Newspaper Page Text
TELE GUARD. FRANK, D. DENTON, Editor. WEDNESDAY - • Jane 22. 1881. Entered at the Post Office, Batesville, as Second-clone Matter. Garfield is president but Conkling is not senator. The first American congress was held June 7, 1765, at New York. Arkansas was admitted into the Union June 15,1336. The Arkansas Press Association meets to-day at Arkadelphia. The United States flag of thirteen stars and stripes was adopted June 14. 1777. The battles of Banker Hill and Waterloo were fought in the month of June. Forty-five years ago last Wednes day Arkansas became a member of the Union of states. Messrs. Thalman & Clark, of Little Rock, have been awarded the contract for building the insane asylum at $144,440, the lowest bid therefor. Work will be begun at ence. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to our friend, Major Chas. G. Newman, of the Pine Bluff Commercial, in the severe affliction lately visited upon him and his family, by the loss of a cherish ed and idolized son of somo fourteen summers. ' Uol. Pat Donan has a nice excur sion to Lake Winnepeg, British Amer ica, through Minnesota, Dacotah and the Great North West, for those of the editors who have been dealt kindly with by their delinquents. Another instance where the Great Man Silent ought to have kept silent. But we suppose hs spoke this time without consulting his trimmers, but Schurz would be a bully fellow if he had been a Grant man, or was now a Conkling aider. The case being chang ed makes a change of opinion. The third term fang being extracted Grant is unable to harm Schurz. Brother Blackburn, of the Ar kansas Republican, at Little Rock, has arranged to publish a daily. He will be assisted by two experienced news paper men from Indiana. He expects to have his daily out by the Ist of July. We hope Brother B. may meet with every success he deserves, by ,a liberal patronage. Gen. Grant says of Hon. Carl Schurz, now editor of the New York I’ost, that ho could draw an official salary with more zeal, without earning it, than any man he (Grant) knpw of. Modesty and custom would have said present company excepted, for history will fail to show an instance except Grant himself, who first drew a double increase of salary, giving no return. For his benefit the president’s salary was raised from $25,000 to $50,000 per annum. Opie Read has returned to Arkan sas, from Cleveland, Ohio, where he has resided for several months. He resumes his former position on the Arkansas Gazette, and will greet his old readers with bis accustomed style of quaint and funny sayings. Opie was too pious to villify his southland, hence his severance with the Cleveland Leader. Opie says if any body wants the western reserve they can take it, he wants no more in his; that he drifts back this time to Arkansas from choice; that, he comes with a willingness that is more than a half brother to enthu siasm. Welcome, Opiuus Head, we greet we hope soon to salute thee. lO.AI.TUY EOnj) Full THE H.\bS Is furnished the radical press and leaders by the laje ovation given to Mrs. Canty, wife of Gen. Canty, of Alabama, on a recent visit made by this estimable lady to Clayton county, Ala., where many of her former slaves reside. Or, learning of her intended visit to relatives in that county, some fifty of her former slaves, Lid and young, prepared to receive her by giving a grand ovation; met her at the depot and escorted her through the streets to the residence of her relatives. It was a reception such, as has often been witnessed in the south upon the return home, after a long absence, of their ‘‘dear old missus.” These ex alaves had prepared a grand dinner With their own means, in honor oi a once kind owner. Presents, mementoes and keepsakes were freely bestowed on Ibeeveof her departure for her homo. Wagon Factory Prospect. Mr. Frank E. Hite arrived last Sat urday with J. M. Price, of Macomb, McDonough county, 111., J, B. Smith and Dr. U. B. Campbell, of Abington, Knox county, 111., who are prospecting for a location, the first named to estab lish a wagon factory, on a large scale. He combine* both capital and an ex perience of thirty years in the business. Stlch men will prove of vast benefit to this community. Dr. Campbell is a dentist of good repute and is also on the lookout for a thrifty and healthy location to engage in his profession. A son of -Mr. Price was here a few weeks ago and he was so • well pleased with our town and location that upon his return home his father concluded to come and see, and he finds not half was told. We have room and many advantages to offer new comers who possess money, muscle and enterprise. We invite all such to come and see. TATI LB ROCKETS. —More rain Friday night. —The grass is not all out of the cotton yet. —Commerce street is being put in good condition. —The Garland Grays have disband ed. D. McLudon was in the city the first of the week. • —The court martialing of Hllzhiem has cost the state $275. —The water works ought to make arrangements to furnish water to steam boats plying the - river. —I doff my hat to Sara Treadwell and Billy Glover and hope they may flonrish long in the land. —The investigation of the city’s books is about completed and some body had belter lookout. —Twenty-six thousand dollars in county scrip has been turned over for cancellation. —At present the only prospect for the 4th of July celeb) ation is an excur sion to Old River. —Next Wednesday the Knights of Pythias’ celebration will ^commence. Grand preparations are being made for the event. —The Van Buren county despera does who murdered Sweedon, have beer, brought here for safe keeping. A hard looking crctwd. Trix. Vacancies In the Normal College. Notice is hereby given that there are two vacancies in the normal college of the University of Nashville, Tenn., to be filled by appointment from ibis office. These scholarships are for two years, and are worth S2OO a year, with free tuition. Male applicants will be required to pass an examination in Geometry and Latin, as well as all the lower branches, Female applicants who have not studied the Latin language, may omit the Latin examination. All applicants must take a pledge to teach two years in the public schools of the state, and must expect, to devote their lives to teaching. The college is engaged in the preparation of teachers, and persons who do not expect to teach need not apply for scholarships. Applications for scholarships should be made to this office without delay .No examination papers will be received af ter the first uay of September. Foi further particulars, address, J as. L. Denton. Little Rock, Ark. Department of Public Instrnetion. Little Rock, Ark., June 16. ’Bl. Dear Sir—The official term of School Directors elected in May, will begin October 15th. See section 57 of the law. From the 15th to the 25th of October is allowed for qualifying. Sec section 58. This part of the law was not amended. Respectfully, Jas. L. Denton, Supt. Public Instruction- Attention Diicctors and Teachers. On next Saturday, June 25th, the quarterly examination for teachers in the public schools will bo held in Bates ville, commencing about 10 o'clock a. m. All who expect to apply for license before the last of September will plouc be pretent promptly on that day, as no private examinations will bo granted, except under very extraordinary cir cumstances. Blanks will be supplied to directors on that day upon application, and those who cannot get them on that day will find them after that time in the county Clerk’s office. I. J. Lono, County Examiner. MOTHERS ! MOTHERS !! MOTHERS!! i Are yon disturbed at night and brok- 1 on of your rest by a sick child suffiirii g and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go nt once and get a bottle or MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately-- depend upon it; there is no mistake about. There is not a mother on garth who Ims ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child, oper ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all coses, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of t he oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Stales. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. A Cough, Cold or Sore Throat should be Stopped. Neglect frequently result in an Incurable Lung Disease or Con sumption. Brown’s Bronchial Troches arc certain to give relief in Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Catarrh, Consump tive and Throat Diseases. For thirty years theTroches has been inconnucnded by physicunS, and always give perfect satisfaction. They ore not now or un tried but having been terted by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well merited rank among the few staple remedies of the ago. Public Speakers and Singers use them to clear and strengthen the Voice. Sold nt 25 cents a box everywhere. For Sale A copy of Dr. Foote's noted book of over 900 pages, entitled "Plain Home Talk and Medical Common Sense,”' a book for private considerate reading. T. B. TAYLOB, asign of the Horae Shoe, Corner Main and Chestnut Street, in his Stone Building offers extra inducements for the next few days, ns follows: A nice lot of Country Hams, 10 cents; Country Shoulders, 8 cents; Country Sides, 11 cents; Choice RioCofise, 6 pounds Al good Calico 5-to 7 cents; 4-4 heavy Domes tic, 7to 74 cents; 4-4 Bleached Dome-tic, Bto 124 cents; choice line of Lawns, 8 to 161 canto. Don't forget the place. Taylor will sell you goods for spot cash st ixntom rook prices. His goods are fresh- nearly all bought since the decline in cotton. Best Brogan Shoes. 41.25 to $1.50, Call early to get the byneftts now offered in the great reduction. m 25 ft 1819, 1881. IMPROVES WITH AGE! SECOND SEMI ANNUAL DIS TRIBUTION. THE Arkansas Gazette DAILY AND WEEKLY. ESTABLISH Kb IHI9. OLDEST, BEST AND CIIKAPEST PAPER IN THE LAND. $2,500 in Cash and Valuable Presents to Subscribers. In order that there nmy be a full and clear unde) standing of the simple and straightforward scheme which we thus pro pose in the interests of our subHcribers, and to extend the influence of the Gazette, we submit a brief explanation, as follows; Each subscriber to the Weekly Gazette for one year, on payment of one dollar and fifty cents, will recieve a numbered ticked: • each subscribe! to the llaily Gazette for three mouths, o$ payment of three dollars, will receive four tickets; * ach subscriber to the Daily Gazette for six months, on pay ment of five dollars, will receive four tick ets; each subscriber to tin 1 daily Gazette tor one year, on pnynh nt of ten dollars, will receive eight tickets, all of -whi< h will be represented by duplicate numbers in the drawing. The drawing will take place on the 24th day of December, 1 bSJ. TERMS OF STBSt Rime)N: Daily, one year SIO.OO • Daily, six months 5.00 Daily, three months 3.00 Weekly, cne year 1.50 For further details and particulars, mt circulars and posters. Send in your subscriptions to the Gazette at once and take nd vantage of the otter. DEAN ADAMS, Pro. Gazelle, Little Rock. Aik. Guard and Gazette $2.70 jx-r annum. REDUCED PRICES -AT — McChesney & Baxter’s GROCERY — AND - PROVISION fIOBR. COFFEES: Very best Rio, - - 5 iHiuntls for SI.OO Sugar-cut laiaf, -7 “ “ u “ coffee, A.-- S “ “ “ “ Pe. Ye). C. 8 n “ " “ Bril. Ex. C. 9 TEAS. Gieen (Imp. and Gunpowder), sOc. to SI.OO per pound. Black, good, at BUo., choice SI.OO |mt pound. Molasses and f yrups, various grades, 50 to 70 ets. per gal. Maple syrup, 51.40. RICE—New crop, 11 pounds for a dollar. CRACKERS—SODA- 8 ets. |mt pound. HAMS— i "V \SSED—New 101, 14c., guarani- ■•' h । slily. FLOUR- Y—7.75 per bld. and guaranteed. Aiwo, a very large ami complete assort ment of ciui ed fruit*', vegetable# mid fish, at pHiu s that defy competition. Confectioneries in infinite variety. 1 5 to 40 eta. p r pound. Batesville, Ark., Main street (nearly op posite Max field A Bros. Ague Cure Is a purely vegetable bitter and powerful tonic, and is warranted a speedy and cert tain cure for Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Intermittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fewer, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, and all malarial disorders. In miasmatic dis tricts, the rapid pulse, coated tongue, thirst, lassitude, loss of appetite, pain in the back and loins, anti coldness of tho spine and extremities, are only premoni tions of severer symptoms which termin ate in the ague paroxysm, succeeded by high fever and profuse perspiration. It is a startling fact, that quinine, ar senic, and other poisonous minerals form the basis of -most of the “ Fever and Ague Preparations,” " Specifics,” “ Syrups,” and “ Tonics,” in the market. The prep- I arations made from these mineral poisons, although they are palatable, and may break tho chill, do not cure, but leave the malarial and their own drug poison in the system, producing quinism, dizziness, ringing in the ears, headache, vertigp, and other disorders more formidable than the disease they were intended to euro. Aveu’s Ague Cube thoroughly eradicates these noxious poisons from tho system, and always cures the severest cases. It contains no quinine, mineral, or any thing that could Injure tho most delicate pa tient; and its crowning excellence, above its certainty to cure, is that it leaves the system as free from disease os before the attack. For Liver Complaints, Ann’s Aoun Cuu, by direct notion on the .Uver and biliary apparatus, drives ont the poisons which produce these complaints, and stimulates the system to a vigorous, healthy condition. We warrant it when taken according to directions. Praparatl by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Maw. sou sr au Mvoetsn svsannass. Tl I tOA P® r d J »H|on>o. Samples TO A V worth $5 free. AddreM BTDtaox A Co., Portland, Maine. febflly “ weu ' t in your own. town. Tern s TVV and «T> outfit free. Address H. Hai lmt A Co., Portland, Maine. feOly MTOMBS, CARUTH & BYRNHS IMPORTERS AND V DOLESALE DEALERS IN Hardware. Cutlery, Guns, Etc., Etc., i SOLE AGENTS for the CtMraM CAIiITTH CLIPPEk AXES v 3 41:Gm • No. North Muin StredL i-OUI* Al mMKim THE CHEAP S ta r House, Will give a Bargain FOR ANOTHER WEE K TO EVERYBODY. JAS. RICE, WITH Tennant, Walker Sf Co WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS ANO SHOWS. iul .du PAINT LOUIN tlfStOtlUL W. 0. NEWTON & CO. (On. TROUGH Bon'OM. ARK.) HAVE <>N llANT)isnHiiipU| ( - H * <M *H ( *f <h*!uml Mi^hftrnliHe.conidHtins of Dry Grocfiifs, Drugn, Qihwuswiaiv, Hui.lwan*, l/ats, Cajm, Ikiota, Slhwm. etc. W • he to hell nt lower a FOR GASH than imy hotute IIST MORTH ARKANSAS. A nice line of Ladies’ Huts very low. Give us a call Issfoi-e buying els.-wh.-.e. .1 .1. K. TRUMI’LEII & SON DEALERH IN Shot Guns, Rifles, Pistols. Ammunition, f h Also just waived a Nrw anti illrgani assortment of FISHING TACKLE, ARTIFICIAL BAIT. MlN Nuns. SHXJN TROLLS FINE LIN ES. Dll'NEl'a, AND SPINNERS, BAMBOO POLES, BRAIDED Oil. SlLi. OF ALL SIZES FANCY nnd COMMON BRAIDED I.INES AND STYLES. FLOA’I’S OF ALL SIZES. AND I'ui luN HOOKS OF ALL MAKES \ND SEAoRASS I,IN ! Give n. a call. DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. V4n4- V 405 Main St. L««lr KOrk. Ail. --------- ..!•! I'DMAS .-. Sl:-.;l.l., AD|,ER. GOLD.IW 5 <«> N.-« OJ , 1,. S1 । 4.D1.1-R, Goldman & Co., (VITON ANIMV.MMISSION MKIb'H \ \ ' - AGENTS FOIL MIE STONEWALL AND CENTENNAL WAGONS NEW ORLEANS, LA. - - AND ST. L( HI IS, Mo Represented in Arkansas by ALE. H. JOBLIN. Hill, Fontaine & Co., cotton factors AN,, 2(Mi and 29S Fkoxt Htkukt, ,ii North C..mmki«-iai. St, e r l MEMPHIS, TENN. | „, nsl . .<p, LOUIS. M AGENTS for the CELEHHATED E. CAhtye '■ COTTON GINS REPRESENTED i:Y JAN. A. PAINE. ' , . EAGI £ AND PHENIX PERFECT WJa SEWJMi THREAD COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. PREPARED RF A PROCESS USED IJY ^fO OTHER MILL. it iijVs 1$ Balla to Paaad, I lb. Package*. 20 Balla to Panto, 2 lb. Pager Barna. PaekH la Caaaa >f 20,30,50,100 >r 5041 Pewtoa aaob. Vntfwnn Mte. ttufeuHMU DtoeocaM*. QTSold. toy All <Tototoer«.^i ASK POM “SAOUE A PHENIX. ” USE NO OTHER Look Sharp THU MAMMOTH OHEAPSTORE — OF h.c.smith 3 HAS THE LARGEST ANH BEST ASSORTED ST( CK OF GENERAL MEBCIIANDISE '’ver offered to the people of North Arkansas, and will for the ■ TNTEXIT THIRTY DA.YS sell the best bargains for the eash ever offerer] before. In order to.close out— our i uniense slock of Winter Roots and Shoes; (LOTHISG! and all kinds of.woolen goods will b sold regardless of cost. Onr stock of FURNITURE •s the largest -Ver before brought to town. We have also an immense stock of Heating and (looking Stoves, (tastings, Horse and Mule Sloes, Iron, Nails, Plow Blades and Points of everv description, Saddlery, Bddles, Harness, etc. We mH th.'i'.Sl’i’,\'S<tl(lt'i> WAGON well known 101,, the In st vHered i^-re for HiUe. Alsu, Spring Wagons bnggi^s of the best nnikes. Lard, Suh•••] Jlwjls, ri*»ui i»ud ALa! kept conr» dly o.t bmpf and eln-apfor <m#h. < h»r fa complete in e?ery LfiMud^ of tli“ tr u1.,. pul we i>t whni *«•: ay. We will sell goodgoods for the rush |ov< r th:»Urvw olbri i! httrie, and wR* pu v the liu b f t p»Re in cash ibi COTTON. T“ those I haw fa\ore<l in the past Would say hH who have not settled i>r last y.MI. will ph ; K 'come ill Mid settle at OIHM. lb*<!»e«« tf(diV, M 11 ’’ SAIH’H GEORGE M. MINI KEN’S Cash Store. BARGAINS TN ALL LINKS. FULL LINE of HOME-MADE GOODS, ROOTS, SHOES E-C. Just received a large lot of OLIVER CHILLED I?UO'WS. j-ff FIRST GLASS GOOpS A SPECIALTY. GIVE |IS A CALL Jan. 12 ly U, W. MINIKHV C. ]’. |ICN I , T. J HVS r C. P II UN T & c 0., WHOLESALE Grocers & Cotton Factors, 306 Front Street, MEMPHIS, TENN- potTON CONSIGNED TO US WILL HAVE VHQMI’T AND CAItBEVf. ( ITEN. V7 ti«m. Wekt-’p << i Mindly < n Lpnd a huge apd cnr< fully sph< led stock (I Staply nd ; ancy (iyacones. Li«|iioi>\ Cigara and Tnhacco. mid sell :^s bi.v 4a th • | ra cst, TIIEOIWIKE MAXFIXLD. < HAN. W. MAXFiKLO. J. FRKD. M4XFIKM>. ED. MkXFItLD THEO. MAXFIELD & BID'S, COTTOH BUYERS A-INTID GENERAL MERCHANTS. I AGENTS '-OR THE GULLETr GIN, WHITEWATER WAGON. AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, VvovicAgv* A’ Arkan^ns Vil aMcb MvVU, KEEP THE BF^l’ GOODSAND vVILL SELL As THE LOWEST I’HICES. CALL ON THEM '! YOU WALT 'iO BUY GOODS OR SELL YOUR PRODUCE! Hardwa Stored WOVE!)! Ci 3TW' t from the old aland Finley Building la mv new Stone Building, Main Street 4>clow J. W Glenn'a. ON HAND THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF HARDXVARE! CWTIh ATLTu KIINrUS OF TOOX.^? IMN, STEEL, NAILS, ETC., ETC. to I e found in the trade, which will l>e eold at the lowest possible figures fur cash. Give uuva call. O- T- S,OSEXTTHA.Ta_ F. T, HfiYMXr.DS and S. IL tIOCiCADA Y •WITH ALKIRE & CO., 4nll:y 414 * SKNMIh Scc«m4 Street. ST. L&IJH.