Newspaper Page Text
THE GUyVJU). published eyerFwidnesdaxl Local ^hit-Chat WE ARE NOW SELLING Regardless of Cost. Come in and see us, BAUjI BROS. —Yesterday was a rainy day. • Election in only eight states yes tc rday. —Lively drummer times last week in town. — I’iie Guard to February 1, ’B2, for only 50 cents. —The show made business for the mayor and marshal. 1 >ry goods, boots, shoes, notions etc. for c. -.t B. I. Collin’s & Jo. -Jeff. Seaton, the Buck Horn mer chant, was around on Monday. C , ris o’ all descriptions sold lower than . ral Jim Loewen’s, in the new Reed building. —We are glad to learn that the health of Mrs. H. W. Vaughan is im proving. — Mr. Solon I*. Foster, editor and prepr* ot of the Expositor, Mt. View, is tn town. —Bring back that knife; we think you I tve bad the loan long enough to send it in. —Muxfldd Eras, have a supply of Missouri .lour, warranted good; price $9 per barrel. — The fruit tree men lr< m aMmfres borO -mrseiy sre here makihg a deliv cry of trees. - 10,000 pounds of wool sr 1 Lidos, also all ether kinds of country pr-.luco, wanted by -Ji'i La w: n. —Th? big poster show bills was e Teet !v e in drawing a big crowd on ’• t J ’ay- —Th:? Steamer Alber a came up M . ’ y morning with a good freight and pr senger list. • -Closing out sale of dr; goods, no tions. Toes bats. etc. C 11 at B. I. Colic. -. d; Co. and price th m. —ls ths borrower is satisfied with the >■ -f our h-. het, he wiil please tn ik-- : ;at urn of the same. ~ j io Mori ri Bros. for the best wn i ::ial ; ; '. with seat and ' -.ike. > for heavy two horse. —A young mm’s lite-ary society W ■; or! last. bat> .-Jay night". This is a step in the right direction. - Miv .kid Bros. :s selling good Home-made jeans at 40c p, r yard. Pay ing 50 cents per pound for clean wash ed W...-L «t- lhe largest crowd iu town Mon day since the hanging a tew years ago. Shows and hangings will bring them in. - ;.!i,-ld Bros. fair Lie largest stock of first-clasi goods to bo found in NorthiA t L-msas. They gmranteo sat- ■ L. Rosenthal, the h rdware man, has h. higlnst. tmuesi am! rudest si. ■ i b-wm It is the work of that artirim sign Writer, Paul Evers. - Th:- n-e. st arsoriment --f Dry Goods and Mdluivry Goods eve- brought to I . <an — fomri at Sc iwarzkopf & 1 . bmr’s —The Bulgarian Mmnk, so called trad I T! liL educcted ‘dorg,’’ and M: I. • . yi, now Iho ■ m r—but for how long, time alone can tell. - -c earzl-.q; A LoeL; r, the Cloth-i i. .- - . ■ i the ni-est ar . best mmie so iTfowe-t price Every suit I h b ih.we w ■ .-veil ape ms of ‘ gu: . around (he : hew ground t 1 . .’i 1 • i*. i doubt, ye. tn y We.e ]i.: t to ply their sever d callings. ••lee lot es ladies Cloaks and J) idso a uiee . vsorlment ot 1 . .11' t.x.LJost slybe ,nt Schwurz- k , - Lochner's. — Jim Hardy is as happy as a “dad” can be though it will never be a town marshal. Jim wants to swap the tour, ment saddle for cue with two horns. —How c.iu a single dose of Ayer’s Pills euro headache? By removing ob structions from the system—rolioving the stomach, and giving 1 "althy action to the digestive apparatus. —The Bulgarian Monk, ot the Greek church, looked like be didn’t know what water and soap was for. He was foreign to the mixed use of so.ip and water. s 17;i ver remember that. im Loewen Ims •op- 1 ■1 in the new Reed stone house, with a >.- b and complete stock of Dry Goods, Ck»;bing, Hats, Groceries, e; and will be gla l toe his old friends. Gall ou him. —I hose who promts 1 wood last winter, and failed to got it cut, can bring it- lu now, as we suppose they h v bad no trmble to get it cut this pr ‘I nmt ror fall. • ButwiihsUPidlug the noise about hard times, thousands of dollars go out of the country this fall for fruit trees, and'the show carried away at least a thousand dollars. —Beckett’s grand (?) show has come and gone with many quarter and half dollars. The visitors are satisfied that I hoy are not likely to see much of a show for a quarter, or half dollar. —Before buying your winter woolen goods go seo Maxfield’s Homemade Jeans, Linsey, Rlankors, ft to. They are selling Jeans at 40, 50 an I GO cents and Linsey 25 to 35 cents per yard. Their goods arc warranted to give satisfac tion. —We call special attention to our large stock of Indies, misses and gents custom made shoes, as this is the largest lot eyer brought to to vn. We will offer you some specialties, which cannot be found elsewhere. SCHWABZKOPF & IjOEBNER. —Probate court this woek.-^ —New Orleans drummers begin to drum up. —The Fair Directors held a i business mseiing on Monday: —Uncle Tom Eaves came ia Mon day and again extended the right hand of fellowship —Probate court this week and Judge Griffin is on hand to attend to the business before him. —ls any of our readers, or any one • else, has » photograph of Calico Reek, ■ they will confer a favor by letting us ! know it. —A skating rink, dancing club and u ( literary society are all on the tapis, i Look out for fun and amusement the j coming winter. —Our old friend Jas. N. Churchill, of Walnut Grove, gave us a call on Monday. Mr. C. is one of our best couutry merchants. —City dads or other dads do not j say the marshal is responsible for the ' plying of gambling artifices, when the । license carries the right to ply the f d' - i ing, —O::r friend Tom J. Williamscn, of Barren 1’ ork, was in town Monday, not to see the show, bnt to collect on advances. He found time to give u = a call. —We have missed Jamestown Dots ! from the coin;, ns of the Pilot for sev- ' era', months. Where are you, 111 Come to sea us, we will use efforts to, make room for you. — Have our city athers a legal I adviser? In case they have not, we j will propound a few inquiries to the ■ Attorney-General, who is a good and • wholesome legal advisor. —The marshal is powerless whcn v a ' license gives the right. Do not bl ime 1 the marshal for tha gambling duvh e- , plied and witnessed ut the show. L<: i the law be op*-rativo and operated. —lt took a good many of the old folks to look after the little childn a at tee circus. The animals, too, which' were conspicuous on account of their j abscence, drew a large crowd of the i hoary bead n —We think it would pay yi ;■ to ' read tho “ad.” of Mark Wycc-..-! ■■ under the hea l of Wyrough’s colums Then go and ’'■» him and Dern if b • ' will not do just as h ■ says The r o is, money ia the Imrga'ns. —Tom McNeill, l.e reptesi ntutive । of Th Sims A Levy, w bole-.n i grocers, of New ft; linns, was ariun. again among his frlvuds jesterdayL Tom is catching consi lerable trade fir New Orleans, freights on heavy groceries is an item fovorsJ-n.. to ? Orleans. —Rev. J. C B.v a preached two; excellent sen., ns at tha M. E. cb..r, h . last Sand tlis b . >.i al i , subject “'■lolighm a ’;<] -c,” \v .5 . p.werful and ckquc.', ■ Emt. Tl: ; congregation was large, and during th discourse silent and ppreciaftve r.t-’ tention w’s give . the speaker. —J... I. Marlin, a . ri. t L.- ville merchai.t, and an excellent t —-i • ness man, now connected wid: th mammoth clothing house of Snem-k -r & Boynton, at 35S Bromlwr.y m. i . 59, 61,63 aud 6*> Franklin street, New I York, one of the largest manufoct < . and jobbers of clothing in tho Unite 1| States. —ln a few weeks Mr. Will Aicx-j ander will open a ska:ing rink at Adl-r Hall. Skating is splendid exercise and will alford heabhy and inn -eni amusement forth coming long win* : ■ evenings We wish Mr. A. übunda-t | success in his enterprise, which leh-i tends operating more for the /t:..u;'' merit than a speculation. —'rhe American Newspaper Annual, i by N. W Ayer A- Sons, of rhTe.l"! ' phiu, .. i.ii our ta.ble. ’File “Annual" 1 is a carefully prepared catalogue of all newspapers and periodicals publish:-I.| in the United States, Territories ami: Canada, a volume of over seven bun ! dred pages. ,t.contains valuable sta tlsiioal information; gives the popuki-1 tion of every town, city, county, st;:’- 1 and territory; also the. political r .jo l 1 ties as shown by the T’resMoutial von*' of 18? J. —Wo are truly distressed at the severe loss that has befallen tiie. Record, of Evening Shade, in the mis placement of its copy of the Pilot. ‘ To prevent alike loss in the future,; we would advise Bro. Byers to send ( the Record two or more copies here- • after, that readers of the Record may , not have a derth of news from Inde pendence- We suppose the “new ■ light” at the mill does not gut any ; items from tho Guard, as there is a j total failure to credit same. —Mr. A. J. Dwyer, the courteous ' and gentlemanly representative of; Yale & Bowling, importers and whole sale dealers in dry goods, New Orleans,; was in town yesterday. Mr. D. is the | first New Orleans dry goods man that has visited us for many years. Though this is his initial trip, ho expresses him self in very complimentary terms of our little city, and the character and stability of our merchants. We are glad to have the acquaintance of the gentleman, and shall hope to see him often. —Mr. B. H. Welsh is now prepared Xo furnish unmarried persons, of all ages, with life insurance by which the persons do not have to die to be come benefited, but realize their money while living and at a time when most needed. The Mutual Home-Endow ment Association, principal office at Little Rock,'Ark., will give to people a golden opportunity of securing a fund for the future, and all who do not take part hi it will miss a good thing, “that’s all.” The President, Mr. Frederic Kramer, and tho Secre tary, Mr. P. E. Brugman, are well known by many of our business men ■ here, The Association is well known to be safe and reliable and the plan is very simple and easily understood. For particulars call on B. H. Welch. • —Capt. B'U^ Shipp will pflnt the] show boat io Ibu mouth of the rivor. , I —The steamer Albeita camo up I j last night with a got-.I freight list. i —Van Shaver, of Calamine, was in j town this week handshaking with his j old friends. | —Hon. Ben. F. Williain’on, the rep- 1 resentativa of Stone county, and young est member of the House, is in Lown and ! mode us t. Cun last e\ -.niing. —Shippers should ’ ... :• :a : lind that ' the Nev Orle.vr - st m: r, Cherokee, ' loaves Ne-.’port t / : i ioul’dy, and I carries cotton ::t <*'. "0 per bide and I freight at 50 cents - — red. ' I 1 , A Qr.-stfon for o<:r 1 car Citv Fathers co Answer. , Docs tha lieen-e to peddle goods, wares, and merchandise in tha town of Batesville give ihe grantee tho right to speculate, in other words , ito gamble or carry on gambling j devices. —Dont fail to go in and set* the vast ! amount of Notions, Books, Slalionery,- 17 all Pockets, Rocking Chairs, Chromes. Wai! Taper, Window Shades, Guitars, Banjos, Violins, Ac cordiars, Lamps, Looking Glasses, Chris' dim Goods, Virginia Tobacco and Cigars, and the LL gu : Nickel Table in ILo Countv -t : slnre of S. A. Hail, 1 ‘ .vPL« Ark. |< Fair Warn :. Bear in forget i: not, that as- c ter tho fir. I week i.i Nov. rnher no I Guard will go out, bomo or abroad, from tiiis edi'-o unlein t .c .-"ne has ‘ beer, paid for. -xcept those ■ -jw sent ■ 0:1!-as uinry th..t list is already large enough, ytern necessity forces us to adopi tire rule, and th'- same ! will compel us to adhere strictly to iT- nielli-.., the silly true and sustaining way t ; üblisli a nc-w ;- ) paper. 1 'll have to pay -h in ad vr.nca for a city paper, then why not ’o the snu.:- nr yofir 00:: Jy new-paper. I .t 'ii: ’.’.i t mE'iir:r 'is r ( i'HK Nr.w Yohk WrNLi.z L. . or, estab lish. I i'll '5. i ■ m y DO of tiiiokW iV ] c! * L :* ' '* ■ ” .v .York V. vekJy ’lily F'cwsj * It is now making ft *, ' r *< ftn i pu. ” • i u'i Vj 'r-. to r^nch . a larger cu .1 mcn» ?‘in r’ tl.?n any w. okly n-” •:• ,t i- } fb-J-’? . and to tbi p < D’l a hid ( of KnW.antbl d vab 1 »e p-omium to j Mingle and club r.ibH.L -’. : ■ The inng os ( t blUh’ l revuintitHJ <>l -.poDH.biluy ui the nu'DiiKht iH who i 1 p' blish tho • Wjriv L,. -.- -a- Tik A EvouiugEx; -i- > It! I .t r . L • ■ . . . i r?d ... 1 ’ the ■ IW ■pj n C . r -LslL 1 fthcW ■ • ■■ ■ • rr”is‘' ■■ r- mh’v ly -ni’K--:-- '■ r- . .k'vn Yr.brrnn.le | a■: m-t. 1. DeWitt Trlu-ai •■, > 1). J). Tl ri • ■■ . i. ■ ।. 1 • -cs't -'Bhi:; Ilie reach ut rut I*he u6i tn f ihe Nr.;.- t’- :. W: u.i . L> ri ", ■ - ■ .. . i-.-h 1 i li ft iVUI’T IHDN U-Mil. < ibDAAi Ta IKW. Tr-. inly t>U>, 1881. W , Lite nml- : :.T' 4 of Long- . view, V:’. " I>!‘. c > i:i : ..:u. - ling Iht I r.lvMin : .'' . ■ - 3 of th< WEOI (ill I’ A., IS C.\ ■ . ... .’.SY, of H-* '/ ■ - ; ■; ; H , 14c ’ riy ■ . it ’ ■ ’ • ■ ! r the | pad, s- e f-.eth:. ' " .1 ‘ -it u-ii n- ti’"' oftb.<"r “i‘ON.» iNT' GoOKrNO i ft»d diu-iu^ if ; : L iic sold mor* 5 ; than four Lb;..’. 1... E ncction ’of v uidry, Mid lad tt«. dim wi h rhe very Ib • t d our pcoph - v*- hu-f found thetic 1 Tn<*n nbiiity. p.b . - ily and prompt t. . nu-ti tN'.eh Had every c t t * ihe I We , ■ ner-jou /.y L M-uaintcd with the i !’-■ i<*nt “1 ’ - * m: i beiiv*. ' j t» at he and •• zuejir rml lueaj.H ; i.ud i. L._ r-ri.hd' .i x of tho people I . .1 A I.DDI lln y D.i.)- ch J. We n ^rct the in. e. el 'r 1. vln-: to ;;r our city ; but >.->’■ ■ - L 11- 1 (O ctl..- hfectiGUß '.u v p-.i 'i . thes.-ue 1 -r } ■>■. b .- th' y!> ■'cc t ■ . t air ; b iU: ; ; . | jJ. <’. T; •:■ ' . '■ M. K.’’ ' <’ - | \V. J. Harri • .•' •-e M, I I Wiunach A I', rr - . .. S as, Dcpu- | ' Mereli.-.ut \ .. Sie I Vv. A. t»"\.i, :■ ' a.riion, (t; ' Cl ... ht •' bell, Al- | I Mercli.mts. t .-: noy nC Law. ' Young .t: XVk ley. ... IVyLi. Alter-1 1 SimeM-r m I . t.'J -t 1--W, I G<m. A- Jem ' , ' . ... 15. • sri, At- M-.rch....t. - t-.r., . at Law. Samuel L, P. y, AL hr. a^te, Attor-; i JeWulor. my .1 Luw- »V. G. Nor‘.h<-ut, < . J, MtConl, Alt ■ । Htovo M 1 rint. ml Jb'i rstfntat ; ‘ MnyfUl l, B'"-’ ert •' : an, M. Duncan, * • ! Cu., Ai?ri:ban’ i -no y al Law. | C. J. Ln.kvtt, 1). S, JcnuinKH. At- M-rclitml. tmu- . t.l Law. । muii>4 Can I ■ V. L. Baker, JI. D. Cotton Ur ’mr Wm. Camp, Drmij'i -i .B. XV McCr.b-Leoii, >' W. Irawrence, M. D. • M. I). > W. T. Lane. L. W. M.akh.mi, 11 D I Hcv. Jno. J’. I’-.-. C. C. H irk i. Z. T. Pcrrov. D. D 'ri:n. M. A. Hnrn-.u. a. ..Mays. jW. G. Sm.lh. . ri.ri .l, . W. I’. Wither". Ni ■ H .: r. I L. G. Cui in. ’ T tSaulh . A. A. Kltlin i . ' P Zi- . r. W. T. Butt. J. . . Tiu.... L. L H - w ;.;>n-c. Yng. !..t!:3mn A Certain Cche F.-n Ciin.i.s and TA AI.ARIA. Tho IJon Malaria and Liver Pad and Plasters will drive the poison out of tho system. If they era faithful ly applied and wom according to di reotions they tiro a certrin cure. Unlike quinine or arsenic they can do no pos sible harm, and the hundreds of testi monials received from those who have been cured, when all other kinds of treatment failed, proved the wonderful efficacy of the treatment by absorption. Don’t fail to give them a trial, The price of the whole set, Pad, Body and Foot Plasters, all for one dollar. For side by W. E. BeveuL Batesville, Ark. junc22-lm , In view of tho fact that man cannot , taze an atom of any kind of material . out of tho world; not even a drop of Lis . blood or a fibre, will it not bs bettor to pay more attention, to soul culture than ( to the accumulation of wealth that - must be left behind in the twinkling of i an eye—no one knows how soon. i 1 Tha man who is Uy his acts contin -1 ually making his wife ami children mis . rablo cannot expect- them to be all lovo . and sweetness to him. W. E. BEVENy I druggist and apothecary, BATESVILLE. ARK, . I HEREBY announces to the citizens oi | Batesville and North Arkans?. gen erally, that h» has opend at his New Stone, Iron Front, opposite the Institute Building, wLcie tho public can always find a choice selec- tion of I DRV US, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, WINDuW GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, ■ Fl, "TY. ND HEAVY GOODS Toilet .Articles, F.xtrnets, Krssshes, Fancy Soaps ! XiJSIIHSI OF THE BEST BRANDS. School Books and Stationery; AU. I h i;’a is offen 4LOXVFOI-; CASH. Phys-’ciiins’ prescriptions carefully compounded, at all hours, day or night, by i . aipetent druggist. I solicit a share of rmhUi p tronsge. m« XV. E. BEVENS; DRESS ^AKYNG. I w<-Id i <-peotfully innounce ' • t \ public that I> m nor. i repm -.i ido <.H kiiris vLSEWING. DRESS MAKING A SPEG(ALL»J Alrs. E. E. Wauiss, Comer of Locust ami Chestnut St j H itcsviiie Ark . / ■ ■ ll,' ; .: • ; -Kl J' , .. | J. B. Cn.ucm.u J. A. I,m :s rn.lir ; the firm nameofUranc i ~, , iCv, n -.mtiUk ?• '‘‘•- . ’.mut. । D;. . ■ r.u.'m mou. D;i. j T'to di-fcndant, Bryce Enimir. r. ia warm'd to qq. j.r tn this ifturt within thirty days from this date, nnd n- .:■ tho compfaintof plaintiffs in this • :- m Gi-.' ii inLr my I n Ji- ■■ the I’emie f r Ruddell towiubi; , .". i.. punJt:.c< county, Ark.. Oct : rith, 1881. Samuhi. Pr.<u £, J- I’. GREAT COMBINA fION TITK G IJWVRD i AND jiinauu! v i i mnnn in ft „ „..,,.. — , । livin üblivations ow ijear for $3.00. ’ Mumuly in jautty the WoiLl'h Model Mftgnzine. fiie hirgfu'. in Form, the largest in Circulation, and the be i tT‘. » Ih Hu Fftoiily Magazine iwmed. lh’‘J will in? the eighteenth 3 t ai' of its pub liralN N; it now itnj roved no t xterwivuly fts to piacv it in th front rank of Family । Fenotijralu, wild equal to any nuv >ziue. It contaivM r-i pn/eH large quarto, Mx Ui I inch s, el< ■ il • priuti d on tinted p ;’ r. j fully iliuHtntMd, meh nn3ltu , buying ‘tar I I eng; .vingß, oil pieluxo, or art subject, puh -1 lihhed by W. Jennings Demorest, New ¥iak, ! and l y lat ( xnent ceiuhined ’Ji . Lta Gi aui> ~t $3.00 pt r year. ‘ 1881 i HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, ' I >3 Juitslralal HoA/y— 16 |S.:. . It:.-, am) Grats or Fuosi Sr, | r; Stuti.K YBAia or Aim. Vol. 111. Coiumeuces Nov. 1. 'SI. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSURIUE. The Young Decree has boon from the firat successful beyond antioipatiim. —N. Y. Evening Post. It has a distinct purpose to which .1 steadily adheres—that, namely, of supplanting the vicious papers for tho young with a paper more attractive, :s well as more wholesome.—Boston Journal. ’ For neatness, elegance of engraving, aud contents generally, it is ur i, - cd by any . d licatiou of the kin 1 i ver brought to our notice, Pittsburgh I Gazette. Its weekly visits arc eagerly looked for, not only Uy tho children, but a’- o by parent i who are anxious to provide pure litcrturc for their girls and boys. — Christian Advocate, Buffalo, N. Y. TERMS. Haxpeh’s Yovno Pkopi-k per year, poztr.gc prepaid, SI.SG. Single nuiubeis four cents each. The Bound X’ohuue tor 1881 will l« ready early iu November. Price $3.00, postage propuid. Cover tor X’ounoPxofm for 1881, for 35 cents; postage, 13 cents additional. Remittances should bo made by • office Money Order or Draft, to avoid the chance of loss. . Address HARPER ft BROTHERS, New York. . —People may laugh nt the idea, but it is nu absolute fnet that all fevers of a malarial typo can be cured by the absorption treat ment nud iho time will come, when they will not drug their systems with quinine and anionic, and other injurious and expen- I Hive medieihCH, whin by tho external appli cation of a combination of roots and barks, 1 which are perfectly harmless, they can ha 1 positively cured. The Lion Malaria and i Liver Pad with Body and Foot Plasters coa ; tain ingredients that are a perfect antidote f to this disease, and me or two sets at only 0 dollar a set will cure the worst case. For e ale by XV. E. Bevens. A homely woman who is nbat in her ’ person, her speech and her house; is • more loved than a handsome slattern hi diamonds. WYCOUGH’S COLUMN i JUST RECEIVED AND I FOR SALE LOW Cash on COUNTRY PRODUCE. J 135 bbls Flour. 25 do Sugar. 5 do Kraut. 4 do Hominy. 4 do Grits. 5 do Navy Feans. 2 do Lima Beans. 4 do Louisiana Rice. 3 do Cucumber Pickles. 2 do Mexican Hot Pickles. 50 boxes Fresh Crackers. 2000 lbs Stick Cindy. 1000 do Fancy Candy. 25 buckets assorted candy. 75 Boxes Tobacco. 1000 assorted cigars. 15 eases Snuff. 2 barrels cracked wheat. 2 do Mackerel. 25 kits mackerel. 25 Barrels of the Best Whisky North of the ArkansPW River. The largest and be»t selected stock of ; Clothing Tu the city, with DRY HOODS, ROMS. SHOES. HATS. CAPS, i 'v^dd a::d willow ware HARD IK. IRE TIE IKA I ‘E, ERIDLES, SADDLES, E:.. ' and the original Table* I FROM 50 TO SI.OO. ' Articles selling on my TABLES for one fourth what you pay at other places. I want and will pay the HIGHEST Market Price FOR COTTOTT, CORN. OATS, WHEAT, Flour, Etc. i Or anything tho farmer has to sell, from a sack of old rags to a Balo of Cotton. ■ I make a specialty of Hides | Furs, Cotton and Woolen <Rags. Don’t Forget the Place But call on the ORIGINAL Wy cough, I ‘ Opposite Court House. QT 1 tTHE I ” G; HOLtMNSfeRG>S GR EAT SOI; TH WEST 1 ' K 1 HC .HO ®E JEW fOBK, MEMPHIS AND LITT! T iHCK ERING KNABS I NEW ENGLAND, • ‘ LOL- EN '-daG. | AND BURDETT organs. AGENCY FSH . ’ ’ Isrps. trtartl-t’s Diutqrfj, ihb/vu aujos, ... YtFTL ORGUINETTiI AN ? .’ ! iRAL A--LTT3 FOR OLIb mt DI t S \ l Mnr.ic, Books, Folios, Bras 9 and Silverßant^lm-trhrr.. •!■»*-. also Musi. CT v'-endi .<? ic- 7 .Wicr-i'Cc. wkoleE: 1 ’ -■ ■ PL REPAIRED, T- • .1’ VN NGED. ". 11. SMITH, General Travina t : ; * COMBS, CARUTH & BYRp \ ■'■ir^RTE.-.'CAIID WHOLESALE DEAL- .. • Cutlery, Guns, Etc, Etc t; '■ ■^TSd. '.e Celebrated CARUTH CIAJ: \ES. v 3 No. 53 North Ma: .UIS, Me t :——. L.LI-AA 12*3225^. ■T*’* '^anm:tanu»-r- ■ F. TRUMPLER l •. DEALEI ■ ■■ ■ tC ^B'C- © - -a-,—— - — ■■ • jsst. i'scr:; ’~ ”■• •' - • FBI ’ •" YH . tl LTALDAIT, ' ' " ’ ‘ Y,E GINE'3, . ALDO . PCI .. IL SILK, .'"• If' ' D LINEN A TY: . .'•OAT,'.; COTTON' ' • ilb’.L WSLINIh ’ 10 I . SADH. ’ l, Ark ■ p - , - • • co., ids, Mo. er, Goldman ■ ■ ) EMISSION 21 . US. ■ FOR ALL AND CONTEND >NS. ■Wt”", J.A. - - AND H’ ■ R*i : ' IF. H. L >■ v3421y • r F? -.. -a — . ..ILL, Jr ON i AIN K <M KjO a • i cotton Factors i Resale i F I*^ . : r, । t. Ct r:i ■■ f -Ih IPIUS.TINN. . . Mo ■ ‘ J ie WA-EIAR XTFA) E HAS. . ; .S. 2 WEI vs SJ ► • ■ jygr>r ■ a UWU—a»—SWV r " r -■« ■ ■ ■ ' co L-Z - - ’W HI WM W • CHIDE .-U .a V t No :. w .1 JA* ■ i - • i i. ■ r .' C J ■■ w * T.rr-.., / W L —’T-b, x—«! ■ "■ L .. -A J 5 -.7 ■eJ Cr. ■ ' ’ " ■ I« 2? . li"E GF r.»: ■•EGE. sv, ■ • .. -OSED. v.,.,. SY <■ > A . 3st M&Lham Street, imUs M&K, A&& /• g®.—. ——. r I /.V' : ..V 1). Meriv-sthev A 00.) i V /HE WAN AC— S r ■: NLBUILDING. ' t 1 '. . D A NEW .IND COai- 1 : ..iaULw!. i G rcral Merohandiso, con ' ; in;; of ST . ' DANCY 1 •;<. POOTS, SHOES. 4 ■ > LADIES HATS, 1 .• fO AND GENTS NG GOODS A Hp w 3LALTY. I . \.. 'ION SUPPLIES. ! . ' AGS LIVERPOOL ..—CHEAP. ; We w'an t .iclnessand goods will be .•:• at OCK BOTTOM prises; B ./NG AND TIES’ Alwaj’s on hand and will be sold at 010. ■' •• Call and seo us. We . will bov cotlen and “don’t you forget it." ' L V£. BROWNING. „ parties indebted to tho late firi '. D. -Merriwether & 00., will pl. , ’ ■ 1 make settlement with i l ' C.A (li:- < , lioult.) T/uUCAN i Wtgfc I FBESHESi CaN.- :< AQ-QTSt.VmS and I'aney Ore-' h KESH 811L.'.D,..;. GAKEe, CANDI 1 . NUTS, CW HODS, • GRoezsr/a, uto.,^!^ GOOD.- ' -w . IL . Give me acai: -.nd \.e perfeolfli entire eatisfactif—. ' ?r the pl««M hrat door below tYe rrt use. J 0 ■ ■ DARLING PUSE» ■ ---BY--' MRS. S. ;•> T-. RUNOa ie" riiMfl! teat tho kartet *-■•..,» onod stable M connection w; h li;. u;i ie. tiorseukept W 75 is per day. A c...-eful be Her in 8. A DAM^W