packed In Cases of 20, 30, 50, >OO or 500 Pounds mo 6. Uniform Prict. Invariable Dieeountt. ^SOld. "toy All aTOI3T3eX»S."«M ASK FOR “EAGLE & PHENIX.” USE NO OTHER WILLIAM RIIH, SADDLER —AND— Harness Maker, (OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE), respectfully invite those ■ wishing to pur chase* —f HQMEMADE RIG! SADDLES, ^RTDLES, COLLARS, \ WHIPS, J PLOW-GEAR HAME-STRINGS, HARNESS, HA LTERS, HAMES, TRACES, BACK BANDS, OU / A' Y THING KEFT BY A HARNESS SHOP, TO ’ ALL UIOX /•' l t,• lin >:k- LUxiiiL-; .■ ,'udc r Hi-J rt’.yL'- V-l & jL £ A i 8 k I*4 G in Lis iir.e of bndnoHS done promptly and at as choip figures as possible. Call when you want gocd work don*. WILLIAM RICE. REDUCED PRICES — AT — McChesney & Baxter’s GROCERY — AND — PROVISION HOUSE. COFFEES: Very best Rio, - - 5 pounds for SI.OO Sugar-cut Leaf, -7 “ “ “ “ coffee, A.« - 8 “ “ “ “ Pc. Y*l. C. 8 “ “ •' “ Bril, Ex. U. 9 “ “ “ TEAS. Gicen (Imp. and Gunpowder), 80c. Io 81. GO per pound. Black, good, at , choice SI.OO per pound. Molasses and Syrups, various grades, 50 to 70 cts. per gal. Maple syrup, $1.40. RICE—New crop, 11 pounds fora dollar. CRACKERS—SODA— B ets. per pound. HAMS—CANVASSED—New lot, 11c , guaranteed in quality. FLOUR FANGY--7.75 p. r bbl. and guaranteed. Also, n very iargo and complete aßSort mmit of can cd mate. vegetables and fisli, at prices tlmt defy to rectiti 'D, Confectionaries in lUiHite variety, 15 to 40 cts. p r pound. 1> Ucsvillt. Ark., Main street (nearly op j osite Maxfield & Bron. Grand Opening ! OF FRESH by C. T. Arnett & Co. । r । _— Having moved into the new ar .’ < -ci: dions stone house oppoiie .L W. Glenn’s, with a wHL selected '..t.ib: cf <;e; u : * c DUN GV-CDS’. CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, UNDERWEAR, 4NO GROCERIES. We offer extra inducements in price*. We are prepared to show the nicest selec tion of Ladie* Fancy Goods of any house in town. In gents’, youths and childrens hats wo do not fear competition. Gentlemen desiring a flrsUelass shirt wonl<] do well to examine out 75c and SI,OO L. B. *ud cnflU, Wamsutta muslin, guaranteed. One side of our house will be devoted en tirely to groceries, both staple and fancy. FRESH ! CHOICE !l CHEAP ! !! | We guarantee satisfaction. Give us a trial. Hjghest market price paid for cof | tou aml ; other country produce. Liberal advances made on consignments. Remember the place, C. T. ARNETT 4 CO. Mo Is. IL IBIOOTW, SURGEON DENTIST, JUDSONIA, ARK. DENTAL work done in all Rebranches and' satisfaction guaranteed. Prices reason able. My work will be found equal to the best., lyill practice in Independence and adjoin- Ing counties. I refer, by permission, to Dr. J. B. Crane, of Batesville and Rev. John H. Dye, of Searcy. I wish to state to the public that, perhaps, there has been some misunderstanding in le gard to the time that I will visit this county, professionally; to permanently settle tire question. I will hereafter give public notice, that I will visit this and surroUndiue c6un. ties during the spring and fall mouths of each year, ami I will further state, that as an other dentist has succeeded in obtaining sev eral jobs of work that I had engaged, and commenced them by extracting the teeth,aud has also solicited work from several other persons, whoife work I hail commenced, that 1 shall hold the parties responsible for the full amount of the work contracted with me. All parties giving me their work, I shall guarantee satisfaction. 85